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Chapa Logo

Unofficial Rust SDK for the [Chapa API](

Table of Contents

  1. Documentation
  2. Setup
  3. Usage
  4. Contribution
  5. Example
  6. License


The first step is to set up an account on Chapa's homepage. Once you're done, you should have public and secret API key available to you. Copy your secret key and paste it into a .env file in the same directory as your Rust project.


Note: Since this library has not yet been published on, you will not be able to simply declare this library as a dependency in your cargo.toml. Please clone the repo and import the library as a crate as follows. Apologies for the inconvenience.

    extern crate chapa_rust;
    use chapa_rust::Transaction;


1. Get List of Banks

Under the hood, this is a GET request that deserializes the response from the Chapa API into a struct named BankRequestResponse. You can find all structs in if you would like to implement new or custom functionality.

pub async fn get_banks() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    const CHAPA_BASE_URL: &str = "";
    let version = "v1";
    let headers = authorize()?; // NOTE: turbo-fished operation

    // Building client + making request
    let client = reqwest::Client::new();
    let banks_url = format!("{}/{}/banks", CHAPA_BASE_URL, version);
    let response = client.get(banks_url).headers(headers).send().await?;

    // Deserialization into Bank and BankRequestResponse structs
    let response_json = response.json::<BankRequestResponse>().await?;

    println!("{:#?}", response_json);


You can expect a similar response in the following format to be printed to the terminal.

BankRequestResponse {
    message: "Banks retrieved",
    data: [
        Bank {
            id: "971bd28c-ff80-420b-a0db-0a1a4be6ee8b",
            swift: "ABAYETAA",
            name: "Abay Bank",
            acct_length: 16,
            country_id: 1,
            created_at: "2023-01-24T07:28:30.000000Z",
            updated_at: "2023-01-24T07:28:30.000000Z",
            is_mobilemoney: None,
        Bank {
            id: "80a510ea-7497-4499-8b49-ac13a3ab7d07",
            swift: "AWINETAA",
            name: "Awash Bank",
            acct_length: 14,
            country_id: 1,
            created_at: "2022-03-17T07:21:30.000000Z",
            updated_at: "2022-07-05T00:34:03.000000Z",
            is_mobilemoney: None,
        Bank {
            id: "32735b19-bb36-4cd7-b226-fb7451cd98f0",
            swift: "ABYSETAA",
            name: "Bank of Abyssinia",
            acct_length: 8,
            country_id: 1,
            created_at: "2022-07-05T00:33:57.000000Z",
            updated_at: "2022-07-05T00:33:57.000000Z",
            is_mobilemoney: None,
        Bank {
            id: "96e41186-29ba-4e30-b013-2ca36d7e7025",
            swift: "CBETETAA",
            name: "Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE)",
            acct_length: 13,
            country_id: 1,
            created_at: "2022-03-17T07:21:18.000000Z",
            updated_at: "2022-07-05T00:34:43.000000Z",
            is_mobilemoney: None,
        Bank {
            id: "809814c1-ab98-4750-a5b8-3be5db7bd5f5",
            swift: "DASHETAA",
            name: "Dashen Bank",
            acct_length: 13,
            country_id: 1,
            created_at: "2022-11-15T06:17:43.000000Z",
            updated_at: "2022-11-15T06:17:43.000000Z",
            is_mobilemoney: None,
        Bank {
            id: "800144e5-ae3d-4fc9-a25d-0632f31f5c73",
            swift: "UNTDETAA",
            name: "Hibret Bank",
            acct_length: 16,
            country_id: 1,
            created_at: "2023-01-06T06:18:43.000000Z",
            updated_at: "2023-01-06T06:18:43.000000Z",
            is_mobilemoney: None,
        Bank {
            id: "853d0598-9c01-41ab-ac99-48eab4da1513",
            swift: "TELEBIRR",
            name: "telebirr",
            acct_length: 10,
            country_id: 1,
            created_at: "2022-12-12T17:41:12.000000Z",
            updated_at: "2022-12-12T17:41:12.000000Z",
            is_mobilemoney: Some(
        Bank {
            id: "742a2912-01e5-4e04-baab-b2cc4fc20f8b",
            swift: "WEGAETAA",
            name: "Wegagen Bank",
            acct_length: 13,
            country_id: 1,
            created_at: "2022-11-15T06:16:40.000000Z",
            updated_at: "2022-11-15T06:17:31.000000Z",
            is_mobilemoney: None,
        Bank {
            id: "32b1c5b7-1ca3-4da0-aedf-3c0aaac5277e",
            swift: "ZEMEETAA",
            name: "Zemen Bank",
            acct_length: 16,
            country_id: 1,
            created_at: "2022-09-30T15:56:53.000000Z",
            updated_at: "2022-09-30T15:56:53.000000Z",
            is_mobilemoney: None,

