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Add P3 scheme shape parameters solver
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anastasia-popova authored and trontrytel committed Jan 31, 2024
1 parent 6887aac commit 1984ce1
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Showing 5 changed files with 232 additions and 23 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ Microphysics2M.conv_q_liq_to_q_rai

# Aerosol model
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2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions docs/src/plots/P3SchemePlots.jl
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Expand Up @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ FT = Float64
const PSP3 = CMP.ParametersP3
p3 = CMP.ParametersP3(FT)

A_(p3, D)
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193 changes: 174 additions & 19 deletions src/P3Scheme.jl
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@@ -1,22 +1,25 @@
Predicted particle properties scheme (P3) for ice, which includes:
- threshold solver
- shape parameters solver
- m(D) regime
- a(D) regime
Implementation of Morrison and Milbrandt 2015 doi: 10.1175/JAS-D-14-0065.1
Note: Particle size is defined as its maximum length (i.e. max dimesion).
module P3Scheme

import RootSolvers as RS
import SpecialFunctions as SF

import RootSolvers as RS
import CLIMAParameters as CP
import CloudMicrophysics.Parameters as CMP

const PSP3 = CMP.ParametersP3

export thresholds, p3_mass
export thresholds, p3_mass, distribution_parameter_solver

Expand All @@ -30,7 +33,7 @@ From measurements of mass grown by vapor diffusion and aggregation
in midlatitude cirrus by Brown and Francis (1995)
doi: 10.1175/1520-0426(1995)012<0410:IMOTIW>2.0.CO;2
α_va_si(p3::PSP3{FT}) where {FT} = FT(p3.α_va * 10^(6 * p3.β_va - 3))
α_va_si(p3::PSP3{FT}) where {FT} = p3.α_va * 10^(6 * p3.β_va - 3)

Expand All @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ doi: 10.1175/1520-0426(1995)012<0410:IMOTIW>2.0.CO;2
Returns the critical size separating spherical and nonspherical ice, in meters.
Eq. 8 in Morrison and Milbrandt (2015).
D_th_helper(p3::PSP3) =* p3.ρ_i / 6 / α_va_si(p3))^(1 / (p3.β_va - 3))
D_th_helper(p3::PSP3{FT}) where {FT} =
(FT(π) * p3.ρ_i / 6 / α_va_si(p3))^(1 / (p3.β_va - 3))

D_cr_helper(p3, F_r, ρ_g)
Expand All @@ -54,7 +58,7 @@ Eq. 14 in Morrison and Milbrandt (2015).
function D_cr_helper(p3::PSP3{FT}, F_r::FT, ρ_g::FT) where {FT}
α_va = α_va_si(p3)
return (1 / (1 - F_r) * 6 * α_va / π / ρ_g)^(1 / (3 - p3.β_va))
return (1 / (1 - F_r) * 6 * α_va / FT(π) / ρ_g)^(1 / (3 - p3.β_va))

Expand All @@ -68,7 +72,7 @@ Eq. 15 in Morrison and Milbrandt (2015).
function D_gr_helper(p3::PSP3{FT}, ρ_g::FT) where {FT}
α_va = α_va_si(p3)
return (6 * α_va / π / ρ_g)^(1 / (3 - p3.β_va))
return (6 * α_va / FT(π) / ρ_g)^(1 / (3 - p3.β_va))

Expand All @@ -81,8 +85,7 @@ end
Returns the density of total (deposition + rime) ice mass for graupel, in kg/m3
Eq. 16 in Morrison and Milbrandt (2015).
ρ_g_helper(ρ_r::FT, F_r::FT, ρ_d::FT) where {FT} =
FT(F_r * ρ_r + (1 - F_r) * ρ_d)
ρ_g_helper(ρ_r::FT, F_r::FT, ρ_d::FT) where {FT} = F_r * ρ_r + (1 - F_r) * ρ_d

ρ_d_helper(p3, D_cr, D_gr)
Expand All @@ -96,11 +99,9 @@ Eq. 17 in Morrison and Milbrandt (2015).
function ρ_d_helper(p3::PSP3{FT}, D_cr::FT, D_gr::FT) where {FT}
α_va = α_va_si(p3)
β_m2 = p3.β_va - FT(2)
return FT(
6 * α_va * (D_cr^β_m2 - D_gr^β_m2) / π / β_m2 /
max(D_cr - D_gr, eps(FT)),
β_m2 = p3.β_va - 2
return 6 * α_va * (D_cr^β_m2 - D_gr^β_m2) / FT(π) / β_m2 /
max(D_cr - D_gr, eps(FT))

Expand All @@ -121,12 +122,10 @@ Returns a named tuple containing:
function thresholds(p3::PSP3{FT}, ρ_r::FT, F_r::FT) where {FT}

