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Adding radar reflectivity to 1moment scheme
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Co-authored-by: Caterina Croci <>
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2 people authored and amylu00 committed Apr 15, 2024
1 parent 64b67e1 commit 33ec50c
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Showing 6 changed files with 150 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ Microphysics1M
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35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -263,6 +263,13 @@ In other derivations cloud ice, similar to cloud liquid water,

- Do we want to test different size distributions?

Here we plot the Marshall-Palmer particle size distribution for 4 different values for the rain specific humidity (q_rai).


## Parameterized processes

Parameterized processes include:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -749,6 +756,34 @@ If ``T > T_{freeze}``:

## Rain radar reflectivity

The rain radar reflectivity factor (``Z``) is used to measure the power returned by a radar signal when it encounters rain particles, and it is defined as the sixth moment of the rain particles distribution:
Z = {\int_0^\infty r^{6} \, n(r) \, dr}.
Integrating over the assumed Marshall-Palmer distribution (eq. 6) leads to
Z = {\frac{6! \, n_{0}^{rai}}{\lambda^7}},
- ``n_{0}^{rai}`` - rain drop size distribution parameter,
- ``\lambda`` - as defined in eq. 7

By dividing ``Z`` with the equivalent return of a ``1 mm`` drop in a volume of a meter cube (``Z_0``) and applying the decimal logarithm to the result, we obtains the logarithmic rain radar reflectivity ``L_Z``, which is the variable that is commonly used to refer to the radar reflectivity values:
L_Z = {10 \, \log_{10}(\frac{Z}{Z_0})}.
The resulting logarithmic dimensionless unit is decibel relative to ``Z``, or ``dBZ``.

## Example figures

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74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/plots/MarshallPalmer_distribution.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
import CairoMakie as MK

import SpecialFunctions as SF

import Thermodynamics as TD
import CloudMicrophysics as CM
import ClimaParams as CP

import Thermodynamics.Parameters as TDP
import CloudMicrophysics.Parameters as CMP
import CloudMicrophysics.Common as CO
import CloudMicrophysics.Microphysics1M as CM1

FT = Float64

function Marshall_Palmer_distribution(
(; pdf, mass)::CMP.Rain{FT},
) where {FT}

n₀::FT = CM1.get_n0(pdf)
λ = CM1.lambda(pdf, mass, q, ρ)
# distribution
n_r = n₀ * exp(-λ * r)

return n_r

ρ = FT(1.01)
qᵣ_0 = FT(1.0e-5)
qᵣ_1 = FT(2.0e-4)
qᵣ_2 = FT(1.0e-4)
qᵣ_3 = FT(1.0e-3)

r_range = range(25e-6, stop = 1e-2, length = 1000)

n_r_0 =
[Marshall_Palmer_distribution(CMP.Rain(FT), qᵣ_0, ρ, r) for r in r_range]
n_r_1 =
[Marshall_Palmer_distribution(CMP.Rain(FT), qᵣ_1, ρ, r) for r in r_range]
n_r_2 =
[Marshall_Palmer_distribution(CMP.Rain(FT), qᵣ_2, ρ, r) for r in r_range]
n_r_3 =
[Marshall_Palmer_distribution(CMP.Rain(FT), qᵣ_3, ρ, r) for r in r_range]

fig = MK.Figure(resolution = (1100, 600))
ax1 = MK.Axis(
fig[1, 1],
title = "Marshall-Palmer distribution",
xlabel = "r [m]",
ylabel = "n(r) [mm/m]",
limits = ((0, 0.0015), nothing),
MK.lines!(ax1, r_range, n_r_0, label = "q⁰ᵣ = 10⁻⁵", color = :blue)
MK.lines!(ax1, r_range, n_r_1, label = "q¹ᵣ = 2x10⁻⁴", color = :red)
MK.lines!(ax1, r_range, n_r_2, label = "q²ᵣ = 10⁻⁴", color = :green)
MK.lines!(ax1, r_range, n_r_3, label = "q³ᵣ = 10⁻³", color = :orange)
ax2 = MK.Axis(
fig[1, 2],
title = "Marshall-Palmer distribution - semilog scale",
ylabel = "n(r) [mm/m]",
xlabel = "r [m]",
xscale = log10,
MK.lines!(ax2, r_range, n_r_0, label = "q⁰ᵣ = 10⁻⁵", color = :blue)
MK.lines!(ax2, r_range, n_r_1, label = "q¹ᵣ = 2x10⁻⁴", color = :red)
MK.lines!(ax2, r_range, n_r_2, label = "q²ᵣ = 10⁻⁴", color = :green)
MK.lines!(ax2, r_range, n_r_3, label = "q³ᵣ = 10⁻³", color = :orange)
MK.axislegend()"MarshallPalmer_distribution.svg", fig)
#! format: on
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions src/Microphysics1M.jl
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Expand Up @@ -97,6 +97,29 @@ function lambda(
)^FT(1 / (me + Δm + 1)) : FT(0)

radar_reflectivity(precip, q, ρ)
- `precip` - struct with rain free parameters
- `q` - specific humidity of rain
- `ρ` - air density
Returns radar reflectivity from the assumed rain particle size distribuion
normalized by the reflectivty of 1 millimiter drop in a volume of one meter cube
function radar_reflectivity(
(; pdf, mass)::CMP.Rain{FT},
) where {FT}

n0 = get_n0(pdf)
λ = lambda(pdf, mass, q, ρ)
Z₀ = FT(1e-18)

return 10 * log10((720 * n0 / λ^7) / Z₀)

terminal_velocity(precip, vel, ρ, q)
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16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions test/microphysics1M_tests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -52,6 +52,22 @@ function test_microphysics1M(FT)

TT.@testset "1M_microphysics RadarReflectivity" begin

# some example values
ρ_air = FT(1)
q_rai = FT(0.18e-3)

TT.@test CM1.radar_reflectivity(rain, q_rai, ρ_air) FT(12.17) atol =

q_rai = FT(0.89e-4)

TT.@test CM1.radar_reflectivity(rain, q_rai, ρ_air) FT(6.68) atol =


TT.@testset "1M_microphysics - Chen 2022 rain terminal velocity" begin
ρ = FT(1.2)
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/performance_tests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ function benchmark_test(FT)
(liquid, rain, blk1mvel.rain, ce, q_liq, q_rai, ρ_air),
bench_press(CM1.radar_reflectivity, (rain, q_rai, ρ_air), 250)

# 2-moment
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