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Merge pull request #462 from CliMA/aj/cloud_sedimentation
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Add cloud condensate sedimentation velocity
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trontrytel authored Oct 7, 2024
2 parents a080996 + 06e1a1e commit f225c60
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Showing 24 changed files with 767 additions and 788 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/Project.toml
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Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Distributions = "31c24e10-a181-5473-b8eb-7969acd0382f"
Documenter = "e30172f5-a6a5-5a46-863b-614d45cd2de4"
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Literate = "98b081ad-f1c9-55d3-8b20-4c87d4299306"
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/bibliography.bib
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Expand Up @@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ @article{MitchellHeymsfield2005
year = {2005},
volume = {62},
number = {5},
doi = {},
doi = {10.1175/JAS3413.1},
pages= {1637--1644}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ @article{Liu1997
volume = {123},
number = {542},
pages = {1789-1795},
doi = {},
doi = {10.1002/qj.49712354220},
year = {1997}

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/make.jl
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Expand Up @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Parameterizations = [
"1-moment precipitation microphysics" => "",
"2-moment precipitation microphysics" => "",
"P3 Scheme" => "",
"Terminal Velocity" => "",
"Non-equilibrium cloud formation" => "",
"Smooth transition at thresholds" => "",
"Aerosol activation" => "",
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9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ MicrophysicsNonEq

# 0-moment precipitation microphysics
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,9 +132,11 @@ Common.H2SO4_soln_saturation_vapor_pressure

# Parameters
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168 changes: 23 additions & 145 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ The cloud microphysics variables are expressed as specific humidities:
Particles are assumed to follow power-law relationships involving the mass(radius),
denoted by ``m(r)``, the cross section(radius), denoted by ``a(r)``, and the
terminal velocity(radius), denoted by ``v_{term}(r)``, respectively.
See terminal velocity section for more details on the available terminal velocity options.
The coefficients are defined in the
[ClimaParams.jl]( package
and are shown in the table below.
Expand All @@ -34,15 +35,12 @@ m(r) = \chi_m \, m_0 \left(\frac{r}{r_0}\right)^{m_e + \Delta_m}
a(r) = \chi_a \, a_0 \left(\frac{r}{r_0}\right)^{a_e + \Delta_a}
v_{term}(r) = \chi_v \, v_0 \left(\frac{r}{r_0}\right)^{v_e + \Delta_v}
- ``r`` is the particle radius,
- ``r_0`` is the typical particle radius used to nondimensionalize,
- ``m_0, \, m_e, \, a_0, \, a_e, \, v_0, \, v_e \,`` are the default
- ``m_0, \, m_e, \, a_0, \, a_e`` are the default
- ``\chi_m``, ``\Delta_m``, ``\chi_a``, ``\Delta_a``, ``\chi_v``, ``\Delta_v``
- ``\chi_m``, ``\Delta_m``, ``\chi_a``, ``\Delta_a``
are the coefficients that can be used during model calibration to expand
around the default values.
Without calibration all ``\chi`` parameters are set to 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,7 +70,6 @@ With that said, the assumption about the shape of the particles is used three
|``m_e^{rai}`` | exponent in ``m(r)`` for rain | - | ``3`` | |
|``a_0^{rai}`` | coefficient in ``a(r)`` for rain | ``m^2`` | ``\pi \, r_0^2`` | |
|``a_e^{rai}`` | exponent in ``a(r)`` for rain | - | ``2`` | |
|``v_e^{rai}`` | exponent in ``v_{term}(r)`` for rain | - | ``0.5`` | |
| | | | | |
|``r_0^{ice}`` | typical ice crystal radius | ``m`` | ``10^{-5} `` | |
|``m_0^{ice}`` | coefficient in ``m(r)`` for ice | ``kg`` | ``\frac{4}{3} \, \pi \, \rho_{ice} \, r_0^3`` | |
Expand All @@ -83,122 +80,11 @@ With that said, the assumption about the shape of the particles is used three
|``m_e^{sno}`` | exponent in ``m(r)`` for snow | - | ``2`` | eq (6b) [Grabowski1998](@cite) |
|``a_0^{sno}`` | coefficient in ``a(r)`` for snow | ``m^2`` | ``0.3 \pi \, r_0^2`` | ``\alpha`` in eq(16b) [Grabowski1998](@cite).|
|``a_e^{sno}`` | exponent in ``a(r)`` for snow | - | ``2`` | |
|``v_0^{sno}`` | coefficient in ``v_{term}(r)`` for snow | ``\frac{m}{s}`` | ``2^{9/4} r_0^{1/4}`` | eq (6b) [Grabowski1998](@cite) |
|``v_e^{sno}`` | exponent in ``v_{term}(r)`` for snow | - | ``0.25`` | eq (6b) [Grabowski1998](@cite) |

