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DawoudIO committed Jun 15, 2024
1 parent 45226f1 commit c0fc94a
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Showing 95 changed files with 48 additions and 7,551 deletions.
55 changes: 0 additions & 55 deletions locale/JSONKeys/af_ZA.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,42 +88,7 @@
"persons were imported": "persone was ingevoer",
"Canvass Automation": "Werwings outomatisasie",
"Not confirmed.": "Nie bevestig nie",
"Canvassers": "Werwers",
"BraveCanvassers": "Brave werwers",
"Cleared all canvasser assignments.": "Vee alle werwingsopdragte uit",
"Set Ok To Canvass for all families.": "Sê JA om vir alle gesinne te werf",
"Disabled Ok To Canvass for all families.": "Sê NEE om vir alle gesinne te werf",
"ClearAllOkToCanvass button not confimed.": "Maak JaOmVirAlleGesinneTeWerf knoppie skoon",
"Set default fiscal year": "Stel standaard fiskale jaar",
"Check to confirm": "Merk om te bevestig",
"Assign Canvassers": "Ken werwers toe",
"Randomly assign canvassers to all Families. The Canvassers are taken from the "Canvassers" Group.": "Ken werwers lukraak toe vir alle families. Die werwers is geneem van die "Canvassers" Groep",
"Assign To Non Pledging": "Ken toe aan nie-bydraende",
"Randomly assign canvassers to non-pledging Families. The Canvassers are taken from the "BraveCanvassers" Group.": "Ken werwers lukraak toe aan nie-bydraende families. Die werwers word geneem van die "BraveCanvassers" Groep. ",
"Clear Canvasser Assignments": "Maak werwers opdragte toe",
"Clear all the canvasser assignments for all families.": "Maak die werwingsopdragte vir alle gesinne toe",
"Important note: this will lose any canvasser assignments that have been made by hand.": "Belangrike nota: hierdie sal enige werwers opdragte wat met die hand ingedien is verloor",
"Enable Canvass for All Families": "Laat werwing vir alle gesinne toe",
"Turn on the "Ok To Canvass" field for all Families.": "Skakel die "Ok To Canvass" veld vir alle gesinne aan. ",
"Disable Canvass for All Families": "Ontkoppel werwing vir alle gesinne. ",
"Turn off the "Ok To Canvass" field for all Families": "Skakel die "Ok To Canvass" veld vir alle gesinne af. ",
"Briefing Sheets": "Inligtingstukke",
"Generate a PDF containing briefing sheets for all Families, sorted by canvasser.": "Genereer 'n PDF met inligtingsblaaie vir alle gesinne, gesorteer volgens werwer.",
"Progress Report": "Vorderingsverslag",
"Generate a PDF containing a progress report. The progress report includes information on the overall progress of the canvass, and the progress of individual canvassers.": "Skep 'n PDF met 'n vorderingsverslag. Die vorderingsverslag bevat inligting oor die algehele vordering van die doek en die vordering van individuele werwers.",
"Summary Report": "Opsommende verslag",
"Generate a PDF containing a summary report. The summary report includes comments extracted from the canvass data.": "Maak 'n PDF met 'n opsommingsverslag. Die opsommende verslag bevat opmerkings wat uit die werfgegewens verkry is.",
"Not Interested Report": "Ongeïnteresseerd verslag",
"Generate a PDF containing a report of the families marked "Not Interested" by the canvasser.": "Skep 'n PDF wat 'n verslag bevat van die families gemerk \"quot; Nie geïnteresseerd\" & quot; deur die werwer.",
