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Relative Humidity -> Relative Super Saturation
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charleskawczynski committed Dec 19, 2019
1 parent 5d962ae commit c87d8f9
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Showing 4 changed files with 169 additions and 115 deletions.
22 changes: 0 additions & 22 deletions src/Common/MoistThermodynamics/MoistThermodynamics.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -826,7 +826,6 @@ function saturation_adjustment_q_tot_θ_liq_ice_given_pressure(θ_liq_ice::FT, p
T_2 = bound_upper_temperature(T_1, T_2)
sol = find_zero(
T -> liquid_ice_pottemp_sat(T, air_density(T, p, PhasePartition(q_tot)), q_tot) - θ_liq_ice,
# T -> liquid_ice_pottemp_sat_given_pressure(T, p, q_tot, tol, maxiter) - θ_liq_ice,
T_1, T_2, SecantMethod(), CompactSolution(), tol, maxiter)
if !sol.converged
error("saturation_adjustment_q_tot_θ_liq_ice_given_pressure did not converge")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1027,27 +1026,6 @@ The saturated liquid ice potential temperature where
liquid_ice_pottemp_sat(T::FT, ρ::FT, q_tot::FT) where {FT<:Real} =
liquid_ice_pottemp(T, ρ, PhasePartition_equil(T, ρ, q_tot))

liquid_ice_pottemp_sat_given_pressure(T, p, q_tot)
The saturated liquid ice potential temperature where
- `T` temperature
- `p` pressure
- `q_tot` total specific humidity
- `tol` tolerance for non-linear equation solve
- `maxiter` maximum iterations for non-linear equation solve
function liquid_ice_pottemp_sat_given_pressure(T::FT, p::FT, q_tot::FT, tol::FT, maxiter::Int) where {FT<:Real}
sol = find_zero(ρ_ -> ρ_ - air_density(T, p, PhasePartition_equil(T, ρ_, q_tot)),
FT(0.1), FT(1.2), SecantMethod(), CompactSolution(), tol, maxiter)
ρ = sol.root
if !sol.converged
error("liquid_ice_pottemp_sat_given_pressure did not converge")
return liquid_ice_pottemp(T, ρ, PhasePartition_equil(T, ρ, q_tot))

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34 changes: 19 additions & 15 deletions src/Common/MoistThermodynamics/states.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ end
function PhaseEquil(e_int::FT,
sat_adjust::F=saturation_adjustment) where {FT<:Real,F}
return PhaseEquil{FT}(e_int, ρ, q_tot, sat_adjust(e_int, ρ, q_tot, tol, maxiter))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ Constructs a [`PhaseEquil`](@ref) thermodynamic state from:
function LiquidIcePotTempSHumEquil(θ_liq_ice::FT,
) where {FT<:Real}
T = saturation_adjustment_q_tot_θ_liq_ice(θ_liq_ice, ρ, q_tot, tol, maxiter)
q_pt = PhasePartition_equil(T, ρ, q_tot)
Expand All @@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ Constructs a [`PhaseEquil`](@ref) thermodynamic state from:
function LiquidIcePotTempSHumEquil_given_pressure(θ_liq_ice::FT,
maxiter::Int=10) where {FT<:Real}
maxiter::Int=30) where {FT<:Real}
T = saturation_adjustment_q_tot_θ_liq_ice_given_pressure(θ_liq_ice, p, q_tot, tol, maxiter)
ρ = air_density(T, p, PhasePartition(q_tot))
q = PhasePartition_equil(T, ρ, q_tot)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -205,8 +205,8 @@ and, optionally
function LiquidIcePotTempSHumNonEquil(θ_liq_ice::FT,
) where {FT<:Real}
T = air_temperature_from_liquid_ice_pottemp_non_linear(θ_liq_ice, ρ, tol, maxiter, q_pt)
e_int = internal_energy(T, q_pt)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -265,9 +265,13 @@ Note that the output vectors are of size ``n*n_RH``, and they
should span the input arguments to all of the constructors.
function tested_convergence_range(FT, n)
n_RH = 30
z_range = range(FT(0), stop=FT(25*10^3), length=n)
RH = range(FT(0), stop=FT(1.2), length=n_RH)
n_RS1 = 10
n_RS2 = 20
n_RS = n_RS1+n_RS2
z_range = range(FT(0), stop=FT(2.5e4), length=n)
relative_sat1 = range(FT(0), stop=FT(1), length=n_RS1)
relative_sat2 = range(FT(1), stop=FT(1.02), length=n_RS2)
relative_sat = [relative_sat1...,relative_sat2...]
T_min = FT(150)
T_surface = FT(350)

