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ClimaAtmos.jl Release Notes



Add a flag for disabling surface flux tendency

Surface flux tendency is not controlled by vert_diff or edmfx_sgs_diffusive_flux anymore. Instead, it is controlled by the new flag disable_surface_flux_tendency. When it is set to true, no surface flux tendency is applied, no matter what surface_setup is. This flag is set to false by default. PR 3670.

Automatically determine diagnostic resolution based on model resolution

If netcdf_interpolation_num_points is not provided, ClimaAtmos will determine it automatically by matching approximately the same number of points as the model grid.

Change reconstruction of density on cell faces for stretched grids

PR 3584 changes the weighted interpolation of density from centers to faces so that it uses ᶜJ and ᶠJ, rather than ᶜJ and ᶠint(ᶜJ). As of ClimaCore v0.14.25, ᶠJ is no longer equivalent to ᶠint(ᶜJ) for stretched grids.




PR 3622 adds a new simplified EDMF model that only implements the Eddy-Diffusivity part of the scheme (not the Mass-Flux).

Update default configuration to use deep-atmosphere eqns, fix diagnostic bug

PR 3422 Updates the default_config to set deep_atmosphere=true, and updates the rv relative vorticity diagnostic to store the curl of horizontal velocity.

Allow different sizes of dust and sea salt for radiation

Added functionality to allow five different size bins of dust and sea salt aerosols for radiation calculation. This feature requires RRTMGP version v0.20.0 or later. PR 3555


Rmove FriersonDiffusion option

The option FriersonDiffusion is removed from vert_diff config. Use DecayWithHeightDiffusion instead. PR 3592



The .dev was deprecated. The two utilities in this folder can be replaced with more established and better developed tools:

  • instead of clima_format, use JuliaFormatter,
  • instead of up_deps, use PkgDevTools. See the documentation for more information.

ClimaAtmos now only support equilibrium moisture + 0-moment microphysics and nonequilibrium + 1-moment microphysics (No precipitation is still supported too). PR 3557

File Logging

ClimaAtmos now supports logging to stdout and file simultaneously using ClimaComms.FileLogger. To enable, set the configuration with log_to_file = false. See ClimaComms documentation for more background on logging.


Read CO2 from file

ClimaAtmos now support using data from the Mauna Loa CO2 measurements to set CO2 concentration. This is currently only relevant for radiation transfer with RRTGMP.


Remove override_precip_timescale config

The override_precip_timescale config has been removed. To recover the previous behavior, set precipitation_timescale to dt in the toml. PR 3534



Add van Leer class operator

Added a new vertical transport option vanleer_limiter (for tracer and energy variables) which uses methods described in Lin et al. (1994) to apply slope-limited upwinding. Adds operator

Read initial conditions from NetCDF files

Added functionality to allow initial conditions to be overwritten by interpolated NetCDF datasets.

To use this feature from the YAML interface, just pass the path of the file. We expect the file to contain the following variables:

  • p, for pressure,
  • t, for temperature,
  • q, for humidity,
  • u, v, w, for velocity,
  • cswc, crwc for snow and rain water content (for 1 moment microphysics).

For example, to use the DYAMONDSummer initial condition, set

initial_condition: "artifact\"DYAMONDSummer\"/"

in your configuration file.

Write diagnostics to text files

Added functionality to write diagnostics in DictWriter to text files. This is useful for outputting scalar diagnostics, such as total mass of the atmosphere. PR 3476




New option for vertical diffusion

When vert_diff is set to DecayWithHeightDiffusion, diffusion decays exponentially with height. PR 3475



New option for prescribing clouds in radiation

When prescribe_clouds_in_radiation is set to true, clouds in radiation is prescribed from a file (monthly cloud properties in 2010 from ERA5). PR 3405

ETOPO2022 60arc-second topography dataset.

  • Update artifacts to use 60arc-second ETOPO2022 ice-surface topography dataset. Update surface smoothing functions to rely only on spectral Laplacian operations. Update raw-topo gravity wave parameterization dataset. Update interfaces in make_hybrid_spaces to support new inputs using SpaceVaryingInput utility. Include a simple example to generate spectra from scalar variables. PR 3378



Reproducible restarts for simulations with clouds with RRTMGP

  • Reset the RNG seed before calling RRTGMP to a known value (the iteration number). When modeling cloud optics, RRTGMP uses a random number generator. Resetting the seed every time RRTGMP is called to a deterministic value ensures that the simulation is fully reproducible and can be restarted in a reproducible way. Disable this option when running production runs.

