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Tests work for Float64, got rid of type casts
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trontrytel committed Jan 29, 2024
1 parent f1264dc commit 31cbee0
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Showing 2 changed files with 64 additions and 65 deletions.
91 changes: 39 additions & 52 deletions src/P3Scheme.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ From measurements of mass grown by vapor diffusion and aggregation
in midlatitude cirrus by Brown and Francis (1995)
doi: 10.1175/1520-0426(1995)012<0410:IMOTIW>2.0.CO;2
α_va_si(p3::PSP3{FT}) where {FT} = FT(p3.α_va * 10^(6 * p3.β_va - 3))
α_va_si(p3::PSP3{FT}) where {FT} = p3.α_va * 10^(6 * p3.β_va - 3)

Expand All @@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ doi: 10.1175/1520-0426(1995)012<0410:IMOTIW>2.0.CO;2
Returns the critical size separating spherical and nonspherical ice, in meters.
Eq. 8 in Morrison and Milbrandt (2015).
D_th_helper(p3::PSP3) =* p3.ρ_i / 6 / α_va_si(p3))^(1 / (p3.β_va - 3))
D_th_helper(p3::PSP3{FT}) where {FT} =
(FT(π) * p3.ρ_i / 6 / α_va_si(p3))^(1 / (p3.β_va - 3))

D_cr_helper(p3, F_r, ρ_g)
Expand All @@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ Eq. 14 in Morrison and Milbrandt (2015).
function D_cr_helper(p3::PSP3{FT}, F_r::FT, ρ_g::FT) where {FT}
α_va = α_va_si(p3)
return (1 / (1 - F_r) * 6 * α_va / π / ρ_g)^(1 / (3 - p3.β_va))
return (1 / (1 - F_r) * 6 * α_va / FT(π) / ρ_g)^(1 / (3 - p3.β_va))

Expand All @@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ Eq. 15 in Morrison and Milbrandt (2015).
function D_gr_helper(p3::PSP3{FT}, ρ_g::FT) where {FT}
α_va = α_va_si(p3)
return (6 * α_va / π / ρ_g)^(1 / (3 - p3.β_va))
return (6 * α_va / FT(π) / ρ_g)^(1 / (3 - p3.β_va))

Expand All @@ -84,8 +85,7 @@ end
Returns the density of total (deposition + rime) ice mass for graupel, in kg/m3
Eq. 16 in Morrison and Milbrandt (2015).
ρ_g_helper(ρ_r::FT, F_r::FT, ρ_d::FT) where {FT} =
FT(F_r * ρ_r + (1 - F_r) * ρ_d)
ρ_g_helper(ρ_r::FT, F_r::FT, ρ_d::FT) where {FT} = F_r * ρ_r + (1 - F_r) * ρ_d

ρ_d_helper(p3, D_cr, D_gr)
Expand All @@ -99,11 +99,9 @@ Eq. 17 in Morrison and Milbrandt (2015).
function ρ_d_helper(p3::PSP3{FT}, D_cr::FT, D_gr::FT) where {FT}
α_va = α_va_si(p3)
β_m2 = p3.β_va - FT(2)
return FT(
6 * α_va * (D_cr^β_m2 - D_gr^β_m2) / π / β_m2 /
max(D_cr - D_gr, eps(FT)),
β_m2 = p3.β_va - 2
return 6 * α_va * (D_cr^β_m2 - D_gr^β_m2) / FT(π) / β_m2 /
max(D_cr - D_gr, eps(FT))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,7 +164,8 @@ mass_s(D::FT, ρ::FT) where {FT <: Real} = FT(π) / 6 * ρ * D^3
# for large nonspherical ice (used for unrimed and dense types)
mass_nl(p3::PSP3, D::FT) where {FT <: Real} = α_va_si(p3) * D^p3.β_va
# for partially rimed ice
mass_r(p3::PSP3, D::FT, F_r::FT) where {FT <: Real} = α_va_si(p3) / (1 - F_r) * D^p3.β_va
mass_r(p3::PSP3, D::FT, F_r::FT) where {FT <: Real} =
α_va_si(p3) / (1 - F_r) * D^p3.β_va

p3_mass(p3, D, F_r, th)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,8 +208,8 @@ function p3_mass(


