This repository contains C code from my first semester of college. These files were created before I had a github account and was then mass uploaded.
This assignment requires us to practice reading and writing files. Onexecution, it will ask you for the name of a CSV file. the file "PM2.5.csv" is included for this purpose. It will the output all data that fits the threshold.
Basic practice of the NP problem of greatest common devisor. Input an unsigned integer to see the prime factorization, number of divisors, sumof divisors, and product of divisors.
The assignment is as follows: Input two numbers to generate a grid with length and width of the inputs. Starting form the top left, randomly traverse the grid and leave behind letters of the alphabet in order. If the traversal runs into a dead end, then output "trapped!", otherwise traverse until z.
This HW requres us to open a file and reverse it before saving.
Basic link list practice using pointers. Includes adding, removing, joining among other operations.