1.67.0 (2024-10-08)
1.66.0 (2024-10-08)
1.65.1 (2024-10-04)
1.65.0 (2024-10-04)
- change script to take parameters from configuration file instead of CLI gf-595 (#595) (#596) (00acb5a)
- run analytics upload immediately on start gf-592 (#592) (#593) (1f0b90c)
1.64.0 (2024-10-03)
1.63.1 (2024-09-28)
1.63.0 (2024-09-28)
- ability to mark notifications as read gf-460 (#498) (3ce21f7)
- Add a "No projects found" message when search field no results on the Projects page gf-187 (#210) (43bafae)
- add a character counter for the project description gf-188 (#222) (7c635d5)
- add ability to delete project on project page gf-407 (#452) (dacd7b2)
- add ability to edit group gf-81 (#170) (2485667)
- add ability to merge contributors gf-344 (#435) (a52d648)
- add admin group gf-227 (#235) (1114411)
- add an ability for admins to delete a user gf-419 (#426) (724b812)
- Add an ability to copy project api key gf-284 (#292) (1251eb9)
- add an ability to create a group gf-53 (#56) (438f4b2)
- add an ability to create a project gf-87 (#115) (2e08e17)
- add an ability to create a project group gf-71 (#108) (4ceb575)
- Add an ability to create and view project groups gf-139 (#257) (37c2a01)
- add an ability to delete a group gf-80 (#128) (53f0f6d)
- Add an ability to delete a project gf-138 (#168) (76547f4)
- Add an ability to delete personal account gf-146 (#185) (7fb5001)
- Add an ability to delete project group gf-353 (#356) (d6eddd9)
- add an ability to edit a project gf-88 (#137) (92b59e0)
- add an ability to edit contributor name gf-345 (#404) (7056194)
- Add an ability to edit project group gf-342 (#371) (8c97374)
- add an ability to edit user name gf-89 (#107) (6dbdf12)
- Add an ability to generate and retrieve project api key gf-180 (#223) (1b016c7)
- add an ability to mark contributors as hidden gf-346 (#400) (6143e4c)
- add an ability to regenerate project api key gf-288 (#307) (7551326)
- add an ability to save and retrieve activity logs gf-181 (#221) (74b5c5b)
- Add an ability to split contributors gf-462 (#477) (adbf2af)
- add an ability to view groups gf-78 (#122) (fd77bf6)
- add an ablity to create a group gf-79 (#176) (ad36683)
- Add an activity chart to contributor items on project details page gf-420 (#468) (38cf6eb)
- add analytics last sync time to project details page gf-502 (#526) (7f3f5c2)
- add analytics table gf-327 (#364) (dd7084a)
- add breadcrumbs component gf-101 (#104) (a1994c5)
- Add breadcrumbs to the project details page gf-165 (#171) (e89c510)
- add Color enum and colorToCss map gf-23 (10d108f)
- add contributors page gf-250 (#334) (35c0e09)
- add creating project gf-57 (54b5614)
- add date input to analytics page gf-182 (#237) (9570a5b)
- add development ui route gf-72 (821e93b)
- add display message for empty tables gf-206 (#220) (f21abb7)
- add form validation rules and day ranges for color indicators gf-66 (cb24049)
- add green tick for generation api key fulfilled gf-189 (#568) (d4b2d82)
- add hyphen to name pattern gf-236 (#251) (63bacee)
- add infinite scroll and pagination to notificationspopover gf-458 (#490) (9daf38b)
- Add infinite scroll to the projects list gf-276 (#280) (2f9db4f)
- Add instructions on how to setup analytics gf-343 (#392) (a4880d8)
- add last activity time to contributors gf-347 (#410) (3128298)
- add link to logo gf-154 (#167) (c4c1621)
- add notification for failed project activity update gf-336 (#379) (ce69dd9)
- add only latin validation rule gf-131 (#173) (ecabee8)
- add page layout gf-72 (1d2ef1a)
- add pagination to the contributors page gf-484 (#491) (75e0b48)
- Add pagination to the groups table gf-83 (#184) (2b6f1b3)
- add pagination to the users table gf-82 (#143) (c663ca0)
- add permission to manage all projects gf-248 (#282) (0bc48e9)
- add project last activity label to project list gf-274 (#354) (a4e7fab)
- Add project page gf-86 (#109) (ba11d74)
- Add project select to the contributors page gf-504 (#516) (3f1f1c5)
- add project table gf-57 (1716bf7)
- add projects get all api route gf-72 (5a44aa8)
- add projects get all types gf-72 (260cea8)
- add projects module with get all action gf-72 (cd29ed3)
- add projects page gf-72 (483fd8b)
- add projects select to analytics page gf-348 (#470) (47d8620)
- add redirection to root after auth form submission gf-4 (25859ff)
- add script for collecting statistics gf-247 (#315) (4ada7e5)
- add search field to analytics page gf-352 (#444) (71dcfb1)
- Add search input to users table on access management pages gf-402 (#422) (171d387)
- add search input to users table on create project group modal gf-355 (#368) (c5cda1d)
- Add search to the project list gf-85 (#114) (44c5ca9)
- add sign-in flow gf-4 (4ea8b7f)
- add template of project module gf-57 (6b8614f)
- add Tooltip component and adjust gitEmail column gf-450 (#497) (5583d7e)
- add user popup gf-58 (#95) (cde1fa5)
- add users column to groups table on project access management page gf-403 (#412) (c8d80b9)
- Add users column to the groups table gf-301 (#304) (9210049)
- add users search in group forms gf-270 (#303) (985d160)
- add validation for creating project gf-57 (dfaaccd)
- add validation notification for incorrect password on login gf-517 (#532) (1cd0f50)
- add view all projects permission gf-230 (#253) (60fe403)
- added a new navigation item gf-41 (201c0f4)
- added close on outside click functionality to modal component gf-21 (b35c653)
- added cross to iconbuttons and implemented iconbutton into modal gf-21 (8cbb8bc)
