Releases: CliMA/ClimaAtmos.jl
Releases · CliMA/ClimaAtmos.jl
ClimaAtmos v0.13.0
📢 API Changes:
🚀 Features
📑 Documentation
🐛 Fixes
ClimaAtmos v0.12.0
📢 API Changes:
🚀 Features
📑 Documentation
🐛 Fixes
- Allow unknown keys in the parser (#1638)
ClimaAtmos v0.11.0
📢 API Changes:
🚀 Features
📑 Documentation
- Docs improvements (#777)
🐛 Fixes
- Bug in
function boundary specification (#1611) - A bug in earth warp setup (#1615)
- Fix race condition in ogwd tests (#1632) (@charleskawczynski)
What's Changed
📢 API Changes and miscellaneous
- Integrate bubble correction by @valeriabarra in #1212
- Cleanup CI command line arguments for single column edmf tests. by @trontrytel in #1247
- Weighted interpolation (vertical transport) by @akshaysridhar in #1240
- Add theta and velocity to CI profile plots by @trontrytel in #1266
- Constant entrainment option for refactoring by @trontrytel in #1252
- Switch the remaining EDMF SCM cases from anelastic to compressible by @trontrytel in #1258
- Delete unused parameters by @trontrytel in #1303
- add a nogw test that compares with mima outputs by @jiahe23 in #1248
- Un-weighted interpolation: revert to last working long-run. by @akshaysridhar in #1290
- Delete entrainment_massflux_div_factor by @trontrytel in #1306
- delete retrying for MPI restart test by @trontrytel in #1307
- Update ClimaCore.jl by @simonbyrne in #1294
- Set bubble correction as default by @valeriabarra in #1314
- Revert #1314 by @valeriabarra in #1316
- Upgrade to ClimaTimeStepeprs v0.7.1 by @valeriabarra in #1320
- Clean up ci and remove unnecessary examples by @szy21 in #1322
- Update to Julia 1.8.5 by @charleskawczynski in #1323
- Decrease dt for N and S SCM EDMF CI cases, delete anelastic N CI case. by @trontrytel in #1337
- Update manifest files by @charleskawczynski in #1335
- use weighted interpolation for all divergence reconstructions by @simonbyrne in #1286
- Remove surface_reference_thermo_state by @dennisYatunin in #1330
- Improve
by @charleskawczynski in #1342 - Add edmf sphere example by @charleskawczynski in #916
- Add job for testing n-inference failures by @charleskawczynski in #1350
- Add dry edmf imex cases to ci by @trontrytel in #1309
- Add topography hooks and buildkite test cases. by @bischtob in #1202
- entrainment_detrainment cleanup by @trontrytel in #1339
- Reorganize perf jobs by @charleskawczynski in #1352
- Use ntuple in TC kernel by @charleskawczynski in #1355
- Remove unnecessary ci and longrun tests by @szy21 in #1353
- Add mem request to job by @charleskawczynski in #1359
- Remove unused properties in TC grid by @charleskawczynski in #1363
- get rid of get_inversion by @trontrytel in #1362
- Add utility function for kinetic energy computation by @akshaysridhar in #1242
- Generalize quickprofiles script by @charleskawczynski in #1344
- Update horizontal momentum (explicit) tendency term by @akshaysridhar in #1287
- Add hdf5 output to ci by @szy21 in #1372
- Remove dependence on getindex by @charleskawczynski in #1366
- Aj/filter flags by @trontrytel in #1329
- move remap to separate command by @simonbyrne in #1365
- Ensure that affect_filter! uses current state values by @dennisYatunin in #1374
- Add experimental detrainment based on Pi groups by @trontrytel in #1373
- Add NGWD to documentation page by @jiahe23 in #1379
- Rico initial condition by @trontrytel in #1384
- Add remap command to sphere simulations by @szy21 in #1386
- Move topography longruns to experimental by @szy21 in #1387
- Replace namelist usage, expand TCParams struct by @nefrathenrici in #1377
- Replace q_rai and q_sno with ρq_rai and ρq_sno by @dennisYatunin in #1392
- Reconstructed velocities for momentum advection terms. by @akshaysridhar in #1364
- Delete unused precipitation fraction model by @trontrytel in #1394
- Call update_aux at the end of init_tc! by @dennisYatunin in #1391
- add base flux test for the orographic gravity wave by @jiahe23 in #1395
- Simplify init_tc! to facilitate debugging by @dennisYatunin in #1376
- Integration of SSP333 time-stepper by @valeriabarra in #1375
- Don't gather data in export_scaling_file by @simonbyrne in #1403
- Explicit assignment for b.c. in precomputed quantities by @akshaysridhar in #1381
- Remove incorrect anelastic option by @dennisYatunin in #1407
- Unify initial conditions of dycore and EDMF by @dennisYatunin in #1327
- Update kinetic energy computation by @akshaysridhar in #1398
- upgrade RRTMGP and remove redefining function by @szy21 in #1413
- Update ClimaCore, switch to using tuples instead of Refs by @simonbyrne in #1333
- Removing quadratures, (co)variances and third moment diagnostics by @trontrytel in #1412
- add reference state to dycore equation documentation by @szy21 in #1436
- move radiation_utilities to src by @szy21 in #1442
- Move common_spaces to src by @szy21 in #1445
- reduce t_end in pipeline.yml by @szy21 in #1444
- move some files to src by @szy21 in #1449
- Move callbacks to source code by @szy21 in #1454
- remove code for internal energy by @szy21 in #1456
- add mono option to post-processing remap by @jiahe23 in #1457
- Align vertical_diffusion_boundary_layer_tendency with design docs by @dennisYatunin in #1453
- Add hyperdiffusion to docs by @szy21 in #1450
- Move staggered_nonhydrostatic_model to src by @szy21 in #1459
- Add arg parsing for a TOML file, unify with parsed_args by @nefrathenrici in #1409
- move types to src by @szy21 in #1461
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for ClimaTimeSteppers at version 0.7, (keep existing compat) by @github-actions in #1466
- restructure parameterizations in src by @szy21 in #1472
- Add 3d test for orographic gravity wave by @jiahe23 in #1462
- test cnst_entr_pi_detr for all scm cases by @trontrytel in #1439
- delete obsolete cases, cleanup in names by @trontrytel in #1474
- remove ARM updrafts from regression by @trontrytel in #1475
- restructure utils in src by @szy21 in #1477
- Add Bomex box experiment by @trontrytel in #1470
- Remove duplicated code by @akshaysridhar in #1469
- Upgrade SurfaceFluxes by @szy21 in #1481
- add new compat entry by @szy21 in #1483
- upgrade CloudMicrophysics by @szy21 in #1485
- Delete entr/detr from cache by @trontrytel in #1479
- Add initial condition argument in longrun by @szy21 in #1488
- Longrun ssp test change to 2 newton iterations by @jiahe23 in #1489
- refactor plotting and post_processing for baroclinic wave by @jiahe23 in #1487
- Prescribe TKE for EDMF SCM cases by @t...
ClimaAtmos v0.8.0
📢 API Changes:
🚀 Features
- Add separate zonal/total wavenumber KE spectra plots (#1121)
- Postprocessing: Add integrated 1d KE spectra plots (#1122) (@valeriabarra)
📑 Documentation
🐛 Fixes
- vertical diffusion does not work with --surface_scheme default to nothing (#1142)
ClimaAtmos v0.6.0
📢 API Changes:
🚀 Features
📑 Documentation
🐛 Fixes
- EDMF vertical velocity is used before being updated (#930)