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trontrytel committed Feb 22, 2024
1 parent 5e5a730 commit 764b31d
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Showing 2 changed files with 30 additions and 39 deletions.
53 changes: 21 additions & 32 deletions parcel/Tully_et_al_2023.jl
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Expand Up @@ -45,9 +45,6 @@ function Tully_et_al_2023(FT)

# get free parameters
tps = TD.Parameters.ThermodynamicsParameters(FT)
aps = CMP.AirProperties(FT)
wps = CMP.WaterProperties(FT)
ip = CMP.IceNucleationParameters(FT)
# Initial conditions for 1st period
N_aerosol = FT(2000 * 1e3)
N_droplets = FT(0)
Expand All @@ -69,15 +66,13 @@ function Tully_et_al_2023(FT)
t_max = 30 * 60

# Simulation parameters passed into ODE solver
r_nuc = FT(0.5 * 1.e-4 * 1e-6) # assumed size of nucleated particles
w = FT(3.5 * 1e-2) # updraft speed
α_m = FT(0.5) # accomodation coefficient
const_dt = 0.1 # model timestep
aerosol = CMP.DesertDust(FT) # aerosol type
ice_nucleation_modes_list = # ice nucleation modes
[["MohlerAF_Deposition"], ["MohlerRate_Deposition"]]
growth_modes = ["Deposition"] # switch on deposition growth
droplet_size_distribution = ["Monodisperse"]
r_nuc = FT(0.5 * 1.e-4 * 1e-6) # assumed size of nucleated particles
w = FT(3.5 * 1e-2) # updraft speed
const_dt = 0.1 # model timestep
aerosol = CMP.DesertDust(FT) # aerosol type
ice_nucleation_modes = ["MohlerAF", "MohlerRate"] # ice nucleation modes
growth_modes = ["Deposition"] # switch on deposition growth
size_distribution = "Monodisperse"

# Plots
fig = MK.Figure(resolution = (800, 600))
Expand All @@ -96,22 +91,16 @@ function Tully_et_al_2023(FT)
TD.saturation_vapor_pressure(tps, T, TD.Ice())
S_i(T, S_liq) = ξ(T) * S_liq - 1

for ice_nucleation_modes in ice_nucleation_modes_list
p = (;
for mode in ice_nucleation_modes
params = parcel_params{FT}(
const_dt = const_dt,
r_nuc = r_nuc,
w = w,
aerosol = aerosol,
deposition = mode,
growth_modes = growth_modes,
size_distribution = size_distribution,

# Simulation 1
IC1 = get_initial_condition(
Expand All @@ -125,8 +114,8 @@ function Tully_et_al_2023(FT)
sol1 = run_parcel(IC1, 0, t_max, p)
if ice_nucleation_modes == ["MohlerAF_Deposition"]
sol1 = run_parcel(IC1, 0, t_max, params)
if mode == "MohlerAF"
# Simulation 2
# (alternatively set T and take q_vap from the previous simulation)
#IC2 = get_initial_condition(sol1[2, end], sol1[3, end], T2, sol1[5, end], 0.0, sol1[6, end], sol1[7, end])
Expand All @@ -143,7 +132,7 @@ function Tully_et_al_2023(FT)
sol1[9, end],
sol2 = run_parcel(IC2, sol1.t[end], sol1.t[end] + t_max, p)
sol2 = run_parcel(IC2, sol1.t[end], sol1.t[end] + t_max, params)

# Simulation 3
# (alternatively set T and take q_vap from the previous simulation)
Expand All @@ -161,7 +150,7 @@ function Tully_et_al_2023(FT)
sol2[9, end],
sol3 = run_parcel(IC3, sol2.t[end], sol2.t[end] + t_max, p)
sol3 = run_parcel(IC3, sol2.t[end], sol2.t[end] + t_max, params)

# Plot results
sol = [sol1, sol2, sol3]
Expand All @@ -184,7 +173,7 @@ function Tully_et_al_2023(FT)
#! format: on

elseif ice_nucleation_modes == ["MohlerRate_Deposition"]
elseif mode == "MohlerRate"
MK.lines!(ax1, sol1.t * w, sol1[1, :] .- 1, color = :lightblue)
MK.lines!(ax2, sol1.t * w, sol1[3, :], color = :lightblue)
MK.lines!(ax3, sol1.t * w, sol1[9, :] * 1e-3, color = :lightblue)
Expand Down
16 changes: 9 additions & 7 deletions parcel/parcel.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ struct Lognormal{FT} <: CMP.ParametersType{FT}
# Size distributiom moments
function distribution_moments(::Monodisperse, qₗ, Nₗ, ρₗ, ρ_air, qᵢ, Nᵢ, ρᵢ)
FT = typeof(qₗ)
# liquid droplet
if Nₗ == FT(0)
rₗ = FT(0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,16 +142,16 @@ function deposition_nucleation(params::MohlerAF, state, dY)
(; ips, aerosol, const_dt, tps) = params
(; Sₗ, T, Nₐ, Nᵢ) = state
Sᵢ = ξ(tps, T) * Sₗ

if S_i >= ips.deposition.Sᵢ_max
FT = eltype(state)
if Sᵢ >= ips.deposition.Sᵢ_max
@warn("Supersaturation exceeds Sᵢ_max. No dust will be activated.")

AF = Sᵢ >= ips.deposition.Sᵢ_max ?
FT(0) :
AF = CMI_het.dust_activated_number_fraction(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -309,6 +310,7 @@ end
function deposition(params::DepParams, PSD, state, ρ_air)
(; aps, tps) = params
(; T, Sₗ, Nᵢ) = state
FT = eltype(state)
Sᵢ = ξ(tps, T) * Sₗ
Gᵢ = CMO.G_func(aps, tps, T, TD.Ice())
return 4 * FT(π) / ρ_air * (Sᵢ - 1) * Gᵢ * PSD.rᵢ * Nᵢ
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -360,11 +362,11 @@ function parcel_model(dY, Y, p, t)
ρ_air = TD.air_density(tps, ts)

# Adiabatic parcel coefficients
a1 = L_vap * grav / cp_air / T^2 / R_v - grav / R_air / T
a1 = L_vap * grav / cp_air / T^2 / Rᵥ - grav / R_air / T
a2 = 1 / qᵥ
a3 = L_vap^2 / R_v / T^2 / cp_air
a4 = L_vap * L_subl / R_v / T^2 / cp_air
a5 = L_vap * L_fus / R_v / cp_air / (T^2)
a3 = L_vap^2 / Rᵥ / T^2 / cp_air
a4 = L_vap * L_subl / Rᵥ / T^2 / cp_air
a5 = L_vap * L_fus / Rᵥ / cp_air / (T^2)

# Mean radius, area and volume of liquid droplets and ice crystals
PSD = distribution_moments(distr, qₗ, Nₗ, ρₗ, ρ_air, qᵢ, Nᵢ, ρᵢ)
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