By: F14-B1
Since: Mar 2018
Licence: MIT
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Quick Start
- 3. Three steps to get started
- 4. Commands in My Team Manager
- 4.1. Fundamentals
- 4.1.1. Saving the data
- 4.1.2. Using tab Autocomplete
- 4.1.3. Viewing help :
- 4.1.4. Listing entered commands :
- 4.1.5. Undoing previous command :
- 4.1.6. Redoing the previously undone command :
- 4.1.7. Toggling various fields to private:
[Since v1.4]
- 4.1.8. Toggling lock on MTM:
[Since v1.5]
- 4.1.9. Clearing all entries :
- 4.1.10. Exiting the program :
- 4.2. Player-Related Commands
- 4.2.1. Adding a player:
- 4.2.2. Editing a player :
- 4.2.3. Deleting a player :
- 4.2.4. Noting down a remark for player:
[Since v1.1]
- 4.2.5. Listing all players :
- 4.2.6. Sorting players by field:
[Since v1.2]
- 4.2.7. Locating players by name:
- 4.2.8. Selecting a player :
- 4.2.1. Adding a player:
- 4.3. Team-Related Commands
- 4.4. Appearance Commands
- 4.5. Coming Soon
- 4.5.1. Change password:
[Coming in v2.0]
- 4.5.2. Showing Best XI players:
[Coming in v2.0]
- 4.5.3. Setting an upcoming match with an opposing team:
[Coming in v2.0]
- 4.5.4. Viewing the team’s next upcoming match:
[Coming in v2.0]
- 4.5.5. Displaying lineup for next match:
[Coming in v2.0]
- 4.5.6. Scheduling trainings for team
[Coming in v2.0]
- 4.5.7. Sending reminder emails to players:
[Coming in v2.0]
- 4.5.8. Giving feedback to developers:
[Coming in v2.0]
- 4.5.9. Giving demerit to players based on performance:
[Coming in v2.0]
- 4.5.1. Change password:
- 4.1. Fundamentals
- 5. FAQ
- 6. Glossary
- 7. Command Summary
My Team Manager (MTM) is a Command-Line Interface (CLI) based address book application for football team managers. It is a one-stop solution to help you manage your player’s contact details in an efficient and convenient manner. Using MTM, you can organize players into teams, view player statistics, and, generate player line-ups.
Head to Section 2, “Quick Start” to get started with My Team Manager!
Welcome! If you want to learn more about using My Team Manager, you’ve come to the right place. My Team Manager is the easiest way for you to manage your team efficiently, and this quick start section will help you learn the basics so you can get going.
Your teams, their players, and all the relevant information is organized clearly in My Team Manager. Teams can be created and players can be assigned to teams.
Ensure you have Java version
or later installed in your Computer. -
You can download Java 8 here.
Having any Java 8 version is not enough.
This app will not work with earlier or later versions of Java 8.
Download the latest
here. -
Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your MTM.
Double-click the file to start the app. The software interface should appear in a few seconds as shown below.
The figure below shows the different components in My Team Manager and the list below explains their purpose.
Command Box: This is where you key in the commands to use My Team Manager.
Display Box: The display box displays results to any command you input.
Team List : This displays the teams you have created in My Team Manager.
If a team is being viewed, it would be highlighted.
Details Panel: This displays details of the player that is currently selected.
Here, the player’s name, phone number, address, email, jersey number followed by remarks are shown.
Systems Panel: This displays information regarding modification to MTM’s data.
On the left, it displays the time and date when MTM is last updated.
On the right, is the location of the data.
Player List: This is the list of player cards. In each player card,
The player’s name, tags, team, rating, followed by position is displayed.
The player’s avatar is also shown on the right column.
Words in
are the parameters to be supplied by the user.-
An example in
add n/NAME
is a parameter which can be used asadd n/John Doe
Fields that are in enclosed with
[ ]
are optional.-
An example,
n/NAME [t/TAG]
, can be used as,n/John Doe t/friend
, or as,n/John Doe
Items with
after them can be used multiple times including zero times.-
In this example,
, these parameters are valid,t/friend
,t/friend t/family
, and even
Parameters can be entered in any order.
For example, if the command specifies
is also acceptable.
Some commands have an alias that you can use to execute the command. This alias acts as a shortcut to execute the commands you want without typing the full command out.
For example, you can type the alias
instead of theadd
command word to add a player into MTM.
