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add coupler fields based on sim types
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juliasloan25 committed Feb 25, 2025
1 parent e6ba001 commit 17c5fa6
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Showing 9 changed files with 127 additions and 43 deletions.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions experiments/ClimaEarth/components/atmosphere/climaatmos.jl
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Interfacer.reinit!(sim::ClimaAtmosSimulation) = Interfacer.reinit!(sim.integrator)

Extend Interfacer.add_coupler_fields! to add the fields required for ClimaAtmosSimulation.
The fields added are:
- `:surface_direct_albedo` (for radiation)
- `:surface_diffuse_albedo` (for radiation)
- `:ϵ_sfc` (for radiation)
- `:T_sfc` (for radiation)
- `:q_sfc` (for moisture)
function Interfacer.add_coupler_fields!(coupler_field_names::Set, ::ClimaAtmosSimulation)
atmos_coupler_fields = [:surface_direct_albedo, :surface_diffuse_albedo, :ϵ_sfc, :T_sfc, :q_sfc]
push!(coupler_field_names, atmos_coupler_fields...)

function FieldExchanger.update_sim!(atmos_sim::ClimaAtmosSimulation, csf, turbulent_fluxes)

u = atmos_sim.integrator.u
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14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions experiments/ClimaEarth/components/land/climaland_bucket.jl
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Interfacer.step!(sim::BucketSimulation, t) = Interfacer.step!(sim.integrator, t - sim.integrator.t, true)
Interfacer.reinit!(sim::BucketSimulation) = Interfacer.reinit!(sim.integrator)

Extend Interfacer.add_coupler_fields! to add the fields required for BucketSimulation.
The fields added are:
- `:ρ_sfc`
- `:F_radiative` (for radiation input)
- `:P_liq` (for precipitation input)
- `:P_snow` (for precipitation input)
function Interfacer.add_coupler_fields!(coupler_field_names::Set, ::BucketSimulation)
bucket_coupler_fields = [:ρ_sfc, :F_radiative, :P_liq, :P_snow]
push!(coupler_field_names, bucket_coupler_fields...)

# extensions required by FluxCalculator (partitioned fluxes)
function FluxCalculator.update_turbulent_fluxes!(sim::BucketSimulation, fields::NamedTuple)
(; F_turb_energy, F_turb_moisture) = fields
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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions experiments/ClimaEarth/components/ocean/eisenman_seaice.jl
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Interfacer.step!(sim::EisenmanIceSimulation, t) = Interfacer.step!(sim.integrator, t - sim.integrator.t, true)
Interfacer.reinit!(sim::EisenmanIceSimulation) = Interfacer.reinit!(sim.integrator)

Extend Interfacer.add_coupler_fields! to add the fields required for EisenmanIceSimulation.
The fields added are:
- `:ρ_sfc` (for humidity calculation)
- `:F_radiative` (for radiation input)
function Interfacer.add_coupler_fields!(coupler_field_names::Set, ::EisenmanIceSimulation)
eisenman_coupler_fields = [:ρ_sfc, :F_radiative]
push!(coupler_field_names, eisenman_coupler_fields...)

# extensions required by FluxCalculator (partitioned fluxes)
function FluxCalculator.update_turbulent_fluxes!(sim::EisenmanIceSimulation, fields::NamedTuple)
(; F_turb_energy) = fields
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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions experiments/ClimaEarth/components/ocean/prescr_seaice.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -191,6 +191,18 @@ Interfacer.update_field!(sim::PrescribedIceSimulation, ::Val{:turbulent_moisture
Interfacer.step!(sim::PrescribedIceSimulation, t) = Interfacer.step!(sim.integrator, t - sim.integrator.t, true)
Interfacer.reinit!(sim::PrescribedIceSimulation) = Interfacer.reinit!(sim.integrator)

Extend Interfacer.add_coupler_fields! to add the fields required for PrescribedIceSimulation.
The fields added are:
- `:ρ_sfc` (for humidity calculation)
- `:F_radiative` (for radiation input)
function Interfacer.add_coupler_fields!(coupler_field_names::Set, ::PrescribedIceSimulation)
ice_coupler_fields = [:ρ_sfc, :F_radiative]
push!(coupler_field_names, ice_coupler_fields...)