Expand All @@ -276,14 +280,14 @@ function tested_convergence_range(FT, n)
getindex.(args, 2),
getindex.(args, 3)

p = collect(Iterators.flatten([p for RH_ in 1:n_RH]))
ρ = collect(Iterators.flatten([ρ for RH_ in 1:n_RH]))
T = collect(Iterators.flatten([T for RH_ in 1:n_RH]))
RH = collect(Iterators.flatten([RH for RH_ in 1:n]))
p = collect(Iterators.flatten([p for RS in 1:n_RS]))
ρ = collect(Iterators.flatten([ρ for RS in 1:n_RS]))
T = collect(Iterators.flatten([T for RS in 1:n_RS]))
relative_sat = collect(Iterators.flatten([relative_sat for RS in 1:n]))

# Additional variables
q_sat = q_vap_saturation.(T, ρ)
q_tot = min.(RH .*q_sat, FT(1))
q_tot = min.(relative_sat .*q_sat, FT(1))
q_pt = PhasePartition_equil.(T, ρ, q_tot)
e_int = internal_energy.(T, q_pt)
θ_liq_ice = liquid_ice_pottemp.(T, ρ, q_pt)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Diagnostics/Diagnostics.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ function compute_thermo!(FT, state, k, ijk, ev, e, z, zvals, thermoQ)

e_int = e_tot - 1//2 * (u^2 + v^2 + w^2) - grav * z

ts = PhaseEquil(convert(FT, e_int), state.ρ, q_tot)
ts = PhaseEquil(convert(FT, e_int), state.ρ, q_tot, FT(1e-2), 3)
Phpart = PhasePartition(ts)

th = thermo_vars(thermoQ[ijk,e])
Expand Down
226 changes: 149 additions & 77 deletions test/Common/MoistThermodynamics/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ MT = MoistThermodynamics
using CLIMA.PlanetParameters
using LinearAlgebra

float_types = [Float32, Float64]

@testset "moist thermodynamics - correctness" begin
FT = Float64
# ideal gas law
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,85 +126,155 @@ using LinearAlgebra

@testset "moist thermodynamics - default behavior accuracy" begin
# Input arguments should be accurate within machine precision
# Temperature is approximated via saturation adjustment, and should be within a physical tolerance

for FT in float_types
rtol = FT(1e-2)
e_int, ρ, q_tot, q_pt, T, p, θ_liq_ice = MT.tested_convergence_range(FT, 50)

# PhaseEquil
ts_exact = PhaseEquil.(e_int, ρ, q_tot, FT(1e-4), 100)
ts = PhaseEquil.(e_int, ρ, q_tot)
# Should be machine accurate (because ts contains `e_int`,`ρ`,`q_tot`):
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:tot) .≈ getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts_exact),:tot))
@test all(internal_energy.(ts) .≈ internal_energy.(ts_exact))
@test all(air_density.(ts) .≈ air_density.(ts_exact))
# Approximate (temperature must be computed via saturation adjustment):
@test all(isapprox.(air_pressure.(ts), air_pressure.(ts_exact), rtol=rtol))
@test all(isapprox.(air_temperature.(ts), air_temperature.(ts_exact), rtol=rtol))

# PhaseEquil
ts_exact = PhaseEquil.(e_int, ρ, q_tot, FT(1e-4), 100, MT.saturation_adjustment_SecantMethod)
ts = PhaseEquil.(e_int, ρ, q_tot, FT(1e-1), 30, MT.saturation_adjustment_SecantMethod) # Needs to be in sync with default
# Should be machine accurate (because ts contains `e_int`,`ρ`,`q_tot`):
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:tot) .≈ getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts_exact),:tot))
@test all(internal_energy.(ts) .≈ internal_energy.(ts_exact))
@test all(air_density.(ts) .≈ air_density.(ts_exact))
# Approximate (temperature must be computed via saturation adjustment):
@test all(isapprox.(air_pressure.(ts), air_pressure.(ts_exact), rtol=rtol))
@test all(isapprox.(air_temperature.(ts), air_temperature.(ts_exact), rtol=rtol))

