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Refactor SequenceUtil to favor pipes instead of creating intermediate…
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bbimber committed Feb 14, 2024
1 parent ab49da4 commit 1f51c0f
Showing 1 changed file with 34 additions and 21 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -425,17 +425,22 @@ public static void sortROD(File input, Logger log, Integer startColumnIdx) throw
//then sort/append the records
CommandWrapper wrapper = SequencePipelineService.get().getCommandWrapper(log);
String cat = isCompressed ? "zcat" : "cat";
wrapper.execute(Arrays.asList("/bin/sh", "-c", cat + " '" + input.getPath() + "' | grep -v '^#' | sort -V -k1,1" + (startColumnIdx == null ? "" : " -k" + startColumnIdx + "," + startColumnIdx + "n")), ProcessBuilder.Redirect.appendTo(sorted));

if (isCompressed)
sorted = bgzip(sorted, log);
wrapper.execute(Arrays.asList("/bin/sh", "-c", cat + " '" + input.getPath() + "' | grep -v '^#' | sort -V -k1,1" + (startColumnIdx == null ? "" : " -k" + startColumnIdx + "," + startColumnIdx + "n" + (isCompressed ? " | bgzip -c " : ""))), ProcessBuilder.Redirect.appendTo(sorted));

//replace the non-sorted output
FileUtils.moveFile(sorted, input);

for (String extension : Arrays.asList(".tbi", ".idx"))
File idx = new File(input.getPath() + extension);
if (idx.exists())
log.debug("Deleting index: " + idx.getPath());

public static File combineVcfs(List<File> files, ReferenceGenome genome, File outputGzip, Logger log, boolean multiThreaded, @Nullable Integer compressionLevel, boolean sortAfterMerge) throws PipelineJobException
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -479,11 +484,31 @@ else if (!samples.equals(header.getGenotypeSamples()))
List<String> bashCommands = new ArrayList<>();
bashCommands.add("cat " + headerFile.getPath());

Integer threads = multiThreaded ? SequencePipelineService.get().getMaxThreads(log) : null;
if (threads != null)
threads = Math.max(1, threads - 1);

StringBuilder cmd = new StringBuilder();
String cat = files.get(0).getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".gz") ? "zcat" : "cat";
cmd.append(cat).append(" ");
for (File vcf : files)
String cat = vcf.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".gz") ? "zcat" : "cat";
bashCommands.add(cat + " '" + vcf.getPath() + "' | grep -v '^#';");
if (files.get(0).getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".gz") != vcf.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".gz"))
throw new IllegalStateException("The input VCFs contain a mixture of gzipped and non-gzipped files!");

cmd.append(" '" + vcf.getPath() + "'");
cmd.append(" | grep -v '^#'");
if (sortAfterMerge)
cmd.append( " | sort -V -k1,1 -k2,2n");

Expand All @@ -496,25 +521,13 @@ else if (!samples.equals(header.getGenotypeSamples()))
bashCommands.forEach(x -> writer.write(x + '\n'));

Integer threads = multiThreaded ? SequencePipelineService.get().getMaxThreads(log) : null;
if (threads != null)
threads = Math.max(1, threads - 1);

writer.write("} | bgzip -f" + (compressionLevel == null ? "" : " --compress-level 9") + (threads == null ? "" : " --threads " + threads) + " > '" + outputGzip.getPath() + "'\n");

SimpleScriptWrapper wrapper = new SimpleScriptWrapper(log);
wrapper.execute(Arrays.asList("/bin/bash", bashTmp.getPath()));

if (sortAfterMerge)
log.debug("sorting VCF");
sortROD(outputGzip, log, 2);

SequenceAnalysisService.get().ensureVcfIndex(outputGzip, log);
SequenceAnalysisService.get().ensureVcfIndex(outputGzip, log, true);


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