" Canvass Input for the ": " Canvass insette vir die ",
"Canvasser": "Werwer",
"Positive": "Positief",
"Critical": "Krities",
"Insightful": "Insigewend",
"Financial": "Finansieël",
"Suggestions": "Voorstelle",
"Not Interested": "Nie belangstellend",
"Why Not Interested?": "Waarom nie belangstel nie? ",
"Add Cart to Event": "Voeg mandjie by die geleentheid",
"Select the event to which you would like to add your cart": "Kies die gebeurtenis waaraan u u mandjie wil voeg",
"OR": "OF",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -319,9 +284,6 @@
"Family Info": "Gesinsinligting",
"Contact Info": "Kontakbesonderhede",
"Other Info": "Ander inligting",
"Ok To Canvass": "Ok na Canvass",
"Assign a Canvasser": "Ken 'n doek toe",
"Assign a Brave Canvasser": "Ken 'n dapper werwer toe",
"Envelope Info": "Koevertinligting",
"Custom Fields": "Pasgemaakte velde",
"Family Members": "Familielede",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -381,7 +343,6 @@
"Comment": "Lewer kommentaar",
"Add a new pledge": "Voeg 'n nuwe belofte by",
"Add a new payment": "Voeg 'n nuwe betaling by",
" Canvass Entry": " Toegang tot die werf",
"Close": "Naby",
"Confirm Delete": "Bevestig die uitvee",
"You are about to delete the profile photo, this procedure is irreversible.": "U is op die punt om die profielfoto te verwyder, hierdie prosedure is onomkeerbaar.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -801,7 +762,6 @@
"View, Add and Edit Notes": "Bekyk, voeg by en wysig notas",
"Edit Self": "Wysig self",
"(Edit own family only.)": "(Wysig slegs eie gesin.)",
"(Canvass volunteer.)": "(Canvass-vrywilliger.)",
"Admin": "admin",
"(Grants all privileges.)": "(Verleen alle voorregte.)",
"Style": "Styl",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -844,9 +804,6 @@
"Back to Deposit Slip": "Terug na depositostrokie",
"Fatal error in eGive API datastream: '": "Fatale fout in eGive API-datastroom: '",
"eMail Dashboard": "e-pos Dashboard",
"No families need canvassers assigned": "Geen gesinne benodig werwers nie",
"Canvassers assigned at random to %d families.": "Skermwerkers is lukraak toegewys aan% d gesinne.",
"Canvassers assigned at random to %d non-pledging families.": "Skermwerkers word lukraak toegewys aan% d nie-pandgesinne.",
"Assigned envelope numbers to all families with at least one member.": "Koevertnommers toegeken aan alle gesinne met ten minste een lid.",
"Assigned envelope numbers to all families.": "Toegewysde koevertnommers aan alle gesinne.",
"Version": "Weergawe",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -911,9 +868,6 @@
"Ignore Incomplete<br>Addresses": "Ignoreer onvolledige adresse",
"File Type": "Leër tipe",
"items": "items",
"Did not pledge": "Nie belowe nie",
"Top pledger": "Top boender",
"Pledged": "Belowe",
"M/F": "M / F",
"Liaison": "Skakeling",
"City, State, Zip": "Poskode",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1123,8 +1077,6 @@
"Reports": "Verslae",
"File Name:": "Lêernaam:",
"Fiscal Year:": "Fiskale jaar:",
"Important note: this will lose any &quot;Ok To Canvass&quot; fields that have been set by hand.": "Belangrike opmerking: dit verloor enige & quot; Ok To Canvass & quot; velde wat met die hand opgestel is.",
"Canvasser:": "Werwer:",
"Add Attendees for Event": "Voeg deelnemers by vir geleentheid",
"family": "familie",
