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Merge pull request #312 from CliMA/aj/plots_docs_cleanup
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trontrytel authored Feb 5, 2024
2 parents 9e38a97 + 0266d43 commit 0d680b0
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Showing 9 changed files with 1,022 additions and 479 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/bibliography.bib
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ @article{Jensen2022
number = {17},
pages = {e2022JD036535},
keywords = {cirrus, nucleation, freezing},
doi = {},
doi = {10.1029/2022JD036535},
url = {},
note = {e2022JD036535 2022JD036535},
year = {2022}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ @article{Vehkamaki2002
volume = {107},
number = {D22},
year = {2002},
doi = {110.1029/2002JD002184}
doi = {10.1029/2002JD002184}

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98 changes: 5 additions & 93 deletions docs/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -257,104 +257,16 @@ where:
- ``S_{ci}`` is the mode critical supersaturation,
- ``S_{max}`` is the maximum supersaturation.

## Example figures

import Plots
import CloudMicrophysics
import CLIMAParameters
import Thermodynamics
const PL = Plots
const AM = CloudMicrophysics.AerosolModel
const AA = CloudMicrophysics.AerosolActivation
const CMP = CloudMicrophysics.Parameters
const TD = Thermodynamics
FT = Float64
tps = Thermodynamics.Parameters.ThermodynamicsParameters(FT)
aip = CMP.AirProperties(FT)
ap = CMP.AerosolActivationParameters(FT)
# Atmospheric conditions
T = 294.0 # air temperature
p = 1000.0 *1e2 # air pressure
w = 0.5 # vertical velocity
# We need the phase partition here only so that we can compute the
# moist R_m and cp_m in aerosol activation module.
# We are assuming here saturated conditions and no liquid water or ice.
# This is consistent with the assumptions of the aerosol activation scheme.
p_vs = TD.saturation_vapor_pressure(tps, T, TD.Liquid())
q_vs = 1 / (1 - TD.Parameters.molmass_ratio(tps) * (p_vs - p) / p_vs)
q = TD.PhasePartition(q_vs, 0.0, 0.0)
# Abdul-Razzak and Ghan 2000 Figure 1 mode 1
r_dry = 0.05 * 1e-6 # um
stdev = 2.0 # -
N_1 = 100.0 * 1e6 # 1/m3
# Sulfate - universal parameters
sulfate = CMP.Sulfate(FT)
n_components_1 = 1
mass_fractions_1 = (1.0,)
paper_mode_1_B = AM.Mode_B(
N_2_range = range(0, stop=5000 * 1e6, length=100)
N_act_frac_B = Vector{Float64}(undef, 100)
it = 1
for N_2 in N_2_range
n_components_2 = 1
mass_fractions_2 = (1.0,)
paper_mode_2_B = AM.Mode_B(
AD_B = AM.AerosolDistribution((paper_mode_1_B, paper_mode_2_B))
N_act_frac_B[it] = AA.N_activated_per_mode(ap, AD_B, aip, tps, T, p, w, q)[1] / N_1
global it += 1
# data read from Fig 1 in Abdul-Razzak and Ghan 2000
# using
PL.plot(N_2_range * 1e-6, N_act_frac_B, label="CliMA-B", xlabel="Mode 2 aerosol number concentration [1/cm3]", ylabel="Mode 1 number fraction activated")
PL.scatter!(Fig1_x_obs, Fig1_y_obs, markercolor = :black, label="paper observations")
PL.plot!(Fig1_x_param, Fig1_y_param, linecolor = :black, label="paper parameterization")

## Example of Aerosol Activation from ARG2000

The figures below have been reproduced from [Abdul-RazzakandGhan2000](@cite)
using the aerosol activation parameterization implemented in this project.


