We are working on multiple "integrated" tests of the ODM2 ecosystem. These include:
YODA File(s) > ODM2 database(s) > ODM2 registry/catalog > ODM2 services > ODM2 clients
ODM2 Streaming Data Loader > ODM2 Database(s) > ODM2 registry/catalog > ODM2 clients (or other clients)
ODM 1.1.1 Database > ODM2 Database > ODM2 registry/catalog > ODM2 clients (or other clients)
Simple CSV file (into HydroShare) > ODM2 SQLite File > HydroShare Time Series Resource (ODM2 SQLite) > ODM2 Client (HydroShare Jupyter Notebook)
Alternatively, we are exploring a simpler workflow for an existing ODM2 database, at bare minimum:
ODM2 databases > ODM2 services > ODM2 clients
And thrown somewhere in there, if possible, something involving the ODM2 vocabularies.
- ODM2 services: ODM2REST API and WOFpy reading from ODM2 databases
- ODM2 clients: For now, that could be IPython/Jupyter notebooks and simple vizer ingest in the BiGCZ portal prototype
(Note: I'm playing with inline diagrams from the gravizo service; more info here)