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Merge pull request #385 from CliMA/al/aida_calibrations
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AIDA homogeneous ice nucleation calibrations
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amylu00 authored Sep 17, 2024
2 parents 27f57e6 + 3ce2f0d commit 012def4
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Showing 9 changed files with 410 additions and 30 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions papers/Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
CairoMakie = "13f3f980-e62b-5c42-98c6-ff1f3baf88f0"
ClimaParams = "5c42b081-d73a-476f-9059-fd94b934656c"
ClimaUtilities = "b3f4f4ca-9299-4f7f-bd9b-81e1242a7513"
CloudMicrophysics = "6a9e3e04-43cd-43ba-94b9-e8782df3c71b"
Distributions = "31c24e10-a181-5473-b8eb-7969acd0382f"
EnsembleKalmanProcesses = "aa8a2aa5-91d8-4396-bcef-d4f2ec43552d"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
OrdinaryDiffEq = "1dea7af3-3e70-54e6-95c3-0bf5283fa5ed"
Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c"
SpecialFunctions = "276daf66-3868-5448-9aa4-cd146d93841b"
Thermodynamics = "b60c26fb-14c3-4610-9d3e-2d17fe7ff00c"
212 changes: 212 additions & 0 deletions papers/ice_nucleation_2024/AIDA_calibrations.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
import ClimaParams as CP
import CloudMicrophysics as CM
import CloudMicrophysics.Parameters as CMP
import Thermodynamics as TD
import CairoMakie as MK

# To grab data
import DelimitedFiles
using LazyArtifacts
using ClimaUtilities.ClimaArtifacts

FT = Float64
include(joinpath(pkgdir(CM), "papers", "ice_nucleation_2024", "calibration.jl"))
ips = CMP.IceNucleationParameters(FT)

function unpack_data(data_file_name)
file_path = CM.ArtifactCalling.AIDA_ice_nucleation(data_file_name)
return DelimitedFiles.readdlm(file_path, skipstart = 125)
moving_average(data, n) =
[sum(@view data[i:(i + n - 1)]) / n for i in 1:(length(data) - (n - 1))]

data_file_names = ["in05_17_aida.edf", "in05_18_aida.edf", "in05_19_aida.edf"]
plot_names = ["IN0517", "IN0518", "IN0519"]

start_time_list = [195, 180, 80] .+ 100 # AIDA time starts at -100 seconds. Add freezing onset as needed.
end_time_list = [290, 290, 170] .+ 100 # approximate time freezing stops
moving_average_n = 20 # average every n points

updrafts = [FT(1.5), FT(1.4), FT(5)]
tps = TD.Parameters.ThermodynamicsParameters(FT)
R_v = TD.Parameters.R_v(tps)
R_d = TD.Parameters.R_d(tps)
ϵₘ = R_d / R_v

for (exp_index, data_file_name) in enumerate(data_file_names)
#! format: off
### Unpacking experiment-specific variables
plot_name = plot_names[exp_index]
w = updrafts[exp_index]
start_time = start_time_list[exp_index]
end_time = end_time_list[exp_index]

## Moving average to smooth data
moving_average_start = Int32(start_time + (moving_average_n / 2 - 1))
moving_average_end = Int32(end_time - (moving_average_n / 2))
t_max =
(end_time - 100 - (moving_average_n / 2)) - # AIDA time starts at -100 seconds (t = 0 at index 101)
(start_time - 100 + (moving_average_n / 2 - 1)) # duration of simulation

params = AIDA_IN05_params(FT, w, t_max)
IC = AIDA_IN05_IC(FT, data_file_name)

