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Add "Flexible Microphysics" option, based on Cloudy.jl (#333)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* Add preliminary cloudy condensation + coalescence, with unit tests

* Add sedimentation

* Make cloudy deps an extension instead

* Add docs

* Add condensation-only parcel model example for Cloudy

* Add compat entry for Cloudy

* Update Cloudy version #

* Rename sedimentation + fix condensation tests

* Put units into SI

* Julia Formatter

* Add normalization factors

* Fix documentation errors
  • Loading branch information
edejong-caltech authored Mar 13, 2024
1 parent c5ea233 commit 3fcd6ef
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Showing 11 changed files with 551 additions and 2 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Project.toml
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Expand Up @@ -12,14 +12,17 @@ SpecialFunctions = "276daf66-3868-5448-9aa4-cd146d93841b"
Thermodynamics = "b60c26fb-14c3-4610-9d3e-2d17fe7ff00c"

Cloudy = "9e3b23bb-e7cc-4b94-886c-65de2234ba87"
DataFrames = "a93c6f00-e57d-5684-b7b6-d8193f3e46c0"
MLJ = "add582a8-e3ab-11e8-2d5e-e98b27df1bc7"

CloudyExt = "Cloudy"
EmulatorModelsExt = ["DataFrames", "MLJ"]

ClimaParams = "0.10"
Cloudy = "0.4"
DataFrames = "1.6"
DocStringExtensions = "0.8, 0.9"
ForwardDiff = "0.10"
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/make.jl
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Expand Up @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ Parameterizations = [
"0-moment precipitation microphysics" => "",
"1-moment precipitation microphysics" => "",
"2-moment precipitation microphysics" => "",
"N-moment precipitation microphysics" => "",
"P3 Scheme" => "",
"Non-equilibrium cloud formation" => "",
"Smooth transition at thresholds" => "",
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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -53,6 +53,15 @@ Microphysics2M.rain_evaporation

# Flexible N-moment precipitation microphysics

# P3 scheme

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41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/
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@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# Microphysics Flexible

The `MicrophysicsFlexible.jl` module relies on the extension defined in `ext/CloudyExt.jl`, based on a flexible N-moment microphysics scheme built in the external package [Cloudy.jl]( This option currently handles warm-rain processes including coalescence, condensation/evaporation, and sedimentation (terminal velocity). Unlike typical moment-based schemes which distinguish between categories such as rain and cloud, and which determine rates of conversion between categories (the canonical autoconversion, accretion, and self-collection), this option gives the user the flexibility to define as many or as few moments as they please, with these coalescence-based processes being solved directly without relying on conversion rates. Likewise, the rate of condensation/evaporation is defined through the rate of diffusion of water vapor to/from the surface of droplets defined by the subdistributions which underpin the method. The user has not only the flexibility to specify the number of moments (and therefore the complexity/accuracy) to use, but also the assumed size distributions corresponding to these moments. For instance, one might define a 5-moment implementation using an Exponential mode for smaller cloud droplets, plus a Gamma mode for larger rain droplets. Or, more creatively, perhaps a 12-moment implementation comprised of four Gamma modes.

Options for dynamics and size distributions are under continuous development in the `Cloudy.jl` package, thus only the default and suggested use cases are described in detail here.

## Moments and Sub-Distributions

The prognostic variables of this parameterization are a set of N moments, which can be further divided into P sets of moments, each of which correponds to a subdistribution p. By design these moments begin at order 0 and increase as integers up to the maximum number of parameters for the chosen subdistribution. The first three such default moments have interpretable meanings:
- ``M_0`` - the number density of droplets [1/m^3]
- ``M_1`` - the mass density of droplets [kg/m^3]
- ``M_2`` - proportional to the radar reflectivity [kg^2/m^3]
and can be converted to more canonical definitions of `q_liq` and `q_rai` through numerical integration.

When the user wishes to use more than 2 or 3 total variables to represent the system, these moments must be divided between ``P > 1`` sub-distributions, each of which assumes the form of a particular mathematical distribution, such as an Exponential, Lognormal, or Monodisperse (each of which has two parameters), or a Gamma distribution (which takes 3 parameters).

## Loading the extension
The package `Cloudy.jl` and its dependencies are not loaded by default when using `CloudMicrophysics.jl`. Rather, one must specify:
using CloudMicrophysics
using Cloudy
from the Julia REPL. Upon recognizing that `Cloudy.jl` is being loaded, the extension `CloudyExt.jl` will then be loaded and overwrite the function stubs defined in `src/MicrophysicsFlexible.jl`.

## Setting up a system
All the details from the number of moments and type of subdistributions, to the parameterizations of coalescence, condensation, and sedimentation are defined through the `CLSetup` (CLoudySetup) mutable struct. This struct is mutable specifically because certain of its components, such as backend-computed coalescence tendencies, are updated prior to being passed to the timestepper. The components of a `CLSetup` object and their defaults are further described below.

