The nopayloaddb project works as an implementation of the Conditions Database reference for the HEP Software Foundation. It provides a RESTful API for managing payloads, global tags, payload types, and associated data. The API allows clients to perform CRUD operations on these resources.
Current release tag is 0.0.6
git clone --depth 1 --branch 0.0.6 /nopayloaddb
This release will be deployed at Production and Tests instances when OKD back
Example of read call to get last Payload for Global tag "sPHENIX_ExampleGT_24" and IOV=999999:
[spool0001] /usatlas/u/hollowec/oc > curl ''
The npdb web app can be built and started by using docker-compose
within the
cloned repository:
docker-compose up --build
This option may be preferred for local development and tests. In order to stop the services run the following command:
docker-compose down
The database and web services can be also started individually. The following
commands are essentially equivalent to the above procedure with docker-compose
and are shown here for the reference:
docker run --rm --env-file=.env --detach --name=pg --hostname=db -p 5432:5432 -v $PWD/db/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres
docker run --rm --env-file=.env --name=wa --link=pg -it -p 8000:8000
During the development one may need to start over with empty DB tables. An easy way to recreate the database tables is to remove the data directory:
rm -fr db/data
In order to deploy the npdb service on a Red Hat OpenShift (OKD) cluster we recommend using the template provided in this repository. First, login into OKD:
oc login
Then create a new project if it does not exist yet:
oc new-project npps
Finally, register the new npdb template and start the web app from it:
oc create -f npdb_openshift_template.yaml
oc new-app --template=npdb