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Merge pull request #435 from CliMA/aj/het_freezing
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Add P3 immersion freezing
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trontrytel authored Aug 15, 2024
2 parents b24eedf + 2e18da2 commit 4549469
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Showing 6 changed files with 237 additions and 50 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ P3Scheme

# Aerosol model
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28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -215,6 +215,34 @@ include("plots/P3TerminalVelocityPlots.jl")

## Heterogeneous Freezing

Immersion freezing is parameterized based on water activity and follows the ABIFM
parameterization from [KnopfAlpert2013](@cite).
See also the derivation notes about different
[ice nucleation parameterizations](
The immersion freezing nucleation rate is computed by numerically integrating
over the distribution of cloud droplets given by the 2-moment warm rain
microphysics scheme from [SeifertBeheng2006](@cite).
The rate is limited by the available cloud droplet number concentration
and water content.
\frac{dN}{dt} = \int_{0}^{D_{max}} \! J_{ABIFM} A_a(D) N'(D) \mathrm{d}D
\frac{dQ}{dt} = \int_{0}^{D_{max}} \! J_{ABIFM} A_a(D) N'(D) m(D) \mathrm{d}D
- ``J_{ABIFM}`` - is the immersion freezing nucleation rate,
- ``A_a(D)`` - is the assumed surface area of insoluble ice nucleating particles,
- ``N'(D)`` - number distribution of cloud droplets,
- ``m(D)`` - assumed mass of a cloud droplet as a function of its diameter.


## Acknowledgments

Click on the P3 mascot duck to be taken to the repository
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106 changes: 106 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/plots/P3ImmersionFreezing.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
import CairoMakie as PL
PL.activate!(type = "svg")

import Thermodynamics as TD
import CloudMicrophysics.Parameters as CMP
import CloudMicrophysics.P3Scheme as P3

FT = Float64

# thermodynamics parameters
tps = TD.Parameters.ThermodynamicsParameters(FT)

# helper functions
function RH2qₜ(T, RH)
eᵥ_sat = TD.saturation_vapor_pressure(tps, T, TD.Liquid())
eᵥ = RH * eᵥ_sat
qᵥ = 1 / (1 - tps.molmass_dryair / tps.molmass_water * (eᵥ - p) / eᵥ)
qₜ = qᵥ + qₗ + qᵢ
return qₜ
function p2ρ(T, RH)
return TD.air_density(tps, T, p, TD.PhasePartition(RH2qₜ(T, RH), qₗ, qᵢ))

# ambient conditions
Nₗ = FT(500 * 1e6)
qᵢ = FT(1 * 1e-3)
qₗ = FT(1 * 1e-3)
p = FT(800 * 1e2)

# supported aerosol types
dd = CMP.DesertDust(FT)
il = CMP.Illite(FT)

# model time step (for limiting)
dt = FT(1)

# plot data
RH_range = range(0.8, stop = 1.2, length = 1000)
T1 = FT(273.15 - 15)
T2 = FT(273.15 - 35)

#! format: off

# limiters to not nucleate more mass and number than we have in liquid phase
max_dLdt_T1 = [qₗ* p2ρ(T1, RH) / dt for RH in RH_range]
max_dLdt_T2 = [qₗ* p2ρ(T2, RH) / dt for RH in RH_range]
max_dNdt = [Nₗ / dt for RH in RH_range]

dLdt_dd_T1 = [P3.het_ice_nucleation(dd, tps, TD.PhasePartition(RH2qₜ(T1, RH), qₗ, qᵢ), Nₗ, RH, T1, p2ρ(T1, RH), dt).dLdt for RH in RH_range]
dNdt_dd_T1 = [P3.het_ice_nucleation(dd, tps, TD.PhasePartition(RH2qₜ(T1, RH), qₗ, qᵢ), Nₗ, RH, T1, p2ρ(T1, RH), dt).dNdt for RH in RH_range]

dLdt_il_T1 = [P3.het_ice_nucleation(il, tps, TD.PhasePartition(RH2qₜ(T1, RH), qₗ, qᵢ), Nₗ, RH, T1, p2ρ(T1, RH), dt).dLdt for RH in RH_range]
dNdt_il_T1 = [P3.het_ice_nucleation(il, tps, TD.PhasePartition(RH2qₜ(T1, RH), qₗ, qᵢ), Nₗ, RH, T1, p2ρ(T1, RH), dt).dNdt for RH in RH_range]