# Some wrappers to cast types from SF.gamma (which returns Float64
# even when the input is Float32
# Some wrappers to cast types from SF.gamma
# (which returns Float64 even when the input is Float32)
Γ(a::FT, z::FT) where {FT <: Real} = FT(SF.gamma(a, z))
Γ(a::FT) where {FT <: Real} = FT(SF.gamma(a))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,7 +237,7 @@ end
Returns the shape parameter N₀ from Eq. 2 in Morrison and Milbrandt (2015).
function DSD_N₀(N::FT, λ::FT) where{FT}
function DSD_N₀(N::FT, λ::FT) where {FT}
μ = DSD_μ(λ)
return N / Γ(1 + μ) * λ^(1 + μ)
Expand All @@ -261,11 +260,7 @@ end
# or
# q_rim > 0 and D_min = D_gr, D_max = D_cr, ρ = ρ_g
function q_s::FT, N_0::FT, λ::FT, D_min::FT, D_max::FT) where {FT}
x = FT(DSD_μ(λ) + 4)
@info("inside q_s = ", ρ, N_0, λ, x, D_min, D_max)
@info("check ", N_0 / λ^x)
@info("check ", N_0)
@info("check ", FT(1) / λ^x)
x = DSD_μ(λ) + 4
return FT(π) / 6 * ρ * N_0 / λ^x * (Γ(x, λ * D_min) - Γ(x, λ * D_max))
# q_rim = 0 and D_min = D_th, D_max = inf
Expand All @@ -280,10 +275,10 @@ function q_n(p3::PSP3, N_0::FT, λ::FT, D_min::FT, D_max::FT) where {FT}
# partially rimed ice or large unrimed ice (upper bound on D is infinity)
# q_rim > 0 and D_min = D_cr, D_max = inf
function q_r(p3::PSP3, F_r::FT, N_0::FT, λ::FT, D_min::FT) where{FT}
function q_r(p3::PSP3, F_r::FT, N_0::FT, λ::FT, D_min::FT) where {FT}
x = DSD_μ(λ) + p3.β_va + 1
return p3.α_va * N_0 / (1 - F_r) / λ^x *
(Γ(x) + Γ(x, λ * D_min) - (x - 1) * Γ(x - 1))
(Γ(x) + Γ(x, λ * D_min) - (x - 1) * Γ(x - 1))

Expand All @@ -303,35 +298,23 @@ function q_gamma(
th = (; D_cr = FT(0), D_gr = FT(0), ρ_g = FT(0), ρ_d = FT(0))
) where{FT}
th = (; D_cr = FT(0), D_gr = FT(0), ρ_g = FT(0), ρ_d = FT(0)),
) where {FT}

D_th = D_th_helper(p3)
λ = exp(log_λ)
N_0 = DSD_N₀(N, λ)

println(" ")
println("log_λ = ", log_λ)
println("λ = ", λ)
println("Fr = ", F_r," N0 = ", N_0, " x = ", log_λ," μ = ", DSD_μ(λ), " th = ", th)
println("q = sum of:")
println(" q_s = ", q_s(p3.ρ_i, N_0, λ, FT(0), D_th))
println(" q_rz = ", q_rz(p3, N_0, λ, D_th))
println(" q_n = ", q_n(p3, N_0, λ, D_th, th.D_gr))
println(" q_s 2 = ", q_s(th.ρ_g, N_0, λ, th.D_gr, th.D_cr))
println(" q_r = ", q_r(p3, F_r, N_0, λ, th.D_cr))

return ifelse(
F_r == FT(0),
q_s(p3.ρ_i, N_0, λ, FT(0), D_th) + q_rz(p3, N_0, λ, D_th),
q_s(p3.ρ_i, N_0, λ, FT(0), D_th) +
q_n(p3, N_0, λ, D_th, th.D_gr) +
q_s(th.ρ_g, N_0, λ, th.D_gr, th.D_cr) +
q_r(p3, F_r, N_0, λ, th.D_cr)
q_n(p3, N_0, λ, D_th, th.D_gr) +
q_s(th.ρ_g, N_0, λ, th.D_gr, th.D_cr) +
q_r(p3, F_r, N_0, λ, th.D_cr),