This box give tips that might be useful. |
This box notes down important details regarding a feature. |
This box will let you know the outcome and what MTM should be expected to do. |
Now that you are familiar with the interface and using commands, you are now ready to begin using My Team Manager!
Add your first player,
by typing the commandadd n/Ronaldo e/
in the command box and pressing Enter to execute it. -
Your new player,
should appear in the player list as shown in the white box above.
The Add command has additional optional parameters for you to include more information. For the full list,
refer to Adding a player.
Now that you have a player, let’s explore teams. Teams allow you to manage and group your players together according to the teams they belong to.
Create your first team,
by typing the commandcreate NUS
in the command box and pressing Enter to execute it. -
Your new team,
should appear in the team list. -
You can now assign
by typing the commandassign tm/NUS i/1
in the command box and pressing Enter to execute it.-
The Team List should now show NUS highlighted as shown in the white box labeled 1 above.
's player card should now show NUS in the team field as shown in the white box labeled 2 above. -
The player list shows only players assigned to the team
View more details about a player, by entering
followed by theINDEX
of the player. For example, to viewRonaldo
's details, enterselect 1
. -
The details panel should now show the player’s details.
You may notice that there are fields that show
. These are optional fields that you can edit later on. There are also many ways you can customize and add to My Team Manager. Here are a few ways to start:
Here you can find useful information regarding all the commands in My Team Manager.
If you are not familiar on how to use commands yet, you can refer to Section 2.3, “Using Commands”
MTM provides tools that gives you the power to use MTM more efficiently and teach you how to navigate through MTM with ease.
Enter commands more quickly with tab autocomplete, get help or find out how to undo and redo commands.
You can also find information to secure your information in My Team Manger by toggling privacy or set a key to prevent tampering
There is no need to save anything manually as My Team Manager will save any data entered directly to the hard drive.
After typing in the first few characters of a command, pressing tab will fill in the rest of the item.
To view the parameters for a command, press tab after the whole command is typed in. Pressing tab again will remove the parameters.
You can use the autocompleted parameters as a template after viewing them. |
Text will turn red if the input has no parameters or if no matching command exists.
If there are multiple possible commands for a given input, i.e. 'e' could be 'edit' or 'exit', then a dropdown box will appear with the possible commands. These can be navigated using mouse or arrow keys. Press enter to select the desired command.
Feeling lost? Not sure what to do? Don’t worry, our friendly guide will help you! All you have to do is just type the help
command, and you will get all the information you require.
Format: help
Alias: F1
Have you been extensively using MTM and in the midst of entering more commands, you could not remember what commands you have entered? MTM allows you to look at all your past commands that you have entered in reverse chronological order.
Format: history
Alias: h
What to expect
A list of your previously entered command will be shown to you. |
Have you entered a wrong command or might have accidentally entered the wrong values to the specified fields to a command?
You don’t have to worry, as MTM provides you with the command to undo most mistakes that you might have made. MTM will restore itself to the state before the previous command was executed.
Format: undo
Alias: u
What to expect
Commands that are undoAble will be reversed and MTM will be in the state before the command was executed. |
If you accidentally call the undo
command too many times and need a way to quickly reverse that, MTM allows you to redo the most recent undo
Format: redo
Alias: r
What to expect
Previously executed |
You can toggle the privacy of various fields of players in MTM.
Format: toggleprivacy INDEX [p/] [e/] [r/] [ra/] [a/]
Alias: tp
What to expect
Privacy of field will be toggled between private or public. |
Here are some examples on how you can use the toggleprivacy
tp 1 p/ ra/
Toggles privacy of phone and rating of player at INDEX
You can toggle a lock on MTM to prevent unauthorised changes to your details in MTM. When MTM is in a locked state, functionality will be limited.
Format: key PASSWORD
Alias: k
What to expect
When MTM is locked, only the following commands can be executed: |
Here are examples on how to use key
key ilikesports
If MTM is in a lock state, use this command to unlock it.
key ilikesports
To lock MTM, use this command to lock.
You can clear all entries from MTM with the 'clear' command.
Format: clear
Alias: c
Here you can find commands to change your players and their information in My Team Manager
such as adding a player, editing a player or adding a remark.
You can also find useful tools to find a player or sort players in your list.
This is the command that you will be using most frequently, especially when dealing with new players. You will be able to add new players with the details that you have obtained into MTM by using the add
Alias: a
The table below explains the correct inputs for the parameters.
