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Merge pull request #361 from CliMA/dy/plot_cleanup
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Clean up checks for convergence and limiters
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dennisYatunin authored Feb 7, 2025
2 parents ae9a03a + 9ff67b0 commit 2bd65cc
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Showing 9 changed files with 444 additions and 841 deletions.
10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions .buildkite/pipeline.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -267,6 +267,12 @@ steps:
- label: "Convergence: IMKG343a"
command: "julia --color=yes --check-bounds=yes --project=.buildkite docs/src/dev/report_gen_alg.jl --alg IMKG343a"

- label: "Convergence: ARK437L2SA1"
command: "julia --color=yes --check-bounds=yes --project=.buildkite docs/src/dev/report_gen_alg.jl --alg ARK437L2SA1"

- label: "Convergence: ARK548L2SA2"
command: "julia --color=yes --check-bounds=yes --project=.buildkite docs/src/dev/report_gen_alg.jl --alg ARK548L2SA2"

- label: "Convergence: SSPKnoth"
command: "julia --color=yes --check-bounds=yes --project=.buildkite docs/src/dev/report_gen_alg.jl --alg SSPKnoth"

Expand All @@ -276,10 +282,10 @@ steps:

- label: "Summarize convergence"
command: "julia --color=yes --check-bounds=yes --project=.buildkite docs/src/dev/summarize_convergence.jl"
artifact_paths: "output/*"
artifact_paths: "output/convergence_*.png"
depends_on: alg_convergence

- label: "Summarize limiter analysis"
command: "julia --color=yes --project=.buildkite docs/src/dev/limiter_summary.jl"
artifact_paths: "output/*"
artifact_paths: "output/limiter_*.png"
depends_on: limiters_analysis
275 changes: 100 additions & 175 deletions docs/src/dev/compute_convergence.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,27 +1,9 @@
import JLD2
import Plots
using ClimaTimeSteppers
using InteractiveUtils: subtypes
using Distributions: quantile, TDist
using Printf: @sprintf
using LaTeXStrings: latexstring
import DiffEqCallbacks
import ClimaTimeSteppers as CTS
using LinearAlgebra: norm

function get_algorithm_names()
all_subtypes(::Type{T}) where {T} = isabstracttype(T) ? vcat(all_subtypes.(subtypes(T))...) : [T]
algorithm_names = map(T -> T(), all_subtypes(ClimaTimeSteppers.AbstractAlgorithmName))
return filter(name -> !(name isa ARK437L2SA1 || name isa ARK548L2SA2), algorithm_names) # too high order

function get_imex_ssprk_algorithm_names()
all_subtypes(::Type{T}) where {T} = isabstracttype(T) ? vcat(all_subtypes.(subtypes(T))...) : [T]
algorithm_names = map(T -> T(), all_subtypes(ClimaTimeSteppers.IMEXSSPRKAlgorithmName))
return algorithm_names

function make_saving_callback(cb, u, t, integrator)
savevalType = typeof(cb(u, t, integrator))
return DiffEqCallbacks.SavingCallback(cb, DiffEqCallbacks.SavedValues(typeof(t), savevalType))
all_subtypes(::Type{T}) where {T} = isabstracttype(T) ? vcat(all_subtypes.(subtypes(T))...) : [T]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,8 +42,7 @@ imex_convergence_orders(::ARK548L2SA2) = (5, 5, 5)
imex_convergence_orders(::SSP22Heuns) = (2, 2, 2)
imex_convergence_orders(::SSP33ShuOsher) = (3, 3, 3)
imex_convergence_orders(::RK4) = (4, 4, 4)
# SSPKnoth is not really an IMEX method
imex_convergence_orders(::SSPKnoth) = (2, 2, 2)
imex_convergence_orders(::SSPKnoth) = (2, 3, 2)

# Compute a confidence interval for the convergence order, returning the
# estimated convergence order and its uncertainty.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,192 +84,136 @@ function (assuming that the algorithm converges).
function predicted_convergence_order(algorithm_name::AbstractAlgorithmName, ode_function::AbstractClimaODEFunction)
(imp_order, exp_order, combined_order) = imex_convergence_orders(algorithm_name)
has_imp = !isnothing(ode_function.T_imp!)
has_exp = CTS.has_T_exp(ode_function)
has_exp = ClimaTimeSteppers.has_T_exp(ode_function)
has_imp && !has_exp && return imp_order
!has_imp && has_exp && return exp_order
has_imp && has_exp && return combined_order
return 0

