This tool helps translate legal texts describing social benefit eligibility requirements into formal SHACL shapes. It provides a user-friendly interface for mapping legal requirements to SHACL constraints.
- Upload and view legal text documents
- Upload and preview example SHACL shapes
- Interactive mapping interface for creating SHACL constraints
- Support for common SHACL constraint types
- Preview generated SHACL shapes
- Install Poetry if you haven't already:
curl -sSL | python3 -
# if only available at ~/.local/bin/poetry, link it globally: echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
cd shacl_generator
- Install dependencies:
poetry install
- Run the application:
export OPENAI_API_KEY="..."
poetry run streamlit run
To add new dependencies:
poetry add package-name
To activate the virtual environment:
poetry shell
The project uses several tools to maintain code quality:
- Formatting: Run
poetry run black .
to format code - Import Sorting: Run
poetry run isort .
to sort imports - Linting: Run
poetry run flake8
to check for code style issues - Type Checking: Run
poetry run mypy .
to check types - Testing: Run
poetry run pytest
to run tests
- Upload your legal text document (txt or pdf) using the sidebar
- Optionally upload an example SHACL shape for reference
- Use the mapping interface to:
- Select relevant text from the legal document
- Choose appropriate SHACL constraint types
- Define constraint values
- Generate and preview the resulting SHACL shape
- Python 3.9+ (excluding 3.9.7)
- Poetry for dependency management