dLdt_dd_T2 = [P3.het_ice_nucleation(dd, tps, TD.PhasePartition(RH2qₜ(T2, RH), qₗ, qᵢ), Nₗ, RH, T2, p2ρ(T2, RH), dt).dLdt for RH in RH_range]
dNdt_dd_T2 = [P3.het_ice_nucleation(dd, tps, TD.PhasePartition(RH2qₜ(T2, RH), qₗ, qᵢ), Nₗ, RH, T2, p2ρ(T2, RH), dt).dNdt for RH in RH_range]

dLdt_il_T2 = [P3.het_ice_nucleation(il, tps, TD.PhasePartition(RH2qₜ(T2, RH), qₗ, qᵢ), Nₗ, RH, T2, p2ρ(T2, RH), dt).dLdt for RH in RH_range]
dNdt_il_T2 = [P3.het_ice_nucleation(il, tps, TD.PhasePartition(RH2qₜ(T2, RH), qₗ, qᵢ), Nₗ, RH, T2, p2ρ(T2, RH), dt).dNdt for RH in RH_range]

# plotting
fig = PL.Figure(size = (1500, 500), fontsize=22, linewidth=3)

ax1 = PL.Axis(fig[1, 1]; yscale = log10)
ax2 = PL.Axis(fig[1, 2]; yscale = log10)

ax1.xlabel = "RH [%]"
ax1.ylabel = "ice mass nucleation rate [g/m3/s]"
ax2.xlabel = "RH [%]"
ax2.ylabel = "ice number nucleation rate [1/cm3/s]"

l_max_dLdt_T1 = PL.lines!(ax1, RH_range * 1e2, max_dLdt_T1 * 1e3, color = :thistle)
l_max_dLdt_T2 = PL.lines!(ax1, RH_range * 1e2, max_dLdt_T2 * 1e3, color = :thistle)
l_max_dNdt = PL.lines!(ax2, RH_range * 1e2, max_dNdt * 1e-6, color = :thistle)

l_dLdt_dd_T1 = PL.lines!(ax1, RH_range * 1e2, dLdt_dd_T1 * 1e3, color = :skyblue)
l_dNdt_dd_T1 = PL.lines!(ax2, RH_range * 1e2, dNdt_dd_T1 * 1e-6, color = :skyblue)

l_dLdt_dd_T2 = PL.lines!(ax1, RH_range * 1e2, dLdt_dd_T2 * 1e3, color = :blue3)
l_dNdt_dd_T2 = PL.lines!(ax2, RH_range * 1e2, dNdt_dd_T2 * 1e-6, color = :blue3)

l_dLdt_il_T1 = PL.lines!(ax1, RH_range * 1e2, dLdt_il_T1 * 1e3, color = :orchid)
l_dNdt_il_T1 = PL.lines!(ax2, RH_range * 1e2, dNdt_il_T1 * 1e-6, color = :orchid)

l_dLdt_il_T2 = PL.lines!(ax1, RH_range * 1e2, dLdt_il_T2 * 1e3, color = :purple)
l_dNdt_il_T2 = PL.lines!(ax2, RH_range * 1e2, dNdt_il_T2 * 1e-6, color = :purple)

fig[1, 3],
l_dNdt_dd_T1, l_dNdt_dd_T2,
l_dNdt_il_T1, l_dNdt_il_T2],
"T=-15C, desert dust",
"T=-35C, desert dust",
"T=-15C, illite",
"T=-35C, illite",
framevisible = false,
)"P3_het_ice_nucleation.svg", fig)
48 changes: 47 additions & 1 deletion src/P3_processes.jl
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@@ -1 +1,47 @@
het_ice_nucleation(pdf_c, p3, tps, q, N, T, ρₐ, p, aerosol)
- aerosol - aerosol parameters (supported types: desert dust, illite, kaolinite)
- tps - thermodynamics parameters
- qₚ - phase partition
- N_liq - cloud water number concentration
- RH - relative humidity
- T - temperature
- ρₐ - air density
- dt - model time step
Returns a named tuple with ice number concentration and ice content
hetergoeneous freezing rates from cloud droplets.
function het_ice_nucleation(
aerosol::Union{CMP.DesertDust, CMP.Illite, CMP.Kaolinite},
) where {FT}
#TODO - Also consider rain freezing

