I'm Evon, a frontend-heavy web developer based in London. Currently I work for Byway, where I make delightful ways for people to create and book flight-free trips around Europe.
I design and build clean, responsive Web apps using React and a variety of tech. By day I enjoy using Typescript-based Next, but have also dabbled with various component libraries, frameworks like Astro, and CMS solutions like Strapi.
(https://ines-chuaqui-preview.netlify.app/) A complex e-commerce / portforlio app using React Redux Toolkit (RTK), Stripe, and Firebase Firestore & Auth. (repo)
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
- 💬 Ask me about: Redux/RTK, Teaching, Ecological Economics 🤔
- 📫 How to reach me: evon.scott@gmail.com
- ⚡ Fun fact: I volunteer at CodeYourFuture, where I teach coding skills to disadvantaged people.
Background in sustainability and education. I care about learning, sharing my knowledge with others, and the impact of my work.
Social science. Being methodical, analytical, solving problems, delivering complex projects, collaborating on teams. See my work in PLOS One and Forest Research.
Adaptable, highly motivated, disciplined, and a self-starter. I am self-taught.
Excellent written and verbal communication, to all types of organisations and audiences - (I also speak Japanese, Spanish, French).