Parameter | Input type | Example |
n/NAME |
Player name |
n/Ronaldo |
Player’s email address |
a/ |
tm/TEAM |
Player’s Team |
tm/Real Madrid |
Player’s address |
a/Blk 123 Bukit Batok St 21 |
Player’s phone number |
p/92343433 |
Player’s jersey number |
j/17 |
Player’s performance rating (From 1 to 5) |
ra/5 |
Player’s postion |
po/1 |
Absolute filepath to player’s avatar image file |
av/C:\avatar.png (for Windows) av//User/username/path/to/image.jpg (for MacOS) |
t/TAG |
Your tag for the player |
t/Injured |
A player can have any number of tags (including 0). |
Output: The added player should appear in the player list panel.
add n/Mo Salah e/
Adds a player named Mo Salah
with email
add n/Ronaldo p/92331322 e/ a/Portugal tm/Real Madrid j/17 ra/5 po/1
Adds a player named Ronaldo with phone number 92331322
, email
, address Portugal
team Real Madrid
, jersey number 17
, rating 5
, and position 1
corresponding to Striker
If you made a mistake when adding a player, or if there’s player information that needs updating, you may edit an existing player in MTM with the 'edit' command.
Alias: e
edit 1 p/91234567 e/
Edits the phone number and email address of the 1st player to be 91234567
edit 2 n/Betsy Crower t/
Edits the name of the 2nd player to be Betsy Crower
and clears all existing tags.
If you want to remove a player from MTM, you may use this command to delete the player.
Format: delete INDEX
Alias: d
delete 2
Deletes the 2nd player in the MTM.
find Betsy
delete 1
Deletes the 1st player in the results of the find
When you need to drop yourself a self-note with regards to a specific player you’re managing, you can make a self-note of a specific player easily by giving the player a remark for you to remember by.
Format: remark INDEX [r/[REMARK]]
Alias: rm
What to expect
Your specified player will either be given a new remark or have its existing remark removed. |
Here are a few valid examples on how you can use the remark
remark 1
Removes the remark from the specified player at INDEX
remark 5 r/MVP Player
Give a remark to the specified player at INDEX
5 with the remark "MVP Player".
To view a list of all the players you are managing, you can use the list
command to see all of your players.
Format: list
Alias: l
You can sort the players by fields with the 'sort' command. Players can be sorted in both ascending or descending order.
Format: sort FIELD ORDER
Alias: so
Here are a few valid examples on how you can use the sort
sort name asc
This will sort MTM by names, in alphabetical order.
sort name desc
This will sort MTM by names, in reverse alphabetical order.
You can find a player whose name contain any of the given keywords with this command within the full player listing of MTM.
Format: find KEYWORD [KEYWORD]…
Alias: f
find John
MTM will find all players with the name john
with uppercase/lowercase characters in it.
find Betsy Tim John
Display all players that have the name betsy
, tim
, or john
Identified the player you’re looking for and want to see more details about the player?
MTM offers you the ability to view details of your specified player via an INDEX
shown in the current listing of players.
Alternatively, you can just scroll to the player you want, click their card,
and their details will be displayed on the right hand side of the screen.
Format: select INDEX
Alias: s
What to expect
The details panel will display your selected player’s name, phone number, address, email address, jersey number, and remarks on the right side of the screen. |
Here are a few valid examples on how you can use the select
select 2
Displays the list of all players and selects the 2nd player in that list.
find Betsy
select 1
Finds a player named betsy
and selects the 1st player in the results of the find
Here you can find commands to change your teams and their players in My Team Manager
such as creating a team, assigning players to a team or renaming a team.
You can also find useful tools like viewing a team.
What is a team management application without the functionality of creating a team? When you use this command, it allows you to create a team that can be assigned to players later on.
Format: create TEAM_NAME
Alias: ct
What to expect
Your newly specified team will be created with the name you have given without any players in it, and your team name will appear in the team bar below. |
Here are a few valid examples on how you can use the create
create Liverpool
Creates another new team with the name "Liverpool" by entering create Liverpool
into the Command Box and pressing Enter.
"Liverpool" will be shown in the Team List.
With the ability to manage different teams, you will be able to identify all players in a team easily with the view
Coming in v2.0
Details of your team will be displayed on the right panel when view
command is executed.
Format: view TEAM_NAME
Alias: vt
What to expect
Displays the list of players on the left panel that are in the team specified. |
Here are a few valid examples on how you can use the view
view Arsenal
You can use the command above to easily view all the players that exist in "Arsenal".
The Player List will be updated with all players in the specified team, "Arsenal".