# LiquidIcePotTempSHumEquil
ts_exact = LiquidIcePotTempSHumEquil.(θ_liq_ice, ρ, q_tot, FT(1e-3), 40)
ts = LiquidIcePotTempSHumEquil.(θ_liq_ice, ρ, q_tot)
# Should be machine accurate:
@test all(air_density.(ts) .≈ air_density.(ts_exact))
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:tot) .≈ getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts_exact),:tot))
# Approximate (temperature must be computed via saturation adjustment):
@test all(isapprox.(internal_energy.(ts), internal_energy.(ts_exact), rtol=rtol))
@test all(isapprox.(liquid_ice_pottemp.(ts), liquid_ice_pottemp.(ts_exact), rtol=rtol))
@test all(isapprox.(air_temperature.(ts), air_temperature.(ts_exact), rtol=rtol))

# LiquidIcePotTempSHumEquil_given_pressure
ts_exact = LiquidIcePotTempSHumEquil_given_pressure.(θ_liq_ice, p, q_tot, FT(1e-3), 40)
ts = LiquidIcePotTempSHumEquil_given_pressure.(θ_liq_ice, p, q_tot)
# Should be machine accurate:
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:tot) .≈ getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts_exact),:tot))
# Approximate (temperature must be computed via saturation adjustment):
@test all(isapprox.(air_density.(ts), air_density.(ts_exact), rtol=rtol))
@test all(isapprox.(internal_energy.(ts), internal_energy.(ts_exact), rtol=rtol))
@test all(isapprox.(liquid_ice_pottemp.(ts), liquid_ice_pottemp.(ts_exact), rtol=rtol))
@test all(isapprox.(air_temperature.(ts), air_temperature.(ts_exact), rtol=rtol))

# LiquidIcePotTempSHumNonEquil
ts_exact = LiquidIcePotTempSHumNonEquil.(θ_liq_ice, ρ, q_pt, FT(1e-3), 40)
ts = LiquidIcePotTempSHumNonEquil.(θ_liq_ice, ρ, q_pt)
# Should be machine accurate:
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:tot) .≈ getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts_exact),:tot))
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:liq) .≈ getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts_exact),:liq))
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:ice) .≈ getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts_exact),:ice))
@test all(air_density.(ts) .≈ air_density.(ts_exact))
# Approximate (temperature must be computed via non-linear solve):
@test all(isapprox.(internal_energy.(ts), internal_energy.(ts_exact), rtol=rtol))
@test all(isapprox.(liquid_ice_pottemp.(ts), liquid_ice_pottemp.(ts_exact), rtol=rtol))
@test all(isapprox.(air_temperature.(ts), air_temperature.(ts_exact), rtol=rtol))



@testset "moist thermodynamics - constructor consistency" begin

# Make sure `ThermodynamicState` arguments are returned unchanged

FT = Float64
e_int, ρ, q_tot, q_pt, T, p, θ_liq_ice = MT.tested_convergence_range(FT, 50)

# PhaseDry
ts = PhaseDry.(e_int, ρ)
@test all(internal_energy.(ts) .≈ e_int)
@test all(air_density.(ts) .≈ ρ)

# PhaseEquil
ts = PhaseEquil.(e_int, ρ, q_tot, FT(1e-2), 15, Ref(MT.saturation_adjustment_SecantMethod))
@test all(internal_energy.(ts) .≈ e_int)
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:tot) .≈ q_tot)
@test all(air_density.(ts) .≈ ρ)

ts = PhaseEquil.(e_int, ρ, q_tot, FT(1e-2), 15)
@test all(internal_energy.(ts) .≈ e_int)
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:tot) .≈ q_tot)
@test all(air_density.(ts) .≈ ρ)

# PhaseNonEquil
ts = PhaseNonEquil.(e_int, ρ, q_pt)
@test all(internal_energy.(ts) .≈ e_int)
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:tot) .≈ getproperty.(q_pt, :tot))
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:liq) .≈ getproperty.(q_pt, :liq))
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:ice) .≈ getproperty.(q_pt, :ice))
@test all(air_density.(ts) .≈ ρ)

# air_temperature_from_liquid_ice_pottemp_given_pressure-liquid_ice_pottemp inverse
θ_liq_ice_ = liquid_ice_pottemp_given_pressure.(T, p, q_pt)
@test all(air_temperature_from_liquid_ice_pottemp_given_pressure.(θ_liq_ice_, p, q_pt) .≈ T)