### Check for data file in AIDA_data folder.
chamber_data = unpack_data(data_file_name)
ICNC = chamber_data[start_time:end_time, 6] .* 1e6 # Nᵢ [m^-3]

frozen_frac = ICNC ./ (IC[7] + IC[8] + IC[9])
frozen_frac_moving_mean = moving_average(frozen_frac, moving_average_n)
ICNC_moving_avg = moving_average(ICNC, moving_average_n)
Γ = 0.15 * LinearAlgebra.I * (maximum(frozen_frac_moving_mean) - minimum(frozen_frac_moving_mean)) # coeff is an estimated of the noise

### Plotting AIDA data.
AIDA_data_fig = MK.Figure(size = (800, 600), fontsize = 24)
ax1 = MK.Axis(AIDA_data_fig[1, 1], ylabel = "ICNC [m^-3]", xlabel = "time [s]", title = "AIDA data $plot_name")
chamber_data[start_time:end_time, 1],
label = "Raw AIDA",
color =:blue,
linestyle =:dash,
linewidth = 2,
chamber_data[moving_average_start:moving_average_end, 1],
label = "AIDA moving mean",
linewidth = 2.5,
color =:blue,
MK.axislegend(ax1, framevisible = true, labelsize = 12, position = :rc)"$plot_name"*"_ICNC.svg", AIDA_data_fig)

### Calibration.
output = calibrate_J_parameters(FT, "ABHOM", params, IC, frozen_frac_moving_mean, Γ)
n_iterations = size(output[3])[1]
n_ensembles = size(output[3][1])[2]
calibrated_parameters = [output[1], output[2]]
calibrated_ensemble_means = ensemble_means(output[3], n_iterations, n_ensembles)
# Calibrated parcel
parcel = run_calibrated_model(FT, "ABHOM", calibrated_parameters, params, IC)
#parcel_default = run_calibrated_model(FT, "ABHOM", [FT(255.927125), FT(-68.553283)], params, IC)

### Plots.
## Calibrated coefficients.
# Did they converge?
calibrated_coeffs_fig = MK.Figure(size = (600, 600), fontsize = 24)
ax3 = MK.Axis(calibrated_coeffs_fig[1, 1], ylabel = "m coefficient [-]", title = "$plot_name")
ax4 = MK.Axis(calibrated_coeffs_fig[2, 1], ylabel = "c coefficient [-]", xlabel = "iteration #")
MK.lines!(ax3, collect(1:n_iterations), calibrated_ensemble_means[1], label = "ensemble mean", color = :orange, linewidth = 2.5)
MK.lines!(ax4, collect(1:n_iterations), calibrated_ensemble_means[2], label = "ensemble mean", color = :orange, linewidth = 2.5)"$plot_name"*"_calibrated_coeffs_fig.svg", calibrated_coeffs_fig)

## Calibrated parcel simulations.
# Does the calibrated parcel give reasonable outputs?
tps = TD.Parameters.ThermodynamicsParameters(FT)
chamber_S_l = zeros(FT, size(chamber_data[start_time:end_time, 4], 1), size(chamber_data[start_time:end_time, 4], 2))
for (i, e) in enumerate(chamber_data[start_time:end_time, 4])
temp = chamber_data[start_time:end_time, 3][i]
eₛ = TD.saturation_vapor_pressure(tps, temp, TD.Liquid())
chamber_S_l[i] = e / eₛ
chamber_r_l = zeros(FT, size(chamber_data[start_time:end_time, 8], 1), size(chamber_data[start_time:end_time, 8], 2))
for (i, r_l) in enumerate(chamber_data[start_time:end_time, 8] .* 1e-6)
chamber_r_l[i] = r_l < 0 ? FT(0) : r_l