- added custom hook for tracking and controlling modal gf-21 (8863fba)
- added function getUserColumns gf-41 (1e6d04b)
- added placeholder to contributors list on project page gf-377 (#384) (0308e61)
- added sidebar component to the layout gf-41 (776b144)
- added usehandleclickoutside hook to the project and used it in modal gf-21 (488058d)
- Adjust project permissions gf-351 (#401) (1453c52)
- Adjust root permissions gf-350 (#386) (188d94a)
- adjusted style for date column to align with the table head gf-545 (#548) (11a237c)
- analytics: add new workspace for analytics gf-296 (#298) (6388631)
- authorize the request before starting background job for analytics gf-464 (#467) (fb682c3)
- change confirmation modal window on deleting user account gf-216 (#219) (dd9fd7f)
- create access management page and add users table gf-41 (61f4bde)
- create common layout gf-41 (fc8c55b)
- decrease default date range to one week gf-503 (#518) (8bc6dd8)
- Display list of contributors on project details page gf-337 (#341) (ab2ac0b)
- fix quality criteria issues gf-382 (#391) (c0fddb2)
- fix quality criteria issues gf-557 (#561) (6b3c9ed)
- handle dates that cross into the next day but are less than 24 hours apart gf-274 (#399) (80f526d)
- improve avatar visibility gf-202 (#228) (d4b7203)
- improve table navigation add a loader to tables gf-311 (#320) (8310823)
- improve toast notification position and design gf-201 (#225) (f6de004)
- Log out user when 401 error occurs gf-343 (#413) (61922a3)
- make buttons 100% width gf-232 (#239) (9267f43)
- not return description on get all request gf-259 (#279) (787244c)
- order contributors list on the project details page by the last activity (the latest active ones on top) gf-533 (#537) (7286b31)
- redirect to analytics page on contributor item click gf-349 (#512) (9861355)
- refactor existing sub components gf-233 (#240) (117a666)
- remove ui page gf-243 (#245) (f19c7ee)
- replace forever with pm2 for analytics script gf-385 (#397) (168db21)
- restrict users manage groups gf-84 (#175) (064e3dc)
- save search value to query parameters gf-200 (#218) (8d5cb71)
- scroll element must be shown at the right side of the table component gf-149 (#174) (0c73b4d)
- Sign Up page fields validation, Sign up button inconsistent text gf-131 (#132) (c6496a4)
- split cd actions for analytics and shared gf-375 (#433) (bc730a5)
- the earliest date availible to be choosen on the date range on the analytics page should be 1 year from today gf-482 (#488) (f08b073)
- trigger analytics release gf-375 (#430) (a8e06e5)
- update analytics cd config gf-375 (#438) (6f99875)
- Update analytics instructions with the new flow gf-406 (#415) (e7c26d3)
- Update logo in the app gf-242 (#258) (1b19756)
- update schema in readme to match the app gf-543 (#544) (14abdce)
- upgrade the visibility of the project's options button on the project detail page gf-508 (#514) (1d7d6f1)
- Validation of the Password field on the login page gf-134 (#141) (c5793e1)
- Abscence of a logo on the Sign In and Sign Up pages gf-121 (#129) (35663ca)
- Absence of background on the left side of Auth pages gf-121 (#157) (b71df9e)
- add a user permission check gf-324 (#325) (41d2dff)
- add icon wrapper gf-12 (3d51061)
- add loader to protected router gf-26 (4904017)
- add mapper gf-41 (0ee0756)
- add missing user id token error gf-13 (1af1ef5)
- add project permissions to sign in response gf-560 (#563) (34b9245)
- add range check for queryParams gf-23 (f54c7d4)
- added a border to the header gf-41 (95df70e)
- added filtering of deleted users to groups repositories gf-463 (#480) (ef569ab)
- added the cross icon to project and implemented it into modal gf-21 (e430e8d)
- adjust column sizes so table fits 1440 screen resolution gf-448 (#454) (aca0dee)
- adjust column sizes so table fits 1440 screen resolution gf-448 (#461) (bf7e7a6)
- adjust root permissions gf-350 (#466) (6e42ada)
- adjusted css style and iconbutton to reflect figma design gf-21 (e4b28c2)
- adjusted css styling for body to adhere with figma design gf-21 (f3d7fae)
- adjusted css to comply with project and figma design, adjusted accidental filechange gf-21 (1eed39e)
- adjusted css typograpy to unitless number, renamed and updated stylesheet import gf-21 (a95d2ea)
- adjusted file name to reflec hook naming gf-21 (e605ec3)
- adjusted handle click function to arrow function gf-21 (af5ae7b)
- adjusted hook naming to match project naming conventions gf-21 (4857e37)
- adjusted hooks and types to comply with project structure gf-21 (3e9d478)
- adjusted httpcode to 201 created gf-312 (#316) (29ceb20)
- adjusted icon size to even number gf-21 (3108da6)
- adjusted imports and type definition to use react.refobject gf-21 (81ed142)
- adjusted loader and placeholder to render properly when loading gf-515 (#520) (f94c6b6)
- adjusted modal to type definition to use react.reactnode gf-21 (d7bc115)
- adjusted naming in modal gf-21 (8480da6)
- adjusted naming of hooks to conform with the projects naming conventions gf-21 (5c633ad)
- adjusted naming of use-click-outside.hook.ts file and hook inside to be more clear gf-21 (0fe5fda)
- adjusted path for project page breadcrumbs gf-283 (#286) (384ec02)
- adjusted project status message based on search state gf-313 (#319) (0306fa4)
- adjusted project/contributor style to match figma design gf-506 (#513) (b27a06e)
- adjusted search for modal to remove double reload gf-455 (#493) (d80d5c5)
- adjusted the right arrow SVG to not include the fill white attribute in it's path gf-208 (#213) (0aa5cc3)