# liquid_ice_pottemp-air_temperature_from_liquid_ice_pottemp_given_pressure inverse
T = air_temperature_from_liquid_ice_pottemp_given_pressure.(θ_liq_ice, p, q_pt)
@test all(liquid_ice_pottemp_given_pressure.(T, p, q_pt) .≈ θ_liq_ice)

# Accurate but expensive `LiquidIcePotTempSHumNonEquil` constructor (Non-linear temperature from θ_liq_ice)
T_non_linear = air_temperature_from_liquid_ice_pottemp_non_linear.(θ_liq_ice, ρ, 1e-3, 10, q_pt)
e_int_ = internal_energy.(T_non_linear, q_pt)
ts = PhaseNonEquil.(e_int_, ρ, q_pt)
@test all(T_non_linear .≈ air_temperature.(ts))
@test all(θ_liq_ice .≈ liquid_ice_pottemp.(ts))

# LiquidIcePotTempSHumEquil
ts = LiquidIcePotTempSHumEquil.(θ_liq_ice, ρ, q_tot, 1e-4, 10)
@test all(liquid_ice_pottemp.(ts) .≈ θ_liq_ice)
@test all(air_density.(ts) .≈ ρ)
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:tot) .≈ q_tot)

# The LiquidIcePotTempSHumEquil_given_pressure constructor
# passes the consistency test within sufficient physical precision,
# however, it fails to satisfy the consistency test within machine
# precision for the input pressure.

# LiquidIcePotTempSHumEquil_given_pressure
ts = LiquidIcePotTempSHumEquil_given_pressure.(θ_liq_ice, p, q_tot, FT(1e-4), 20)
@test all(liquid_ice_pottemp.(ts) .≈ θ_liq_ice)
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:tot) .≈ getproperty.(q_pt, :tot))
# @test all(air_pressure.(ts) .≈ p) # TODO: would be nice to get working
@test max(abs.(air_pressure.(ts) .- p)...) < 1100 # Best we can do right now

# LiquidIcePotTempSHumNonEquil_given_pressure
ts = LiquidIcePotTempSHumNonEquil_given_pressure.(θ_liq_ice, p, q_pt)
@test all(liquid_ice_pottemp.(ts) .≈ θ_liq_ice)
@test all(air_pressure.(ts) .≈ p)
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:tot) .≈ getproperty.(q_pt,:tot))
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:liq) .≈ getproperty.(q_pt,:liq))
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:ice) .≈ getproperty.(q_pt,:ice))

# LiquidIcePotTempSHumNonEquil
ts = LiquidIcePotTempSHumNonEquil.(θ_liq_ice, ρ, q_pt, FT(1e-3))
@test all(θ_liq_ice .≈ liquid_ice_pottemp.(ts))
@test all(air_density.(ts) .≈ ρ)
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:tot) .≈ getproperty.(q_pt,:tot))
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:liq) .≈ getproperty.(q_pt,:liq))
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:ice) .≈ getproperty.(q_pt,:ice))
for FT in float_types
rtol = FT(1e-2)
e_int, ρ, q_tot, q_pt, T, p, θ_liq_ice = MT.tested_convergence_range(FT, 50)

# PhaseDry
ts = PhaseDry.(e_int, ρ)
@test all(internal_energy.(ts) .≈ e_int)
@test all(air_density.(ts) .≈ ρ)

# PhaseEquil
ts = PhaseEquil.(e_int, ρ, q_tot, FT(1e-1), 30, Ref(MT.saturation_adjustment_SecantMethod))
@test all(internal_energy.(ts) .≈ e_int)
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:tot) .≈ q_tot)
@test all(air_density.(ts) .≈ ρ)

ts = PhaseEquil.(e_int, ρ, q_tot)
@test all(internal_energy.(ts) .≈ e_int)
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:tot) .≈ q_tot)
@test all(air_density.(ts) .≈ ρ)

# PhaseNonEquil
ts = PhaseNonEquil.(e_int, ρ, q_pt)
@test all(internal_energy.(ts) .≈ e_int)
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:tot) .≈ getproperty.(q_pt, :tot))
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:liq) .≈ getproperty.(q_pt, :liq))
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:ice) .≈ getproperty.(q_pt, :ice))
@test all(air_density.(ts) .≈ ρ)

# air_temperature_from_liquid_ice_pottemp_given_pressure-liquid_ice_pottemp inverse
θ_liq_ice_ = liquid_ice_pottemp_given_pressure.(T, p, q_pt)
@test all(air_temperature_from_liquid_ice_pottemp_given_pressure.(θ_liq_ice_, p, q_pt) .≈ T)

