This project provides simple Java annotations that can be used in your Junit Test to deploy Virtual Services before starting your test. The scope of annotations are test methods.
This java annotation helps to embed your Virtual Services in your source code. This approach makes your application ready for Continous Integration testing by removing system and data constraints with Service Virtualization. Your tests become more reliable, repeatable and automated.
With this approach, using Virtual Services from your Continuous Integration plateform becomes native.
devtest-unit-test-java : Source code of java annotations and java API wrapped on Devtest Rest API to build and deploy virtual services
lisabank-demo : Demo project using SV as Code annotation to deploy virtual services in junit test
You should have DevTest Server up and running. This server could be installed on your machine or on remote server. You will setup registry url and VSE name through Java Annotation @DevTestVirtualServer . This both parameters will be used to build and deploy your virtual services. This annotations will use DevTest Rest API (DevTest Invoke 2) and it’s compatible from DevTest 8.0 and above.
In the pom file of your maven project add a new repository to get the libraries dependencies.
Add below dependency with scope test in your pom file :
Below is a quick sample of how to use " SV as code " in your Junit classes:
* @author
@SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = LisaBankClientApplication.class)
@DevTestVirtualServer(registryHost = "localhost", deployServiceToVse = "VSE")
public class SimpleDemo {
static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(SimpleDemo.class);
private BankService bankServices;
public VirtualServicesRule rules = new VirtualServicesRule();
@DevTestVirtualService(serviceName = "UserServiceTest-EJB3UserControlBean",
port = 9080, basePath = "/itkoExamples/EJB3UserControlBean",
rrpairsFolder = "UserServiceTest/getListUser/EJB3UserControlBean",
requestDataProtocol = {@Protocol(ProtocolType.DPH_SOAP) })
public void getListUser() {
User[] users = bankServices.getListUser();
assertEquals(9, users.length);
First, flag your Junit class as a Test using Virtual Services. This annotation will be used to refer to the DevTest Server :
registryHost :* Registry hostname (default value localhost)
deployServiceToVse : Name of VSE
login : Devtest username (default value svpower)
password : Devtest password (default value svpower)
protocol : Protcol to connect with Registry (default value http)
keystore : Keystore location required when Protocol is https
keystorePasswored : Keystore Passwored
all of this parameters are optional. You could set values in local-svascode.porperties file with following properties:
devtest.vsename : Name of VSE
devtest.registry : Registry hostname
devtest.registryUrl : Registry url
devtest.login : Devtest username
devtest.password : Devtest password
devtest.protocol : Protocol to connect with Registry
devtest.keystore : Keystore location
devtest.keystorePassword : Keystore password
devtest.undeploy.ifexists : Flag to undeploy existing Virtual Service before deploying
Add VirtualServices rule as a field member of Junit class. This rule will handle SV as Code annotations during Junit life cycle. Rules allow very flexible addition or redefinition of the behavior of each test method in a test class
public VirtualServicesRule rules = new VirtualServicesRule();
Above of each test method, add virtual service annotations. This annotation should refer to the Requests/Responses folder and define virtual service configuration such as service name, listnen port, path, type of protocole
DevTestVirtualService annotation which uses DCM capabilities
@DevTestVirtualService(serviceName = "UserServiceTest-EJB3UserControlBean",
port = 9080, basePath = "/itkoExamples/EJB3UserControlBean",
rrpairsFolder = "UserServiceTest/getListUser/EJB3UserControlBean",
requestDataProtocol = {@Protocol(ProtocolType.DPH_SOAP) })
DevTestVirtualServiceV3 annotation which uses V3 capabilities
serviceName = "vsV3_SSLConfig",
description = "Created with annotation provided for function vsV3_RRPairConfigObject",
port = "24778",
workingFolder = "v3/rrpair",
inputFile2 = "operation-8-req.txt",
inputFile1 = "operation-8-rsp.txt",
transportProtocolConfig = @TransportProtocolConfig(
typeId = "HTTP",
useGateway = false,
hostHeaderPassThrough = true,
recordingEndpoint = @RecordingEndpointConfig(
host = "recordinghost",
useSSL = true,
sslConfig = @SSLConfig (
keystorePassword = "passphrase",
keystoreFile = "/Applications/CA/DevTest/webreckeys.ks",
aliasPassword = "passphrase",
alias = "lisa"
It’s possible to define a set of Virtual Services with Class scope. In this case all virtual services will be deployed once at class level. First you should add Junit Class Rule as described below
public static VirtualServiceClassScopeRule ruleClass= new VirtualServiceClassScopeRule();
Then you could use DevTestVirtualService annotations on top of your class.
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.junit.ClassRule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner;
* @author
@SpringBootTest(classes = LisaBankClientApplication.class)
// Mark as Test using Service Virtualization
// Define Virtual Service with Clazz scope => Deploy once for all methods
@DevTestVirtualService(serviceName = "VSClazzScopeSimpleDemo",
basePath = "/itkoExamples/EJB3UserControlBean",
port = 9081,
workingFolder = "UserServiceTest/getListUser/EJB3UserControlBean",
requestDataProtocol = {
@Protocol(ProtocolType.DPH_SOAP) })
public class VSClazzScopeSimpleDemo {
static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(VSClazzScopeSimpleDemo.class);
private BankService bankServices;
// handle VS with Class scope
public static VirtualServiceClassScopeRule clazzRule = new VirtualServiceClassScopeRule();
public void getListUser() {
User[] users = bankServices.getListUser();
assertEquals(9, users.length);
private void printUsers(User[] users) {
for (User user : users) { + " " + user.getLname() + " " + user.getLogin());
serviceName = "vsV3_SSLConfig",
description = "Created with annotation provided for function vsV3_RRPairConfigObject",
port = "24778",
workingFolder = "v3/rrpair",
inputFile2 = "operation-8-req.txt",
inputFile1 = "operation-8-rsp.txt",
transportProtocolConfig = @TransportProtocolConfig(
typeId = "HTTP",
useGateway = false,
hostHeaderPassThrough = true,
recordingEndpoint = @RecordingEndpointConfig(
host = "recordinghost",
useSSL = true,
sslConfig = @SSLConfig (
keystorePassword = "passphrase",
keystoreFile = "/Applications/CA/DevTest/webreckeys.ks",
aliasPassword = "passphrase",
alias = "lisa"
public void vsV3_SSLConfig(){
ResponseParser responseParser = HttpUtils.GET(HttpUtils.URL_FORMAT, "https", "localhost",
ResponseParser vsResponseParser = HttpUtils.GET_VS_DETAILS(API_PROTOCOL, "localhost", "1505", "VSE", "V3Test.vsV3_Deploy");
assert (responseParser!=null);
assert (responseParser.getValue("$.TCEntry[0].termsType").equals("Operation 8 terms"));