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-## Surface Fluxes - ```@docs -SurfaceFluxes +ClimateMachine.SurfaceFluxes ``` -## Methods +## API ```@docs -compute_buoyancy_flux -Byun1990.monin_obukhov_len -Byun1990.compute_friction_velocity -Byun1990.compute_exchange_coefficients -Nishizawa2018.monin_obukhov_len -Nishizawa2018.compute_friction_velocity -Nishizawa2018.compute_exchange_coefficients +ClimateMachine.SurfaceFluxes.surface_conditions ``` diff --git a/docs/src/Theory/Common/SurfaceFluxes.md b/docs/src/Theory/Common/SurfaceFluxes.md index 6075ec0955a..04998ec0dc5 100644 --- a/docs/src/Theory/Common/SurfaceFluxes.md +++ b/docs/src/Theory/Common/SurfaceFluxes.md @@ -1,95 +1,18 @@ # Surface Fluxes -Surface flux functions, e.g. for buoyancy flux, friction velocity, and -exchange coefficients. - -## `Byun1990` - -Compute surface fluxes using the approach in Byun (1990). - -### Plots - -```@example byun1990 -using ClimateMachine.SurfaceFluxes.Byun1990 -using Plots, LaTeXStrings -using CLIMAParameters -struct EarthParameterSet <: AbstractEarthParameterSet end -param_set = EarthParameterSet() - -FT = Float64 -Ri_range = range(FT(-1.2), stop = FT(0.24), length = 100) -scales = FT[50, 200, 600, 1000, 10_000] - -z_0 = FT(1.0) -γ_m, γ_h = FT(15.0), FT(9.0) -β_m, β_h = FT(4.8), FT(7.8) -Pr_0 = FT(0.74) - -plot(Ri_range, - [Byun1990.compute_exchange_coefficients(param_set, Ri, scale * z_0, z_0, - γ_m, γ_h, β_m, β_h, Pr_0)[1] - for Ri in Ri_range, scale in scales], - xlabel = "Bulk Richardson number (Ri_b)", - ylabel = "Drag coefficient", - title = "Momentum exchange coefficient", - labels = scales, legendtitle=L"z/z_0") - -savefig("exchange_byun1990_fig4a.svg") # hide -nothing # hide -``` -![](exchange_byun1990_fig4a.svg) - -Recreation of Figure 4(a) from Byun (1990) - -```@example byun1990 -plot(Ri_range, - [Byun1990.compute_exchange_coefficients(param_set, Ri, scale * z_0, z_0, - γ_m, γ_h, β_m, β_h, Pr_0)[2] - for Ri in Ri_range, scale in scales], - xlabel = "Bulk Richardson number (Ri_b)", - ylabel = "Exchange coefficient", - title = "Heat exchange coefficient", - labels = scales, legendtitle=L"z/z_0") - -savefig("exchange_byun1990_fig4b.svg") # hide -nothing # hide +```@meta +CurrentModule = CLIMA.SurfaceFluxes ``` -![](exchange_byun1990_fig4b.svg) -Recreation of Figure 4(b) from Byun (1990) +This module provides a means to compute surface fluxes given several variables, described in [`surface_conditions`](@ref SurfaceFluxes.surface_conditions). -## `Nishizawa2018` - -### Plots - -```@example nishizawa2018 -using ClimateMachine.SurfaceFluxes.Nishizawa2018 -using Plots, LaTeXStrings -using CLIMAParameters -struct EarthParameterSet <: AbstractEarthParameterSet end -param_set = EarthParameterSet() - -FT = Float64 - -a = FT(4.7) -θ = FT(350) -z_0 = FT(10) -u_ave = FT(10) -flux = FT(1) -Δz = range(FT(10.0), stop=FT(100.0), length=100) -Ψ_m_tol, tol_abs, iter_max = FT(1e-3), FT(1e-3), 10 - -u_star = Nishizawa2018.compute_friction_velocity.