- Block access to project access management page when user hasn't either View or Manage All Projects permission gf-350 (#414) (168101c)
- Browser Back button not functioning after redirecting to the Analytics page from the Project details page gf-540 (#542) (4c8d9dd)
- change constant name gf-12 (3239cd8)
- change constants and type location gf-12 (e205fa3)
- change decrypt function gf-495 (#505) (c2dc8fe)
- change href prop gf-12 (b5fd358)
- change name of the file gf-41 (9602d09)
- change sidebar items gf-12 (f4a3547)
- change structure and fix name of variables gf-41 (e0ff2b9)
- change styles gf-12 (0d6f3dc)
- change the file name gf-41 (fed233d)
- change the file structure gf-41 (e710435)
- change the file structure gf-41 (684686b)
- change UesrEntity gf-41 (c813b1b)
- changed formatDate function and changed variable names gf-41 (65c1587)
- changed import gf-41 (aef0077)
- changed import gf-41 (a2439c4)
- changed import gf-41 (c5bfcee)
- changed naming to comply with quality criteria gf-21 (c6c9b13)
- changed the name of variables, removed unnecessary things gf-41 (fcd8911)
- changed the path of imort gf-41 (f24b550)
- changed the styles on the pages access-management and layout gf-41 (af00315)
- cleaned up comments in code gf-21 (4a0b23d)
- conflicts gf-26 (6205435)
- correcting white routes gf-13 (f068138)
- cyclic problem gf-23 (907a147)
- date input component gf-472 (#487) (b607eb3)
- delete get development routes helper gf-72 (0dc2712)
- delete unnecessary props gf-12 (ab28032)
- do App component as the global gf-26 (b5e1ed0)
- double dots shown nearby user checkboxes in the create/edit group/project group modal window gf-382 (#441) (319f18e)
- fix check has permission helper gf-248 (#378) (ffc88da)
- fix inconsistent alignment in create group modal gf-265 (#268) (27f10b7)
- fix inconsistent layout of the users table gf-267 (#273) (b5527bb)
- fix notification gf-190 (#207) (be32281)
- fixed 'no token provided' error on 'access management' page gf-117 (#125) (667be01)
- fixed generic type misspelling gf-24 (e7eb825)
- fixed inconsistent analytics page alignment gf-530 (#535) (8ee08ba)
- fixed last activity to start from the beginning of the day gf-446 (#451) (06017bf)
- fixed merge conflicts and added modal test into projects gf-21 (89cc726)
- fixed minor issues and bugs recording to suggestions gf-24 (70e73c5)
- Font size of the "Profile" heading doesn`t match the design mockup gf-192 (#194) (8bcaffc)
- groups table refresh on deletion of group gf-329 (#335) (adc543e)
- height of select component gf-23 (5cb6be8)
- hide caret on select component gf-23 (5371e4a)
- hook naming according to project naming convention gf-21 (d23d351)
- i removed use of callback gf-21 (a2365ca)
- implemented emtyplaceholdermessage to handle statusmessage gf-313 (#362) (c9cc015)
- import gf-23 (c14fa4a)
- imported reactnode directly for modal component gf-21 (c5ffd81)
- improve error handling in creating activity logs gf-332 (#365) (9a4bb43)
- Inappropriate appearance of the Access Managment page for a small screen resolution (1024px) gf-295 (#323) (0588959)
- inappropriate appearance of the scroll element at the Table component on Windows OS gf-197 (#203) (7781a7a)
- inconsistent alignment of the analytics table on the analytics page gf-473 (#479) (3c5390c)
- inconsistent data display on analytics table due to date format issue gf-510 (#521) (9882708)
- Inconsistent layout on the Projects and Access Managment page gf-120 (#126) (1777928)
- Inconsistent location of the load component with a slow internet connection gf-147 (#162) (f07f4e3)
- Inconsistent location of the load component with a slow internet connection gf-147 (#179) (f9ad998)
- inconsistent page content layout on the contributors page with different screen resolutions gf-387 (#416) (9a9735d)
- incorrect message displayed when all contributors are hidden gf-538 (#539) (0dc06ae)
- incorrect time display and color coding for analytics last sync time gf-547 (#549) (6247724)
- internal server error for table pagination on emty tables gf-205 (#212) (0fd3d03)
- label className gf-23 (115d25f)
- loader component is not vertically centralized on the analytics page gf-471 (#481) (bc36fa9)
- Loader is missing when switching between pages gf-119 (#127) (9ee75f5)
- make background to be primary gf-145 (#161) (c55eb9e)
- Make project group name unique only within the scope of a project gf-361 (#380) (92fd89a)
- Make sidebar item to indicate the active page gf-118 (#123) (b851b6c)
- make sidebar width consistent gf-475 (#500) (c3148b0)
- manage all projects permissions, edit, view, delete, create gf-411 (#424) (3599a79)
- Manage Project permission does not allow user to delete a Project group in this specific project on the Manage Access page gf-569 (#572) (582b31a)
- missing error message for invalid email format on Sign Up page gf-252 (#255) (1851536)
- modal naming to adhere with project gf-21 (3eb493a)
- move the layout to the page gf-41 (e0c74e7)
- not all contributors are displayed in contributor merge form gf-550 (#551) (c19adb8)
- Project groups are not deleted from the DB after deleting the project they corresponds to gf-504 (#559) (6f519dc)
- quality criteria issues gf-557 (#580) (5013012)
- refactor get authenticated user gf-25 (cdd2f2e)
- refactor group validation messages gf-262 (#275) (1ac5ccc)
- refactor groups find all fetching logic gf-266 (#269) (c39f451)
- refactor table data word break styles gf-299 (#300) (60cb964)