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169 changes: 2 additions & 167 deletions docs/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -751,173 +751,8 @@ If ``T > T_{freeze}``:
## Example figures

```@example example_figures
import Plots
import Thermodynamics
import CloudMicrophysics
import CLIMAParameters
const PL = Plots
const CM1 = CloudMicrophysics.Microphysics1M
const TD = Thermodynamics
const CMP = CloudMicrophysics.Parameters
FT = Float64
const tps = Thermodynamics.Parameters.ThermodynamicsParameters(FT)
const aps = CMP.AirProperties(FT)
const liquid = CMP.CloudLiquid(FT)
const ice = CMP.CloudIce(FT)
const rain = CMP.Rain(FT)
const snow = CMP.Snow(FT)
const Chen2022 = CMP.Chen2022VelType(FT)
const Blk1MVel = CMP.Blk1MVelType(FT)
const ce = CMP.CollisionEff(FT)
# eq. 5d in [Grabowski1996](@cite)
function terminal_velocity_empirical(q_rai::DT, q_tot::DT, ρ::DT, ρ_air_ground::DT) where {DT<:Real}
rr = q_rai / (DT(1) - q_tot)
vel = DT(14.34) * ρ_air_ground^DT(0.5) * ρ^-DT(0.3654) * rr^DT(0.1346)
return vel
# eq. 5b in [Grabowski1996](@cite)
function accretion_empirical(q_rai::DT, q_liq::DT, q_tot::DT) where {DT<:Real}
rr = q_rai / (DT(1) - q_tot)
rl = q_liq / (DT(1) - q_tot)
return DT(2.2) * rl * rr^DT(7/8)
# eq. 5c in [Grabowski1996](@cite)
function rain_evap_empirical(q_rai::DT, q::TD.PhasePartition, T::DT, p::DT, ρ::DT) where {DT<:Real}
ts_neq = TD.PhaseNonEquil_ρTq(tps, ρ, T, q)
q_sat = TD.q_vap_saturation(tps, ts_neq)
q_vap = q.tot - q.liq
rr = q_rai / (DT(1) - q.tot)
rv_sat = q_sat / (DT(1) - q.tot)
S = q_vap/q_sat - DT(1)
ag, bg = 5.4 * 1e2, 2.55 * 1e5
G = DT(1) / (ag + bg / p / rv_sat) / ρ
av, bv = 1.6, 124.9
F = av * (ρ/DT(1e3))^DT(0.525) * rr^DT(0.525) + bv * (ρ/DT(1e3))^DT(0.7296) * rr^DT(0.7296)
return DT(1) / (DT(1) - q.tot) * S * F * G
# example values
q_liq_range = range(1e-8, stop=5e-3, length=100)
q_ice_range = range(1e-8, stop=5e-3, length=100)
q_rain_range = range(1e-8, stop=5e-3, length=100)
q_snow_range = range(1e-8, stop=5e-3, length=100)
ρ_air, ρ_air_ground = 1.2, 1.22
q_liq, q_ice, q_tot = 5e-4, 5e-4, 20e-3
PL.plot( q_rain_range * 1e3, [CM1.terminal_velocity(rain, Blk1MVel.rain, ρ_air, q_rai) for q_rai in q_rain_range], linewidth=3, label="Rain-1M-default", color=:blue, xlabel="q_rain/ice/snow [g/kg]", ylabel="terminal velocity [m/s]")
PL.plot!(q_rain_range * 1e3, [CM1.terminal_velocity(rain, Chen2022.rain, ρ_air, q_rai) for q_rai in q_rain_range], linewidth=3, label="Rain-Chen", color=:blue, linestyle=:dot)
PL.plot!(q_rain_range * 1e3, [terminal_velocity_empirical(q_rai, q_tot, ρ_air, ρ_air_ground) for q_rai in q_rain_range], linewidth=3, label="Rain-Empirical", color=:green)
PL.plot!(q_ice_range * 1e3, [CM1.terminal_velocity(ice, Chen2022.snow_ice, ρ_air, q_ice) for q_ice in q_ice_range], linewidth=3, label="Ice-Chen", color=:pink, linestyle=:dot)
PL.plot!(q_snow_range * 1e3, [CM1.terminal_velocity(snow, Blk1MVel.snow, ρ_air, q_sno) for q_sno in q_snow_range], linewidth=3, label="Snow-1M-default", color=:red)
PL.plot!(q_snow_range * 1e3, [CM1.terminal_velocity(snow, Chen2022.snow_ice, ρ_air, q_sno) for q_sno in q_snow_range], linewidth=3, label="Snow-Chen", color=:red, linestyle=:dot)
PL.savefig("terminal_velocity.svg") # hide
T = 273.15
PL.plot( q_liq_range * 1e3, [CM1.conv_q_liq_to_q_rai(rain.acnv1M, q_liq) for q_liq in q_liq_range], linewidth=3, xlabel="q_liq or q_ice [g/kg]", ylabel="autoconversion rate [1/s]", label="Rain")
PL.plot!(q_ice_range * 1e3, [CM1.conv_q_ice_to_q_sno(ice, aps, tps, TD.PhasePartition(q_tot, 0., q_ice), ρ_air, T-5) for q_ice in q_ice_range], linewidth=3, label="Snow T=-5C")
