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homogeneous freezing to parcel
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water based deposition nucleation

lat heat of fus in parcel dT/dt and dSl/dt


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amylu00 committed Jan 29, 2024
1 parent c4f00ba commit 8a84dc0
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Showing 7 changed files with 325 additions and 52 deletions.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions docs/bibliography.bib
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -182,6 +182,20 @@ @article{Heymsfield2003
year = {2003}

author = {Jensen, E. J. and Diskin, G. S. and DiGangi, J. and Woods, S. and Lawson, R. P. and Bui, T. V.},
title = {Homogeneous Freezing Events Sampled in the Tropical Tropopause Layer},
journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres},
volume = {127},
number = {17},
pages = {e2022JD036535},
keywords = {cirrus, nucleation, freezing},
doi = {},
url = {},
note = {e2022JD036535 2022JD036535},
year = {2022}

author = {Kärcher, B. and Hendricks, J. and Lohmann, U.},
title = {Physically based parameterization of cirrus cloud formation for use in global atmospheric models},
Expand Down
37 changes: 34 additions & 3 deletions docs/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ For a gamma distribution of droplets ``n(r) = A \; r \; exp(-\lambda r)``,
``\bar{r} = \frac{2}{\lambda}``
where ``\lambda = \left(\frac{32 \pi N_{tot} \rho_l}{q_l \rho_a}\right)^{1/3}``.

## Deposition on dust particles
## Deposition nucleation on dust particles

Similarly, for a case of a spherical ice particle growing through water vapor deposition
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -219,10 +219,28 @@ Following the water activity based immersion freezing model (ABIFM), the ABIFM d
where ``N_{liq}`` is total number of ice nuclei containing droplets and
``A`` is surface area of those droplets.

## Homogeneous Freezing
Homogeneous freezing follows the water-activity based model described in the
``Ice Nucleation`` section which gives a nucleation rate coefficient of
units ``cm^{-3}s^{-1}``.
The ice production rate from homogeneous freezing can then be determined:
P_{ice} = [\frac{dN_i}{dt}]_{hom} = J_{hom}V(N_{liq})
where ``N_{liq}`` is total number of ice nuclei containing droplets and
``V`` is the volume of those droplets.

## Example figures

Here we show example simulation results from the adiabatic parcel
model with deposition freezing on dust.
Here we show various example simulation results from the adiabatic parcel
model. This includes examples with deposition nucleation on dust,
liquid processes only, immersion freezing with condensation and deposition growth,
and homogeneous freezing with deposition growth.

We start with deposition freezing on dust.
The model is run three times for 30 minutes simulation time,
(shown by three different colors on the plot).
Between each run the water vapor specific humidity is changed,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -254,3 +272,16 @@ The plots below are the results of the adiabatic parcel model

The following plots show the parcel model running with homogeneous freezing and
depositional growth assuming a lognormal distribution of aerosols.
It is compared against [Jensen2022](@cite). Note that running with the initial
conditions described in [Jensen2022](@cite) results in a ``\Delta a_w`` smaller
than the minimum valid value for the ``J_{hom}`` parameterization. We have forced
the ``\Delta a_w`` to be equal to the minimum valid value in this example only
for demonstrative purposes.

156 changes: 156 additions & 0 deletions parcel/Jensen_et_al_2022.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
import OrdinaryDiffEq as ODE
import CairoMakie as MK
import Thermodynamics as TD
import CloudMicrophysics as CM
import CLIMAParameters as CP
import Distributions as DS
import CloudMicrophysics.Parameters as CMP

# definition of the ODE problem for parcel model
include(joinpath(pkgdir(CM), "parcel", "parcel.jl"))

FT = Float64

# Get free parameters
tps = TD.Parameters.ThermodynamicsParameters(FT)
wps = CMP.WaterProperties(FT)
aps = CMP.AirProperties(FT)
ip = CMP.IceNucleationParameters(FT)
H2SO4_prs = CMP.H2SO4SolutionParameters(FT)

# Constants
ρₗ = wps.ρw
R_v = TD.Parameters.R_v(tps)
R_d = TD.Parameters.R_d(tps)

# Saturation conversion equations
ξ(T) =
TD.saturation_vapor_pressure(tps, T, TD.Liquid()) /
TD.saturation_vapor_pressure(tps, T, TD.Ice())
s_i(T, s_liq) = @. s_liq * ξ(T) # saturation ratio

# Initial conditions
Nₐ = FT(300 * 1e6)
Nₗ = FT(0)
Nᵢ = FT(0)
r₀ = FT(25 * 1e-9)
p₀ = FT(121 * 1e2)
T₀ = FT(190)
x_sulph = FT(0)

# saturation and partial pressure
eₛ = TD.saturation_vapor_pressure(tps, T₀, TD.Liquid())
qᵥ = FT(5e-6) * FT(0.6) / FT(1.2) # ppmv converted to mass ppm
qₗ = Nₗ * 4 / 3 * π * r₀^3 * ρₗ / 1.2
qᵢ = FT(0)
q = TD.PhasePartition(qᵥ + qₗ + qᵢ, qₗ, qᵢ)
R_a = TD.gas_constant_air(tps, q)
e = qᵥ * p₀ * R_v / R_a
sₗ = e / eₛ