# Immersion freezing nucleation rate coefficient
J = CM_HetIce.ABIFM_J(aerosol, RH - CO.a_w_ice(tps, T))

# Assumed erosol surface area
# TODO - Make it a parameter of ABIFM scheme
# We could consider making it a function of the droplet size distribution
A_aer = FT(1e-10)

dNdt = J * A_aer * N_liq
dLdt = J * A_aer * qₚ.liq * ρₐ

# nucleation rates are always positive definite...
dNdt = max(0, dNdt)
dLdt = max(0, dLdt)
# ... and dont exceed the available number and mass of water droplets
dNdt = min(dNdt, N_liq / dt)
dLdt = min(dLdt, qₚ.liq * ρₐ / dt)

return (; dNdt, dLdt)
88 changes: 39 additions & 49 deletions test/p3_tests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -459,54 +459,6 @@ end
# end
# end
# TT.@testset "Heterogeneous Freezing Smoke Test" begin
# T = FT(250)
# N = FT(1e8)
# ρ_a = FT(1.2)
# qᵥ = FT(8.1e-4)
# aero_type = CMP.Illite(FT)
# qs = range(0.001, stop = 0.005, length = 5)
# expected_freeze_q =
# [2.036e-61, 6.463e-61, 1.270e-60, 2.052e-60, 2.976e-60]
# expected_freeze_N =
# [1.414e-51, 2.244e-51, 2.941e-51, 3.562e-51, 4.134e-51]
# for i in axes(qs, 1)
# rate_mass = P3.p3_rain_het_freezing(
# true,
# pdf_r,
# p3,
# tps,
# qs[i],
# N,
# T,
# ρ_a,
# qᵥ,
# aero_type,
# )
# rate_num = P3.p3_rain_het_freezing(
# false,
# pdf_r,
# p3,
# tps,
# qs[i],
# N,
# T,
# ρ_a,
# qᵥ,
# aero_type,
# )
# TT.@test rate_mass >= 0
# TT.@test rate_mass ≈ expected_freeze_q[i] rtol = 1e-3
# TT.@test rate_num >= 0
# TT.@test rate_num ≈ expected_freeze_N[i] rtol = 1e-3
# end
# end

function test_integrals(FT)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -574,6 +526,43 @@ function test_integrals(FT)

function test_p3_het_freezing(FT)

TT.@testset "Heterogeneous Freezing Smoke Test" begin
tps = TD.Parameters.ThermodynamicsParameters(FT)
p3 = CMP.ParametersP3(FT)
SB2006 = CMP.SB2006(FT, false) # no limiters
pdf_c = SB2006.pdf_c
aerosol = CMP.Illite(FT)

N_liq = FT(1e8)
T = FT(244)
p = FT(500 * 1e2)

dt = FT(1)

expected_freeze_L =
[1.544e-22, 1.068e-6, 0.0001428, 0.0001428, 0.0001428, 0.0001428]
expected_freeze_N = [1.082e-10, 747647.5, N_liq, N_liq, N_liq, N_liq]
qᵥ_range = range(0.5e-3, stop = 1.5e-3, length = 6)

for it in range(1, 6)
qₚ = TD.PhasePartition(FT(qᵥ_range[it]), FT(2e-4), FT(0))
eᵥ_sat = TD.saturation_vapor_pressure(tps, T, TD.Liquid())
ϵ = tps.molmass_water / tps.molmass_dryair
eᵥ = p * qᵥ_range[it] /+ qᵥ_range[it] * (1 - ϵ))
RH = eᵥ / eᵥ_sat
ρₐ = TD.air_density(tps, T, p, qₚ)
rate = P3.het_ice_nucleation(aerosol, tps, qₚ, N_liq, RH, T, ρₐ, dt)

TT.@test rate.dNdt >= 0
TT.@test rate.dLdt >= 0

TT.@test rate.dNdt expected_freeze_N[it] rtol = 1e-2
TT.@test rate.dLdt expected_freeze_L[it] rtol = 1e-2

println("Testing Float32")
Expand All @@ -588,5 +577,6 @@ test_p3_thresholds(Float64)
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions test/performance_tests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ function benchmark_test(FT)
N = FT(1e8)

T_air_2 = FT(250)
RH_2 = FT(1.5)
T_air_cold = FT(230)
S_ice = FT(1.2)
dSi_dt = FT(0.05)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,6 +172,21 @@ function benchmark_test(FT)
bench_press(P3.D_m, (p3, q_ice, N, ρ_r, F_r), 1e5)
# P3 ice nucleation
TD.PhasePartition(q_tot, q_liq, q_ice),

# aerosol activation
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