The Post Endorsement feature allows administrators and moderators to mark high-quality or valuable posts with a green "Endorsed by Staff" badge. This feature helps users identify trustworthy information that has been verified by forum staff, improving the overall quality of discussions within an educational setting.
Endorsing a Post: - Navigate to any post or reply you want to endorse - Click on the flag icon in the options menu - Select "Endorsed by Admins" as the reason - Press submit - The post will now display an "Endorsed by Staff" badge!
Removing an Endorsement: - Go to the admin dashboard within NodeBB - Navigate to "Manage Flags" - Find the flag for the endorsed post - Change the flag state to "Resolved" - The endorsement badge will then be removed from the post
As a regular user, you'll see "Endorsed by Staff" badges on posts that administrators or moderators have endorsed.
Automated tests for the Post Endorsement feature can be found in the test/flags.js
file, at the very bottom from lines 1190-1257. Here, you'll find two tests that were briefly mentioned above, called "Endorsing a post" and "Removing endorsement".
Initial State Test: Verifies that posts are not marked as endorsed initially
Admin Endorsement Test: Tests that administrators can flag and endorse posts
Endorsement Status Test: Confirms that posts are correctly marked with endorsedByStaff: true
after endorsement
Endorsement Removal Test: Tests that the endorsement is removed when a flag is resolved
Re-endorsement Test: Verifies that a post can be re-endorsed after an endorsement is removed
These tests provide comprehensive coverage of the post endorsement feature because they test a realistic cycle of endorsement for a post in a real world setting (initial state, endorsement, removal, re-endorsement)
The tests simulate real user interactions with the system and verify that the database states change properly.
This feature is triggered by the UI when the user clicks on the "Anonymous Reply" button. We are not doing UI level automated testing, rather we are testing the backend. Next time, we use tools, like Puppeteer, that can implement UI automated tests.
To test backend:
We added a test case in test/topics.js
(line starting from 271)
Why we believe this works: Anonymous reply only required one extra backend parameter (handle == 1), and we tested exactly for that condition.
To test changes, one must un-link from the default composer and switch to the custom composer. Changes would include
- src/meta/build.js: switch 2 instances of composer-default to composer-custom
- src/install.js: switch 1 instance of composer-default to composer-custom
- switch package.json line with composer-default to "nodebb-plugin-composer-custom": "file:nodebb-plugin-composer-custom",
[This video shows how to use this feature!] #38 (comment)