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Banditpong edited this page Mar 5, 2018 · 1 revision

PinPad is just a software defined pin pad. Something different than the usual 12 key pin pad. With the ability to have the keys at random locations on the pin pad and the option to have repeating numbers in the pin pad by increasing the number of locations for the inputs to appear on the screen.

I always wondered why software Pin Pads mimic the Pin Pads seen in the physical world. There shouldn't be a limit on the location and occurrence of numbers on a Pin Pad.

So why would someone use a non standard Pin Pad?

  • Fingerprints left on a touch screen can make it easier for someone else to guess the Pin when using a standard Pin Pad
  • By approximation someone across the room could guess the Pin buy watching someone type a Pin in a standard Pin Pad
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