- refactor user groups to permissions relation gf-78 (#116) (9bcbf98)
- refactored search handling in search component gf-331 (#372) (5aea374)
- reload contributors on split gf-519 (#525) (f766ce8)
- reloading the same page and loader component gf-276 (#373) (5a38776)
- remove isDirty from analytics page gf-529 (#531) (f43187b)
- remove sign forms code duplication gf-4 (f683a45)
- remove unused method gf-57 (09a3ae7)
- removed comments from code gf-21 (3dd6a03)
- removed mock data gf-24 (8f3becf)
- removed one import gf-41 (6275e14)
- rename setup analytics button to match the design gf-308 (#309) (abcbde2)
- replace workspaces with appropriate ones in linter commands gf-296 (#339) (d986718)
- resctict user manage group gf-254 (#256) (73c7473)
- resolve conflicts and complete merge gf-21 (58aab6f)
- resolve merge conflict in app.tsx and complete merge gf-21 (06565a3)
- restrict project card visibility based on user permissions gf-558 (#565) (cfc71fa)
- rid of error throwing when project groups were not deleted by project id gf-555 (#579) (38c6c23)
- select background and borders. Add background prop for table pagination gf-23 (741b6b6)
- select hover styles and cursor, add searchable select gf-204 (#226) (be81fba)
- select initial value display gf-23 (fe13580)
- submit button labels in project create and update forms gf-474 (#486) (00d9ade)
- table pagination styles gf-23 (39ab768)
- table pagination styles gf-23 (cc3c8c9)
- The Check in the checkbox appears in the choosen row for each page in the Create Group modal (for both Create Progect Group and Create Group) gf-390 (#396) (435553e)
- the delete project button is displayed and the deletion is accessible for the manage specific project permission gf-570 (#578) (d5737b1)
- the last month in the calendar component on the analytics page is shown with empty data gf-357 (#359) (d1a0305)
- The page reloads after generating the API key gf-289 (#293) (c899e03)
- The Project description text overflows beyond the screen boundaries when 1000 characters are entered gf-150 (#153) (77b2055)
- the size of the user popup and the font of the elements don't match the layout gf-136 (#148) (2850420)
- The Table should not be able to scroll when the Options Popover is open gf-272 (#278) (8450514)
- The users are not sorted correctly at the "Users" table in the "Access Managment" page gf-290 (#294) (3a9e255)
- Three Toast notifications are displayed on attempt to open a project page without a permission gf-567 (#571) (6cb31d6)
- token extraction gf-13 (6c0521c)
- type imports gf-276 (#338) (9ee1d7b)
- update button text alignment gf-156 (#160) (4e42cd6)
- update columns width gf-389 (#421) (bf69331)
- update hasSetupAnalyticsPermission check gf-573 (#574) (b968e29)
- update imports gf-72 (8d7ec88)
- update page layout styles gf-72 (473707f)
- update page layout styles gf-72 (ffadf97)
- update profile success message gf-193 (#195) (1b262d7)
- update profile success message gf-193 (#261) (72222f1)
- update useAppSelector for projects gf-72 (25f4143)
- update user patch validation schema gf-562 (#566) (3ab48eb)
- updated export of modal to be using components.js export gf-21 (ccac350)
- Upon a click on the Logo element in the header user is redirected to the Homepage gf-285 (#291) (fc2ba06)
- user profile not deleted without "Manage User Access" permission gf-449 (#478) (5e017f5)
- useSearch change to handle modal search gf-455 (#459) (7b99a6d)
- сhange the page layout and its styles gf-41 (6a0679a)
- сhange the styles of page layout gf-41 (2dda590)
1.62.2 (2024-09-27)
- rid of error throwing when project groups were not deleted by project id gf-555 (#579) (38c6c23)
- Three Toast notifications are displayed on attempt to open a project page without a permission gf-567 (#571) (6cb31d6)
1.62.1 (2024-09-27)
- Project groups are not deleted from the DB after deleting the project they corresponds to gf-504 (#559) (6f519dc)
- update hasSetupAnalyticsPermission check gf-573 (#574) (b968e29)
1.62.0 (2024-09-27)
- add green tick for generation api key fulfilled gf-189 (#568) (d4b2d82)
- fix quality criteria issues gf-557 (#561) (6b3c9ed)
- add project permissions to sign in response gf-560 (#563) (34b9245)
- restrict project card visibility based on user permissions gf-558 (#565) (cfc71fa)
- update user patch validation schema gf-562 (#566) (3ab48eb)
1.61.0 (2024-09-27)
1.60.2 (2024-09-27)
1.60.1 (2024-09-26)
- Browser Back button not functioning after redirecting to the Analytics page from the Project details page gf-540 (#542) (4c8d9dd)
1.60.0 (2024-09-26)
1.59.0 (2024-09-26)
- ability to mark notifications as read gf-460 (#498) (3ce21f7)
- adjusted style for date column to align with the table head gf-545 (#548) (11a237c)
- update schema in readme to match the app gf-543 (#544) (14abdce)
- incorrect message displayed when all contributors are hidden gf-538 (#539) (0dc06ae)
- incorrect time display and color coding for analytics last sync time gf-547 (#549) (6247724)
1.58.0 (2024-09-25)
- add validation notification for incorrect password on login gf-517 (#532) (1cd0f50)
- order contributors list on the project details page by the last activity (the latest active ones on top) gf-533 (#537) (7286b31)
1.57.0 (2024-09-25)
- add analytics last sync time to project details page gf-502 (#526) (7f3f5c2)
- redirect to analytics page on contributor item click gf-349 (#512) (9861355)
1.56.0 (2024-09-25)
- add search field to analytics page gf-352 (#444) (71dcfb1)