# extensions required by FluxCalculator (partitioned fluxes)
function FluxCalculator.update_turbulent_fluxes!(sim::PrescribedIceSimulation, fields::NamedTuple)
(; F_turb_energy) = fields
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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions experiments/ClimaEarth/components/ocean/slab_ocean.jl
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Interfacer.step!(sim::SlabOceanSimulation, t) = Interfacer.step!(sim.integrator, t - sim.integrator.t, true)
Interfacer.reinit!(sim::SlabOceanSimulation) = Interfacer.reinit!(sim.integrator)

Extend Interfacer.add_coupler_fields! to add the fields required for SlabOceanSimulation.
The fields added are:
- `:ρ_sfc` (for humidity calculation)
- `:F_radiative` (for radiation input)
function Interfacer.add_coupler_fields!(coupler_field_names::Set, ::SlabOceanSimulation)
ocean_coupler_fields = [:ρ_sfc, :F_radiative]
push!(coupler_field_names, ocean_coupler_fields...)

# extensions required by FluxCalculator (partitioned fluxes)
function FluxCalculator.update_turbulent_fluxes!(sim::SlabOceanSimulation, fields::NamedTuple)
(; F_turb_energy) = fields
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38 changes: 13 additions & 25 deletions experiments/ClimaEarth/setup_run.jl
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Expand Up @@ -459,34 +459,22 @@ function setup_and_run(config_dict::AbstractDict)
global `CoupledSimulation` struct, `cs`, below.

## coupler exchange fields
coupler_field_names = (
coupler_fields = NamedTuple{coupler_field_names}(ntuple(i -> zeros(boundary_space), length(coupler_field_names)))

## model simulations
model_sims = (atmos_sim = atmos_sim, ice_sim = ice_sim, land_sim = land_sim, ocean_sim = ocean_sim)

## coupler exchange fields
coupler_field_names = Interfacer.default_coupler_fields()
for sim in model_sims
Interfacer.add_coupler_fields!(coupler_field_names, sim)
# add coupler fields required to track conservation, if specified
if energy_check
push!(coupler_field_names, :radiative_energy_flux_toa, :P_net)

coupler_fields = (; zip(coupler_field_names, ntuple(i -> zeros(boundary_space), length(coupler_field_names)))...)

## dates
dates = (; date = [date], date0 = [date0])

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19 changes: 1 addition & 18 deletions experiments/ClimaEarth/user_io/debug_plots.jl
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Expand Up @@ -103,24 +103,7 @@ If `cs_fields_ref` is provided (e.g., using a copy of cs.fields from the initial
plot the anomalies of the fields with respect to `cs_fields_ref`.
function debug(cs_fields::NamedTuple, dir, cs_fields_ref = nothing)
field_names = (
field_names = keys(cs_fields)
fig = Makie.Figure(size = (1500, 800))
min_square_len = ceil(Int, sqrt(length(field_names)))
for i in 1:min_square_len, j in 1:min_square_len
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37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions src/Interfacer.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,6 +84,32 @@ Return the floating point type backing `T`: `T` can either be an object or a typ
float_type(::CoupledSimulation{FT}) where {FT} = FT

Return the set of default coupler fields needed to run a simulation.
default_coupler_fields() = Set{Symbol}([
# fields needed for flux calculations and exchange
# fields used for temporary storage during calculations

# fields needed for most surface models (not ClimaLandSimulation)
# :ρ_sfc,
# :F_radiative,
# # fields needed for bucket/land
# :P_liq,
# :P_snow,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,6 +235,17 @@ update_field!(
update_field_warning(sim, val::Val{X}) where {X} =
@warn("`update_field!` is not extended for the `$X` field of " * name(sim) * ": skipping update.", maxlog = 1)

add_coupler_fields!(coupler_fields::Set, sim::ComponentModelSimulation, fields)
A function to add fields to the set of coupler fields. This should be extended
by component models that require coupler fields beyond the defaults.
If this function isn't extended, no additional fields will be added.
add_coupler_fields!(coupler_fields::Set, sim::ComponentModelSimulation) = nothing

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11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions src/surface_stub.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -97,6 +97,17 @@ The stub surface simulation is not updated by this function. Extends `SciMLBase.
reinit!(::AbstractSurfaceStub) = nothing

Extend Interfacer.add_coupler_fields! to add the fields required for AbstractSurfaceStub.
The fields added are:
- `:ρ_sfc` (for humidity calculation)
function Interfacer.add_coupler_fields!(coupler_field_names::Set, ::AbstractSurfaceStub)
surface_coupler_fields = [:ρ_sfc]
push!(coupler_field_names, surface_coupler_fields...)

step!(::AbstractSurfaceStub, t)
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