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trontrytel committed Feb 29, 2024
2 parents 7b0de4f + 5fe902d commit 457d40f
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Showing 8 changed files with 363 additions and 12 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ HetIceNucleation.ABIFM_J

# Homogeneous ice nucleation
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80 changes: 80 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -334,3 +334,83 @@ Shown below are three separate parcel simulations for deposition nucleation,

## Immersion Freezing Parametrization based on Frostenberg et al. 2023

The parcel model also includes the parametrization of immersion freezing based on [Frostenberg2023](@cite).
The concentration of ice nucleating particles (INPs) is randomly selected based on a lognormal relative frequency distribution, depending only on the temperature. If the random INP concentration exceeds the existing concentration of ice crystals, new ice crystals are created, such that their total concentration is equal to the new INP concentration.

Three different implementations of this parametrization are used in the parcel model:
- **Frostenberg_mean**, in which the concentration of INPs is equal to its mean value defined in [Frostenberg2023](@cite) for a given temperature,
- **Frostenberg_random**, in which the concentration of INPs is drawn randomly from the distribution defined in [Frostenberg2023](@cite). The time between draws is set by the *drawing_interval* parameter,
- **Frostenberg_stochastic**, in which the freezing is treated as a stochastic process, with mean defined in [Frostenberg2023](@cite) and Wiener noise. The timescale of the process is set by the `\gamma` parameter.

The stochastic implementation is based on the equation for a stochastic process $x$ with Gaussian random noise:

dx = - \gamma \; x \; dt + g dW

dW = {\bf{N}}(0, dt^2)
where ``\bf{N}`` is the lognormal distribution.

x(t) = x_0 \; e^{-\gamma t} + g \; \int_0^t e^{\gamma(s-t)} dW
where ``1/\gamma`` is the assumed timescale of the process.
{\bf{V}}(x) = g^2 \int_0^t e^{2\gamma(s-t)} ds = \frac{g^2}{2\gamma}(1 - e^{-2\gamma t})
where ``\bf{V}`` is the variance.
We map this notation onto our problem:

x = ln(INPC)

dx = -\gamma (x - \mu(T)) dt + g dW

x(t) = x e^{-\gamma t} + \mu(T) (1 - e^{-\gamma t}) + g \int_0^t e^{-\gamma (t-s)} dW

x(t) = {\bf{N}}(x_0 e^{-\gamma t} + (1-e^{-\gamma t}) \mu(T), \frac{g^2}{2\gamma} (1-e^{-2\gamma t}))
If ``\gamma >> 1``, then
x(t) = {\bf{N}}(\mu(T), \frac{g^2}{2\gamma})
Hence ``g = \sigma * \sqrt{2 \gamma}``.

The following plot shows resuls of the parcel model with Frostenberg_mean parametrization, Frostenberg_random parametrization with different drawing intervals `t_d` and Frostenberg_stochastic parametrization with different time scales `\gamma`. The timestep of the model is 1 s.

11 changes: 5 additions & 6 deletions docs/src/plots/Frostenberg_fig1.jl
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Expand Up @@ -8,20 +8,19 @@ import CloudMicrophysics.Parameters as CMP
FT = Float32
ip = CMP.Frostenberg2023(FT)

T_range_celsius = range(-40, stop = -2, length = 500) # air temperature [°C]
T_range_kelvin = T_range_celsius .+ 273.15 # air temperature [K]
T_range = range(233, stop = 271, length = 500) # air temperature [K]
INPC_range = 10.0 .^ (range(-5, stop = 7, length = 500)) #ice nucleating particle concentration

frequency = [
IN.INP_concentration_frequency(ip, INPC, T) > 0.015 ?
IN.INP_concentration_frequency(ip, INPC, T) : missing for
INPC in INPC_range, T in T_range_kelvin
INPC in INPC_range, T in T_range
mu = [exp(log(-(ip.b * T)^9 * 10^(-9))) for T in T_range_celsius]
mu = [exp(IN.INP_concentration_mean(T)) for T in T_range]

xlabel = "T [K]",
Expand All @@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ PL.contourf(

label = "median INPC",
legend = :topright,
Expand Down
194 changes: 194 additions & 0 deletions parcel/Example_Frostenberg_Immersion_Freezing.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
import OrdinaryDiffEq as ODE
import CairoMakie as MK
import Thermodynamics as TD
import CloudMicrophysics as CM
import CLIMAParameters as CP
import Random as RAND
random_seeds = [0, 1234, 5678, 3443]