- upgrade the visibility of the project's options button on the project detail page gf-508 (#514) (1d7d6f1)
1.55.0 (2024-09-25)
1.54.0 (2024-09-25)
1.53.1 (2024-09-24)
- adjusted project/contributor style to match figma design gf-506 (#513) (b27a06e)
- change decrypt function gf-495 (#505) (c2dc8fe)
1.53.0 (2024-09-24)
- make sidebar width consistent gf-475 (#500) (c3148b0)
- user profile not deleted without "Manage User Access" permission gf-449 (#478) (5e017f5)
1.52.0 (2024-09-24)
- add infinite scroll and pagination to notificationspopover gf-458 (#490) (9daf38b)
- add projects select to analytics page gf-348 (#470) (47d8620)
1.51.0 (2024-09-23)
1.50.0 (2024-09-23)
- the earliest date availible to be choosen on the date range on the analytics page should be 1 year from today gf-482 (#488) (f08b073)
1.49.0 (2024-09-23)
- Add an activity chart to contributor items on project details page gf-420 (#468) (38cf6eb)
- add pagination to the contributors page gf-484 (#491) (75e0b48)
- date input component gf-472 (#487) (b607eb3)
- submit button labels in project create and update forms gf-474 (#486) (00d9ade)
1.48.1 (2024-09-23)
- added filtering of deleted users to groups repositories gf-463 (#480) (ef569ab)
- inconsistent alignment of the analytics table on the analytics page gf-473 (#479) (3c5390c)
- loader component is not vertically centralized on the analytics page gf-471 (#481) (bc36fa9)
1.48.0 (2024-09-23)
- add ability to merge contributors gf-344 (#435) (a52d648)
- authorize the request before starting background job for analytics gf-464 (#467) (fb682c3)
- adjust column sizes so table fits 1440 screen resolution gf-448 (#461) (bf7e7a6)
- adjust root permissions gf-350 (#466) (6e42ada)
- useSearch change to handle modal search gf-455 (#459) (7b99a6d)
1.47.0 (2024-09-20)
1.46.0 (2024-09-20)
- add ability to delete project on project page gf-407 (#452) (dacd7b2)
- add analytics table gf-327 (#364) (dd7084a)
- Block access to project access management page when user hasn't either View or Manage All Projects permission gf-350 (#414) (168101c)
1.45.2 (2024-09-20)
1.45.1 (2024-09-20)
- double dots shown nearby user checkboxes in the create/edit group/project group modal window gf-382 (#441) (319f18e)
1.45.0 (2024-09-20)
- add an ability for admins to delete a user gf-419 (#426) (724b812)
- Add search input to users table on access management pages gf-402 (#422) (171d387)
- update analytics cd config gf-375 (#438) (6f99875)
1.44.0 (2024-09-19)
1.43.0 (2024-09-19)
1.42.0 (2024-09-19)
- inconsistent page content layout on the contributors page with different screen resolutions gf-387 (#416) (9a9735d)
- refactored search handling in search component gf-331 (#372) (5aea374)
1.41.0 (2024-09-19)
1.40.0 (2024-09-19)
- add an ability to edit contributor name gf-345 (#404) (7056194)
- add last activity time to contributors gf-347 (#410) (3128298)
- add users column to groups table on project access management page gf-403 (#412) (c8d80b9)
- handle dates that cross into the next day but are less than 24 hours apart gf-274 (#399) (80f526d)
1.39.0 (2024-09-19)
- The Check in the checkbox appears in the choosen row for each page in the Create Group modal (for both Create Progect Group and Create Group) gf-390 (#396) (435553e)
1.38.0 (2024-09-18)
1.37.0 (2024-09-18)
1.36.0 (2024-09-18)
- add project last activity label to project list gf-274 (#354) (a4e7fab)
- fix quality criteria issues gf-382 (#391) (c0fddb2)
1.35.0 (2024-09-18)
1.34.0 (2024-09-18)
1.33.1 (2024-09-18)
- fix check has permission helper gf-248 (#378) (ffc88da)
- reloading the same page and loader component gf-276 (#373) (5a38776)
1.33.0 (2024-09-17)
1.32.0 (2024-09-17)
- add search input to users table on create project group modal gf-355 (#368) (c5cda1d)
- Display list of contributors on project details page gf-337 (#341) (ab2ac0b)
1.31.1 (2024-09-17)
1.31.0 (2024-09-17)
1.30.1 (2024-09-17)
- the last month in the calendar component on the analytics page is shown with empty data gf-357 (#359) (d1a0305)
1.30.0 (2024-09-17)
1.29.0 (2024-09-16)
- Add an ability to create and view project groups gf-139 (#257) (37c2a01)
- improve table navigation add a loader to tables gf-311 (#320) (8310823)
1.28.0 (2024-09-16)
- Add infinite scroll to the projects list gf-276 (#280) (2f9db4f)
- add script for collecting statistics gf-247 (#315) (4ada7e5)
- groups table refresh on deletion of group gf-329 (#335) (adc543e)
- type imports gf-276 (#338) (9ee1d7b)
1.27.1 (2024-09-16)
- Inappropriate appearance of the Access Managment page for a small screen resolution (1024px) gf-295 (#323) (0588959)
- Upon a click on the Logo element in the header user is redirected to the Homepage gf-285 (#291) (fc2ba06)
1.27.0 (2024-09-16)
- add a user permission check gf-324 (#325) (41d2dff)
- adjusted project status message based on search state gf-313 (#319) (0306fa4)
- The Table should not be able to scroll when the Options Popover is open gf-272 (#278) (8450514)
1.26.0 (2024-09-16)
- add an ability to save and retrieve activity logs gf-181 (#221) (74b5c5b)
- add date input to analytics page gf-182 (#237) (9570a5b)
- add users search in group forms gf-270 (#303) (985d160)
1.25.0 (2024-09-13)
1.24.0 (2024-09-13)
- Add users column to the groups table gf-301 (#304) (9210049)
- analytics: add new workspace for analytics gf-296 (#298) (6388631)
- not return description on get all request gf-259 (#279) (787244c)
- refactor table data word break styles gf-299 (#300) (60cb964)