- ``\rho_{water}`` is the density of water,
- ``\rho_{ice}`` is the density of ice.

The terminal velocity of an individual rain drop is defined by the balance
between the gravitational acceleration (taking into account
the density difference between water and air) and the drag force.
Therefore the ``v_0^{rai}`` is defined as
v_0^{rai} =
\frac{8}{3 \, C_{drag}} \left( \frac{\rho_{water}}{\rho} -1 \right)
\right)^{1/2} (g r_0^{rai})^{1/2}
- ``g`` is the gravitational acceleration,
- ``C_{drag}`` is the drag coefficient,
- ``\rho`` is the density of air.

!!! note
Assuming a constant drag coefficient is an approximation and it should
be size and flow dependent, see for example
We are in the process of updating the 1-moment microphysics scheme to formulae from [Chen2022](@cite).
Other possibilities: [Khvorostyanov2002](@cite) or [Karrer2020](@cite)

[Chen2022](@cite) provides a terminal velocity parameterisation
based on an empirical fit to a high accuracy model.
The terminal velocity depends on particle shape, size and density,
consideres the deformation effects of large rain drops,
as well as size-specific air density dependence.
The fall speed of individual particles $v(D)$ is parameterized as:
v_{term}(D) = \phi^{\kappa} \sum_{i=1}^{j} \; a_i D^{b_i} e^{-c_i \; D}
- ``D`` is the particle diameter,
- ``a_i``, ``b_i``, ``c_i`` are the free parameters,
- ``\phi`` is the aspect ratio, and
- ``\kappa`` is a parameter that depends on the particle shape (``\kappa=0`` for spheres, ``\kappa=-1/3`` for oblate and ``\kappa=1/6`` for prolate spheroids).

For ice and snow ``j=2`` and for rain ``j=3``, to account for deformation at larger sizes.
For rain and ice we assume ``\phi=1`` (spherical).
For snow we assume ``\kappa = -1/3`` and
find the aspect ratio that is consistent with the assumed ``m(r)`` and ``a(r)`` relationships.
The aspect ratio is defined as:
\phi \equiv c/a
- ``a`` is the basal plane axial half-length, and
- ``c`` is perpendicular to the basal plane.

The volume of a spheroid can be represented as ``V_p = 4\pi/3 \; a^2 c``
and the area can be represented as ``A_p = \pi a c``.
It follows that
``c = (4A_p^2) / (3 \pi V_p)``,
``a = (3V_p) / (4A_p)``, and
``\phi = (16 A_p^3) / (9 \pi V_p^2)``.
The volume and area are defined by the assumed power-law size relations
``V_p = m(r) / (\rho_{ice})``, ``A_p = a(r)``.
As a result the terminal velocity of individual snow particles as:
v_{term}(r) = \left(\frac{16 \; \rho_{ice}^2 \; a_0^3 \; (r/r_0)^{3a_e}}{9 \pi \; m_0^2 \; (r/r_0)^{2 m_e}} \right)^{\kappa} \sum_{i=1}^{2} \; a_i (2r)^{b_i} e^{-2 c_i r}
where $r$ is the radius of the particle.