Expand All @@ -346,7 +329,13 @@ Returns a named tuple containing:
- N_0 - intercept size distribution parameter [1/m4]
- λ - slope size distribution parameter [1/m]
function distribution_parameter_solver(p3::PSP3{FT}, q::FT, N::FT, ρ_r::FT, F_r::FT) where {FT}
function distribution_parameter_solver(
) where {FT}

# Get the thresholds for different particles regimes
th = thresholds(p3, ρ_r, F_r)
Expand All @@ -355,18 +344,16 @@ function distribution_parameter_solver(p3::PSP3{FT}, q::FT, N::FT, ρ_r::FT, F_r
shape_problem(x) = q - q_gamma(p3, F_r, N, x, th)

# Find slope parameter
x = RS.find_zero(
RS.SecantMethod(FT(log(20000)), FT(log(50000))),

λ = exp(x),
N_0 = DSD_N₀(N, exp(x))
x =
RS.SecantMethod(FT(log(20000)), FT(log(50000))),

return (; λ = exp(x), N_0 = DSD_N₀(N, exp(x)))

38 changes: 25 additions & 13 deletions test/p3_tests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ function test_p3_thresholds(FT)

# Check that the P3 scheme solution matches the published values
function diff(ρ_r, F_r, el, gold, rtol=2e-2)
function diff(ρ_r, F_r, el, gold, rtol = 2e-2)
TT.@test P3.thresholds(p3, ρ_r, F_r)[el] * 1e3 gold rtol = rtol
# D_cr and D_gr vs Fig. 1a Morrison and Milbrandt 2015
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ function test_p3_mass(FT)
Ds = (FT(1e-5), FT(1e-4), FT(1e-3))
ρs = (FT(400), FT(600), FT(800))
F_rs = (FT(0.0), FT(0.5), FT(0.8))
eps = FT(1e-3)
eps = FT(1e-3) #TODO - this is very large for eps

for ρ in ρs
for F_r in F_rs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ function test_p3_mass(FT)


function test_p3_shapeSolver(FT)
function test_p3_shape_solver(FT)

p3 = CMP.ParametersP3(FT)

Expand All @@ -158,25 +158,35 @@ function test_p3_shapeSolver(FT)
eps = FT(1e-3)
N_test = (FT(1e8)) # N values
λ_test = (FT(15000), FT(20000)) # test λ values in range
ρ_r_test = (FT(200)) #, FT(1)) #, FT(100)) # representative ρ_r values
F_r_test = (FT(0.5), FT(0.8), FT(0.95)) # representative F_r values

ρ_r_test = (FT(200)) #, FT(1)) #, FT(100)) # representative ρ_r values
F_r_test = (FT(0.5), FT(0.8), FT(0.95)) # representative F_r values

# check that the shape solution solves to give correct values
for N in N_test
for λ_ex in λ_test
for ρ_r in ρ_r_test
for F_r in F_r_test
μ_ex = P3.DSD_μ(λ_ex) # corresponding μ
N₀_ex = P3.DSD_N₀(N, λ_ex) # corresponding n_0
# Compute the shape parameters that correspond to the
# input test values
μ_ex = P3.DSD_μ(λ_ex)
N₀_ex = P3.DSD_N₀(N, λ_ex)
# Find the P3 scheme thresholds
th = P3.thresholds(p3, ρ_r, F_r)
# Convert λ to ensure it remains positive
x = log(λ_ex)
# Compute mass density based on input shape parameters
q_calc = P3.q_gamma(p3, F_r, N, x, th)

# Solve for shape parameters
(λ, N₀) = P3.distribution_parameter_solver(

(λ, N₀) = P3.distribution_parameter_solver(p3, q_calc, N, ρ_r, F_r)

# compare the solved values with the values plugged in
# Compare solved values with the input expected values
TT.@test λ λ_ex rtol = eps
TT.@test N₀ N₀_ex rtol = eps
Expand All @@ -189,9 +199,11 @@ end
println("Testing Float32")
#TODO - only works for Float64 now. We should switch the units inside the solver
# from SI base to something more managable

println("Testing Float64")

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