| component | description | default |
| ``pdists`` | Vector of subdistributions corresponding | ``[Exponential, Gamma]`` |
| | to the moments | |
| ``mom`` | Prognostic mass moments, in the same order |``[1e8 / m^3, 1e-2 kg/m^3,``|
| | as the corresponding subdistributions; |``1e6/m^3, 1e-3 kg/m^3,`` |
| | first 2 for Exp, next 3 for Gamma |``2e-12 kg^2/m^3]`` |
| ``KernelFunc`` | Form of the coalescence kernel function | ``LongKernelFunction`` |
| ``mass_thresholds`` | Particle size thresholds for coalescence | ``[10.0, Inf]`` |
| | integration | |
| ``kernel order`` | Polynomial order for the approx. kernel | ``1`` |
| ``kernel_limit`` | Size threshold for approx. kernel | ``500`` |
| ``vel`` | Power-series coefficients for velocity | ``[2.0, 1/6]`` |
| ``norms`` | Normalizing number density & mass | ``[1e6/m^3, 1e-9 kg]`` |
158 changes: 158 additions & 0 deletions ext/CloudyExt.jl
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Flexible N-moment microphysics representation, including:
- Generalized collisional-coalescence described by a kernel K(x,y), with
default parameterization based on Long collision kernel
- Power-series representation of fall-speed
- Power-series representation of condensational growth
TODO: no representation of ventilation effects
module CloudyExt

import Thermodynamics as TD
import Thermodynamics.Parameters as TDP

import CloudMicrophysics.Common as CO
import CloudMicrophysics.Parameters as CMP
import CloudMicrophysics.MicrophysicsFlexible:
CLSetup, coalescence, condensation, weighted_vt

import Cloudy as CL
import Cloudy.ParticleDistributions as CPD
import Cloudy.KernelFunctions as CLK

A structure containing the subdistributions, their moments, and additional
dynamical parameters corresponding to rates of collision, sedimentation, and
function CLSetup{FT}(;
pdists::Vector{<:CPD.PrimitiveParticleDistribution{FT}} = Vector([
FT(100 * 1e6),
FT(1e5 * 1e-18 * 1e3),
), # 100/cm^3; 10^5 µm^3 = 1e-10 kg
FT(1 * 1e6),
FT(1e6 * 1e-18 * 1e3),
), # 1/cm^3; 10^6 µm^3 = 1e-9 kg; k=1
mom::Vector{FT} = FT.([100.0 * 1e6, 1e-2, 1.0 * 1e6, 1e-3, 2e-12]),
NProgMoms::Vector{Int} = [Integer(CPD.nparams(dist)) for dist in pdists],
KernelFunc::CLK.KernelFunction{FT} = CLK.LongKernelFunction(
FT(5.236e-10), # 5.236e-10 kg;
FT(9.44e9), # 9.44e9 m^3/kg^2/s;
FT(5.78), # 5.78 m^3/kg/s
mass_thresholds::Vector{FT} = [FT(1e-9), FT(Inf)],
kernel_order::Int = 1,
kernel_limit::FT = FT(1 * 1e-9 * 1e3), # ~1mm Diam ~ 1 mm^3 volume
coal_data = nothing,
vel::Vector{Tuple{FT, FT}} = [(FT(50.0), FT(1.0 / 6))], # 50 m/s/kg^(1/6),
norms::Vector{FT} = [1e6, 1e-9], # 1e6 / m^3; 1e-9 kg
) where {FT <: AbstractFloat}


- `clinfo` - kwarg structure containing pdists, moments, and coalescence parameters
TODO: currently implemented only for analytical coalescence style
Returns a vector of moment tendencies due to collisional coalescence
function coalescence(clinfo::CLSetup{FT}) where {FT}
kernel_tensor = CL.KernelTensors.CoalescenceTensor(
if isnothing(clinfo.coal_data)
clinfo.coal_data = CL.Coalescence.initialize_coalescence_data(
norms = clinfo.norms,
dist_thresholds = clinfo.mass_thresholds,
mom_norms =
CL.get_moments_normalizing_factors(clinfo.NProgMoms, clinfo.norms)
mom_normalized = ./ mom_norms
# first, update the particle distributions
for (i, dist) in enumerate(clinfo.pdists)
ind_rng = CL.get_dist_moments_ind_range(clinfo.NProgMoms, i)
CPD.update_dist_from_moments!(dist, mom_normalized[ind_rng])[ind_rng])
return clinfo.coal_data.coal_ints .* mom_norms

condensation(clinfo, aps, tps, q, ρ, T)
- `clinfo` - kwarg structure containing pdists, moments, and coalescence parameters
- `aps` - air properties
- `tps` - thermodynamics parameters
- `T` - air temperature
- `S` - saturation ratio (supersaturation = S - 1)
Returns a vector of moment tendencies due to condensation/evaporation
function condensation(
) where {FT}
ξ = CO.G_func(aps, tps, T, TD.Liquid())

mom_norms =
CL.get_moments_normalizing_factors(clinfo.NProgMoms, clinfo.norms)
mom_normalized = ./ mom_norms
# first, update the particle distributions
for (i, dist) in enumerate(clinfo.pdists)
ind_rng = CL.get_dist_moments_ind_range(clinfo.NProgMoms, i)
CPD.update_dist_from_moments!(dist, mom_normalized[ind_rng])
return CL.Condensation.get_cond_evap(
S - 1,
(; ξ = ξ, pdists = clinfo.pdists),
) .* mom_norms

- `clinfo` - kwarg structure containing pdists, moments, and coalescence parameters
Returns the integrated fall speeds corresponding to the rate of change of prognostic moments
function weighted_vt(clinfo::CLSetup{FT}) where {FT}
for (i, dist) in enumerate(clinfo.pdists)
ind_rng = CL.get_dist_moments_ind_range(clinfo.NProgMoms, i)
sed_flux =
CL.Sedimentation.get_sedimentation_flux(clinfo.pdists, clinfo.vel)
return -sed_flux ./

end #module

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