( - Ref(param_set), - u_ave, θ, flux, Δz, z_0, a, Ψ_m_tol, tol_abs, iter_max) - -plot(u_star, Δz, title = "Friction velocity vs dz", - xlabel = "Friction velocity", ylabel = "dz") - -savefig("friction_velocity.svg") # hide -nothing # hide -``` -![](friction_velocity.svg) +## Interface + - [`surface_conditions`](@ref SurfaceFluxes.surface_conditions) computes + - Monin-Obukhov length + - Potential temperature flux (if not given) using Monin-Obukhov theory + - transport fluxes using Monin-Obukhov theory + - friction velocity/temperature scale/tracer scales + - exchange coefficients ## References @@ -100,6 +23,10 @@ nothing # hide Similarity for Finite Volume Models." Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 10.12 (2018): 3159-3175. +- Businger, Joost A., et al. "Flux-profile relationships in the atmospheric surface + layer." Journal of the atmospheric Sciences 28.2 (1971): 181-189. + doi: [10.1175/1520-0469(1971)028<0181:FPRITA>2.0.CO;2](https://doi.org/10.1175/1520-0469(1971)028<0181:FPRITA>2.0.CO;2) + - Byun, Daewon W. "On the analytical solutions of flux-profile relationships for the atmospheric surface layer." Journal of Applied Meteorology 29.7 (1990): 652-657. diff --git a/src/Common/SurfaceFluxes/SurfaceFluxes.jl b/src/Common/SurfaceFluxes/SurfaceFluxes.jl index af9b22b881d..cbe4c888d75 100644 --- a/src/Common/SurfaceFluxes/SurfaceFluxes.jl +++ b/src/Common/SurfaceFluxes/SurfaceFluxes.jl @@ -1,19 +1,13 @@ """ SurfaceFluxes - Surface flux functions, e.g., for buoyancy flux, - friction velocity, and exchange coefficients. - -## Sub-modules - - module Byun1990 - - module Nishizawa2018 - ## Interface - - [`compute_buoyancy_flux`](@ref) computes the buoyancy flux - - In addition, each sub-module has the following functions: - - `monin_obukhov_len` computes the Monin-Obukhov length - - `compute_friction_velocity` computes the friction velocity - - `compute_exchange_coefficients` computes the exchange coefficients + - [`surface_conditions`](@ref) computes + - Monin-Obukhov length + - Potential temperature flux (if not given) using Monin-Obukhov theory + - transport fluxes using Monin-Obukhov theory + - friction velocity/temperature scale/tracer scales + - exchange coefficients ## References @@ -37,255 +31,223 @@ pages={652--657}, year={1990} } - """ module SurfaceFluxes -using RootSolvers using ..Thermodynamics +using KernelAbstractions: @print +using DocStringExtensions +using NLsolve +using CLIMAParameters: AbstractParameterSet using CLIMAParameters using CLIMAParameters.Planet: molmass_ratio, grav - -""" - compute_buoyancy_flux(param_set, shf, lhf, T_b, q, α_0) - -Computes buoyancy flux given - - `shf` sensible heat flux - - `lhf` latent heat flux - - `T_b` surface boundary temperature - - `q` phase partition (see [`PhasePartition`](@ref)) - - `α_0` specific volume -""" -function compute_buoyancy_flux( - param_set::AbstractParameterSet, - shf, - lhf, - T_b, - q, - α_0, -) - FT = typeof(shf) - _molmass_ratio::FT = molmass_ratio(param_set) - _grav::FT = grav(param_set) - cp_ = cp_m(param_set, q) - lv = latent_heat_vapor(param_set, T_b) - temp1 = (_molmass_ratio - 1) - temp2 = (shf + temp1 * cp_ * T_b * lhf / lv) - return (_grav * α_0 / cp_ / T_b * temp2) -end - -module Byun1990 - -using RootSolvers -using ...Thermodynamics -using CLIMAParameters using CLIMAParameters.SubgridScale: