- Version:2.51
- 修复calendar bug,该主要针对A shares,会导致分钟级别回测出现错误。
- Version:2.5
- 新增各种新功能,修复各种Bug,改写部分混乱逻辑:)
- Version:2.02
- 修复 Mongodb_reader 重复创建多个 mongodb 连接的 bug。
- Version:2.01
- 添加部分注释。
- 修复许多大大小小的 bug,回测更加精确一些了。
- 将 Bar 分离成 base_var 和 BacktestBar。
- 重写 csvreader 使其支持 cleaners 初始化。
- 删除 GlobalVariables,strategy 直接从 recorder 调用账户信息。
- 分离撮合引擎到 builtin_module 的 trade_log。
- 创建新 OnePyEnvBase 类,负责 Environment 全局共享单例,减少重复代码。
- 重写 logger 模块,可以选择是否生成 log 文件。
- 添加 exceptions 异常模块。
- 删除一些没必要的代码。
- plotly 画图中的 realized_pnl 采用撮合引擎中的 realized_pnl,更加精确。
- 交易记录尾部添加未平仓的仓位信息。
- 添加单元测试。
- Version: 2.00
- 添加部分成交的逻辑
- 添加 logger 日志模块
- 添加 sma cleaner 示例
- 完善代码。
- 继续修复撮合引擎
- 新增 MongoDB reader 和 saver
- 调整目录层级
- 撮合引擎写错,换个思路重写撮合引擎
- 添加撮合引擎,修复各种 bug,详情见 commits
- 添加 todate 日期过滤读取数据
- 添加 barseries,添加 plotly 画图
- 添加 output 模块,可以输出结果
- 添加 fromdate 日期过滤读取数据
- 重构 stock_recorder 基本完成,新增简易画图
- 修复一些 bug
- 新增 stockrecorder 和 record_series 模块
- 添加 OrderChecker 模块,用于检查挂单是否被触发
- 完成 Order 部分逻辑封装,特别是 trailing 订单部分
- 使 Order 逻辑部分更加清晰
- 分离模块读取到 config,便与扩展
- 添加 Signal 模块
- 初步完成 Order 部分逻辑判断
- 初步完成事件循环。
- 参照 Rqalpha,初次重构
- version 1.54.1
- repair oandafill, oandabroker
- version 1.53.1
- add logger module, standardize the output of log
- change set_notify to set_logger
- version 1.52.1
- add bar class, combine all feed
- verison 1.51.1
- add more doc
- add abstractmethod to Base module
- version 1.50.1
- fit code to PEP8
- reconstruct code
- version 1.22.1
- fix copy_last bug in dataseries
- fix pip computation in Forex.
- version 1.21.1
- add dataseries and appiled it to others!!!
- clear code
- version 1.20.1
- rebuild Order class and appiled it to others!!!
- version 1.14.1
- add order module
- clear code
- add more OO logic
- version 1.13.1
- add order class
- fix json error in oanda api
- version 1.12.1
- improve oanda api
- strategy: improve Exitall function
- version 1.11.1
- fix tlog
- version 1.10.1
- add LiveFillEvent
- add OandaBroker
- version 1.9.1
- fix commission computation
- add commission plot
- clear code of indicator
- add tushare api to MongoEB
- version 1.8.1
- fix fill bug
- version 1.07.1
- Optimize oanda api
- fix commission bug
- fix trailstoploss bug
- change name: limit --> takeprofit, stop --> stoploss
- fix the position of check_pending_order function
- version 1.6.1
- Optimize Multi_Oanda_Candles_to_MongoDB function
- fix update_timeindex
- Optimize oanda api
- verison 1.5.1
- add Oanda live Feed
- verison 1.4.1
- add oanda_ohlc to Mongodb
- fix fill bug
- add Mongodb_Feed
- add buffer for MongoDB_Feed
- version 1.3.1
- del utils folder, which copied from backtrader
- make code more clear
- change csv.reader to csv.Dictreader in feed
- fix bug in strategy.py: when Exitall and other orders appeared at the same time, executions are confusing, now if Exitall exit, only execute Exitall
- add oanda api
- version: 1.2.1
- fix computation of tlog bug, before cum_total in tlog is wrong
- fix tlog, before lots of trades with 0 zip are confusing
- version: 1.1.1
- clear feed, use csv.Dictreader instead of csv.reader
- del with_metaclass, which copied from backtrader
- version: 1.00.1
- fix exitall, prevent exit too much
- version:0.99.1
- Abandon Python2.x, all code are upgraded to Python3
- fix feed indexing.
- fix drawdown computation
- version:0.81.1
- All code are converted to support Python3.6!
- fix commission computation bug
- fix limit&stop bug
- version: 0.80.1
- add get_analysis func
- fix tlog
- version: 0.70.1
- add stock mode
- fix update_info bug: should update info first
- add new plot : plotly engine
- add futures mode
- clean code of plotter
- add Futures feed
- add trade_log
- clean code of strategy
- version: 0.61.1
- fix indicator bugs
- fix limit and stop bug! A Huge One.
- add more detail output_summary - Final_value - Total_return - Max_Drawdown - Duration - Sharpe_Ratio
- add a new tool: dict_to_table
- version: 0.60.1
- add indicator module
- add SimpleMovingAverage indicator
- add pip install
- version: 0.30
- add trailingstop
- all '==' changed to 'is' to speed up
- fix bug: check whether cash is enough
- fix HUGE Bug: the compution of profit (takes me lots of time)
- unrealized_profit
- realized_profit
- add commission
- fix Exitall Bug
- add very easy plot module
- version: 0.21
- fixed a Huge Bug: add update_timeindex function
- fixed the cumpute method of Fill
- add set_pricetype function
- fix fill logic
- add pips and pct method for buy&sell
- version: 0.2
- add limit, stop, 挂单
- add notify
- add Exitall
- version: 0.1
- Finally can run!!!!!!!!!!
- add Buy and Sell
- Most of modules are completed
- version: 0.01
- add feed module
- add OnePy--the Main Event Loop
- version: 0.00000001
- add to_MongoDB tool