"Anniversary Date:": "Verjaarsdag:",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1329,17 +1281,12 @@
"User permission to create directories": "Gebruikers se toestemming om gidse te skep",
"User permission to export CSV files": "Gebruikerstoestemming om CSV-lêers uit te voer",
"Allow user to add new event": "Laat gebruiker toe om nuwe geleentheid by te voeg",
"Canvass Progress Report": "Canvass-vorderingsverslag",
"Done": "Klaar",
"Assigned": "Opgedra",
"Percent": "Persent",
"Total": "Totaal",
"Pledge status": "Gelofte status",
"Canvass Summary Report": "Opsommingsverslag vir doek",
"Suggestion": "Voorstel",
"WhyNotInterested": "Waarom nie belangstel nie",
"Comments": "Opmerkings",
"Canvass Not Interested Report": "Doek wat nie belangstel nie",
"Weekly on": "Weekliks aan",
"s": "s",
"Monthly on": "Maandeliks aan",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1698,7 +1645,6 @@
"The selected file exceeds this servers maximum upload size of": "Die geselekteerde lêer oorskry die maksimum oplaaigrootte van hierdie bedieners",
"Unmet Application Prerequisites": "Onvoldoende toepassingsvereistes",
"Failed": "Misluk",
"The previous integrity check passed. All system file hashes match the expected values.": "Die vorige integriteitskontrole is geslaag. Alle hysings van die stelsellêers stem ooreen met die verwagte waardes.",
"Church Checking Account Number": "Kerkrekeningrekeningnommer",
"Missing Role Data for Some People": "Roldata vir sommige mense ontbreek",
"PHP Max File size too small": "PHP maksimum lêergrootte te klein",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1830,7 +1776,6 @@
"You ChurchCRM updated password has been changed": "U ChurchCRM-opgedateerde wagwoord is verander",
"Password Reset Link": "Skakel deur wagwoord terug te stel",
"Reset Password": "Herstel wagwoord",
"As part of the restore, external backups have been disabled. If you wish to continue automatic backups, you must manuall re-enable the bEnableExternalBackupTarget setting.": "As deel van die herstel is eksterne rugsteun uitgeskakel. As u outomatiese rugsteun wil voortgaan, moet u die instelling bEnableExternalBackupTarget weer inskakel.",
"Unable to reset password": "Kan nie wagwoord terugstel nie",
"Reset your password": "Herstel jou wagwoord",
"Sorry, we are unable to process your request at this point in time.": "Jammer, ons kan u versoek nie op hierdie tydstip verwerk nie.",
Expand Down
55 changes: 0 additions & 55 deletions locale/JSONKeys/am_ET.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,42 +88,7 @@
"persons were imported": "ሰዎች ከውጭ ገቡ",
"Canvass Automation": "የሸራ አውቶሜሽን",
"Not confirmed.": "አልተረጋገጠም።",
"Canvassers": "ሸራ ሰሪዎች",
"BraveCanvassers": "BraveCanvassers",
"Cleared all canvasser assignments.": "ሁሉንም የሸራ ስራዎች አጽድቷል።",
"Set Ok To Canvass for all families.": "ለሁሉም ቤተሰቦች እሺን ወደ ሸራ ያዘጋጁ።",
"Disabled Ok To Canvass for all families.": "ለሁሉም ቤተሰቦች ከOk To Canvass ተሰናክሏል።",
"ClearAllOkToCanvass button not confimed.": "ClearAllOkToCanvass አዝራር አልተረጋገጠም።",
"Set default fiscal year": "ነባሪ የበጀት ዓመት ያዘጋጁ",
"Check to confirm": "ለማረጋገጥ ያረጋግጡ",
"Assign Canvassers": "Canvassers መድብ",
"Randomly assign canvassers to all Families. The Canvassers are taken from the &quot;Canvassers&quot; Group.": "በዘፈቀደ ለሁሉም ቤተሰቦች ሸራዎችን መድቡ። ካንቫሰሮች የተወሰዱት ከ &quot;ከካንቫሰሮች&quot; ቡድን.",
"Assign To Non Pledging": "ላልተገባ ቃል መድብ",