Here we plot the terminal velocity formulae from the current default 1-moment scheme and [Chen2022](@cite).
We also show the aspect ratio of snow particles.


The rain ``a_i``, ``b_i``, and ``c_i`` are listed in the table below.
The formula is applicable when ``D > 0.1 mm``,
$q$ refers to ``q = e^{0.115231 \; \rho_a}``, where ``\rho_a`` is air density [kg/m3].
The units are: [v] = m/s, [D]=mm, [``a_i``] = ``mm^{-b_i} m/s``, [``b_i``] is dimensionless, [``c_i``] = 1/mm.

| ``i`` | ``a_i`` | ``b_i`` | ``c_i`` |
| 1 | `` 0.044612 \; q`` | ``2.2955 \; -0.038465 \; \rho_a`` | ``0`` |
| 2 | ``-0.263166 \; q`` | ``2.2955 \; -0.038465 \; \rho_a`` | ``0.184325`` |
| 3 | ``4.7178 \; q \; (\rho_a)^{-0.47335}`` | ``1.1451 \; -0.038465 \; \rho_a`` | ``0.184325`` |

The ice and snow ``a_i``, ``b_i``, and ``c_i`` are listed in the table below.
The formula is applicable when ``D < 0.625 mm``.

| ``i`` | ``a_i`` | ``b_i`` | ``c_i`` |
| 1 | ``E_s (\rho_a)^{A_s}`` | ``B_s + C_s \rho_a`` | ``0`` |
| 2 | ``F_s (\rho_a)^{A_s}`` | ``B_s + C_s \rho_a`` | ``G_s`` |

| Coefficient | Formula |
| ``A_s`` | ``0.00174079 \log{(\rho_{ice})}^2 − 0.0378769 \log{(\rho_{ice})} - 0.263503`` |
| ``B_s`` | ``(0.575231 + 0.0909307 \log{(\rho_{ice})} + 0.515579 / \sqrt{\rho_{ice}})^{-1}`` |
| ``C_s`` | ``-0.345387 + 0.177362 \, \exp{(-0.000427794 \rho_{ice})} + 0.00419647 \sqrt{\rho_{ice}}`` |
| ``E_s`` | ``-0.156593 - 0.0189334 \log{(\rho_{ice})}^2 + 0.1377817 \sqrt{\rho_{ice}}`` |
| ``F_s`` | ``- \exp{[-3.35641 - 0.0156199 \log{\rho_{ice}}^2 + 0.765337 \log{\rho_{ice}}]}`` |
| ``G_s`` | ``(-0.0309715 + 1.55054 / \log{(\rho_{ice})} - 0.518349 log{(\rho_{ice})} / \rho_{ice})^{-1}`` |

## Assumed particle size distributions

The particle size distributions are assumed to follow
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -287,7 +173,6 @@ They consist of:

| symbol | definition | units | default value | reference |
|``C_{drag}`` | rain drop drag coefficient | - | ``0.55`` | ``C_{drag}`` is such that the mass averaged terminal velocity is close to [Grabowski1996](@cite) |
|``\tau_{acnv\_rain}`` | cloud liquid to rain water autoconversion timescale | ``s`` | ``10^3`` | eq (5a) [Grabowski1996](@cite) |
|``\tau_{acnv\_snow}`` | cloud ice to snow autoconversion timescale | ``s`` | ``10^2`` | |
|``q_{liq\_threshold}`` | cloud liquid to rain water autoconversion threshold | - | ``5 \cdot 10^{-4}`` | eq (5a) [Grabowski1996](@cite) |
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -356,7 +241,9 @@ The mass weighted terminal velocity ``v_t`` (following [Ogura1971](@cite)) is:
Integrating the default 1-moment ``m(r)`` and ``v_{term}(r)`` relationships
See [here](
for discussion of the different parameterizations of ``v_{term}``.
Integrating the 1-moment ``m(r)`` and power-law ``v_{term}(r)`` relationships
over the assumed Marshall-Palmer distribution results in group terminal velocity:
Expand All @@ -365,31 +252,21 @@ Integrating the default 1-moment ``m(r)`` and ``v_{term}(r)`` relationships
{\Gamma(m_e + \Delta_m + 1)}