2. Initialize Transaction

Initilzing a transaction does require an input argument formatted according to the Transaction struct you imported during setup:

pub struct Transaction {
    pub amount: u32,
    pub currency: String,
    pub email: String,
    pub first_name: String,
    pub last_name: String,
    pub tx_ref: String

Here's a simple example:

    let test_transaction = Transaction {
        amount: 150,
        currency: String::from("USD"),
        email: String::from(""),
        first_name: String::from("John"),
        last_name: String::from("Doe"),
        tx_ref: String::from("mail_order_injera"),

Under the hood, this is a POST request to the Chapa API. It also does the work of serializing the Transaction struct and deserializing the response to a InitializeRequestResponse object for you.

pub async fn initialize_transaction(
    transaction: Transaction,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    println!("Initializing Transaction");
    println!("{}", transaction.currency);

    const CHAPA_BASE_URL: &str = "";
    let version = "v1";
    let headers = authorize()?; // NOTE: turbo-fished operation

    // Building client + making request
    let client = reqwest::Client::new();
    let init_url = format!("{}/{}/transaction/initialize", CHAPA_BASE_URL, version);

    let response = client

    // Deserialization into InitializeRequestResponse struct
    let response_json = response.json::<InitializeRequestResponse>().await?;

    println!("{:#?}", response_json);


You can expect a similar response in the following format to be printed to the terminal.

Initializing Transaction
InitializeRequestResponse {
    message: "Hosted Link",
    status: "success",
    data: Some(
        CheckoutURL {
            checkout_url: "",

3. Verify Transaction

Verifying a transaction does not involve any struct arguments, but does require a string that represents the tx_ref field of the previously initialized transaction. Similarly to initializing a transaction, this function does work of deserailzing the API's response into a VerifyRequestResponse struct for you:

pub async fn verify_transaction(tx_ref: String) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    println!("Verifying Transaction");

    const CHAPA_BASE_URL: &str = "";
    let version = "v1";
    let headers = authorize()?; // NOTE: turbo-fished operation

    // Building client + making request
    let client = reqwest::Client::new();
    let verify_url = format!(
        CHAPA_BASE_URL, version, tx_ref

    println!("{}", verify_url);

    let response = client.get(verify_url).headers(headers).send().await?;

    // Deserialization into InitializeRequestResponse struct
    let response_json = response.json::<VerifyRequestResponse>().await?;

    println!("{:#?}", response_json);


You can expect a similar response in the following format to be printed to the terminal.

Verifying Transaction
VerifyRequestResponse {
    message: "Payment details",
    status: "success",
    data: FullTransactionInfo {
        first_name: "Abebe",
        last_name: "Bikila",
        email: "",
        currency: "USD",
        amount: 100,
        charge: 1,
        mode: "test",
        method: "test",
        type: "API",
        status: "success",
        reference: "66446606376",
        tx_ref: "test_transac_tx_ref",
        customization: CustomizationInfo {
            title: None,
            description: None,
            logo: None,
        meta: None,
        created_at: "2023-01-03T15:11:47.000000Z",
        updated_at: "2023-01-03T15:11:47.000000Z",


Here's a full example involving all necessary imports, a request to retrieve a list of banks, initialzing a transaction and verifying said transaction.

extern crate chapa_rust;
use chapa_rust::Transaction;

fn main() {

    let my_transaction = Transaction {
        amount: 150,
        currency: String::from("USD"),
        email: String::from(""),
        first_name: String::from("John"),
        last_name: String::from("Doe"),
        tx_ref: String::from("mail_order_injera"),



If you find a bug or have any suggestions, please feel free to open an issue or a pull request.


This open source library is under the terms of the MIT license.