Technique ID | Title | Link |
T1566.002 | Phishing: Spearphishing Link | |
This query lists successful Entra ID sign-ins were device code authentication is used from an unmanaged device. This means that a device which is not managed by your organization has succesfully met the conditions to sign-in to your tenant using a managment API In addition you can filter on the previously set conditions in combination with a risk during sign-in to filter on cases that may have more priority.
The solutions for Sentinel (SigninLogs) and Defender XDR (AADSignInEventsBeta) differ slightly, but have the same output.
You can also include a filter for the Microsoft Authentication Broker application, appId = 29d9ed98-a469-4536-ade2-f981bc1d605e. This application can generate a bunch of false positives in the results, due to benign onboarding activities.
An adversary managed to succesfully sign-in to your organization using device code authentication.
// Filter only successful sign-ins
| where ErrorCode == 0
| where EndpointCall == "Cmsi:Cmsi"
// Filter on unmanaged devices
| where isempty(AadDeviceId)
// Optionally filter only on sign-ins with a risklevel associated with the sign-in
//| where RiskLevelDuringSignIn in(10, 50, 100)
| project-reorder TimeGenerated, AccountUpn, EndpointCall, ErrorCode, RiskLevelDuringSignIn, Application, ApplicationId, Country, IPAddress
// Filter only successful sign-ins
| where ResultType == 0
| where AuthenticationProtocol == "deviceCode"
// Filter on unmanaged devices
| where isempty(DeviceDetail.deviceId)
| extend operatingSystem = tostring(DeviceDetail.operatingSystem)
// Optionally filter only on sign-ins with a risklevel associated with the sign-in
//| where RiskLevelDuringSignIn != "none"
| project-reorder TimeGenerated, UserPrincipalName, AuthenticationProtocol, ResultType, RiskLevelDuringSignIn, AppDisplayName, AppId, Location, IPAddress