@assert F_r >= FT(0) # rime mass fraction must be positive ...
@assert F_r < FT(1) # ... and there must always be some unrimed part

if F_r == 0

return (; D_cr = 0, D_gr = 0, ρ_g = 0, ρ_d = 0)
@assert F_r < FT(1) # ... and there must always be some unrimed part

if F_r == FT(0)
return(; D_cr = 0, D_gr = 0, ρ_g = 0, ρ_d = 0)
@assert ρ_r > FT(0) # rime density must be positive ...
@assert ρ_r <= p3.ρ_l # ... and as a bulk ice density can't exceed the density of water
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,6 +203,162 @@ function p3_mass(
if D >= th.D_cr
return mass_r(p3, D, F_r) # partially rimed ice

# TODO - would something like this be better?
#return ifelse(D_th_helper(p3) > D, mass_s(D, p3.ρ_i),
# ifelse(F_r == 0, mass_nl(p3, D),
# ifelse(th.D_gr > D >= D_th_helper(p3), mass_nl(p3, D),
# ifelse(th.D_cr > D >= th.D_gr, mass_s(D, th.ρ_g),
# mass_r(p3, D, F_r)))))


# Some wrappers to cast types from SF.gamma
# (which returns Float64 even when the input is Float32)
Γ(a::FT, z::FT) where {FT <: Real} = FT(SF.gamma(a, z))
Γ(a::FT) where {FT <: Real} = FT(SF.gamma(a))

- λ - slope parameter for gamma distribution of N′ [1/m]
Returns the shape parameter μ for a given λ value
Eq. 3 in Morrison and Milbrandt (2015).
function DSD_μ::FT) where {FT}
@assert λ > FT(0)

# TODO - move 0, 6, 0.00191, 0.8, -2 to CLIMAParameters
# TODO - get rid of unneccessary type casting

return min(FT(6), max(FT(0), FT(0.00191 * λ^(0.8) - 2)))

DSD_N₀(N, λ)
- N - total ice number concentration [1/m3]
- λ - slope parameter [1/m]
Returns the shape parameter N₀ from Eq. 2 in Morrison and Milbrandt (2015).
function DSD_N₀(N::FT, λ::FT) where {FT}
μ = DSD_μ(λ)
return N / Γ(1 + μ) * λ^(1 + μ)

q_(p3, ρ, F_r, N_0, λ, μ, D_min, D_max)
- p3 - a struct with P3 scheme parameters
- ρ - bulk ice density (ρ_i for small ice, ρ_g for graupel) [kg/m^3]
- F_r - rime mass fraction [q_rim/q_i]
- N_0 - intercept parameter of N′ gamma distribution
- λ - slope parameter of N′ gamma distribution
- D_min - minimum bound for regime
- D_max - maximum bound for regime (if not specified, then infinity)
Returns ice mass density for a given m(D) regime
# small, spherical ice or graupel (completely rimed, spherical)
# D_min = 0, D_max = D_th, ρ = ρᵢ
# or
# q_rim > 0 and D_min = D_gr, D_max = D_cr, ρ = ρ_g
function q_s::FT, N_0::FT, λ::FT, D_min::FT, D_max::FT) where {FT}
x = DSD_μ(λ) + 4
return FT(π) / 6 * ρ * N_0 / λ^x * (Γ(x, λ * D_min) - Γ(x, λ * D_max))
# q_rim = 0 and D_min = D_th, D_max = inf
function q_rz(p3::PSP3, N_0::FT, λ::FT, D_min::FT) where {FT}
x = DSD_μ(λ) + p3.β_va + 1
return p3.α_va * N_0 / λ^x * (Γ(x) + Γ(x, λ * D_min) - (x - 1) * Γ(x - 1))
# q_rim > 0 and D_min = D_th and D_max = D_gr
function q_n(p3::PSP3, N_0::FT, λ::FT, D_min::FT, D_max::FT) where {FT}
x = DSD_μ(λ) + p3.β_va + 1
return p3.α_va * N_0 / λ^x * (Γ(x, λ * D_min) - Γ(x, λ * D_max))
# partially rimed ice or large unrimed ice (upper bound on D is infinity)
# q_rim > 0 and D_min = D_cr, D_max = inf
function q_r(p3::PSP3, F_r::FT, N_0::FT, λ::FT, D_min::FT) where {FT}
x = DSD_μ(λ) + p3.β_va + 1
return p3.α_va * N_0 / (1 - F_r) / λ^x *
(Γ(x) + Γ(x, λ * D_min) - (x - 1) * Γ(x - 1))

q_gamma(p3, F_r, N, λ, th)
- p3 - a struct with P3 scheme parameters
- F_r - rime mass fraction [q_rim/q_i]
- N - ice number concentration [1/m3]
- log_λ - logarithm of the slope parameter of N′ gamma distribution
- th - thresholds() nonlinear solve output tuple (D_cr, D_gr, ρ_g, ρ_d)
Returns ice mass density for all values of D (sum over all regimes).
Eq. 5 in Morrison and Milbrandt (2015).
function q_gamma(
th = (; D_cr = FT(0), D_gr = FT(0), ρ_g = FT(0), ρ_d = FT(0)),
) where {FT}

