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JSON Structure

Caltinor edited this page Apr 18, 2021 · 3 revisions

Basic Structure

The basic JSON components of all the requirement files consists of each item/block regsitryKey as a base node. Under each node are required two keys:

  • "summative" which determines if passing requirements add up (true) or only use the highest (false)
  • "values" which is an array of elements. each element is it's own unique evaluation
	"examplemod:exampleitem": {
		"summative": false,
		"values": [
				"type": "id",
				"keys": ["nbt_key"],
				"predicates": [
						"operator": "EQUALS", 
						"comparator": 0,
						"value": { "mining": 10, "smithing": 5 }
				"type": "compound",
				"keys": ["compound_key"],
				"sub_references": [{
					"type": "id",
					"key": "nbt_key",
					"predicates": [
							"operator": "GREATER_THAN", 
							"comparator": 9,
							"value": { "mining": 10, "smithing": 5 }
				"type": "list",
				"keys": ["list_key"],
				"index": 0,
				"sub_references": [{
					"type": "id",
					"key": "subobject_key_or_item_value",
					"predicates": [
							"operator": "EXISTS",
							"value": { "mining": 10, "smithing": 5 }

Base Elements

Values consist of base elements which consist of the following required components:

  • "type" with acceptable values of id, compound, and list.
  • "keys" a string list which refers to the NBT compound keys corresponding to the item

Depending on the type, certain additional keys are required:

  • for id
  • "predicates": [{}] which defines how the value is to be evaluated
  • for list
  • "index" which points to a specific position in the list or, if -1 is used, scans all elements
  • for compound and list
  • "sub_references": [{}] contains another base element that describes what is contained in the compound or list. This is how nested structures can be isolated in your JSON

Special Functions

Predicate Key

The predicate key has two required keys "operator", "value", and one conditional key "comparator"

  • Options for "operator" include
  • "value": {} which is PMMO's default values structure eg { "mining": 5 }
  • "comparator" is the value which is being compared to the value from the NBT key. for example if the operator were LESS_THAN and the key were for damage and the comparator were 10, the values in the value key would only apply when the damage value was less than 10. "comparator" is conditional in that is is required for all but EXISTS. this operator returns true if the key in the JSON exists in the NBT at the nested location specified.

Lists of Compounds

There may be cases where a compound is the sub_reference type of a list. when this occurs, there are no keys.

  • use "" as the "key" in list sub_references of type compound

Break Exception

the json req_break_nbt has one difference from the other jsons. Under the registryKey node but before the summative and values keys are two required keys item and tile. See below for basic structure

   "examplemod:exampleblock": {
      "item": {
         "summative": false,
         "values": []
      "tile": {
         "summative": false,
         "values": []