Sprint 1
Deadline of sprint 1
For this deadline we unfortunately did not get the chance to complete many of our issues. One of the main reason a lot of our elements fell through was due to a lack of throughly understanding of the size and complexity of the codebase before deciding on our user stories. When picking our user stories we focused more on how to evenly …
Deadline of sprint 1
For this deadline we unfortunately did not get the chance to complete many of our issues. One of the main reason a lot of our elements fell through was due to a lack of throughly understanding of the size and complexity of the codebase before deciding on our user stories. When picking our user stories we focused more on how to evenly split up tasks rather than looking at the codebase first to better understand the feasibility of completing each user story Further, due to this lack of understanding the codebase, many of our technical requirements didn't accurately reflect the steps we needed to take this sprint to achieve the completion of certain features. Many of our issues were/are missing additional backend and frontend requirements to achieve the true completion of our features. Additionally we assigned the majority of our requirements into milestone one instead of spreading them out more which would have helped with the unanticipated challenges we faced and which is usually the case in software development.