calibrated_parcel_fig = MK.Figure(size = (1500, 800), fontsize = 20)
ax_parcel_1 = MK.Axis(calibrated_parcel_fig[1, 1], ylabel = "saturation [-]", xlabel = "time [s]", title = "$plot_name")
ax_parcel_2 = MK.Axis(calibrated_parcel_fig[2, 1], ylabel = "liq mixing ratio [g/kg]", xlabel = "time [s]")
ax_parcel_3 = MK.Axis(calibrated_parcel_fig[1, 2], ylabel = "temperature [K]", xlabel = "time [s]")
ax_parcel_4 = MK.Axis(calibrated_parcel_fig[2, 2], ylabel = "qᵢ [g/kg]", xlabel = "time [s]")
ax_parcel_5 = MK.Axis(calibrated_parcel_fig[3, 1], ylabel = "Nₗ [m^-3]", xlabel = "time [s]")
ax_parcel_6 = MK.Axis(calibrated_parcel_fig[3, 2], ylabel = "Nᵢ [m^-3]", xlabel = "time [s]")
ax_parcel_7 = MK.Axis(calibrated_parcel_fig[1, 3], ylabel = "pressure [Pa]", xlabel = "time [s]")
ax_parcel_8 = MK.Axis(calibrated_parcel_fig[2, 3], ylabel = "Nₐ [m^-3]", xlabel = "time [s]")
MK.lines!(ax_parcel_1, parcel.t .+ (moving_average_n / 2), parcel[1, :], label = "calibrated", color = :orange) # label = "liquid"
#MK.lines!(ax_parcel_1, parcel_default.t .+ (moving_average_n / 2), parcel_default[1, :], label = "default", color = :darkorange2)
MK.lines!(ax_parcel_1, parcel.t .+ (moving_average_n / 2), S_i.(tps, parcel[3, :], parcel[1, :]), label = "ice", color = :green)
# MK.lines!(
# ax_parcel_1,
# chamber_data[start_time:end_time, 1] .- (start_time - 100),
# vec(chamber_S_l),
# label = "chamber",
# color = :blue
# )
MK.lines!(ax_parcel_2, parcel.t .+ (moving_average_n / 2), parcel[5, :], color = :orange)
#MK.lines!(ax_parcel_2, parcel_default.t .+ (moving_average_n / 2), parcel_default[5,:], color = :darkorange2)
MK.lines!(ax_parcel_3, parcel.t .+ (moving_average_n / 2), parcel[3, :], color = :orange)
#MK.lines!(ax_parcel_3, parcel_default.t .+ (moving_average_n / 2), parcel_default[3, :], color = :darkorange2)
chamber_data[start_time:end_time, 1] .- (start_time - 100),
chamber_data[start_time:end_time, 3],
color = :blue
MK.lines!(ax_parcel_4, parcel.t .+ (moving_average_n / 2), parcel[6, :], color = :orange)
#MK.lines!(ax_parcel_4, parcel_default.t .+ (moving_average_n / 2), parcel_default[6, :], color = :darkorange2)
MK.lines!(ax_parcel_5, parcel.t .+ (moving_average_n / 2), parcel[8, :], color = :orange)
#MK.lines!(ax_parcel_5, parcel_default.t .+ (moving_average_n / 2), parcel_default[8, :], color = :darkorange2)
MK.lines!(ax_parcel_6, parcel.t .+ (moving_average_n / 2), parcel[9, :], color = :orange)
# MK.lines!(ax_parcel_6, parcel_default.t .+ (moving_average_n / 2), parcel_default[9, :], color = :darkorange2)
chamber_data[start_time:end_time, 1] .- (start_time - 100),
color = :blue
MK.lines!(ax_parcel_7, parcel.t .+ (moving_average_n / 2), parcel[2, :], color = :orange)
chamber_data[start_time:end_time, 1] .- (start_time - 100),
chamber_data[start_time:end_time, 2] .* 1e2,
color = :blue
MK.lines!(ax_parcel_8, parcel.t .+ (moving_average_n / 2), parcel[7, :], color = :orange)"$plot_name"*"_calibrated_parcel_fig.svg", calibrated_parcel_fig)