von_karman_const -""" Computes ψ_m for stable case. See Eq. 12 """ -ψ_m_stable(ζ, ζ_0, β_m) = -β_m * (ζ - ζ_0) - -""" Computes ψ_h for stable case. See Eq. 13 """ -ψ_h_stable(ζ, ζ_0, β_h) = -β_h * (ζ - ζ_0) +const APS = AbstractParameterSet +abstract type SurfaceFluxesModel end -""" Computes ψ_m for unstable case. See Eq. 14 """ -function ψ_m_unstable(ζ, ζ_0, γ_m) - x(ζ) = sqrt(sqrt(1 - γ_m * ζ)) - temp(ζ, ζ_0) = log1p((ζ - ζ_0) / (1 + ζ_0)) # log((1 + ζ)/(1 + ζ_0)) - ψ_m = ( - 2 * temp(x(ζ), x(ζ_0)) + temp(x(ζ)^2, x(ζ_0)^2) - 2 * atan(x(ζ)) + - 2 * atan(x(ζ_0)) - ) - return ψ_m -end +struct Momentum end +struct Heat end -""" Computes ψ_h for unstable case. See Eq. 15 """ -function ψ_h_unstable(ζ, ζ_0, γ_h) - y(ζ) = sqrt(1 - γ_h * ζ) - ψ_h = 2 * log1p((y(ζ) - y(ζ_0)) / (1 + y(ζ_0))) # log((1 + y(ζ))/(1 + y(ζ_0))) - return ψ_h -end +export surface_conditions """ - monin_obukhov_len(param_set, u, flux) + SurfaceFluxConditions{FT, VFT} + +Surface flux conditions, returned from `surface_conditions`. -Computes the Monin-Obukhov length (Eq. 3) +# Fields + +$(DocStringExtensions.FIELDS) """ -function monin_obukhov_len(param_set::AbstractParameterSet, u, flux) - FT = typeof(u) - _von_karman_const::FT = von_karman_const(param_set) - return -u^3 / (flux * _von_karman_const) +struct SurfaceFluxConditions{FT, VFT} + L_MO::FT + pottemp_flux_star::FT + flux::VFT + x_star::VFT + K_exchange::VFT end """ - compute_friction_velocity(param_set, flux, z_0, z_1, β_m, γ_m, tol_abs, iter_max) - -Computes roots of friction velocity equation (Eq. 10) - -`u_ave = u_* ( ln(z/z_0) - ψ_m(z/L, z_0/L) ) /κ` + surface_conditions + +Surface conditions given + - `x_initial` initial guess for solution (`L_MO, u_star, θ_star, ϕ_star, ...`) + - `x_ave` volume-averaged value for variable `x` + - `x_s` surface value for variable `x` + - `z_0` roughness length for variable `x` + - `F_exchange` flux at the top for variable `x` + - `dimensionless_number` dimensionless turbulent transport coefficient: + - Momentum: 1 + - Heat: Turbulent Prantl number at neutral stratification + - Mass: Turbulent Schmidt number + - ... + - `θ_bar` basic potential temperature + - `Δz` layer thickness (not spatial discretization) + - `z` coordinate axis + - `a` free model parameter with prescribed value of 4.7 + - `pottemp_flux_given` potential temperature flux (optional) + +If `pottemp_flux` is not given, then it is computed by iteration +of equations 3, 17, and 18 in Nishizawa2018. """ -function compute_friction_velocity( - param_set::AbstractParameterSet, - u_ave::FT, - flux::FT, - z_0::FT, - z_1::FT, - β_m::FT, - γ_m::FT, - tol_abs::FT, - iter_max::IT, -) where {FT, IT} - - _von_karman_const = FT(von_karman_const(param_set)) - - ustar_0 = u_ave * _von_karman_const / log(z_1 / z_0) - ustar = ustar_0 - let u_ave = u_ave, - flux = flux, - z_0 = z_0, - z_1 = z_1, - β_m = β_m, - γ_m = γ_m, - param_set = param_set - - # use neutral condition as first guess - stable = z_1 / monin_obukhov_len(param_set, ustar_0, flux) >= 0 - function compute_ψ_m(u) - L_MO = monin_obukhov_len(param_set, u, flux) - ζ = z_1 / L_MO - ζ_0 = z_0 / L_MO - return stable ? ψ_m_stable(ζ, ζ_0, β_m) : ψ_m_unstable(ζ, ζ_0, γ_m) - end - function compute_u_ave_over_ustar(u) - _von_karman_const = FT(von_karman_const(param_set)) - return (log(z_1 / z_0) - compute_ψ_m(u)) / _von_karman_const # Eq. 10 - end - compute_ustar(u) = u_ave / compute_u_ave_over_ustar(u) - - if (abs(flux) > 0) - ustar_1 = compute_ustar(ustar_0) - sol = RootSolvers.find_zero( - u -> u_ave - u * compute_u_ave_over_ustar(u), - SecantMethod(ustar_0, ustar_1), - CompactSolution(), - SolutionTolerance(tol_abs), - iter_max, - ) - ustar = sol.root +function surface_conditions( + param_set::APS, + x_initial::Vector{FT}, + x_ave::Vector{FT}, + x_s::Vector{FT}, + z_0::Vector{FT}, + F_exchange::Vector{FT}, + dimensionless_number::Vector{FT}, + θ_bar::FT, + Δz::FT, + z::FT, + a::FT, + pottemp_flux_given::Union{Nothing, FT} = nothing, +) where {FT <: AbstractFloat, APS <: AbstractParameterSet} + + n_vars = length(x_initial) - 1 + @assert length(x_initial) == n_vars + 1 + @assert length(x_ave) == n_vars + @assert length(x_s) == n_vars + @assert length(z_0) == n_vars + @assert length(F_exchange) == n_vars + @assert length(dimensionless_number) == n_vars + local sol + let param_set = param_set + function f!(F, x_all) + L_MO, x_vec = x_all[1], x_all[2:end] + u, θ = x_vec[1], x_vec[2] + pottemp_flux = + pottemp_flux_given == nothing ? -u * θ : pottemp_flux_given + F[1] = L_MO - monin_obukhov_len(param_set, u, θ_bar, pottemp_flux) + for i in 1:n_vars + ϕ = x_vec[i] + transport = i == 1 ? Momentum() : Heat() + F[i + 1] = + ϕ - compute_physical_scale( + param_set, + ϕ, + u, + Δz, + a, + θ_bar, + pottemp_flux, + z_0[i], + x_ave[i], + x_s[i], + dimensionless_number[i], + transport, + ) + end end - + sol = nlsolve(f!, x_initial, autodiff = :forward) + end + if converged(sol) + L_MO, x_star = sol.zero[1], sol.zero[2:end] + u_star, θ_star = x_star[1], x_star[2] + else + L_MO, x_star = sol.zero[1], sol.zero[2:end] + u_star, θ_star = x_star[1], x_star[2] + @print("Non-converged surface fluxes") end - return ustar -end + _grav::FT = grav(param_set) + _von_karman_const::FT = von_karman_const(param_set) + pottemp_flux_star = -u_star^3 * θ_bar / (_von_karman_const * _grav * L_MO) + flux = -u_star * x_star + K_exchange = compute_exchange_coefficients( + param_set, + z, + F_exchange, + a, + x_star, + θ_bar, + dimensionless_number, + L_MO, + ) -""" - compute_exchange_coefficients(param_set, Ri, z_b, z_0, γ_m, γ_h, β_m, β_h, Pr_0) + return SurfaceFluxConditions( + L_MO, + pottemp_flux_star, + flux, + x_star, + K_exchange, + ) +end -Computes exchange transfer coefficients: - - `C_D` momentum exchange coefficient (Eq. 36) - - `C_H` thermodynamic exchange coefficient (Eq. 37) - - `L_mo` Monin-Obukhov length (re-arranged Eq. 3) -TODO: `Pr_0` should come from CLIMAParameters -""" -function compute_exchange_coefficients( - param_set::AbstractParameterSet, - Ri::FT, - z_b::FT, - z_0::FT, - γ_m::FT, - γ_h::FT, - β_m::FT, - β_h::FT, - Pr_0::FT, -) where {FT} - logz = log(z_b / z_0) - zfactor = z_b / (z_b - z_0) * logz - s_b = Ri / Pr_0 +function compute_physical_scale( + param_set::APS, + x, + u, + Δz, + a, + θ_bar, + pottemp_flux, + z_0, + x_ave, + x_s, + dimensionless_number, + transport, +) + FT = typeof(u) _von_karman_const::FT = von_karman_const(param_set) - if Ri > 0 - temp = ((1 - 2 * β_h * Ri) - sqrt(1 + 4 * (β_h - β_m) * s_b)) - ζ = zfactor / (2 * β_h * (β_m * Ri - 1)) * temp # Eq. 19 - L_mo = z_b / ζ # LHS of Eq. 3 - ζ_0 = z_0 / L_mo - ψ_m = ψ_m_stable(ζ, ζ_0, β_m) - ψ_h = ψ_h_stable(ζ, ζ_0, β_h) - else - Q_b = FT(1 / 9) * (1 / (γ_m^2) + 3 * γ_h / γ_m * s_b^2) # Eq. 31 - P_b = FT(1 / 54) * (-2 / (γ_m^3) + 9 / γ_m * (-γ_h / γ_m + 3) * s_b^2) # Eq. 32 - crit = Q_b^3 - P_b^2 - if crit < 0 - T_b = cbrt(sqrt(-crit) + abs(P_b)) # Eq. 34 - ζ = zfactor * (1 / (3 * γ_m) - (T_b + Q_b / T_b)) # Eq. 29 - else - θ_b = acos(P_b / sqrt(Q_b^3)) # Eq. 33 - ζ = zfactor * (-2 * sqrt(Q_b) * cos(θ_b / 3) + 1 / (3 * γ_m)) # Eq. 28 - end - L_mo = z_b / ζ # LHS of Eq. 3 - ζ_0 = z_0 / L_mo - ψ_m = ψ_m_unstable(ζ, ζ_0, γ_m) - ψ_h = ψ_h_unstable(ζ, ζ_0, γ_h) - end - cu = _von_karman_const / (logz - ψ_m) # Eq. 10, solved for u^* - cth = _von_karman_const / (logz - ψ_h) / Pr_0 # Eq. 11, solved for h^* - C_D = cu^2 # Eq. 36 - C_H = cu * cth # Eq. 37 - return C_D, C_H, L_mo + L = monin_obukhov_len(param_set, u, θ_bar, pottemp_flux) + R_z0 = compute_R_z0(z_0, Δz) + term1 = log(Δz / z_0) + term2 = -compute_Psi(Δz / L, L, a, dimensionless_number, transport) + term3 = + z_0 / Δz * compute_Psi(z_0 / L, L, a, dimensionless_number, transport) + term4 = + R_z0 * (compute_psi(z_0 / L, L, a, dimensionless_number, transport) - 1) + return (1 / dimensionless_number) * _von_karman_const / + (term1 + term2 + term3 + term4) * (x_ave - x_s) end -end # Byun1990 module - -module Nishizawa2018 -using RootSolvers -using ...Thermodynamics -using CLIMAParameters -using CLIMAParameters.Planet: grav -using CLIMAParameters.SubgridScale: von_karman_const - """ Computes `R_z0` expression, defined after Eq. 15 """ compute_R_z0(z_0, Δz) = 1 - z_0 / Δz -""" Computes `f_m` in Eq. A7 """ +""" Computes f_m in Eq. A7 """ compute_f_m(ζ) = sqrt(sqrt(1 - 15 * ζ)) -""" Computes `f_h` in Eq. A8 """ +""" Computes f_h in Eq. A8 """ compute_f_h(ζ) = sqrt(1 - 9 * ζ) -""" Computes `ψ_m` in Eq. A3 """ -function compute_ψ_m(ζ, L, a) - FT = typeof(ζ) +""" Computes psi_m in Eq. A3 """ +function compute_psi(ζ, L, a, dimensionless_number, ::Momentum) f_m = compute_f_m(ζ) return L >= 0 ? -a * ζ : - log((1 + f_m)^2 * (1 + f_m^2) / 8) - 2 * atan(f_m) + FT(π / 2) + log((1 + f_m)^2 * (1 + f_m^2) / 8) - 2 * atan(f_m) + FT(π) / 2 end -""" Computes `ψ_h` in Eq. A4 """ -compute_ψ_h(ζ, L, a, Pr) = - L >= 0 ? -a * ζ / Pr : 2 * log((1 + compute_f_h(ζ)) / 2) +""" Computes psi_h in Eq. A4 """ +function compute_psi(ζ, L, a, dimensionless_number, ::Heat) + L >= 0 ? -a * ζ / dimensionless_number : 2 * log((1 + compute_f_h(ζ)) / 2) +end -""" Computes `Ψ_m` in Eq. A5 """ -function compute_Ψ_m(ζ, L, a, tol) - FT = typeof(ζ) - if ζ < tol - return ζ >= 0 ? -a * ζ / 2 : -FT(15) * ζ / FT(8) # Computes Ψ_m in Eq. A13 +""" Computes Psi_m in Eq. A5 """ +function compute_Psi(ζ, L, a, dimensionless_number, ::Momentum) + FT = typeof(L) + if abs(ζ) < eps(FT) + return ζ >= 0 ? -a * ζ / 2 : -FT(15) * ζ / FT(8) # Computes Psi_m in Eq. A13 else f_m = compute_f_m(ζ) # Note that "1-f^3" in is a typo, it is supposed to be "1-f_m^3". # This was confirmed by communication with the author. return L >= 0 ? -a * ζ / 2 : - log((1 + f_m)^2 * (1 + f_m^2) / 8) - 2 * atan(f_m) + FT(π / 2) - + log((1 + f_m)^2 * (1 + f_m^2) / 8) - 2 * atan(f_m) + FT(π) / 2 - 1 + (1 - f_m^3) / (12 * ζ) end end -""" Computes `Ψ_h` in Eq. A6 """ -function compute_Ψ_h(ζ, L, a, Pr, tol) - FT = typeof(ζ) - if ζ < tol - return ζ >= 0 ? -a * ζ / (2 * Pr) : -9 * ζ / 4 # Computes Ψ_h in Eq. A14 +""" Computes Psi_h in Eq. A6 """ +function compute_Psi(ζ, L, a, dimensionless_number, ::Heat) + if abs(ζ) < eps(typeof(L)) + return ζ >= 0 ? -a * ζ / (2 * dimensionless_number) : -9 * ζ / 4 # Computes Psi_h in Eq. A14 else f_h = compute_f_h(ζ) - return L >= 0 ? -a * ζ / (2 * Pr) : + return L >= 0 ? -a * ζ / (2 * dimensionless_number) : 2 * log((1 + f_h) / 2) + 2 * (1 - f_h) / (9 * ζ) end end @@ -293,110 +255,45 @@ end """ monin_obukhov_len(param_set, u, θ, flux) -Computes Monin-Obukhov length. Eq. 3 +Monin-Obukhov length. Eq. 3 """ -function monin_obukhov_len(param_set::AbstractParameterSet, u, θ, flux) +function monin_obukhov_len(param_set::APS, u, θ_bar, flux) FT = typeof(u) - _von_karman_const::FT = von_karman_const(param_set) _grav::FT = grav(param_set) - return -u^3 * θ / (_von_karman_const * _grav * flux) -end - -""" - compute_friction_velocity(param_set, u_ave, θ, flux, Δz, z_0, a, Ψ_m_tol, tol_abs, iter_max) - -Computes friction velocity, in Eq. 12 in, by solving the -non-linear equation: - -`u_ave = ustar/κ * ( ln(Δz/z_0) - Ψ_m(Δz/L) + z_0/Δz * Ψ_m(z_0/L) + R_z0 [ψ_m(z_0/L) - 1] )` - -where `L` is a non-linear function of `ustar` (see [`monin_obukhov_len`](@ref)). -""" -function compute_friction_velocity( - param_set::AbstractParameterSet, - u_ave::FT, - θ::FT, - flux::FT, - Δz::FT, - z_0::FT, - a::FT, - Ψ_m_tol::FT, - tol_abs::FT, - iter_max::IT, -) where {FT, IT} _von_karman_const::FT = von_karman_const(param_set) - ustar_0 = u_ave * _von_karman_const / log(Δz / z_0) - ustar = ustar_0 - let u_ave = u_ave, - _von_karman_const = _von_karman_const, - θ = θ, - flux = flux, - Δz = Δz, - z_0 = z_0, - a = a, - Ψ_m_tol = Ψ_m_tol, - tol_abs = tol_abs, - iter_max = iter_max - # Note the lowercase psi (ψ) and uppercase psi (Ψ): - Ψ_m_closure(ζ, L) = compute_Ψ_m(ζ, L, a, Ψ_m_tol) - ψ_m_closure(ζ, L) = compute_ψ_m(ζ, L, a) - function compute_u_ave_over_ustar(u) - L = monin_obukhov_len(param_set, u, θ, flux) - R_z0 = compute_R_z0(z_0, Δz) - temp1 = log(Δz / z_0) - temp2 = -Ψ_m_closure(Δz / L, L) - temp3 = z_0 / Δz * Ψ_m_closure(z_0 / L, L) - temp4 = R_z0 * (ψ_m_closure(z_0 / L, L) - 1) - return (temp1 + temp2 + temp3 + temp4) / _von_karman_const - end - compute_ustar(u) = u_ave / compute_u_ave_over_ustar(u) - ustar_1 = compute_ustar(ustar_0) - sol = RootSolvers.find_zero( - u -> u_ave - u * compute_u_ave_over_ustar(u), - SecantMethod(ustar_0, ustar_1), - CompactSolution(), - SolutionTolerance(tol_abs), - iter_max, - ) - ustar = sol.root - end - return ustar + return -u^3 * θ_bar / (_von_karman_const * _grav * flux) end """ - compute_exchange_coefficients(param_set, z, F_m, F_h, a, u_star, θ, flux, Pr) - -Computes exchange transfer coefficients: + compute_exchange_coefficients(z, F_exchange, a, x_star, θ_bar, dimensionless_number, L_MO) - - `K_D` momentum exchange coefficient - - `K_H` thermodynamic exchange coefficient - - `L_mo` Monin-Obukhov length +Computes exchange transfer coefficients -TODO: `Pr` should come from CLIMAParameters + - `K_exchange` exchange coefficients """ function compute_exchange_coefficients( - param_set::AbstractParameterSet, - z::FT, - F_m::FT, - F_h::FT, - a::FT, - u_star::FT, - θ::FT, - flux::FT, - Pr::FT, -) where {FT} + param_set, + z, + F_exchange, + a, + x_star, + θ_bar, + dimensionless_number, + L_MO, +) + N = length(F_exchange) + FT = typeof(z) + K_exchange = Vector{FT}(undef, N) _von_karman_const::FT = von_karman_const(param_set) - L_mo = monin_obukhov_len(param_set, u_star, θ, flux) - ψ_m = compute_ψ_m(z / L_mo, L_mo, a) - ψ_h = compute_ψ_h(z / L_mo, L_mo, a, Pr) - - K_m = -F_m * _von_karman_const * z / (u_star * ψ_m) # Eq. 19 - K_h = -F_h * _von_karman_const * z / (Pr * θ * ψ_h) # Eq. 20 + for i in 1:N + transport = i == 1 ? Momentum() : Heat() + psi = compute_psi(z / L_MO, L_MO, a, dimensionless_number[i], transport) + K_exchange[i] = + -F_exchange[i] * _von_karman_const * z / (x_star[i] * psi) # Eq. 19 in + end - return K_m, K_h, L_mo + return K_exchange end -end # Nishizawa2018 module - end # SurfaceFluxes module diff --git a/test/Common/SurfaceFluxes/runtests.jl b/test/Common/SurfaceFluxes/runtests.jl index e82dad04f3f..2f4199e55fd 100644 --- a/test/Common/SurfaceFluxes/runtests.jl +++ b/test/Common/SurfaceFluxes/runtests.jl @@ -1,11 +1,8 @@ using Test using ClimateMachine.SurfaceFluxes -using ClimateMachine.SurfaceFluxes.Nishizawa2018 -using ClimateMachine.SurfaceFluxes.Byun1990 -using ClimateMachine.Thermodynamics -using RootSolvers -using CLIMAParameters + +using CLIMAParameters: AbstractEarthParameterSet struct EarthParameterSet <: AbstractEarthParameterSet end const param_set = EarthParameterSet() @@ -13,147 +10,48 @@ const param_set = EarthParameterSet() # These tests have been run to ensure they do not fail, # but they need further testing for correctness. -FT = Float32 -rtol = 10 * eps(FT) - @testset "SurfaceFluxes" begin - shf, lhf, T_b, q_pt, α_0 = - FT(60), FT(50), FT(350), PhasePartition{FT}(0.01, 0.002, 0.0001), FT(1) - buoyancy_flux = - SurfaceFluxes.compute_buoyancy_flux(param_set, shf, lhf, T_b, q_pt, α_0) - @test buoyancy_flux ≈ 0.0017808608107074118 - @test buoyancy_flux isa FT -end - -@testset "SurfaceFluxes.Byun1990" begin - u, flux = FT(0.1), FT(0.2) - MO_len = Byun1990.monin_obukhov_len(param_set, u, flux) - @test MO_len ≈ -0.0125 - - u_ave, buoyancy_flux, z_0, z_1 = FT(0.1), FT(0.2), FT(2), FT(5) - γ_m, β_m = FT(15), FT(4.8) - tol_abs, iter_max = FT(1e-3), 10 - u_star = Byun1990.compute_friction_velocity( - param_set, - u_ave, - buoyancy_flux, - z_0, - z_1, - β_m, - γ_m, - tol_abs, - iter_max, - ) - @test u_star ≈ 0.201347256193615 atol = tol_abs - @test u_star isa FT - - - Ri, z_b, z_0, Pr_0 = FT(10), FT(2), FT(5.0), FT(0.74) - γ_m, γ_h, β_m, β_h = FT(15), FT(9), FT(4.8), FT(7.8) - cm, ch, L_mo = Byun1990.compute_exchange_coefficients( - param_set, - Ri, - z_b, - z_0, - γ_m, - γ_h, - β_m, - β_h, - Pr_0, - ) - @test