function export_convergence_results(alg_name, test_problem, num_steps; kwargs...)
out_dict = Dict()
(; test_name) = test_problem
out_dict[string(test_name)] = Dict()
out_dict[string(test_name)][string(alg_name)] = Dict()
out_dict[string(test_name)]["args"] = (alg_name, test_problem, num_steps)
out_dict[string(test_name)]["kwargs"] = kwargs
compute_convergence!(out_dict, alg_name, test_problem, num_steps; kwargs...)
JLD2.save_object("convergence_$(alg_name)_$(test_problem.test_name).jld2", out_dict)

algorithm(algorithm_name, [linear_implicit])
function compute_convergence!(
Generates an appropriate `DistributedODEAlgorithm` from an `AbstractAlgorithmName`.
For `IMEXAlgorithmNames`, `linear_implicit` must also be specified. One Newton
iteration is used for linear implicit problems, and two iterations are used for
nonlinear implicit problems.
algorithm(algorithm_name, _) = algorithm(algorithm_name)
algorithm(algorithm_name::ClimaTimeSteppers.ERKAlgorithmName) = ExplicitAlgorithm(algorithm_name)
algorithm(algorithm_name::ClimaTimeSteppers.SSPKnoth) =
algorithm(algorithm_name::ClimaTimeSteppers.IMEXARKAlgorithmName, linear_implicit) =
IMEXAlgorithm(algorithm_name, NewtonsMethod(; max_iters = linear_implicit ? 1 : 2))

rms(array) = norm(array) / sqrt(length(array))
rms_error(u, t, sol) = rms(abs.(u .- sol(t)))

function test_convergence!(
num_steps_scaling_factor = 10,
order_confidence_percent = 99,
super_convergence = (),
super_convergence_algorithm_names = (),
num_steps_scaling_factor = 4,
high_order_sample_shifts = 1,
numerical_reference_algorithm_name = nothing,
numerical_reference_num_steps = num_steps_scaling_factor^3 * num_steps,
full_history_algorithm_name = nothing,
average_function = array -> norm(array) / sqrt(length(array)),
average_function_str = "RMS",
only_endpoints = false,
numerical_reference_num_steps = num_steps_scaling_factor^3 * default_num_steps,
broken_tests = (),
error_on_failure = true,
verbose = false,
(; test_name, t_end, linear_implicit, analytic_sol) = test_case
prob = test_case.split_prob
FT = typeof(t_end)
default_dt = t_end / num_steps
key1 = string(test_name)
key2 = string(alg_name)

algorithm(algorithm_name::ClimaTimeSteppers.ERKAlgorithmName) = ExplicitAlgorithm(algorithm_name)
algorithm(algorithm_name::ClimaTimeSteppers.SSPKnoth) =
algorithm(algorithm_name::ClimaTimeSteppers.IMEXARKAlgorithmName) =
IMEXAlgorithm(algorithm_name, NewtonsMethod(; max_iters = linear_implicit ? 1 : 2))

default_dt = t_end / default_num_steps
ref_sol = if isnothing(numerical_reference_algorithm_name)
ref_alg = algorithm(numerical_reference_algorithm_name)
# TODO: Do not regenerate the reference solution for every algorithm!!
ref_alg_str = string(nameof(typeof(numerical_reference_algorithm_name)))
ref_alg = algorithm(numerical_reference_algorithm_name, linear_implicit)
ref_dt = t_end / numerical_reference_num_steps
verbose &&
@info "Generating numerical reference solution for $test_name with $ref_alg_str (dt = $ref_dt)..."
sol = solve(deepcopy(prob), ref_alg; dt = ref_dt, save_everystep = !only_endpoints)
out_dict[string(test_name)]["numerical_ref_sol"] = sol
verbose && @info "Generating reference solution for $test_name with $ref_alg_str and dt = $ref_dt"
solve(deepcopy(prob), ref_alg; dt = ref_dt, save_everystep = true)

cur_avg_err(u, t) = average_function(abs.(u .- ref_sol(t)))
cur_avg_sol_and_err(u, t) = (average_function(u), average_function(abs.(u .- ref_sol(t))))

float_str(x) = @sprintf "%.4f" x
pow_str(x) = "10^{$(@sprintf "%.1f" log10(x))}"
function si_str(x)
if isnan(x) || x in (0, Inf, -Inf)
return string(x)
exponent = floor(Int, log10(x))
mantissa = x / 10.0^exponent
return "$(float_str(mantissa)) \\times 10^{$exponent}"
numerical_reference_info = if isnothing(numerical_reference_algorithm_name)
ref_average_rms_error = rms(rms_error.(ref_sol.u, ref_sol.t, (analytic_sol,)))
(ref_alg_str, ref_dt, ref_average_rms_error)