- The page reloads after generating the API key gf-289 (#293) (c899e03)
- The users are not sorted correctly at the "Users" table in the "Access Managment" page gf-290 (#294) (3a9e255)
1.23.1 (2024-09-12)
1.23.0 (2024-09-11)
1.22.1 (2024-09-11)
- fix inconsistent layout of the users table gf-267 (#273) (b5527bb)
- refactor group validation messages gf-262 (#275) (1ac5ccc)
1.22.0 (2024-09-11)
- add ability to edit group gf-81 (#170) (2485667)
- Add an ability to generate and retrieve project api key gf-180 (#223) (1b016c7)
1.21.0 (2024-09-11)
- add an ability to delete a group gf-80 (#128) (53f0f6d)
- add view all projects permission gf-230 (#253) (60fe403)
- fix inconsistent alignment in create group modal gf-265 (#268) (27f10b7)
- refactor groups find all fetching logic gf-266 (#269) (c39f451)
- update profile success message gf-193 (#261) (72222f1)
1.20.0 (2024-09-10)
1.19.0 (2024-09-10)
1.18.0 (2024-09-10)
- add admin group gf-227 (#235) (1114411)
- save search value to query parameters gf-200 (#218) (8d5cb71)
1.17.0 (2024-09-10)
- add an ablity to create a group gf-79 (#176) (ad36683)
- refactor existing sub components gf-233 (#240) (117a666)
1.16.0 (2024-09-09)
- add a character counter for the project description gf-188 (#222) (7c635d5)
- improve avatar visibility gf-202 (#228) (d4b7203)
1.15.0 (2024-09-09)
- change confirmation modal window on deleting user account gf-216 (#219) (dd9fd7f)
- improve toast notification position and design gf-201 (#225) (f6de004)
1.14.0 (2024-09-09)
- add display message for empty tables gf-206 (#220) (f21abb7)
- restrict users manage groups gf-84 (#175) (064e3dc)
1.13.0 (2024-09-06)
- Add a "No projects found" message when search field no results on the Projects page gf-187 (#210) (43bafae)
- Add an ability to delete personal account gf-146 (#185) (7fb5001)
1.12.1 (2024-09-06)
- adjusted the right arrow SVG to not include the fill white attribute in it's path gf-208 (#213) (0aa5cc3)
- fix notification gf-190 (#207) (be32281)
- inappropriate appearance of the scroll element at the Table component on Windows OS gf-197 (#203) (7781a7a)
- internal server error for table pagination on emty tables gf-205 (#212) (0fd3d03)
1.12.0 (2024-09-05)
1.11.0 (2024-09-05)
- Font size of the "Profile" heading doesn`t match the design mockup gf-192 (#194) (8bcaffc)
- update profile success message gf-193 (#195) (1b262d7)
1.10.0 (2024-09-04)
1.9.0 (2024-09-04)
1.8.0 (2024-09-04)
1.7.0 (2024-09-04)
- Add breadcrumbs to the project details page gf-165 (#171) (e89c510)
- add link to logo gf-154 (#167) (c4c1621)
- scroll element must be shown at the right side of the table component gf-149 (#174) (0c73b4d)
1.6.2 (2024-09-03)
1.6.1 (2024-09-03)
- Absence of background on the left side of Auth pages gf-121 (#157) (b71df9e)
- make background to be primary gf-145 (#161) (c55eb9e)
- update button text alignment gf-156 (#160) (4e42cd6)
1.6.0 (2024-09-03)
- The Project description text overflows beyond the screen boundaries when 1000 characters are entered gf-150 (#153) (77b2055)
1.5.1 (2024-09-02)
- the size of the user popup and the font of the elements don't match the layout gf-136 (#148) (2850420)
1.5.0 (2024-09-02)
1.4.0 (2024-09-02)
- add an ability to edit user name gf-89 (#107) (6dbdf12)
- add an ability to view groups gf-78 (#122) (fd77bf6)
- Validation of the Password field on the login page gf-134 (#141) (c5793e1)
1.3.0 (2024-09-02)
- add an ability to create a project group gf-71 (#108) (4ceb575)
- Add project page gf-86 (#109) (ba11d74)
- Sign Up page fields validation, Sign up button inconsistent text gf-131 (#132) (c6496a4)
1.2.0 (2024-08-30)
- Abscence of a logo on the Sign In and Sign Up pages gf-121 (#129) (35663ca)
- Loader is missing when switching between pages gf-119 (#127) (9ee75f5)
1.1.1 (2024-08-30)
- fixed 'no token provided' error on 'access management' page gf-117 (#125) (667be01)
- Inconsistent layout on the Projects and Access Managment page gf-120 (#126) (1777928)
- refactor user groups to permissions relation gf-78 (#116) (9bcbf98)
1.1.0 (2024-08-29)
- add absolute import to shared gf-7 (70e62f7)
- add alt to image gf-11 (7e7d3d7)
- add an ability to create a group gf-53 (#56) (438f4b2)
- add auth container styles and adjust existing gf-5 (62d1218)
- add auth errors and errors messages gf-7 (501585f)
- add auth plugin gf-13 (c78174e)
- add auth plugin hook to server gf-13 (5948ae8)
- add auth plugin options gf-13 (fa19c64)
- add authenticated user flow gf-25 (a7ffe54)
- add authenticated user to auth slice gf-14 (19d4f3c)
- add avatar component gf-11 (2d0188a)
- add avatar helper gf-11 (72742f2)
- add Color enum and colorToCss map gf-23 (10d108f)
- add common color variables gf-27 (4cdfa20)
- add common icon component gf-5 (4925b50)
- add common loader component gf-9 (3098599)
- add component header gf-11 (ffc60b5)
- add creating project gf-57 (54b5614)
- add custom select component gf-24 (eeef6b0)
- add decode token method gf-13 (6e7d42d)
- add development ui route gf-72 (821e93b)
- add encryption password comparement gf-7 (d18de1f)
- add env variables for jwt gf-8 (f3734a7)
- add error handling for failed sign-up process gf-5 (c0d4813)
- add error handling on front-end gf-10 (1ba66fa)
- add error messages enum gf-13 (d24087f)
- add example of TablePagination usage for visual testing gf-23 (8312b94)
- add font-family gf-5 (5c8ae07)
- add fonts gf-1 (257d20b)
- add form validation rules and day ranges for color indicators gf-66 (cb24049)