# definition of the ODE problem for parcel model
include(joinpath(pkgdir(CM), "parcel", "Parcel.jl"))
FT = Float32
# get free parameters
tps = TD.Parameters.ThermodynamicsParameters(FT)
wps = CMP.WaterProperties(FT)

# Initial conditions
ρₗ = wps.ρw
Nₐ = FT(0)
Nₗ = FT(500 * 1e3)
Nᵢ = FT(0)
r₀ = FT(1e-6)
p₀ = FT(800 * 1e2)
T₀ = FT(251)
qᵥ = FT(8.1e-4)
qₗ = Nₗ * 4 / 3 * FT(π) * r₀^3 * ρₗ / FT(1.2) # 1.2 should be ρₐ
qᵢ = FT(0)
x_sulph = FT(0.01)

# Moisture dependent initial conditions
q = TD.PhasePartition.(qᵥ + qₗ + qᵢ, qₗ, qᵢ)
R_v = TD.Parameters.R_v(tps)
Rₐ = TD.gas_constant_air(tps, q)
eₛ = TD.saturation_vapor_pressure(tps, T₀, TD.Liquid())
e = eᵥ(qᵥ, p₀, Rₐ, R_v)
Sₗ = FT(e / eₛ)
IC = [Sₗ, p₀, T₀, qᵥ, qₗ, qᵢ, Nₐ, Nₗ, Nᵢ, x_sulph]

# Simulation parameters passed into ODE solver
w = FT(0.7) # updraft speed
const_dt = FT(1) # model timestep
t_max = FT(1200)
aerosol = CMP.Illite(FT)
condensation_growth = "Condensation"
deposition_growth = "Deposition"
DSD = "Monodisperse"

# Plotting
fig = MK.Figure(resolution = (900, 700))
ax1 = MK.Axis(fig[1, 1], ylabel = "Ice Supersaturation [-]")
ax2 = MK.Axis(fig[1, 2], ylabel = "Temperature [K]")
ax3 = MK.Axis(fig[2, 1], ylabel = "q_ice [g/kg]")
ax4 = MK.Axis(fig[2, 2], ylabel = "q_liq [g/kg]")
ax5 = MK.Axis(fig[3, 1], xlabel = "Time [min]", ylabel = "N_liq")
ax6 = MK.Axis(fig[3, 2], xlabel = "Time [min]", ylabel = "N_ice")

colors = [:blue, :green, :darkorange]

function plot_results(
label = "",
unit = "",
linestyle = :solid,
color = :black,

sol_t / 60,
S_i.(tps, sol[3, :], sol[1, :]) .- 1,
label = label * string(variable) * unit,
linestyle = linestyle,
color = color,
sol_t / 60,
sol[3, :],
label = label * string(variable) * unit,
linestyle = linestyle,
color = color,
sol_t / 60,
sol[6, :] * 1e3,
label = label * string(variable) * unit,
linestyle = linestyle,
color = color,
sol_t / 60,
sol[5, :] * 1e3,
label = label * string(variable) * unit,
linestyle = linestyle,
color = color,
sol_t / 60,
sol[8, :],
label = label * string(variable) * unit,
linestyle = linestyle,
color = color,
sol_t / 60,
sol[9, :],
label = label * string(variable) * unit,
linestyle = linestyle,
color = color,

MK.axislegend(ax2, position = :lt)

params = parcel_params{FT}(
const_dt = const_dt,
w = w,
aerosol = aerosol,
heterogeneous = "Frostenberg_mean",
condensation_growth = condensation_growth,
deposition_growth = deposition_growth,
size_distribution = DSD,
# solve ODE
sol = run_parcel(IC, FT(0), t_max, params)
plot_results(sol.t, sol, "mean")

# Frostenberg_random with different drawing frequencies
drawing_interval_range = range(FT(1), stop = FT(5), length = 3)

for (drawing_interval, color) in zip(drawing_interval_range, colors)

# creating an ensamble of solutions
solutions = []
for random_seed in random_seeds

RAND.seed!(trunc(Int, random_seed)) #set the random seed

params = parcel_params{FT}(
const_dt = const_dt,
w = w,
aerosol = aerosol,
heterogeneous = "Frostenberg_random",
condensation_growth = condensation_growth,
deposition_growth = deposition_growth,
size_distribution = DSD,
drawing_interval = drawing_interval,
# solve ODE
sol = run_parcel(IC, FT(0), t_max, params)
push!(solutions, sol)
mean_sol = sum(solutions) / length(solutions)
plot_results(sol.t, mean_sol, drawing_interval, "t_d=", " s", :dot, color)

