Invokes a REST method using the CIPP API.
The Invoke-CIPPRestMethod function is used to send HTTP requests to the CIPP API. It supports various HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. The function assembles the request parameters, including the endpoint, query parameters, request body, headers, and authorization token. It then sends the request using the Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet and returns the response.
Optional. A hashtable of query parameters to include in the request URL.
Optional. The HTTP method to use for the request. The default value is 'GET'.
Optional. A hashtable representing the request body. It will be converted to JSON before sending the request.
Optional. The content type of the request body. The default value is 'application/json'.
Optional. The authorization token to include in the request headers.
PS > Invoke-CIPPRestMethod -Endpoint '/api/Listusers' -Method 'GET' -Params @{ 'tenantfilter' = '11c11ab1-527a-1d29-l92e-76413h012s76' }
PS > Invoke-CIPPRestMethod -Endpoint '/api/ListMailboxPermissions' -Params @{ 'tenantfilter' = '', 'userid' = '11c11ab1-527a-1d29-l92e-76413h012s76'}
PS > Invoke-CIPPRestMethod -Endpoint '/api/adduser' -method 'POST' -Body @{ 'tenantID' = '11c11ab1-527a-1d29-l92e-76413h012s76';'DisplayName' = 'Test User';'UserName' = 'testuser';'AutoPassword' = $true;'FirstName' = 'Test';'LastName' = 'User';'Domain' = '';'CopyFrom' = "" }