Gets CIPP function statistics.
The Get-CIPPFunctionStats function retrieves statistical information about CIPP function usage and performance.
Specifies the ID of the customer tenant to filter results for. Use 'AllTenants' to view all tenants.
Specifies the type of functions to retrieve stats for. Defaults to 'Durable'.
A timespan object specifying how far back to retrieve stats from. Will be converted to appropriate interval (days, hours, or minutes).
PS > Get-CIPPFunctionStats -CustomerTenantID "AllTenants" -FunctionType "Durable" -LookbackPeriod ([TimeSpan]::FromDays(7))
PS > Get-CIPPFunctionStats -CustomerTenantID "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB" -LookbackPeriod ([TimeSpan]::FromHours(24))