Have a player without a team, or have yet to assigned one during the addition of player into MTM, you can call assign
command to assign that player to a particular team of your choice.
Format: assign [TEAM_NAME] i/INDEX [INDEX]…
Alias: at
What to expect
Your specified player, via |
Here are a few valid examples on how you can use the create
View the full list of players in MTM so that you can determine which player you want to assign a team.
assign Liverpool i/1 2
Enter the command into the Command Box which will assign the player with INDEX
1 and 2 to team "Liverpool".
add n/Rembart Loeri e/ tm/Liverpool
Add a player with the prefix tm/
for Team
will automatically be assigned to the team specified.
Entered your team name wrongly or you need to update it to accordingly, you can use the rename
command to help you make that change.
Alias: rnt
What to expect
Your specified team will be updated with the new team name along with the affected players in the existing team. |
Here are a few valid examples on how you can use the rename
rename Liverpool tm/Tello Mello
You can rename a Team
easily by entering a similar command above, which will rename "Liverpool" into "Tello Mello".
After renaming, the team name will be updated in the Team List and will be update for each individual player.
No longer managing the team or the team has been disbanded, you can easily remove the team from MTM.
Format: remove TEAM_NAME
Alias: rt
What to expect
Remove the specified team and update all affected players. |
Here are a few valid examples of how you can use the remove
view Arsenal
Here we show you what it would be like before the removal of "Arsenal".
remove Arsenal
After typing the command, you will remove the the team from MTM and will be taken off the Team Display as well as updating each individual player affected to be without a team.
Here you can find useful commands to change the look of My Team Manager to set the colour of your tags and change the theme.
You can set the tags to a colour of your choice with the 'setColourTag' command.
Format: setTagColour t/TAG tc/COLOUR
Alias: stc
What to expect
You will see the specified tags in the left panel change to the colour of your choice. |
Here is a valid example on how you can use the setTagColour
stc t/redCard t/red
All the tags that say "redCard" in the left panel will now turn red.
If you feel that the dark theme is not for you, and you prefer to work on a brighter interface, you can change the theme from the default Dark Theme to Light Theme with the 'changeTheme' command.
Format: changeTheme THEME
Alias: cte
Here is a valid example on how you can use the changeTheme
cte Light
You will see the whole interface change from a dark-coloured theme to become light-coloured.
There is more to come with the next upcoming update! Keep a lookout for these newly implemented features soon!
Should you feel that the default password used in key
could be more secure, you may change it to a password of your
choosing with this command.
Alias: cpw
Here is how you can change the your password:
changepass ilikesports Securep@ssword1 Securep@ssword1
If you went to see your current best 11 players in your team based on their respective stats, this command is for you.
Format: showBest
Alias: sb
What to expect
A lineup of the best 11 players would be displayed. It would consist of 1 Goalkeeper, 4 Defenders, 4 Midfielders and 2 Strikers. |
With this command, it gives you a convenient way to keep track of the upcoming match of a team.
Alias: sm
What to expect
The upcoming match of the team will be captured and displayed to you. |
Here are a few valid examples on how you can use the create
view Arsenal
setmatch Arsenal Liverpool 14/03/2018
Display the list of players in team "Arsenal" and set an upcoming match for Arsenal with Liverpool on 14/03/2018.
You can easily determine the up and coming match with the team so that you never miss an important date.
Format: nextmatch TEAM_NAME
Alias: nm
What to expect
Displays the date and opponent for the upcoming match of the team specified. |
Here are a few valid examples on how you can use the nextmatch
view Arsenal
nextmatch Arsenal
Displays the list of players in team "Arsenal" and view the next upcoming match for "Arsenal".
You can view the lineup for the current best 11 players.
Format: showLineup TEAM_NAME
Alias: sl
What to expect
The panel on the right will show the avatars of the 11 players that will be playing for the next match. |
Here is an valid example on how you can use the showLineup
showLineup Arsenal
Displays the 11 main players that will be playing for the next match.
Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous MTM folder.
Just a quick reference sheet for all your needs. Never forget how to use MTM ever again.
Command | Alias | Parameter | Example |
tab |
Fills in your command for you |
F1 |
Shows the user guide |
Displays the list of commands entered previously |
Undo the previous command |
Redo the previous command |
Removes all information in the application |
Exits the application |
Command | Alias | Parameter | Example |
List all the players |
Command | Alias | Parameter | Example |
Command | Alias | Parameter | Example |