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Harvester Installation

Erin Braswell edited this page Feb 26, 2015 · 7 revisions

How to Install Existing Harvesters Outside of ScrAPI

Harvesters written for the SHARE project will ultimately be run through scrAPI - or SHARE core. If you'd like to install scrapi on your own machine and run a few of the harvesters, follow these steps!

  1. Fork scrAPI on GitHub, clone it to your local machine, and go into that directory.
  1. Using a new virtual enviornment, install the requirements for your harvester using
    pip install -r requirements.txt

    If you'll be doing development and would like to use the scrAPI linter, run:
    pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

  2. Run all of the harvesters at once by running invoke consumers ...or run a specific consumer by running invoke consumer [harvester name here]

If you'd like to run a harvester with a certain number of days back, run invoke consumer [harvester name here] --days=[number of days back]

See the list of provider names or see the names of the current providers in scrapi for examples of harvesters you can invoke.


Technical Overview

Creating a Harvester

Running Harvesters with ScrAPI

Consuming Notifications - Feed Options

Issues & Using the Issue Tracker

Metadata Schema


Provider Names

Statistics Snapshot

Experimental Push API

Use Cases

SHARE is a project of the ARL, AAU, and APLU. Development of the SHARE Notification Service is being carried out in partnership with the Center for Open Science and is supported by generous funding from The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

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