📒 A sticky note APP that shows sticky notes based on memory decay theory. 🧠 Least time for more remembering tasks! ⚡
- It only shows the least remembered sticky note.
- The window pops up when there is a sticky note somewhat forgotten.
- The sticky note saves when the text is changed.
- The window could not be deactivated but could be covered by other windows if every sticky note has not been forgotten.
- When the review button (✔️) is clicked, the memory status updates.
- Every 30 min the displaying sticky note is swapped to the least remembered one.
- Write a sticky note in the middle textbox.
- Click the top-left "+" button to add a new sticky note
- Sticky notes are saved in realtime.
- Click the bottom-left "✔️" button to review the displaying sticky note and swap to the other least remembered sticky note.
- Click the bottom-left "🗑" button to remove the displaying sticky note.
- Click the top-right "🔄" button to swap to the other least remembered sticky note.
- Click the top-right "X" button to permanently close the application.
- Download the executable from the release page
- Schedule a startup for the executable
- Don't click the review button ("✔️") unless you have 100% confidence in remembering the sticky note at that point.
- Click the delete button ("🗑") if the sticky note is no longer needed or fully remembered.
- Don't click the exit button ("X") if you don't want to permanently exit the APP. If you want it to pop up next time, simply switch to your working software.
The logic is based on the forgetting curve, mainly from this website https://supermemo.guru/wiki/Forgetting_curve.
Forgetting curve describes the decline in the probability of recall over time:
R - probability of recall (retrievability of memory)
S - strength of a memory trace (stability of memory)
t - time
The formula for the stabilization curve:
SInc: stabilization (aka stability increase) is the ratio of memory stability after and before the repetition
SIncMax: maximum possible increase in memory stability. SIncMax depends on current stability and memory complexity (i.e. item difficulty). Maximum stabilization can be achieved at the verge of forgetting
Gain: a constant that expresses the gain in stabilization with passing time (gain is a measure of the spacing effect)
R: retrievability, i.e. the expected probability of recall at a given point in time. It is determined by the forgetting curve
- Recite vocabularies
Logic goes here.
For fast development, the sticky notes are currently stored as JSON.
- Introduce energy.
- Introduce cooling time between sticky notes.
- Support social media bot
- Desktop applications support cross-platform
- Sync on cloud