cm ≈ 19.700348427787368 - @test ch ≈ 3.3362564728997803 - @test L_mo ≈ -14.308268023583906 - @test cm isa FT - @test ch isa FT - @test L_mo isa FT - - Ri, z_b, z_0, Pr_0 = FT(-10), FT(10.0), FT(1.0), FT(0.74) - γ_m, γ_h, β_m, β_h = FT(15.0), FT(9.0), FT(4.8), FT(7.8) - cm, ch, L_mo = Byun1990.compute_exchange_coefficients( - param_set, - Ri, - z_b, - z_0, - γ_m, - γ_h, - β_m, - β_h, - Pr_0, - ) - @test cm ≈ 0.33300280321092746 rtol = rtol - @test ch ≈ 1.131830939627489 rtol = rtol - @test L_mo ≈ -0.3726237964444814 rtol = rtol - @test cm isa FT - @test ch isa FT - @test L_mo isa FT -end - -@testset "SurfaceFluxes.Nishizawa2018" begin - FT = Float32 - rtol = 10 * eps(FT) - u, θ, flux = FT(2), FT(350), FT(20) - MO_len = Nishizawa2018.monin_obukhov_len(param_set, u, θ, flux) - @test MO_len ≈ -35.67787971457696 - - u_ave, θ, flux, Δz, z_0, a = - FT(110.0), FT(350.0), FT(20.0), FT(100.0), FT(0.01), FT(5.0) - Ψ_m_tol, tol_abs, iter_max = FT(1e-3), FT(1e-3), 10 - u_star = Nishizawa2018.compute_friction_velocity( - param_set, - u_ave, - θ, - flux, - Δz, - z_0, - a, - Ψ_m_tol, - tol_abs, - iter_max, - ) - @test u_star ≈ 5.526644550864822 atol = tol_abs - @test u_star isa FT - - FT = Float64 - rtol = 10 * eps(FT) - z, F_m, F_h, a, u_star, θ, flux, Pr = - FT(1), FT(2), FT(3), FT(5), FT(110), FT(350), FT(20), FT(0.74) - - K_m, K_h, L_mo = Nishizawa2018.compute_exchange_coefficients( - param_set, - z, - F_m, - F_h, - a, - u_star, - θ, - flux, - Pr, - ) - @test K_m ≈ -11512.071612359368 rtol = rtol - @test K_h ≈ -6111.6196776263805 rtol = rtol - @test L_mo ≈ -5.935907237512742e6 rtol = rtol - - # Test type-stability: FT = Float32 - rtol = 10 * eps(FT) - z, F_m, F_h, a, u_star, θ, flux, Pr = - FT(1), FT(2), FT(3), FT(5), FT(110), FT(350), FT(20), FT(0.74) - - K_m, K_h, L_mo = Nishizawa2018.compute_exchange_coefficients( - param_set, - z, - F_m, - F_h, - a, - u_star, - θ, - flux, - Pr, - ) - @test K_m isa FT - @test K_h isa FT - @test L_mo isa FT + x_initial = FT[100, 15.0, 350.0] + F_exchange = FT[2.0, 3.0] + z_0 = FT[1.0, 1.0] + dimensionless_number = FT[1.0, 0.74] + x_ave = FT[5.0, 350.0] + x_s = FT[0.0, 300.0] + + Δz = FT(2.0) + z = FT(0.5) + θ_bar = FT(300.0) + a = FT(4.7) + pottemp_flux_given = FT(-200.0) + args = x_initial, + x_ave, + x_s, + z_0, + F_exchange, + dimensionless_number, + θ_bar, + Δz, + z, + a, + pottemp_flux_given + sfc = surface_conditions(param_set, args[1:(end - 1)]...) + @test sfc.L_MO isa FT + @test sfc.pottemp_flux_star isa FT + + @test sfc.L_MO ≈ 54.563405359719404 + @test sfc.pottemp_flux_star ≈ -1132.9097989525164 + @test all(sfc.flux .≈ [-86.79000158448329, -1132.9097989138224]) + @test all(sfc.x_star .≈ [9.316115155175106, 121.60753490520031]) + @test all(sfc.K_exchange .≈ [0.9969164175880834, 0.08477271454000379]) + + sfc = surface_conditions(param_set, args...) + + @test sfc.L_MO ≈ 405.8862509767147 + @test sfc.pottemp_flux_star ≈ -199.99999999999997 + @test all(sfc.flux .≈ [-104.07858678549196, -1399.2078659154145]) + @test all(sfc.x_star .≈ [10.20189133374258, 137.15181039887756]) + @test all(sfc.K_exchange .≈ [6.771981702484999, 0.5591365770421184]) end