"Randomly assign canvassers to non-pledging Families. The Canvassers are taken from the &quot;BraveCanvassers&quot; Group.": "በዘፈቀደ ሸራዎችን ቃል ላልገቡ ቤተሰቦች መድቡ። ካንቫሰሮች የተወሰዱት ከ &quot;ደፋር ካንቫሰሮች&quot; ቡድን.",
"Clear Canvasser Assignments": "የ Canvasser ምደባዎችን አጽዳ",
"Clear all the canvasser assignments for all families.": "ለሁሉም ቤተሰቦች ሁሉንም የሸራ ስራዎች ያጽዱ።",
"Important note: this will lose any canvasser assignments that have been made by hand.": "ጠቃሚ ማሳሰቢያ፡ ይህ በእጅ የተሰሩ ማናቸውንም የሸራ ስራዎችን ያጣል።",
"Enable Canvass for All Families": "ሸራ ለሁሉም ቤተሰቦች አንቃ",
"Turn on the &quot;Ok To Canvass&quot; field for all Families.": "\"Ok To Canvass\" የሚለውን ያብሩ። መስክ ለሁሉም ቤተሰቦች።",
"Disable Canvass for All Families": "ለሁሉም ቤተሰቦች ሸራ አሰናክል",
"Turn off the &quot;Ok To Canvass&quot; field for all Families": "\"Ok To Canvass\" የሚለውን ያጥፉ። መስክ ለሁሉም ቤተሰቦች",
"Briefing Sheets": "አጭር መግለጫ ሉሆች",
"Generate a PDF containing briefing sheets for all Families, sorted by canvasser.": "ለሁሉም ቤተሰቦች በሸራ የተደረደሩ የማጠቃለያ ሉሆችን የያዘ ፒዲኤፍ ይፍጠሩ።",
"Progress Report": "የሂደት ሪፖርት",
"Generate a PDF containing a progress report. The progress report includes information on the overall progress of the canvass, and the progress of individual canvassers.": "የሂደት ሪፖርት የያዘ ፒዲኤፍ ይፍጠሩ። የሂደት ሪፖርቱ የሸራውን አጠቃላይ ሂደት እና የነጠላ ሸራ አድራጊዎችን እድገት መረጃ ያካትታል።",
"Summary Report": "ማጠቃለያ ሪፖርት",
"Generate a PDF containing a summary report. The summary report includes comments extracted from the canvass data.": "ማጠቃለያ ሪፖርት የያዘ ፒዲኤፍ ይፍጠሩ። የማጠቃለያ ሪፖርቱ ከሸራ ውሂቡ የተወሰዱ አስተያየቶችን ያካትታል።",
"Not Interested Report": "ፍላጎት የለኝም ሪፖርት",
"Generate a PDF containing a report of the families marked &quot;Not Interested&quot; by the canvasser.": "\"የማይፈልጉ\" የሚል ምልክት የተደረገበት የቤተሰብ ሪፖርት የያዘ ፒዲኤፍ ይፍጠሩ። በሸራው.",
" Canvass Input for the ": " የሸራ ግቤት ለ ",
"Canvasser": "ካንቫሰር",
"Positive": "አዎንታዊ",
"Critical": "ወሳኝ",
"Insightful": "አስተዋይ",
"Financial": "የገንዘብ",
"Suggestions": "ጥቆማዎች",
"Not Interested": "ፍላጎት የለም",
"Why Not Interested?": "ለምን ፍላጎት የለኝም?",
"Add Cart to Event": "ጋሪን ወደ ክስተት ያክሉ",
"Select the event to which you would like to add your cart": "ጋሪዎን ለመጨመር የሚፈልጉትን ክስተት ይምረጡ",
"OR": "ወይም",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -319,9 +284,6 @@
"Family Info": "የቤተሰብ መረጃ",
"Contact Info": "የመገኛ አድራሻ",
"Other Info": "ሌላ መረጃ",
"Ok To Canvass": "እሺ ወደ ካንቫስ",
"Assign a Canvasser": "ካንቫሰር ይመድቡ",
"Assign a Brave Canvasser": "ደፋር /ጎበዝ ካንቫሰር ይመድቡ",
"Envelope Info": "የፖስታ መረጃ",
"Custom Fields": "ብጁ መስኮች",
"Family Members": "የቤተሰብ አባላት",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -381,7 +343,6 @@
"Comment": "አስተያየት",
"Add a new pledge": "አዲስ ቃል ኪዳን ያክሉ",
"Add a new payment": "አዲስ ክፍያ ጨምር",
" Canvass Entry": " የካንቫስ መግቢያ",
"Close": "ዝጋ",
"Confirm Delete": "መሰረዝን ያረጋግጡ",
"You are about to delete the profile photo, this procedure is irreversible.": "የመገለጫ ፎቶውን ሊሰርዙ ነው፣ ይህ አሰራር የማይቀለበስ ነው።",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -801,7 +762,6 @@
"View, Add and Edit Notes": "ማስታዎሻዎችን ተመልከት፣ ጨምር እና አርም",
"Edit Self": "ራስህን አርም",
"(Edit own family only.)": "(የራስን ቤተሰብ ብቻ ያርሙ)",
"(Canvass volunteer.)": "(በጎ ፍቃደኞችን ማሳመን)",
"Admin": "አስተዳደር",
"(Grants all privileges.)": "ሁሉንም ልዩ መብቶችን ይስጡ",
"Style": "ዘይቤ",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -844,9 +804,6 @@
"Back to Deposit Slip": "ወደ ተቀማጭ ገንዘብ ደረሰኝ ተመለስ",
"Fatal error in eGive API datastream: '": "በ eGive API datastream ውስጥ ገዳይ ስህተት",
