Retrieves AutoPilot configuration information for a specified customer tenant ID and type.
The Get-CIPPAutoPilotConfig function retrieves AutoPilot configuration information for a specified customer tenant ID and type. It makes a REST API call to retrieve the configuration data.
Specifies the customer tenant ID for which to retrieve the AutoPilot configuration.
Specifies the type of AutoPilot configuration to retrieve. Valid values are "ESP" and "ApProfile".
PS > Get-CIPPAutoPilotConfig -CustomerTenantID "7ced1621-b8f7-4231-868c-bc6b1a2f1778" -Type "ESP"
PS > Get-CIPPAutoPilotConfig -CustomerTenantID "7ced1621-b8f7-4231-868c-bc6b1a2f1778" -Type "ApProfile"