net_avg_sol_str = "\\textrm{$average_function_str}\\_\\textrm{solution}"
net_avg_err_str = "\\textrm{$average_function_str}\\_\\textrm{error}"
cur_avg_sol_str = "\\textrm{current}\\_$net_avg_sol_str"
cur_avg_err_str = "\\textrm{current}\\_$net_avg_err_str"

linestyles = (:solid, :dash, :dot, :dashdot, :dashdotdot)
marker_kwargs = (; markershape = :circle, markeralpha = 0.5, markerstrokewidth = 0)
plot_kwargs = (;
legendposition = :outerright,
legendtitlefontpointsize = 8,
palette = :glasbey_bw_minc_20_maxl_70_n256,
size = (1000, 2000), # size in px
leftmargin = 60Plots.px,
rightmargin = 0Plots.px,
topmargin = 0Plots.px,
bottommargin = 30Plots.px,

plot1_dts = t_end ./ round.(Int, num_steps .* num_steps_scaling_factor .^ (-1:0.5:1))
plot1 = Plots.plot(;
title = "Convergence Orders",
xaxis = (latexstring("dt"), :log10),
yaxis = (latexstring(net_avg_err_str), :log10),
legendtitle = "Convergence Order ($order_confidence_percent% CI)",

plot2b_min = typemax(FT)
plot2b_max = typemin(FT)
plot2a = Plots.plot(;
title = latexstring("Solutions with \$dt = $(pow_str(default_dt))\$"),
xaxis = (latexstring("t"),),
yaxis = (latexstring(cur_avg_sol_str),),
legendtitle = latexstring(net_avg_sol_str),
plot2b = Plots.plot(;
title = latexstring("Errors with \$dt = $(pow_str(default_dt))\$"),
xaxis = (latexstring("t"),),
yaxis = (latexstring(cur_avg_err_str), :log10),
legendtitle = latexstring(net_avg_err_str),

cur_avg_errs_dict = Dict()
# for algorithm_name in algorithm_names
algorithm_name = alg_name
alg = algorithm(algorithm_name)
alg_str = string(nameof(typeof(algorithm_name)))
predicted_order = predicted_convergence_order(algorithm_name, prob.f)
linestyle = linestyles[(predicted_order - 1) % length(linestyles) + 1]
alg = algorithm(algorithm_name, linear_implicit)
verbose && @info "Testing convergence of $alg_str for $test_name"

verbose && @info "Running $test_name with $alg_str..."
@info "Using plot1_dts=$plot1_dts"
plot1_net_avg_errs = map(plot1_dts) do plot1_dt
plot1_sol = solve(deepcopy(prob), alg; dt = plot1_dt, save_everystep = !only_endpoints)
(; u, t) = plot1_sol
cur_avg_errs = cur_avg_err.(u, t)
cur_avg_errs_dict[plot1_dt] = cur_avg_errs
verbose && @info "RMS_error(dt = $plot1_dt) = $(average_function(cur_avg_errs))"
return average_function(cur_avg_errs)
predicted_order = predicted_convergence_order(algorithm_name, prob.f)
predicted_super_convergence = algorithm_name in super_convergence_algorithm_names
num_steps_powers = (-1:0.5:1) .- high_order_sample_shifts * max(0, predicted_order - 3) / 2
sampled_num_steps = default_num_steps .* num_steps_scaling_factor .^ num_steps_powers
sampled_dts = t_end ./ round.(Int, sampled_num_steps)
average_rms_errors = map(sampled_dts) do dt
sol = solve(deepcopy(prob), alg; dt = dt, save_everystep = true)
rms(rms_error.(sol.u, sol.t, (ref_sol,)))
out_dict[key1][key2]["cur_avg_errs_dict"] = cur_avg_errs_dict
order, order_uncertainty = convergence_order(plot1_dts, plot1_net_avg_errs, order_confidence_percent / 100)
order_str = "$(float_str(order)) \\pm $(float_str(order_uncertainty))"
if algorithm_name in super_convergence
predicted_order += 1
plot1_label = "$alg_str: \$$order_str\\ \\ \\ \\textbf{\\textit{SC}}\$"
verbose && @info "Sampled timesteps = $sampled_dts"
verbose && @info "Average RMS errors = $average_rms_errors"

