Version 1.3
- Any/Everyone is allowed to use the software in this package for LEGAL purposes, NOT INCLUDING ToS or EULA of the intended platform (OS, Language, Usage, etc.).
- The package should not be used with malicious intent. Consult the Author(s) of the Package or the Author(s) of the Target/Intended Platform to inquire about proper use.
- Credit the package Author(s).
- It is mandatory to credit the Author(s) when distributing this package.
- Usage of the Package in a Commercial setting (any situation that allows the Distributor to earn), including for Educational Purposes, is allowed, but the package Author(s) should be consulted beforehand.
- The Package may be used in an open source project when the Author(s) are credited.
- The latest version should be used as much as possible to reduce potential bugs.
- Forking is allowed if you credit the Author(s), and the original Package source (e.g., GitHub Repository URL) must be CLEARLY STATED in a README or About.
- Read the Project/Package's CONTRIBUTING(.md) file for instructions/information. =======