# liquid_ice_pottemp-air_temperature_from_liquid_ice_pottemp_given_pressure inverse
T = air_temperature_from_liquid_ice_pottemp_given_pressure.(θ_liq_ice, p, q_pt)
@test all(liquid_ice_pottemp_given_pressure.(T, p, q_pt) .≈ θ_liq_ice)

# Accurate but expensive `LiquidIcePotTempSHumNonEquil` constructor (Non-linear temperature from θ_liq_ice)
T_non_linear = air_temperature_from_liquid_ice_pottemp_non_linear.(θ_liq_ice, ρ, FT(1e-3), 10, q_pt)
e_int_ = internal_energy.(T_non_linear, q_pt)
ts = PhaseNonEquil.(e_int_, ρ, q_pt)
@test all(T_non_linear .≈ air_temperature.(ts))
@test all(θ_liq_ice .≈ liquid_ice_pottemp.(ts))

# LiquidIcePotTempSHumEquil
ts = LiquidIcePotTempSHumEquil.(θ_liq_ice, ρ, q_tot, FT(1e-3), 40)
@test all(isapprox.(liquid_ice_pottemp.(ts), θ_liq_ice, atol=1e-1))
@test all(isapprox.(air_density.(ts), ρ, rtol=rtol))
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:tot) .≈ q_tot)

# The LiquidIcePotTempSHumEquil_given_pressure constructor
# passes the consistency test within sufficient physical precision,
# however, it fails to satisfy the consistency test within machine
# precision for the input pressure.

# LiquidIcePotTempSHumEquil_given_pressure
ts = LiquidIcePotTempSHumEquil_given_pressure.(θ_liq_ice, p, q_tot, FT(1e-3), 40)
@test all(isapprox.(liquid_ice_pottemp.(ts), θ_liq_ice, atol=1e-1))
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:tot) .≈ getproperty.(q_pt, :tot))
@test all(isapprox.(air_pressure.(ts), p, atol=FT(MSLP)*2e-2))

# LiquidIcePotTempSHumNonEquil_given_pressure
ts = LiquidIcePotTempSHumNonEquil_given_pressure.(θ_liq_ice, p, q_pt)
@test all(liquid_ice_pottemp.(ts) .≈ θ_liq_ice)
@test all(air_pressure.(ts) .≈ p)
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:tot) .≈ getproperty.(q_pt,:tot))
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:liq) .≈ getproperty.(q_pt,:liq))
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:ice) .≈ getproperty.(q_pt,:ice))

# LiquidIcePotTempSHumNonEquil
ts = LiquidIcePotTempSHumNonEquil.(θ_liq_ice, ρ, q_pt, FT(1e-3))
@test all(θ_liq_ice .≈ liquid_ice_pottemp.(ts))
@test all(air_density.(ts) .≈ ρ)
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:tot) .≈ getproperty.(q_pt,:tot))
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:liq) .≈ getproperty.(q_pt,:liq))
@test all(getproperty.(PhasePartition.(ts),:ice) .≈ getproperty.(q_pt,:ice))


Expand All @@ -222,8 +294,8 @@ end
ts_eq = PhaseEquil.(e_int, ρ, q_tot, FT(1e-1), 15)
ts_T = TemperatureSHumEquil.(air_temperature.(ts_dry), air_pressure.(ts_dry), q_tot)
ts_neq = PhaseNonEquil.(e_int, ρ, q_pt)
ts_θ_liq_ice_eq = LiquidIcePotTempSHumEquil.(θ_liq_ice, ρ, q_tot, FT(1e-2), 15)
ts_θ_liq_ice_eq_p = LiquidIcePotTempSHumEquil_given_pressure.(θ_liq_ice, p, q_tot, FT(1e-2), 20)
ts_θ_liq_ice_eq = LiquidIcePotTempSHumEquil.(θ_liq_ice, ρ, q_tot, FT(1e-3), 40)
ts_θ_liq_ice_eq_p = LiquidIcePotTempSHumEquil_given_pressure.(θ_liq_ice, p, q_tot, FT(1e-3), 40)
ts_θ_liq_ice_neq = LiquidIcePotTempSHumNonEquil.(θ_liq_ice, ρ, q_pt)
ts_θ_liq_ice_neq_p = LiquidIcePotTempSHumNonEquil_given_pressure.(θ_liq_ice, p, q_pt)

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