## Comparing AIDA data and calibrated parcel.
# Does calibrated parcel look like observations?
ICNC_comparison_fig = MK.Figure(size = (700, 600), fontsize = 24)
ax_compare = MK.Axis(ICNC_comparison_fig[1, 1], ylabel = "Frozen Fraction [-]", xlabel = "time [s]", title = "$plot_name")
# MK.lines!(
# ax_compare,
# parcel_default.t .+ (moving_average_n / 2),
# parcel_default[9, :]./ (IC[7] + IC[8] + IC[9]), # IC[8] if starting with droplets (no aerosol activation)
# label = "CM.jl Parcel (Pre-Calib)",
# linewidth = 2.5,
# color =:orangered,
# )
parcel.t .+ (moving_average_n / 2),
parcel[9, :]./ (IC[7] + IC[8] + IC[9]), # IC[8] if starting with droplets (no aerosol activation)
label = "CM.jl Parcel (Calibrated)",
linewidth = 2.5,
color =:orange,
chamber_data[start_time:end_time, 1] .- (start_time - 100),
label = "Raw AIDA",
linewidth = 2,
color =:blue,
linestyle =:dash,
chamber_data[moving_average_start:moving_average_end, 1] .- (start_time - 100),
label = "AIDA Moving Avg",
linewidth = 2.5,
color =:blue
MK.axislegend(ax_compare, framevisible = false, labelsize = 20, position = :lt)"$plot_name"*"_ICNC_comparison_fig.svg", ICNC_comparison_fig)

#! format: on
81 changes: 61 additions & 20 deletions papers/ice_nucleation_2024/calibration.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,14 +19,12 @@ include(joinpath(pkgdir(CM), "papers", "ice_nucleation_2024", "calibration_setup
function run_model(p, coefficients, IN_mode, FT, IC)
# grabbing parameters
m_calibrated, c_calibrated = coefficients
(; const_dt, w, deposition_growth) = p
(; liq_size_distribution, ice_size_distribution) = p

t_max = FT(100)
(; const_dt, w, t_max, aerosol_act, aerosol, r_nuc) = p
(; deposition_growth, condensation_growth) = p
(; dep_nucleation, heterogeneous, homogeneous) = p
(; liq_size_distribution, ice_size_distribution, aero_σ_g) = p

if IN_mode == "ABDINM"
(; dep_nucleation) = p

# overwriting
override_file = Dict(
"China2017_J_deposition_m_Kaolinite" =>
Expand All @@ -43,6 +41,7 @@ function run_model(p, coefficients, IN_mode, FT, IC)
w = w,
aerosol = overwrite,
deposition = dep_nucleation,
condensation_growth = condensation_growth,
deposition_growth = deposition_growth,
liq_size_distribution = liq_size_distribution,
ice_size_distribution = ice_size_distribution,
Expand All @@ -53,8 +52,6 @@ function run_model(p, coefficients, IN_mode, FT, IC)
return sol[9, :] .* 1e10 # ICNC magnified

elseif IN_mode == "ABIFM"
(; heterogeneous, condensation_growth) = p

# overwriting
override_file = Dict(
"KnopfAlpert2013_J_ABIFM_m_Kaolinite" =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,8 +79,47 @@ function run_model(p, coefficients, IN_mode, FT, IC)
return sol[9, :] # ICNC

elseif IN_mode == "ABHOM"
(; homogeneous) = p
# overwriting
override_file = Dict(
"Linear_J_hom_coeff2" =>
Dict("value" => m_calibrated, "type" => "float"),
"Linear_J_hom_coeff1" =>
Dict("value" => c_calibrated, "type" => "float"),
ip_calibrated = CP.create_toml_dict(FT; override_file)
overwrite = CMP.IceNucleationParameters(ip_calibrated)

# run parcel with new coefficients
local params = parcel_params{FT}(
const_dt = const_dt,
w = w,
aerosol_act = aerosol_act,
aerosol = aerosol,
aero_σ_g = aero_σ_g,
homogeneous = homogeneous,
condensation_growth = condensation_growth,
deposition_growth = deposition_growth,
liq_size_distribution = liq_size_distribution,
ice_size_distribution = ice_size_distribution,
ips = overwrite,
r_nuc = r_nuc,

