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Tr/add get_fields and update_fields to ClimaAtmosSimulation (#1205)
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* Add more get_fields to ClimaAtmosSimulation

Add diffuse_fraction, SW_d, LW_d, and cos of the zenith_angle
to get_field on AtmosModelSimulation in Interfacer.jl.

Add get_field methods for the above values in

Remove safe_div and use anonymous func

Only calculate on first level for diffuse_frac

Add update_field for emissivity in AtmosModelSim

Add emissivity to update_field in the Interfacer,
and add a method definition for it in climaatmos.jl
All 16 bands are set to the same values.

Clamp diffuse_fraction to [0,1]

Remove :co2 from atmos update_field

:co2 is removed from the default AtmosModelSimulation
update_field. The method definition is also removed for

Add atmos get_field for :co2

Add a default get_field for :co2 with AtmosModelSimulation,
and a method definition for ClimaAtmosSimulation. Note that this
returns a scalar.

Add new fields to interfacer_tests

Revert to returning zero when dividing by zero

In get_field(::ClimaAtmosSimulation, ::Val{:diffuse_fraction}

* Add air pressure, air temp, and humidity get_field

Add them to the the generic get_field for
AtmosModelSimulations and specific methods
for ClimaAtmosSimulations

* Update with atmos get_field changes

* Change `cos_zenith_angle` to `cos_zenith`

It is refered to as `cos_zenith` by atmos and
`cos\thetas` by land. This unifies it with one of
the models.
[skip ci]

* Change humidity to specific_humidity for atmos

* Remove not always required fields default get_field

remove from interfacer tests
  • Loading branch information
imreddyTeja authored Mar 5, 2025
1 parent 04365bd commit a62d04e
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Showing 5 changed files with 75 additions and 12 deletions.
27 changes: 26 additions & 1 deletion docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ following properties:

| Coupler name | Description | Units |
| `co2` | global mean co2 | ppm |
| `emissivity` | surface emissivity | |
| `surface_direct_albedo` | bulk direct surface albedo over the whole surface space | |
| `surface_diffuse_albedo` | bulk diffuse surface albedo over the whole surface space | |
| `surface_temperature` | temperature over the combined surface space | K |
Expand All @@ -123,6 +123,31 @@ following properties:
A function to return the air density of the atmosphere simulation
extrapolated to the surface, with units of [kg m^-3].

<!-- replace "full ClimaLand model" with name of coupler sim struct-->
### AtmosModelSimulation - required functions to run with the full ClimaLand model

Coupling with full `ClimaLand` model requires the following functions, in addition
to the functions required for coupling with a general `SurfaceModelSimulation`.

- `get_field(::AtmosModelSimulation. ::Val{property})`:
This getter function must be extended
for the following properties:

| Coupler name | Description | Units |
| `air_pressure` | air pressure at the bottom cell centers of the atmosphere | Pa |
| `air_temperature` | air temperature at the bottom cell centers of the atmosphere | K |
| `cos_zenith` | cosine of the zenith angle | |
| `co2` | global mean co2 | ppm |
| `diffuse_fraction` | fraction of downwards shortwave flux that is direct | |
| `specific_humidity` | specific humidity at the bottom cell centers of the atmosphere| kg kg^-1 |
| `LW_d` | downwards longwave flux | W m^-2 |
| `SW_d` | downwards shortwave flux | W m^-2 |

Note that `air_temperature`, `air_pressure`, `cos_zenith`, `co2`, `diffuse_fraction`, `LW_d` and
`SW_d` will not be present in a `ClimaAtmosSimulation` if the model is setup with no radiation.
Because of this, a `ClimaAtmosSimulation` must have radiation if running with the full `ClimaLand` model.

### SurfaceModelSimulation - required functions
Analogously to the `AtmosModelSimulation`, a `SurfaceModelSimulation`
requires additional functions to those required for a general `ComponentModelSimulation`.
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55 changes: 47 additions & 8 deletions experiments/ClimaEarth/components/atmosphere/climaatmos.jl
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Expand Up @@ -171,12 +171,54 @@ moisture_flux(::Union{CA.EquilMoistModel, CA.NonEquilMoistModel}, integrator) =
ρq_tot(::Union{CA.EquilMoistModel, CA.NonEquilMoistModel}, integrator) = integrator.u.c.ρq_tot

