frau-locale-provider is a utility that you can use in your D2L free range applications (frau) in order to get information about the locale of the current user.
To install via NPM:
npm install frau-locale-provider
Gets the current user's language tag, as defined in RFC 5646. This consists of a primary language subtag (e.g. "en", "fr") and an optional region subtag, separated by a hyphen (e.g. "en-US", "fr-CA").
var localeProvider = require('frau-locale-provider');
var langTag = localeProvider.getLangTag();
console.log(langTag); // -> e.g. "en-GB"
Used to determine if the current user's locale requires that text be written in the right to left (RTL) direction.
var localeProvider = require('frau-locale-provider');
var isRtl = localeProvider.isRtl();
console.log(isRtl); // -> true or false
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