## Moisture dependent initial conditions
ts = TD.PhaseNonEquil_pTq(tps, p₀, T₀, q)

IC = [sₗ, p₀, T₀, qᵥ, qₗ, qᵢ, Nₐ, Nₗ, Nᵢ, x_sulph]

# Simulation parameters passed into ODE solver
r_nuc = r₀ # assumed size of nucleated particles
w = FT(1) # updraft speed
α_m = FT(1) # accomodation coefficient
const_dt = FT(0.01) # model timestep
t_max = FT(120) # total time
aerosol = [] # aerosol type. fill in if immersion or deposition freezing
R_mode_liq = r_nuc # lognormal distribution mode radius
σ = FT(2) # lognormal distribution std deviation
ice_nucleation_modes = ["HomogeneousFreezing"] # homogeneous freezing only
growth_modes = ["Deposition"]
droplet_size_distribution_list = [["Jensen_Example"]]

# Data from Jensen(2022) Figure 1
#! format: off
Jensen_t_sat = [0, 62.71, 70.52, 76.87, 82.4, 84.84, 88.1, 92, 96.07, 100.63, 105.35, 112.51, 119.83]
Jensen_sat = [1.55, 1.694, 1.7107, 1.7208, 1.725, 1.726, 1.7259, 1.722, 1.715, 1.702, 1.686, 1.653, 1.6126]
Jensen_t_T = [0, 120]
Jensen_T = [190, 189]
Jensen_t_ICNC = [0.217, 42.69, 50.02, 54.41, 58.97, 65.316, 72.477, 82.08, 92.658, 94.123, 95.5877, 119.84]
Jensen_ICNC = [0, 0, 0.282, 0.789, 1.804, 4.1165, 7.218, 12.12, 16.35, 16.8, 16.97, 17.086]
#! format: on

fig = MK.Figure(resolution = (1000, 1000))
ax1 = MK.Axis(fig[1, 1], ylabel = "Saturation")
ax2 = MK.Axis(fig[3, 1], xlabel = "Time [s]", ylabel = "Temperature [K]")
ax3 = MK.Axis(fig[2, 1], ylabel = "q_vap [g/kg]")
ax4 = MK.Axis(fig[2, 2], xlabel = "Time [s]", ylabel = "q_liq [g/kg]")
ax5 = MK.Axis(fig[1, 2], ylabel = "ICNC [cm^-3]")
ax6 = MK.Axis(fig[3, 2], ylabel = "q_ice [g/kg]")

MK.ylims!(ax2, 188.5, 190)
MK.xlims!(ax2, -5, 150)
MK.xlims!(ax3, -5, 150)
MK.xlims!(ax4, -5, 150)

#! format: off
MK.lines!(ax1, Jensen_t_sat, Jensen_sat, label = "Jensen et al 2022", color = :green)
MK.lines!(ax2, Jensen_t_T, Jensen_T, color = :green, label = "Jensen et al 2022")
MK.lines!(ax5, Jensen_t_ICNC, Jensen_ICNC, color = :green, label = "Jensen et al 2022")

for droplet_size_distribution in droplet_size_distribution_list
p = (;
# solve ODE
sol = run_parcel(IC, FT(0), t_max, p)

DSD = droplet_size_distribution[1]

# Plot results
MK.lines!(ax1, sol.t, s_i(sol[3, :], (sol[1, :])), label = "ice", color = :blue)
MK.lines!(ax1, sol.t, (sol[1, :]), label = "liquid", color = :red) # liq saturation
MK.lines!(ax2, sol.t, sol[3, :], label = "CM.jl") # temperature
MK.lines!(ax3, sol.t, sol[4, :] * 1e3) # q_vap
MK.lines!(ax4, sol.t, sol[5, :] * 1e3) # q_liq
MK.lines!(ax5, sol.t, sol[9, :] * 1e-6, label = "CM.jl") # ICNC
MK.lines!(ax6, sol.t, sol[6, :] * 1e3) # q_ice

framevisible = false,
labelsize = 12,
orientation = :horizontal,
nbanks = 2,
position = :lc,
framevisible = false,
labelsize = 12,
orientation = :horizontal,
nbanks = 2,
position = :lc,
framevisible = false,
labelsize = 12,
orientation = :horizontal,
nbanks = 2,
position = :lc,
#! format: on
end"Jensen_et_al_2022.svg", fig)
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions parcel/Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,11 +4,9 @@ CUDA = "052768ef-5323-5732-b1bb-66c8b64840ba"
CUDAKernels = "72cfdca4-0801-4ab0-bf6a-d52aa10adc57"
CairoMakie = "13f3f980-e62b-5c42-98c6-ff1f3baf88f0"
CloudMicrophysics = "6a9e3e04-43cd-43ba-94b9-e8782df3c71b"
Distributions = "31c24e10-a181-5473-b8eb-7969acd0382f"
KernelAbstractions = "63c18a36-062a-441e-b654-da1e3ab1ce7c"
OrdinaryDiffEq = "1dea7af3-3e70-54e6-95c3-0bf5283fa5ed"
RootSolvers = "7181ea78-2dcb-4de3-ab41-2b8ab5a31e74"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
Thermodynamics = "b60c26fb-14c3-4610-9d3e-2d17fe7ff00c"

CLIMAParameters = "0.7.12"

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