# extensions required by the Interfacer
Interfacer.get_field(sim::ClimaAtmosSimulation, ::Val{:air_pressure}) =
CC.Fields.level(sim.integrator.p.precomputed.ᶜp, 1)
Interfacer.get_field(sim::ClimaAtmosSimulation, ::Val{:air_temperature}) =
CC.Fields.level(sim.integrator.p.precomputed.ᶜts, 1),
Interfacer.get_field(sim::ClimaAtmosSimulation, ::Val{:cos_zenith}) = CC.Fields.array2field(
CC.Fields.level(axes(sim.integrator.u.c), 1),
Interfacer.get_field(sim::ClimaAtmosSimulation, ::Val{:co2}) =
function Interfacer.get_field(sim::ClimaAtmosSimulation, ::Val{:diffuse_fraction})
radiation_model = sim.integrator.p.radiation.rrtmgp_model
# only take the first level
total_flux_dn = radiation_model.face_sw_flux_dn[1, :]
lowest_face_space = CC.Spaces.level(axes(sim.integrator.u.f), CC.Utilities.half)
if radiation_model.radiation_mode isa CA.RRTMGPInterface.GrayRadiation
diffuse_fraction = zero(total_flux_dn)
direct_flux_dn = radiation_model.face_sw_direct_flux_dn[1, :]
FT = eltype(total_flux_dn)
diffuse_fraction =
((x, y) -> y > zero(y) ? x / y : zero(y)).(total_flux_dn .- direct_flux_dn, total_flux_dn),
return CC.Fields.array2field(diffuse_fraction, lowest_face_space)
Interfacer.get_field(sim::ClimaAtmosSimulation, ::Val{:liquid_precipitation}) =
surface_rain_flux(sim.integrator.p.atmos.moisture_model, sim.integrator)
Interfacer.get_field(sim::ClimaAtmosSimulation, ::Val{:LW_d}) = CC.Fields.level(
CC.Fields.array2field(sim.integrator.p.radiation.rrtmgp_model.face_lw_flux_dn, axes(sim.integrator.u.f)),
Interfacer.get_field(sim::ClimaAtmosSimulation, ::Val{:specific_humidity}) =
CC.Fields.level(sim.integrator.u.c.ρq_tot ./ sim.integrator.u.c.ρ, 1)
Interfacer.get_field(sim::ClimaAtmosSimulation, ::Val{:radiative_energy_flux_sfc}) =
surface_radiation_flux(sim.integrator.p.atmos.radiation_mode, sim.integrator)
Interfacer.get_field(sim::ClimaAtmosSimulation, ::Val{:snow_precipitation}) =
surface_snow_flux(sim.integrator.p.atmos.moisture_model, sim.integrator)
Interfacer.get_field(sim::ClimaAtmosSimulation, ::Val{:SW_d}) = CC.Fields.level(
CC.Fields.array2field(sim.integrator.p.radiation.rrtmgp_model.face_sw_flux_dn, axes(sim.integrator.u.f)),
Interfacer.get_field(sim::ClimaAtmosSimulation, ::Val{:turbulent_energy_flux}) =
Interfacer.get_field(sim::ClimaAtmosSimulation, ::Val{:turbulent_moisture_flux}) =
Expand All @@ -201,15 +243,12 @@ function Interfacer.get_field(sim::ClimaAtmosSimulation, ::Val{:uv_int})
return @. StaticArrays.SVector(uₕ, uₕ

function Interfacer.update_field!(atmos_sim::ClimaAtmosSimulation, ::Val{:co2}, field)
if atmos_sim.integrator.p.atmos.radiation_mode isa CA.RRTMGPI.GrayRadiation
@warn("Gray radiation model initialized, skipping CO2 update", maxlog = 1)
atmos_sim.integrator.p.radiation.rrtmgp_model.volume_mixing_ratio_co2 .= Statistics.mean(parent(field))
# extensions required by the Interfacer
function Interfacer.update_field!(sim::ClimaAtmosSimulation, ::Val{:emissivity}, field)
# sets all 16 bands (rows) to the same values
sim.integrator.p.radiation.rrtmgp_model.surface_emissivity .=
reshape(CC.Fields.field2array(field), 1, length(parent(field)))
function Interfacer.update_field!(sim::ClimaAtmosSimulation, ::Val{:surface_direct_albedo}, field)
sim.integrator.p.radiation.rrtmgp_model.direct_sw_surface_albedo .=
reshape(CC.Fields.field2array(field), 1, length(parent(field)))
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Interfacer.jl
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Expand Up @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ If it isn't extended, the field won't be updated and a warning will be raised.
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion test/field_exchanger_tests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -93,7 +93,6 @@ end
function Interfacer.update_field!(sim::TestAtmosSimulation, ::Val{:roughness_momentum}, field)
parent(sim.cache.roughness_momentum) .= parent(field)
Interfacer.update_field!(sim::TestAtmosSimulation, ::Val{:co2}, field) = nothing
Interfacer.update_field!(sim::TestAtmosSimulation, ::Val{:surface_temperature}, field) = nothing
Interfacer.update_field!(sim::TestAtmosSimulation, ::Val{:roughness_buoyancy}, field) = nothing
Interfacer.update_field!(sim::TestAtmosSimulation, ::Val{:beta}, field) = nothing
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/interfacer_tests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ end
sim = DummySimulation4(space)

# Test that update_field! gives correct warnings for unextended fields
for value in (:co2, :surface_direct_albedo, :surface_diffuse_albedo, :surface_temperature, :turbulent_fluxes)
for value in (:emissivity, :surface_direct_albedo, :surface_diffuse_albedo, :surface_temperature, :turbulent_fluxes)
val = Val(value)
@test_logs (
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