    Note: Setting this option to true is behavior-changing. PR 3382

Bug fixes

  • Update RRTMGP to v0.19.1, which fixes the sea salt aerosol lookup table. Sea salt aerosol is added to the target amip config. PR 3374

  • Fixed radiation diagnostics conflicting with each other. Prior to this change, adding multiple diagnostics associated to the same variable would lead to incorrect results when the more diagnostics were output at the same time. PR 3365

  • ClimaAtmos no longer fails when reading restart files generated with versions of ClimaAtmos prior to 0.27.6. PR 3388



Ozone model is now a dispatchable type

The prescribe_ozone flag was turned into a type, allowing for prescribing arbitrary ozone concentrations. The two types that are currently implemented are IdealizedOzone (implementing a static profile from Wing 2018), and PrescribedOzone (reading from CMIP6 forcing files).

Aerosol and ozone data can now be automatically downloaded

Prescribed aerosol and ozone concentrations require external files. Now, a low-resolution version of such files is automatically downloaded when a higher-resolution version is not available. Please, refer to ClimaArtifacts for more information.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed incorrect time/date conversion in diagnostics when restarting a simulation. PR 3287

  • Switch to hyperbolic tangent grid stretching, which only requires z_elem and dz_bottom. PR 3260

  • Fixed restarts with radiation and idealized ozone.


  • Update RRTMGP and allow multiple aerosols for radiation. Note: Don't use sea salt as there is an issue with the lookup table. PR #3264


  • Add artifact decoding from YAML PR #3256


  • Add support for monthly calendar diagnostics PR #3235
  • Use period filling interpolation for aerosol time series PR [#3246] (#3246)
  • Add prescribe time and spatially varying ozone PR #3241


  • Use new aerosol artifact and change start date PR #3216
  • Add a gpu scaling job with diagnostics PR #2852


  • Allow different aerosol types for radiation. PR #3180
  • Switch from Dierckz to Interpolations. Interpolations is type-stable and GPU compatible. The order of interpolation has decreased to first. PR #3169


  • Change radiation_model in the radiation cache to rrtmgp_model. PR #3167
  • Change the idealized_insolation argument to insolation, and add RCEMIP insolation. PR #3150
  • Add lookup table for aerosols PR #3156


  • Add ClimaCoupler downstream test. PR #3152
  • Add an option to use aerosol radiation. This is not fully working yet. PR #3147
  • Update to RRTMGP v0.17.0. PR #3131
  • Add diagnostic edmf cloud scheme. PR #3126


  • Limit temperature input to RRTMGP within the lookup table range. PR #3124


  • Updated RRTMGP compat from 0.15 to 0.16 PR #3114
  • Removed the filter for shortwave radiative fluxes. PR #3099.


  • Add precipitation fluxes to 1M microphysics output. Rename col_integrated_rain (and snow) to surface_rain_flux (and snow) PR #3084.


  • Remove reference state from the dycore and the relevant config. PR #3074.
  • Make prognostic and diagnostic EDMF work with 1-moment microphysics on GPU PR #3070
  • Add precipitation heating terms for 1-moment microphysics PR #3050


  • Fixed incorrect surface fluxes for uh. PR [#3064] (#3064).



  • . CPU/GPU runs can now share the same yaml files. The driver now calls AtmosConfig via (; config_file, job_id) = ClimaAtmos.commandline_kwargs(); config = ClimaAtmos.AtmosConfig(config_file; job_id), which recovers the original behavior. PR #2994, issue #2651.
  • Move config files for gpu jobs on ci to config/model_configs/. PR #2948.


  • . Use ClimaUtilities for TimeVaryingInputs to read in prescribed aerosol mass concentrations. This PR is considered breaking because it changes AtmosCache adding a new field, tracers. PR #2815.

  • . Use ClimaUtilities for OutputPathGenerator to handle where the output of a simulation should be saved. Previously, the output was saved to a folder named $job_id. Now, it is saved to $job_id/output-active, where output-active is a link that points to $job_id/output-XXXX, with XXXX a counter that increases ever time a simulation is run with this output directory. PR #2606.


  • Reduced the number of allocations in the NetCDF writer. PRs #2772, #2773.
  • Added a new script, perf/benchmark_netcdf_io.jl to test IO performance for the NetCDF writer. PR #2773.