Gets service health information.
The Get-CIPPServiceHealth function retrieves active service health issues from CIPP.
Specifies the ID of the customer tenant where the operation will be performed. Use 'AllTenants' to get health information for all tenants, or use the AllTenants switch parameter.
When specified, retrieves service health information for all tenants.
When querying a specific tenant, specifies the display name of the tenant. Required when CustomerTenantID is not 'AllTenants'.
When querying a specific tenant, specifies the default domain name of the tenant. Required when CustomerTenantID is not 'AllTenants'.
PS > Get-CIPPServiceHealth -CustomerTenantID "AllTenants"
PS > Get-CIPPServiceHealth -CustomerTenantID "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB" -DisplayName "Contoso" -DefaultDomainName ""