D_th = D_th_helper(p3)
λ = exp(log_λ)
N_0 = DSD_N₀(N, λ)

return ifelse(
F_r == FT(0),
q_s(p3.ρ_i, N_0, λ, FT(0), D_th) + q_rz(p3, N_0, λ, D_th),
q_s(p3.ρ_i, N_0, λ, FT(0), D_th) +
q_n(p3, N_0, λ, D_th, th.D_gr) +
q_s(th.ρ_g, N_0, λ, th.D_gr, th.D_cr) +
q_r(p3, F_r, N_0, λ, th.D_cr),

- p3 - a struct with P3 scheme parameters
- q - mass mixing ratio
- N - number mixing ratio
- ρ_r - rime density (q_rim/B_rim) [kg/m^3]
- F_r - rime mass fraction (q_rim/q_i)
Solves the nonlinear system consisting of N_0 and λ for P3 prognostic variables
Returns a named tuple containing:
- N_0 - intercept size distribution parameter [1/m4]
- λ - slope size distribution parameter [1/m]
function distribution_parameter_solver(
) where {FT}

# Get the thresholds for different particles regimes
th = thresholds(p3, ρ_r, F_r)

# To ensure that λ is positive solve for x such that λ = exp(x)
shape_problem(x) = q - q_gamma(p3, F_r, N, x, th)

# Find slope parameter
x =
RS.SecantMethod(FT(log(20000)), FT(log(50000))),

return (; λ = exp(x), N_0 = DSD_N₀(N, exp(x)))

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ ClimaComms = "3a4d1b5c-c61d-41fd-a00a-5873ba7a1b0d"
CloudMicrophysics = "6a9e3e04-43cd-43ba-94b9-e8782df3c71b"
KernelAbstractions = "63c18a36-062a-441e-b654-da1e3ab1ce7c"
RootSolvers = "7181ea78-2dcb-4de3-ab41-2b8ab5a31e74"
SpecialFunctions = "276daf66-3868-5448-9aa4-cd146d93841b"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
Thermodynamics = "b60c26fb-14c3-4610-9d3e-2d17fe7ff00c"

Expand Down
58 changes: 56 additions & 2 deletions test/p3_tests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -107,14 +107,14 @@ function test_p3_mass(FT)

# Test to see that p3_mass gives correct mass
# Test to see that p3_mass gives correct mass
TT.@testset "p3_mass() accurate values" begin

# Initialize test values
Ds = (FT(1e-5), FT(1e-4), FT(1e-3))
ρs = (FT(400), FT(600), FT(800))
F_rs = (FT(0.0), FT(0.5), FT(0.8))
eps = FT(1e-3)
eps = FT(1e-3) #TODO - this is very large for eps

for ρ in ρs
for F_r in F_rs
Expand All @@ -123,6 +123,8 @@ function test_p3_mass(FT)
th = P3.thresholds(p3, ρ, F_r)

if (F_r > 0)
th = P3.thresholds(p3, ρ, F_r)

D2 = (th.D_gr + D_th) / 2
D3 = (th.D_cr + th.D_gr) / 2
D4 = th.D_cr + eps
Expand All @@ -147,10 +149,62 @@ function test_p3_mass(FT)


function test_p3_shape_solver(FT)

p3 = CMP.ParametersP3(FT)

TT.@testset "shape parameters (nonlinear solver function)" begin

# initialize test values:
eps = FT(1e-3)
N_test = (FT(1e8)) # N values
λ_test = (FT(15000), FT(20000)) # test λ values in range
ρ_r_test = (FT(200)) #, FT(1)) #, FT(100)) # representative ρ_r values
F_r_test = (FT(0.5), FT(0.8), FT(0.95)) # representative F_r values

# check that the shape solution solves to give correct values
for N in N_test
for λ_ex in λ_test
for ρ_r in ρ_r_test
for F_r in F_r_test
# Compute the shape parameters that correspond to the
# input test values
μ_ex = P3.DSD_μ(λ_ex)
N₀_ex = P3.DSD_N₀(N, λ_ex)
# Find the P3 scheme thresholds
th = P3.thresholds(p3, ρ_r, F_r)
# Convert λ to ensure it remains positive
x = log(λ_ex)
# Compute mass density based on input shape parameters
q_calc = P3.q_gamma(p3, F_r, N, x, th)

# Solve for shape parameters
(λ, N₀) = P3.distribution_parameter_solver(

# Compare solved values with the input expected values
TT.@test λ λ_ex rtol = eps
TT.@test N₀ N₀_ex rtol = eps

println("Testing Float32")
#TODO - only works for Float64 now. We should switch the units inside the solver
# from SI base to something more managable

println("Testing Float64")

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