PL.plot!(q_ice_range * 1e3, [CM1.conv_q_ice_to_q_sno(ice, aps, tps, TD.PhasePartition(q_tot, 0., q_ice), ρ_air, T-10) for q_ice in q_ice_range], linewidth=3, label="Snow T=-10C")
PL.plot!(q_ice_range * 1e3, [CM1.conv_q_ice_to_q_sno(ice, aps, tps, TD.PhasePartition(q_tot, 0., q_ice), ρ_air, T-15) for q_ice in q_ice_range], linewidth=3, label="Snow T=-15C")
PL.savefig("autoconversion_rate.svg") # hide
PL.plot( q_rain_range * 1e3, [CM1.accretion(liquid, rain, Blk1MVel.rain, ce, q_liq, q_rai, ρ_air) for q_rai in q_rain_range], linewidth=3, xlabel="q_rain or q_snow [g/kg]", ylabel="accretion rate [1/s]", label="Liq+Rain-CLIMA")
PL.plot!(q_rain_range * 1e3, [CM1.accretion(ice, rain, Blk1MVel.rain, ce, q_ice, q_rai, ρ_air) for q_rai in q_rain_range], linewidth=3, label="Ice+Rain-CLIMA")
PL.plot!(q_snow_range * 1e3, [CM1.accretion(liquid, snow, Blk1MVel.snow, ce, q_liq, q_sno, ρ_air) for q_sno in q_snow_range], linewidth=3, label="Liq+Snow-CLIMA")
PL.plot!(q_snow_range * 1e3, [CM1.accretion(ice, snow, Blk1MVel.snow, ce, q_ice, q_sno, ρ_air) for q_sno in q_snow_range], linewidth=4, linestyle=:dash, label="Ice+Snow-CLIMA")
PL.plot!(q_rain_range * 1e3, [accretion_empirical(q_rai, q_liq, q_tot) for q_rai in q_rain_range], linewidth=3, label="Liq+Rain-Empirical")
PL.savefig("accretion_rate.svg") # hide
q_ice = 1e-6
PL.plot(q_rain_range * 1e3, [CM1.accretion_rain_sink(rain, ice, Blk1MVel.rain, ce, q_ice, q_rai, ρ_air) for q_rai in q_rain_range], linewidth=3, xlabel="q_rain or q_snow [g/kg]", ylabel="accretion rain sink rate [1/s]", label="q_ice=1e-6")
q_ice = 1e-5
PL.plot!(q_rain_range * 1e3, [CM1.accretion_rain_sink(rain, ice, Blk1MVel.rain, ce, q_ice, q_rai, ρ_air) for q_rai in q_rain_range], linewidth=3, xlabel="q_rain or q_snow [g/kg]", ylabel="accretion rain sink rate [1/s]", label="q_ice=1e-5")
q_ice = 1e-4
PL.plot!(q_rain_range * 1e3, [CM1.accretion_rain_sink(rain, ice, Blk1MVel.rain, ce, q_ice, q_rai, ρ_air) for q_rai in q_rain_range], linewidth=3, xlabel="q_rain or q_snow [g/kg]", ylabel="accretion rain sink rate [1/s]", label="q_ice=1e-4")
PL.savefig("accretion_rain_sink_rate.svg") # hide
q_sno = 1e-6
PL.plot(q_rain_range * 1e3, [CM1.accretion_snow_rain(rain, snow, Blk1MVel.rain, Blk1MVel.snow, ce, q_rai, q_sno, ρ_air) for q_rai in q_rain_range], linewidth=3, xlabel="q_rain [g/kg]", ylabel="snow-rain accretion rate [1/s] T>0", label="q_snow=1e-6")
q_sno = 1e-5
PL.plot!(q_rain_range * 1e3, [CM1.accretion_snow_rain(rain, snow, Blk1MVel.rain, Blk1MVel.snow, ce, q_rai, q_sno, ρ_air) for q_rai in q_rain_range], linewidth=3, label="q_snow=1e-5")
q_sno = 1e-4
PL.plot!(q_rain_range * 1e3, [CM1.accretion_snow_rain(rain, snow, Blk1MVel.rain, Blk1MVel.snow, ce, q_rai, q_sno, ρ_air) for q_rai in q_rain_range], linewidth=3, label="q_snow=1e-4")
PL.savefig("accretion_snow_rain_above_freeze.svg") # hide
q_rai = 1e-6
PL.plot(q_snow_range * 1e3, [CM1.accretion_snow_rain(snow, rain, Blk1MVel.snow, Blk1MVel.rain, ce, q_sno, q_rai, ρ_air) for q_sno in q_snow_range], linewidth=3, xlabel="q_snow [g/kg]", ylabel="snow-rain accretion rate [1/s] T<0", label="q_rain=1e-6")
q_rai = 1e-5
PL.plot!(q_snow_range * 1e3, [CM1.accretion_snow_rain(snow, rain, Blk1MVel.snow, Blk1MVel.rain, ce, q_sno, q_rai, ρ_air) for q_sno in q_snow_range], linewidth=3, label="q_rain=1e-5")
q_rai = 1e-4
PL.plot!(q_snow_range * 1e3, [CM1.accretion_snow_rain(snow, rain, Blk1MVel.snow, Blk1MVel.rain, ce, q_sno, q_rai, ρ_air) for q_sno in q_snow_range], linewidth=3, label="q_rain=1e-4")
PL.savefig("accretion_snow_rain_below_freeze.svg") # hide
# example values
T, p = 273.15 + 15, 90000.
