This query lists all the external admin activities in your tenant sorted from the account with the most actions performed to the one with the least actions.
External admins can yield a bigger risk to your organisation as they are not internal users.
| where IsExternalUser == 1 and AccountType == "Admin"
| summarize
TotalActivities = count(),
ActionsPerformed = make_set(ActionType),
Applications = make_set(Application),
IPsUsed = make_set(IPAddress)
by AccountId
| sort by TotalActivities
| where IsExternalUser == 1 and AccountType == "Admin"
| summarize
TotalActivities = count(),
ActionsPerformed = make_set(ActionType),
Applications = make_set(Application),
IPsUsed = make_set(IPAddress)
by AccountId
| sort by TotalActivities