Integrating [Chen2022](@cite) formulae for rain and ice
over the assumed Marshall-Palmer size distribution,
results in group terminal velocity:
v_t = \sum_{i=1}^{j} \frac{a_i \lambda^{\delta} \Gamma(b_i + \delta)}{(\lambda + c_i)^{b_i + 4} \; \Gamma(4)}
Finally, integrating [Chen2022](@cite) formulae for snow
over the assumed Marshall-Palmer distribution,
results in group terminal velocity:
v_t = \sum_{i=1}^{2} t_i \frac{\Gamma(3a_e \kappa - 2 m_e \kappa + b_i + k + 1)}{\Gamma(k+1)}
Integrating the Chen et al. [Chen2022](@cite) formulae over the assumed Marshall-Palmer size distribution
results in the group terminal velocity (eq. 20 in [Chen2022](@cite)):
t_i = \frac{[16 a_0^3 \rho_{ice}^2]^{\kappa} \; a_i \; 2^{b_i} [2 c_i \lambda]^{-(3 a_e \kappa - 2 m_e \kappa + b_i + k)-1}}
{[9 \pi m_0^2]^{\kappa} \; r_0^{3 a_e \kappa - 2 m_e \kappa} \lambda^{-k-1}}
v_t = \phi_{avg}^\kappa \sum_{i=1}^{j} \frac{a_i \lambda^{\delta} \Gamma(b_i + \delta)}{(\lambda + c_i)^{b_i + \delta} \; \Gamma(\delta)},
and $k = 3$.
where ``\delta = 4`` for the case of an exponential size distribution and the mass-weighted mean.
For snow, for simplicity, we first compute the
mass-weighted mean aspect ratio over the size distribution of particles ``\phi_{avg}``
and then treat this as constant when computing the group terminal velocity.

!!! note
For snow, we only use the B4 coefficients from [Chen2022](@cite).
We should switch to doing partial integrals and include also the B2 coefficients.

## Rain autoconversion

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -759,7 +636,9 @@ If ``T > T_{freeze}``:

## Rain radar reflectivity

The rain radar reflectivity factor (``Z``) is used to measure the power returned by a radar signal when it encounters rain particles, and it is defined as the sixth moment of the rain particles distribution:
The rain radar reflectivity factor Z is used to measure the power
returned by a radar signal when it encounters rain particles.
It is defined as the 6th moment of the rain particle size distribution:
Z = {\int_0^\infty r^{6} \, n(r) \, dr}.
Expand All @@ -776,20 +655,19 @@ where:
- ``n_{0}^{rai}`` - rain drop size distribution parameter,
- ``\lambda`` - as defined in eq. 7

By dividing ``Z`` with the equivalent return of a ``1 mm`` drop in a volume of a meter cube (``Z_0``) and applying the decimal logarithm to the result, we obtains the logarithmic rain radar reflectivity ``L_Z``, which is the variable that is commonly used to refer to the radar reflectivity values:
By dividing ``Z`` by the radar reflectivity factor ``Z_0`` for a drop of radius ``1 mm`` in a volume of ``1 m^3`` and applying the decimal logarithm to the result, we obtain the normalized logarithmic rain radar reflectivity ``L_Z``, which is the variable that is commonly referenced for radar reflectivity values:
L_Z = {10 \, \log_{10}(\frac{Z}{Z_0})}.
L_Z = {10 \, \log_{10} \left( \frac{Z}{Z_0} \right)}.
The resulting logarithmic dimensionless unit is decibel relative to ``Z``, or ``dBZ``.
The resulting logarithmic dimensionless unit is decibel relative to ``Z_0``.

## Example figures

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