A simple ToDoList desktop application built based on python, for reminding and managing your tasks.
Add Task 可以直接在日期旁的输入框写入你想添加的任务和任务截止日期,任务信息会持久化在一个json文件中。
You can write your task and deadline in the input box next to the date. The task information will be persisted in a json file.
Remove Task 点击你想删除的任务,再点击remove task即可删除。
Click the task you want to delete, and then click remove task to delete it.
Save Edit 双击任务,可以修改内容或日期,再点击save edit即可保存修改。
Double-click the task to modify the content or deadline, and then click save edit to save the modification.
Pending 完成状态,目前来看好像没什么用,因为一般完成任务后直接remove了。
Completed status, currently it seems to have no use, because generally completed tasks are directly removed.
Search 支持模糊搜索
Support fuzzy search
Show All 展示所有任务,用于配合搜索后,返回原来的任务列表。但是给搜索内容删除后,在点击search也可以直接返回。
Show all tasks, used to return to the original task list after searching. But after deleting the search content, you can also directly return to the original task list by clicking search.
Click Deadline to sort by deadline
Support auto startup, it may be a bit slow, and it will also pop up the command line and the note pad
- python3
- Windows
You need to put the start_todo.bat
file in the following directory:
C:\Users\your_username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Modify the start_todo.bat startup script
@echo off
cd D:\your_file //MyToDo.py的文件位置 MyToDo.py file location
pythonw "D:\your_file\MyToDo.py"
Restart the computer or directly enter the above command to start it.
If you have any ideas and modification suggestions, please contact me!