- add getting user on loading page gf-26 (051c5e2)
- add header in main page gf-11 (aa879c0)
- add href parameter gf-20 (2aa26cf)
- add icon support and styles for common input gf-5 (a0bb134)
- add icon-button component gf-5 (29ef178)
- add loader styles gf-9 (be50852)
- add margin bottom in text gf-20 (aaa036d)
- add name to UserSignUpRequestDto type gf-5 (4f6778d)
- add name validation (rule and message) gf-5 (ebb5d5e)
- add new route gf-20 (983514a)
- add not found page gf-20 (c527c28)
- add page layout gf-72 (1d2ef1a)
- add project table gf-57 (1716bf7)
- add projects get all api route gf-72 (5a44aa8)
- add projects get all types gf-72 (260cea8)
- add projects module with get all action gf-72 (cd29ed3)
- add projects page gf-72 (483fd8b)
- add protected route wrapper gf-14 (7528907)
- add pulsing animated loader gf-9 (98bde53)
- add redirection to root after auth form submission gf-4 (25859ff)
- add returning token on sign in gf-7 (046b5ea)
- add returning user by email gf-7 (fb46687)
- add sign-in flow gf-4 (4ea8b7f)
- add sign-up flow gf-6 (10a50c2)
- add start sidebar gf-12 (4d61f0d)
- add styles for common button gf-5 (6881e16)
- add styles for common button gf-5 (1e95539)
- add styling for custom select and generified options gf-24 (d23e156)
- add TablePagination component with MockSelect and no Icons gf-23 (8ba9d42)
- add template of project module gf-57 (6b8614f)
- add timer icon gf-11 (c097e01)
- add token generation on sign-in gf-7 (22daf61)
- add token generation on sign-in gf-7 (012758f)
- add TokenService gf-8 (0eb7921)
- add unauthorized http code gf-13 (b2d1afa)
- add user exeptions gf-7 (8d4a95d)
- add useTablePagination hook gf-23 (34ca8b4)
- add validation for creating project gf-57 (dfaaccd)
- add validation schema gf-7 (b008eeb)
- added a new navigation item gf-41 (201c0f4)
- added close on outside click functionality to modal component gf-21 (b35c653)
- added cross to iconbuttons and implemented iconbutton into modal gf-21 (8cbb8bc)
- added custom hook for tracking and controlling modal gf-21 (8863fba)
- added function getUserColumns gf-41 (1e6d04b)
- added sidebar component to the layout gf-41 (776b144)
- added usehandleclickoutside hook to the project and used it in modal gf-21 (488058d)
- change not found styles gf-20 (d0c011c)
- create a table component gf-22 (ceaf044)
- create access management page and add users table gf-41 (61f4bde)
- create common layout gf-41 (fc8c55b)
- create modal component gf-21 (845a541)
- create sidebar gf-12 (e2b6b3e)
- extend global fastify request with user property gf-13 (47263b7)
- fix conficts in index.tsx gf-20 (34f30da)
- fix fonts gf-1 (b3aad2c)
- implement design gf-5 (3405f3a)
- return token in response to sign-in/sign-up gf-8 (0d11e6e)
- token storage on sight-up gf-26 (74f03ce)
- use user service in auth plugin gf-13 (d34f410)
- add font styles gf-22 (e3c8812)
- add icon wrapper gf-12 (3d51061)
- add initHooks method gf-13 (4c96696)
- add Inter font family for notifications gf-10 (b7303ce)
- add loader to protected router gf-26 (4904017)
- add mapper gf-41 (0ee0756)
- add missing user id token error gf-13 (1af1ef5)
- add range check for queryParams gf-23 (f54c7d4)
- added a border to the header gf-41 (95df70e)
- added the cross icon to project and implemented it into modal gf-21 (e430e8d)
- adjusted css style and iconbutton to reflect figma design gf-21 (e4b28c2)
- adjusted css styling for body to adhere with figma design gf-21 (f3d7fae)
- adjusted css to comply with project and figma design, adjusted accidental filechange gf-21 (1eed39e)
- adjusted css typograpy to unitless number, renamed and updated stylesheet import gf-21 (a95d2ea)
- adjusted file name to reflec hook naming gf-21 (e605ec3)
- adjusted handle click function to arrow function gf-21 (af5ae7b)
- adjusted hook naming to match project naming conventions gf-21 (4857e37)
- adjusted hooks and types to comply with project structure gf-21 (3e9d478)
- adjusted icon size to even number gf-21 (3108da6)
- adjusted imports and type definition to use react.refobject gf-21 (81ed142)
- adjusted modal to type definition to use react.reactnode gf-21 (d7bc115)
- adjusted naming in modal gf-21 (8480da6)
- adjusted naming of hooks to conform with the projects naming conventions gf-21 (5c633ad)
- adjusted naming of use-click-outside.hook.ts file and hook inside to be more clear gf-21 (0fe5fda)
- adjusted naming to properties to adhere with project gf-21 (8d66743)
- backend: make migration scripts cross-platform gf-1 (2ce7e41)
- button styles & routes gf-20 (35430df)
- change color names gf-27 (560b138)
- change color style gf-27 (15c3ce4)
- change constant name gf-12 (3239cd8)
- change constants and type location gf-12 (e205fa3)
- change encription exported type gf-7 (5c8e0e5)
- change encryption service naming gf-7 (7763d67)
- change href prop gf-12 (b5fd358)
- change loader color variable gf-9 (ee78e37)
- change logo icon name gf-11 (dee7dcf)
- change name of the file gf-41 (9602d09)
- change sidebar items gf-12 (f4a3547)
- change some mistakes gf-26 (cc12662)
- change structure and fix name of variables gf-41 (e0ff2b9)
- change styles gf-12 (0d6f3dc)
- change styles in common table gf-41 (189a561)
- change the file name gf-41 (fed233d)
- change the file structure gf-41 (e710435)
- change the file structure gf-41 (684686b)
- change the names of variables and css styles gf-22 (4227698)
- change the weight of the fonts gf-1 (cd5ab08)
- change UesrEntity gf-41 (c813b1b)
