The Blue Brain Project concluded in December 2024, so development has ceased under the BlueBrain GitHub organization. Future development will take place at: https://github.com/openbraininstitute/regiodesics
Tools to generate relative distance and orientation fields in 3D brain atlases.
Multi-purpose interactive application that can be used to generate top and bottom shells of a brain region. To produce shells, we provide an input NRRD file (uint16, RAW encoding) containing the brain region of interest. On launch, a GL viewer appears showing border voxels of the brain region rendered as cubes. These cubes can be assigned to the top or bottom shells by "painting" them using the mouse controls:
Left-Click + drag
to rotate cameraMiddle-Click + drag
to displace cameraRight-Click + drag
to zoom cameraCtrl + Left-Click
to paint cubes with bottom label (yellow, value 3)Shift + Left-Click
to paint cubes with top label (blue, value 4)Ctrl + Shift + Left-Click
to remove label from painted cubess
to save result asshell.nrrd
to increase brush size-
to decrease brush sizeEsc
to quit (without saving)
In addition to the top/bottom shells, the output file has values: 0 for background voxels, 1 for interior voxels and 2 for non-painted boundary voxels (sides).
This application can also be used to compute relative distances (to the top shell) and perform layer segmentation based on user-defined layer thicknesses.
Usage: ./build/apps/layer_segmenter input [options]
-h [ --help ] Produce help message.
-v [ --version ] Show program name/version banner and
-s [ --shell ] arg Load a saved painted shell.
-f [ --flip ] Flip 'top' and 'bottom' voxels in the
shell dataset.
-b [ --bottom-up ] Enumerate layers from the bottom to the
top, instead of top to bottom.
-t [ --thickness ] arg Layer thicknesses (absolute or
relative). Must contain at least two
-a [ --average-size ] lines Size of k-nearest neighbour query of
top to bottom lines used to approximate
relative voxel positions.
-x [ --crop-x ] <min>[:<max>] Optional crop range for x axis.
-y [ --crop-y ] <min>[:<max>] Optional crop range for y axis.
-z [ --crop-z ] <min>[:<max>] Optional crop range for z axis.
--segment Proceed directly segmentation, shell
volume must be provided.
-r [ --output-relative-distances ] arg
File path used to save of the relative
distances created by segmentation.
Defaults to saving file
"relativeDistances.nrrd" in the current
-l [ --output-layers ] arg File path used to save the layers
created by segmentation. Defaults to
saving file "layer.nrrd" in the current
Generate and save brain region direction vectors.
Unit direction vectors are obtained as the directions of straight line segments joining the bottom shell to the top shell.
These segments join every voxel of the bottom shell to their closest voxels in the top shell, and vice versa.
The direction vector of a voxel is the average of the unit direction vectors of its average-size
closest segments.
Usage: ./direction_vectors --shells SHELLS
where SHELLS is the path to a nrrd file containing the definitions
of a bottom and a top shell. SHELLS holds a 3D array of type char
(int8) where bottom voxels are labeled with 3 and top voxels
are labeled with 4.
-h [ --help ] Produce this help message.
-v [ --version ] Show program description and exit.
-s [ --shells ] arg Shells volume, that is, a 3D array of
type char (int8), where bottom voxels
are labeled with 3 and top voxels are
labeled with 4.
-a [ --average-size ] lines (=1000) Size of k-nearest neighbour query of
top to bottom lines used to approximate
direction vectors.
-o [ --output-path ] arg (=direction_vectors.nrrd)
File path of the 3D unit vector field
to save.
A docker
file is included that can be used to build the software:
# build the docker image
$ docker build -t regiodesics .
# launch the docker container
$ docker run -it -v`pwd`:/opt/regiodesics regiodesics
# from inside the docker container
$ mkdir -p /opt/regiodesics/build
$ cd /opt/regiodesics/build
$ cmake .. -GNinja
$ ninja
# applications can be found in /opt/regiodesics/build/apps
Alternatively, the software can be built locally by installing the following dependencies (listed here for Debian-based distros, equivalent ones for other distros):
build-essential : C++ compiler and runtime
ninja-build : Ninja build system
cmake : CMake build system
libboost-filesystem-dev : Boost.Filesystem library
libboost-program-options-dev : Boost.Program_options library
libopenscenegraph-dev : OpenSceneGraph library
and running (from the source code root):
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. -GNinja
$ ninja
The development of this software was supported by funding to the Blue Brain Project, a research center of the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), from the Swiss government’s ETH Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology.
For license and authors, see LICENSE.txt.
Copyright © 2017-2024 Blue Brain Project/EPFL