# solve ODE
local sol = run_parcel(IC, FT(0), t_max, params)
return sol[9, :] ./ (IC[7] + IC[8] + IC[9]) # frozen fraction

function run_calibrated_model(FT, IN_mode, coefficients, p, IC)
# grabbing parameters
m_calibrated, c_calibrated = coefficients
(; const_dt, w, t_max, aerosol_act, aerosol) = p
(; deposition_growth, condensation_growth) = p
(; homogeneous) = p
(; liq_size_distribution, ice_size_distribution, aero_σ_g) = p

if IN_mode == "ABHOM"
# overwriting
override_file = Dict(
"Linear_J_hom_coeff2" =>
Expand All @@ -98,7 +134,11 @@ function run_model(p, coefficients, IN_mode, FT, IC)
local params = parcel_params{FT}(
const_dt = const_dt,
w = w,
aerosol_act = aerosol_act,
aerosol = aerosol,
aero_σ_g = aero_σ_g,
homogeneous = homogeneous,
condensation_growth = condensation_growth,
deposition_growth = deposition_growth,
liq_size_distribution = liq_size_distribution,
ice_size_distribution = ice_size_distribution,
Expand All @@ -107,11 +147,10 @@ function run_model(p, coefficients, IN_mode, FT, IC)

# solve ODE
local sol = run_parcel(IC, FT(0), t_max, params)
return sol[9, :] # ICNC
return sol

# Creating noisy pseudo-observations
function create_prior(FT, IN_mode, ; perfect_model = false)
# TODO - add perfect_model flag to plot_ensemble_mean.jl
observation_data_names = ["m_coeff", "c_coeff"]
Expand All @@ -130,15 +169,17 @@ function create_prior(FT, IN_mode, ; perfect_model = false)
c_stats = [FT(-70), FT(1), -Inf, Inf]
elseif perfect_model == false
if IN_mode == "ABDINM" # TODO - dependent on dust type
m_stats = [FT(20), FT(1), FT(0), Inf]
c_stats = [FT(-1), FT(1), -Inf, Inf]
elseif IN_mode == "ABIFM" # TODO - dependent on dust type
m_stats = [FT(50), FT(1), FT(0), Inf]
c_stats = [FT(-7), FT(1), -Inf, Inf]
if IN_mode == "ABDINM"
# m_stats = [FT(20), FT(1), FT(0), Inf]
# c_stats = [FT(-1), FT(1), -Inf, Inf]
println("Calibration for ABDINM with AIDA not yet implemented.")
elseif IN_mode == "ABIFM"
# m_stats = [FT(50), FT(1), FT(0), Inf]
# c_stats = [FT(-7), FT(1), -Inf, Inf]
println("Calibration for ABIFM with AIDA not yet implemented.")
elseif IN_mode == "ABHOM"
m_stats = [FT(255.927125), FT(1), FT(0), Inf]
c_stats = [FT(-68.553283), FT(1), -Inf, Inf]
m_stats = [FT(260.927125), FT(25), FT(0), Inf]
c_stats = [FT(-68.553283), FT(10), -Inf, Inf]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,7 +208,7 @@ function calibrate_J_parameters(FT, IN_mode, params, IC, y_truth, Γ,; perfect_m

prior = create_prior(FT, IN_mode, perfect_model = perfect_model)
N_ensemble = 10 # runs N_ensemble trials per iteration
N_iterations = 15 # number of iterations the inverse problem goes through
N_iterations = 150 # number of iterations the inverse problem goes through

# Generate initial ensemble and set up EKI
initial_ensemble = EKP.construct_initial_ensemble(rng, prior, N_ensemble)
Expand Down

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