# Compute a 99% confidence interval for the convergence order
order, order_uncertainty = convergence_order(sampled_dts, average_rms_errors, 0.99)
verbose && @info "Convergence order = $order ± $order_uncertainty"
actual_predicted_order = predicted_order + Bool(predicted_super_convergence)
convergence_test_error = if isnan(order)
"Timestepper does not converge for $alg_str ($test_name)"
elseif abs(order - actual_predicted_order) > order_uncertainty
"Predicted order outside error bars for $alg_str ($test_name)"
elseif order_uncertainty > actual_predicted_order / 10
"Order uncertainty too large for $alg_str ($test_name)"
plot1_label = "$alg_str: \$$order_str\$"
verbose && @info "Order = $order ± $order_uncertainty"
if abs(order - predicted_order) > order_uncertainty
@warn "Predicted order outside error bars for $alg_str ($test_name)"
if order_uncertainty > predicted_order / 10
@warn "Order uncertainty too large for $alg_str ($test_name)"

# Remove all 0s from plot2_cur_avg_errs because they cannot be plotted on a
# logarithmic scale. Record the extrema of plot2_cur_avg_errs to set ylim.
plot2_data = solve(deepcopy(prob), alg; dt = default_dt, save_everystep = true)
if any(isnan, plot2_data)
error("NaN found in plot2_data in problem $(test_name)")
if isnothing(convergence_test_error)
@assert !(algorithm_name in broken_tests)
elseif error_on_failure && !(algorithm_name in broken_tests)
@warn convergence_test_error
(; u, t) = plot2_data
cur_sols_and_errs = cur_avg_sol_and_err.(u, t)
out_dict[key1][key2]["plot2_data"] = (; u = cur_sols_and_errs, t)

if !isnothing(full_history_algorithm_name)
history_alg = algorithm(full_history_algorithm_name)
history_alg_name = string(nameof(typeof(full_history_algorithm_name)))
history_solve_sol = solve(deepcopy(prob), history_alg; dt = default_dt, save_everystep = true)
(; u, t) = history_solve_sol
history_solve_results = map(X -> X[1] .- ref_sol(X[2]), zip(u, t))
history_solve_results = (; u = history_solve_results, t)
out_dict[key1][key2]["history_solve_results"] = history_solve_results
return out_dict
default_dt_sol = solve(deepcopy(prob), alg; dt = default_dt, save_everystep = true)
default_dt_times = default_dt_sol.t
default_dt_solutions = rms.(default_dt_sol.u)
default_dt_errors = rms_error.(default_dt_sol.u, default_dt_sol.t, (ref_sol,))

convergence_results[test_name] = Dict()
convergence_results[test_name]["default_dt"] = default_dt
convergence_results[test_name]["numerical_reference_info"] = numerical_reference_info
convergence_results[test_name]["all_alg_results"] = Dict()
convergence_results[test_name]["all_alg_results"][alg_str] = Dict()
alg_results = convergence_results[test_name]["all_alg_results"][alg_str]
alg_results["predicted_order"] = predicted_order
alg_results["predicted_super_convergence"] = predicted_super_convergence
alg_results["sampled_dts"] = sampled_dts
alg_results["average_rms_errors"] = average_rms_errors
alg_results["default_dt_times"] = default_dt_times
alg_results["default_dt_solutions"] = default_dt_solutions
alg_results["default_dt_errors"] = default_dt_errors
return convergence_results

function test_unconstrained_vs_ssp_without_limiters(alg_name, test_case, num_steps)
function test_unconstrained_vs_ssp_without_limiters(algorithm_name, test_case, num_steps)
prob = test_case.split_prob
dt = test_case.t_end / num_steps
newtons_method = NewtonsMethod(; max_iters = test_case.linear_implicit ? 1 : 2)
algorithm = IMEXAlgorithm(alg_name, newtons_method)
reference_algorithm = IMEXAlgorithm(alg_name, newtons_method, Unconstrained())
algorithm = IMEXAlgorithm(algorithm_name, newtons_method)
reference_algorithm = IMEXAlgorithm(algorithm_name, newtons_method, Unconstrained())
solution = solve(deepcopy(prob), algorithm; dt).u[end]
reference_solution = solve(deepcopy(prob), reference_algorithm; dt).u[end]
if norm(solution .- reference_solution) / norm(reference_solution) > 30 * eps(Float64)
alg_str = string(nameof(typeof(alg_name)))
@warn "Unconstrained and SSP versions of $alg_str \
give different results for $(test_case.test_name)"
relative_error = norm(solution .- reference_solution) / norm(reference_solution)
if relative_error > 100 * eps(Float64)
error("Unconstrained and SSP versions of $algorithm_name give \
different results for $(test_case.test_name): relative \
error = $(round(Int, relative_error / eps(Float64))) * eps")

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