The proposed tracker can process single and multiple cameras.
To process all cameras, you can run trackAllCams.m
then the video frames from multiple cameras will be processed sequentially.
Please note that you need to convert videos into the frame sequences using ffmpeg or any standard converter. Then, locate the dataset directory you want to use in trackparam.m
There are configuration files for the cameras named camera<camnum>.config
, where <camnum>
is camera number. In there, you can set start and end time by manipulating startingFrame
and endingFrame
respectively. Note that you should set time synced to master camera(e.g. camera no.5 in example dataset). Besides, you have to make desired fps detection data using the scrip detFPS.m
, which is located in tools/functions/
In addition, main.m
performs single camera tracking.
You can use any multi-camera tracking dataset given the camera parameters. For example DukeMTMC dataset from here.