# Frostenberg_stochastic with different timescales γ
γ_range = range(FT(1), stop = FT(5), length = 3)

for (γ, color) in zip(γ_range, colors)

# creating an ensamble of solutions
solutions = []
for random_seed in random_seeds

RAND.seed!(trunc(Int, random_seed)) #set the random seed

params = parcel_params{FT}(
const_dt = const_dt,
w = w,
aerosol = aerosol,
heterogeneous = "Frostenberg_stochastic",
condensation_growth = condensation_growth,
deposition_growth = deposition_growth,
size_distribution = DSD,
γ = γ,
# solve ODE
sol = run_parcel(IC, FT(0), t_max, params)
push!(solutions, sol)
mean_sol = sum(solutions) / length(solutions)
plot_results(sol.t, mean_sol, γ, "γ=", " s", :solid, color)
end"frostenberg_immersion_freezing.svg", fig)
16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion parcel/ParcelModel.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ Base.@kwdef struct parcel_params{FT} <: CMP.ParametersType{FT}
w = FT(1)
r_nuc = FT(0.5 * 1.e-4 * 1e-6)
A_aer = FT(1e-9)
drawing_interval = FT(1)
γ = FT(1)
ip = CMP.Frostenberg2023(FT)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,6 +55,7 @@ function parcel_model(dY, Y, p, t)
Nₗ = clip!(Y[8]),
Nᵢ = clip!(Y[9]),
xS = Y[10],
t = t,

# Constants
Expand All @@ -61,7 +65,7 @@ function parcel_model(dY, Y, p, t)
ρₗ = wps.ρw

# Get the state values
(; Sₗ, p_air, T, qᵥ, qₗ, qᵢ, Nₗ, Nᵢ) = state
(; Sₗ, p_air, T, qᵥ, qₗ, qᵢ, Nₗ, Nᵢ, t) = state
# Get thermodynamic parameters, phase partition and create thermo state.
q = TD.PhasePartition(qᵥ + qₗ + qᵢ, qₗ, qᵢ)
ts = TD.PhaseNonEquil_pTq(tps, p_air, T, q)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,6 +167,7 @@ Parcel state vector (all variables are in base SI units):
- Nₗ - number concentration of existing water droplets
- Nᵢ - concentration of activated ice crystals
- xS - percent mass sulphuric acid
- t - time in seconds since the beginning of the simulation
The parcel parameters struct comes with default values that can be overwritten:
- deposition - string with deposition ice nucleation parameterization choice ["None" (default), "MohlerAF", "MohlerRate", "ActivityBased", "P3_dep"]
Expand All @@ -177,6 +182,9 @@ The parcel parameters struct comes with default values that can be overwritten:
- w - parcel vertical velocity [m/s]. Default value is 1 m/s
- r_nuc - assumed size of nucleating ice crystals. Default value is 5e-11 [m]
- A_aer - assumed surface area of ice nucleating aerosol. Default value assumes radius of 5e-11 [m]
- ip - parameters of INPC frequency distribution for Frostenberg parametrization of immerison freezing
- drawing_interval - time in seconds between random draws in Frostenberg_random parametrization of immerison freezing
- γ - timescale for the stochastic process in Frostenberg_stochastic parametrization of immerison freezing
function run_parcel(IC, t_0, t_end, pp)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,6 +224,12 @@ function run_parcel(IC, t_0, t_end, pp)
imm_params = ABIFM{FT}(pp.H₂SO₄ps, pp.tps, pp.aerosol, pp.A_aer)
elseif pp.heterogeneous == "P3_het"
imm_params = P3_het{FT}(pp.ips, pp.const_dt)
elseif pp.heterogeneous == "Frostenberg_random"
imm_params = Frostenberg_random{FT}(pp.ip, pp.drawing_interval)
elseif pp.heterogeneous == "Frostenberg_mean"
imm_params = Frostenberg_mean{FT}(pp.ip)
elseif pp.heterogeneous == "Frostenberg_stochastic"
imm_params = Frostenberg_stochastic{FT}(pp.ip, pp.γ)
throw("Unrecognized heterogeneous mode")
Expand Down
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions parcel/ParcelParameters.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,6 +39,20 @@ struct P3_het{FT} <: CMP.ParametersType{FT}

struct Frostenberg_random{FT} <: CMP.ParametersType{FT}

struct Frostenberg_stochastic{FT} <: CMP.ParametersType{FT}

struct Frostenberg_mean{FT} <: CMP.ParametersType{FT}

struct ABHOM{FT} <: CMP.ParametersType{FT}
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