"eMail Dashboard": "የኢሜል",
"No families need canvassers assigned": "ምንም ቤተሰቦች ሸራዎችን መመደብ አያስፈልጋቸውም",
"Canvassers assigned at random to %d families.": "ሸራ ሰሪዎች በዘፈቀደ ለ%d ቤተሰቦች ተመድበዋል።",
"Canvassers assigned at random to %d non-pledging families.": "ካንቫሰሮች በዘፈቀደ ለ%d ቃል የማይገቡ ቤተሰቦች ተመድበዋል።",
"Assigned envelope numbers to all families with at least one member.": "ቢያንስ አንድ አባል ላላቸው ቤተሰቦች በሙሉ የተመደበው የመለያ ቁጥሮች",
"Assigned envelope numbers to all families.": "ለሁሉም ቤተሰቦች የተመደበ የመለያ ቁጥሮች",
"Version": "ሥሪት",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -911,9 +868,6 @@
"Ignore Incomplete<br>Addresses": "ያልተሟሉ<br>አድራሻዎችን እለፋቸው ",
"File Type": "የፋይል አይነት",
"items": "እቃዎች",
"Did not pledge": "ቃል አልገባም",
"Top pledger": "ከፍተኛ ቃል ኪዳን",
"Pledged": "ቃል ገብተዋል",
"M/F": "ወ/ሴ",
"Liaison": "አገናኝ",
"City, State, Zip": "ከተማ፣ ግዛት፣ ዚፕ",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1123,8 +1077,6 @@
"Reports": "ሪፖርቶች",
"File Name:": "የመዝገብ ስም:",
"Fiscal Year:": "የበጀት ዓመት:",
"Important note: this will lose any &quot;Ok To Canvass&quot; fields that have been set by hand.": "ጠቃሚ ማሳሰቢያ: ይህ ማንኛውንም &quot;Ok ወደ ካንቫስ&quot; በእጅ የተቀመጡ መስኮች.",
"Canvasser:": "ካንቫሰር:",
"Add Attendees for Event": "ለዝግጅቱ ተሳታፊዎችን ያክሉ",
"family": "ቤተሰብ",
"Anniversary Date:": "የክብረበአል ቀን:",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1329,17 +1281,12 @@
"User permission to create directories": "ማውጫዎችን ለመፍጠር የተጠቃሚ ፍቃድ",
"User permission to export CSV files": "የCSV ፋይሎችን ወደ ውጭ ለመላክ የተጠቃሚ ፍቃድ",
"Allow user to add new event": "ተጠቃሚ አዲስ ክስተት እንዲያክል ፍቀድለት",
"Canvass Progress Report": "የስራ ሂደት ሪፖርት",
"Done": "ተከናውኗል",
"Assigned": "ተመድቧል",
"Percent": "በመቶኛ",
"Total": "ጠቅላላ",
"Pledge status": "የቃል ኪዳን ሁኔታ",
"Canvass Summary Report": "የሸራ ማጠቃለያ ዘገባ",
"Suggestion": "ጥቆማ",
"WhyNotInterested": "ለምን ፍላጎት የለኝም",
"Comments": "አስተያየቶች",
"Canvass Not Interested Report": "ሸራ ፍላጎት የሌለው ሪፖርት",
"Weekly on": "በየሳምንቱ በርቷል",
"s": "s",
"Monthly on": "ወርሃዊ በርቷል",
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"The selected file exceeds this servers maximum upload size of": "የተመረጠው ፋይል መጠን ከከፍተኛውን ፋይል የመጫኛ መጠን ይበልጣል",
"Unmet Application Prerequisites": "ያልተሟሉ የመተግበሪያ ቅድመ ሁኔታዎች",
"Failed": "አልተሳካም",
"The previous integrity check passed. All system file hashes match the expected values.": "ያለፈው የታማኝነት ማረጋገጫ አልፏል። ሁሉም የስርዓት ፋይል hashes ከተጠበቁት እሴቶች ጋር ይዛመዳሉ።",
"Church Checking Account Number": "የቤተ ክርስቲያን ማረጋገጫ መለያ ቁጥር",
"Missing Role Data for Some People": "ለአንዳንድ ሰዎች የሚና ዳታ ይጎድላል",
"PHP Max File size too small": "የPHP ከፍተኛ የፋይል መጠን በጣም ትንሽ ነው",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1830,7 +1776,6 @@
"You ChurchCRM updated password has been changed": "የአንተ ChurchCRM የዘመነ የይለፍ ቃል ተለውጧል",
"Password Reset Link": "የይለፍ ቃል ዳግም ማስጀመሪያ ማስፈንጠሪያ",
"Reset Password": "የይለፍ ቃል ይቀይሩ",
"As part of the restore, external backups have been disabled. If you wish to continue automatic backups, you must manuall re-enable the bEnableExternalBackupTarget setting.": "ወደ ነበርበት የመመለስ አካል፣ ውጫዊ ምትኬዎች ተከልክለዋል። በራሱ ምትኬዎችን መቀጠል ከፈለጉ የbEnableExternalBackupTarget ቅንብሩን እንደገና ማንቃት አለብዎት",
"Unable to reset password": "የይለፍ ቃል መቀየር አልተቻለም",
"Reset your password": "የራስዎን የይለፍ ቃል ይቀይሩ",
"Sorry, we are unable to process your request at this point in time.": "ይቅርታ፣ በዚህ ጊዜ ጥያቄህን ማስተናገድ አልቻልንም",
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