- changed formatDate function and changed variable names gf-41 (65c1587)
- changed import gf-41 (aef0077)
- changed import gf-41 (a2439c4)
- changed import gf-41 (c5bfcee)
- changed naming to comply with quality criteria gf-21 (c6c9b13)
- changed the name of variables, removed unnecessary things gf-41 (fcd8911)
- changed the path of imort gf-41 (f24b550)
- changed the styles on the pages access-management and layout gf-41 (af00315)
- check loading in constant and remove unnecessary css variables gf-9 (dd08525)
- checking the access by user presence gf-14 (f8a45d7)
- cleaned up comments in code gf-21 (4a0b23d)
- conflicts gf-26 (6205435)
- conflicts gf-26 (b4e6a0c)
- conflicts gf-7 (e9caba2)
- constant in capital letters gf-13 (d899ae9)
- correct CSS property order in button component gf-5 (1b3ec45)
- correcting white routes gf-13 (f068138)
- create icon-component gf-12 (7460b84)
- cyclic problem gf-23 (907a147)
- delete and restore .env.example gf-21 (34a39fc)
- delete comments gf-12 (a0d5a95)
- delete font-icons gf-12 (5d86e25)
- delete get development routes helper gf-72 (0dc2712)
- delete unnecessary props gf-12 (ab28032)
- do App component as the global gf-26 (b5e1ed0)
- duplicate identifier 'UserSignUpResponseDto' gf-5 (fdd5cd0)
- enum singular form naming gf-13 (6457d71)
- error messages enum naming gf-13 (94c1f94)
- extract correct user type gf-13 (e5031a0)
- fix header padding so it matches figma design gf-11 (7dfd506)
- fix package-lock.json after merge gf-24 (dc02121)
- fixed generic type misspelling gf-24 (e7eb825)
- fixed merge conflicts and added modal test into projects gf-21 (89cc726)
- fixed minor issues and bugs recording to suggestions gf-24 (70e73c5)
- fixed package.json merge gf-24 (0a4a8d9)
- generate password salt separately & store in db gf-6 (170ebe6)
- height of select component gf-23 (5cb6be8)
- hide caret on select component gf-23 (5371e4a)
- hook naming according to project naming convention gf-21 (d23d351)
- i removed use of callback gf-21 (a2365ca)
- import gf-23 (c14fa4a)
- imported reactnode directly for modal component gf-21 (c5ffd81)
- index.d.ts location gf-13 (df4583d)
- label className gf-23 (115d25f)
- made select controllable gf-24 (e75f4d6)
- make Select generic gf-24 (601071e)
- merge and fix conflicts gf-7 (8e3844c)
- merged changes gf-26 (ab1795a)
- modal naming to adhere with project gf-21 (3eb493a)
- move error messages enum to shared gf-13 (a6e58b0)
- move open routes to constants gf-13 (1494431)
- move the layout to the page gf-41 (e0c74e7)
- naming, order conventions gf-13 (2dc674b)
- raplace error messages from modules to common gf-7 (1758a35)
- refactor avatar logic gf-11 (cb5c6a9)
- refactor default frontend sign-up payload gf-6 (7b67bf1)
- refactor encryption service class name gf-6 (5940224)
- refactor encryption service gf-6 (7a3a634)
- refactor encryption service gf-6 (4a7000a)
- refactor encryption service types & enums & user repository gf-6 (0e78651)
- refactor error messages gf-6 (f495a73)
- refactor find method for universal queries gf-6 (0bfdacc)
- refactor get authenticated user gf-25 (cdd2f2e)
- refactor user dto gf-6 (e9ea458)
- refactor user error & exception message gf-6 (61484c4)
- refactor user service & create custom user error gf-6 (66dc3d4)
- refactor user service create gf-6 (4daaf36)
- remove avatar helper gf-11 (3232ef2)
- remove avatar styles in header gf-11 (8c36360)
- remove commented shared absolute imports gf-7 (2222f65)
- remove eslint disabling comments and move ToastContainer, so toasts can popup everywhere gf-10 (70b8be4)
- remove fonts coments gf-20 (141f46f)
- remove sign forms code duplication gf-4 (f683a45)
- remove table container gf-22 (92f1df1)
- remove unused method gf-57 (09a3ae7)
- removed comments from code gf-21 (3dd6a03)
- removed mock data gf-24 (8f3becf)
- removed one import gf-41 (6275e14)
- replace PNG icons with SVG icons in assets/images/icons gf-5 (9251f31)
- resolve conflicts and complete merge gf-21 (58aab6f)
- resolve conflicts gf-11 (4795453)
- resolve merge conflict in app.tsx and complete merge gf-21 (06565a3)
- resolve merge conflicts from main into 21-feat-create-modal gf-21 (f381b02)
- select background and borders. Add background prop for table pagination gf-23 (741b6b6)
- select initial value display gf-23 (fe13580)
- separate reducer cases to matcher gf-26 (7c37b44)
- storage extra argument type gf-26 (177bd7b)
- table pagination styles gf-23 (39ab768)
- table pagination styles gf-23 (cc3c8c9)
- token extraction gf-13 (6c0521c)
- token type missed decode token gf-13 (b9f82b8)
- update btn styles file name gf-5 (1741509)
- update button styles gf-20 (bec16b3)
- update container styles gf-20 (403e0b6)
- update fonts gf-1 (c0aab8e)
- update imports gf-72 (8d7ec88)
- update logo file gf-11 (344c00c)
- update not found page gf-20 (34e03c3)
- update not found page gf-20 (e3d1d55)
- update page layout styles gf-72 (473707f)
- update page layout styles gf-72 (ffadf97)
- update url for inter-medium font gf-5 (d6881e3)
- update useAppSelector for projects gf-72 (25f4143)
- updated export of modal to be using components.js export gf-21 (ccac350)
- use alias for import gf-12 (e12c297)
- use common variables gf-11 (d94a2a5)
- use line height as % gf-12 (fc2eca1)
- usecommon exception message enum gf-13 (7452d82)
- user auth res dto path gf-13 (86456b6)
- user imports and exports gf-13 (3e64859)
- сhange the page layout and its styles gf-41 (6a0679a)
- сhange the styles of page layout gf-41 (2dda590)