Imageine you have installed StarMask extension in Google Chrome.
a. Click
Account Options
on the right side of account name,chooseAccount details
in the pop window -
b. View Address(QR code), PublicKey, ReceiptIdentifer, and export PrivateKey
a. Click the circle image on the right-top corner, choose
Import Account
in the pop window -
b. Paste private key, click
c. Account2 is imported successfully
d. Switch btween multi accounts
a. Switch to Account2, click
b. Paste Account1's address or receiptIdentifier(see 1b) in the text input box,
or, click
Transfer between my accounts
, then choose Account1 in the list -
c. in the next send page,
d. modify Amount from 0 STC to 1 STC, click
e. in the next page, click
Tips: Click
, then go back to previous page to modify amount or gas fee
f. One pending transaction will be added in the
tab -
g. Wait a few seconds/minutes, a system alert will notify wether the transaction is successful or failed
Tips: in MacOS, go to
System Preferences
->Notifications & Focus
Google Chrome
, enableAllow Notifications
h. After the tranaction is confirmed, Account2's balance will be deducted by 1 STC
i. Click the item in the Activity list, will popup a window, display the transaction details.
j. Swith to Account1, the balance will be 1 STC