ϵ = 1. / TD.Parameters.molmass_ratio(tps)
p_sat = TD.saturation_vapor_pressure(tps, T, TD.Liquid())
q_sat = ϵ * p_sat / (p + p_sat * (ϵ - 1.))
q_rain_range = range(1e-8, stop=5e-3, length=100)
q_tot = 15e-3
q_vap = 0.15 * q_sat
q_ice = 0.
q_liq = q_tot - q_vap - q_ice
q = TD.PhasePartition(q_tot, q_liq, q_ice)
R = TD.gas_constant_air(tps, q)
ρ = p / R / T
PL.plot(q_rain_range * 1e3, [CM1.evaporation_sublimation(rain, Blk1MVel.rain, aps, tps, q, q_rai, ρ, T) for q_rai in q_rain_range], xlabel="q_rain [g/kg]", linewidth=3, ylabel="rain evaporation rate [1/s]", label="ClimateMachine")
PL.plot!(q_rain_range * 1e3, [rain_evap_empirical(q_rai, q, T, p, ρ) for q_rai in q_rain_range], linewidth=3, label="empirical")
PL.savefig("rain_evaporation_rate.svg") # hide
# example values
T, p = 273.15 - 15, 90000.
ϵ = 1. / TD.Parameters.molmass_ratio(tps)
p_sat = TD.saturation_vapor_pressure(tps, T, TD.Ice())
q_sat = ϵ * p_sat / (p + p_sat * (ϵ - 1.))
q_snow_range = range(1e-8, stop=5e-3, length=100)
q_tot = 15e-3
q_vap = 0.15 * q_sat
q_liq = 0.
q_ice = q_tot - q_vap - q_liq
q = TD.PhasePartition(q_tot, q_liq, q_ice)
R = TD.gas_constant_air(tps, q)
ρ = p / R / T
PL.plot(q_snow_range * 1e3, [CM1.evaporation_sublimation(snow, Blk1MVel.snow, aps, tps, q, q_sno, ρ, T) for q_sno in q_snow_range], xlabel="q_snow [g/kg]", linewidth=3, ylabel="snow deposition sublimation rate [1/s]", label="T<0")
T, p = 273.15 + 15, 90000.
ϵ = 1. / TD.Parameters.molmass_ratio(tps)
p_sat = TD.saturation_vapor_pressure(tps, T, TD.Ice())
q_sat = ϵ * p_sat / (p + p_sat * (ϵ - 1.))
q_snow_range = range(1e-8, stop=5e-3, length=100)
q_tot = 15e-3
q_vap = 0.15 * q_sat
q_liq = 0.
q_ice = q_tot - q_vap - q_liq
q = TD.PhasePartition(q_tot, q_liq, q_ice)
R = TD.gas_constant_air(tps, q)
ρ = p / R / T
PL.plot!(q_snow_range * 1e3, [CM1.evaporation_sublimation(snow, Blk1MVel.snow, aps, tps, q, q_sno, ρ, T) for q_sno in q_snow_range], xlabel="q_snow [g/kg]", linewidth=3, ylabel="snow deposition sublimation rate [1/s]", label="T>0")
PL.savefig("snow_sublimation_deposition_rate.svg") # hide
PL.plot( q_snow_range * 1e3, [CM1.snow_melt(snow, Blk1MVel.snow, aps, tps, q_sno, ρ, T+2) for q_sno in q_snow_range], xlabel="q_snow [g/kg]", linewidth=3, ylabel="snow melt rate [1/s]", label="T=2C")
PL.plot!(q_snow_range * 1e3, [CM1.snow_melt(snow, Blk1MVel.snow, aps, tps, q_sno, ρ, T+4) for q_sno in q_snow_range], xlabel="q_snow [g/kg]", linewidth=3, label="T=4C")
PL.plot!(q_snow_range * 1e3, [CM1.snow_melt(snow, Blk1MVel.snow, aps, tps, q_sno, ρ, T+6) for q_sno in q_snow_range], xlabel="q_snow [g/kg]", linewidth=3, label="T=6C")
PL.savefig("snow_melt_rate.svg") # hide
Expand Down

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