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Remove redundant substitutions override (#231)
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* Remove substitutions override

* Update tests, README, CHANGELOG

* An attempt to fix the tests

* Bump Metabase, ClickHouse versions

* Fix tests. Again.
  • Loading branch information
slvrtrn authored Apr 20, 2024
1 parent ffc885d commit c7d051c
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Showing 10 changed files with 85 additions and 63 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .docker/clickhouse/single_node_tls/Dockerfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
FROM clickhouse/clickhouse-server:24.1-alpine
FROM clickhouse/clickhouse-server:24.3-alpine
COPY .docker/clickhouse/single_node_tls/certificates /etc/clickhouse-server/certs
RUN chown clickhouse:clickhouse -R /etc/clickhouse-server/certs \
&& chmod 600 /etc/clickhouse-server/certs/* \
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8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion .github/workflows/check.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,13 @@ jobs:
uses: actions/checkout@v2
repository: metabase/metabase
ref: v0.49.0-RC2
ref: v0.49.6

- name: Remove incompatible tests
# dataset-definition-test tests test data definition,
# and is currently failing for an unknown reason
run: |
echo "(ns" > test/metabase/test/data/dataset_definition_test.clj
- name: Checkout Driver Repo
uses: actions/checkout@v2
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
# 1.4.1

### Bug fixes

* Fixed missing data for the last day when using filters with DateTime columns. ([#202](, [#229](

# 1.4.0

### New features
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23 changes: 13 additions & 10 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
6. Make sure you are the in the directory where your `metabase.jar` lives.
7. Run `MB_PLUGINS_DIR=./plugins; java -jar metabase.jar`.

For example [(using Metabase v0.47.2 and ClickHouse driver 1.2.2)](#choosing-the-right-version):
For example [(using Metabase v0.49.3 and ClickHouse driver 1.4.1)](#choosing-the-right-version):

export METABASE_VERSION=v0.47.2
export METABASE_VERSION=v0.49.3

mkdir -p mb/plugins && cd mb
curl -o metabase.jar$METABASE_VERSION/metabase.jar
Expand All @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ MB_PLUGINS_DIR=./plugins; java -jar metabase.jar
Alternatively, if you don't want to run Metabase Jar, you can use a Docker image:


mkdir -p mb/plugins && cd mb
curl -L -o plugins/ch.jar$METABASE_CLICKHOUSE_DRIVER_VERSION/clickhouse.metabase-driver.jar
Expand All @@ -77,17 +77,17 @@ docker run -d -p 3000:3000 \
| 0.47.x | 1.2.3 |
| 0.47.7+ | 1.2.5 |
| 0.48.x | 1.3.4 |
| 0.49.x | 1.4.0 |
| 0.49.x | 1.4.1 |

## Creating a Metabase Docker image with ClickHouse driver

You can use a convenience script ``, which takes three arguments: Metabase version, ClickHouse driver version, and the desired final Docker image tag.

./ v0.47.2 1.2.2 my-metabase-with-clickhouse:v0.0.1
./ v0.49.3 1.4.1 my-metabase-with-clickhouse:v0.0.1

where `v0.47.2` is Metabase version, `1.2.2` is ClickHouse driver version, and `my-metabase-with-clickhouse:v0.0.1` being the tag.
where `v0.49.3` is Metabase version, `1.3.3` is ClickHouse driver version, and `my-metabase-with-clickhouse:v0.0.1` being the tag.

Then you should be able to run it:

Expand All @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ or use it with Docker compose, for example:
version: '3.8'
image: 'clickhouse/clickhouse-server:23.8-alpine'
image: 'clickhouse/clickhouse-server:24.3-alpine'
container_name: 'metabase-clickhouse-server'
- '8123:8123'
Expand All @@ -113,6 +113,10 @@ services:
image: 'my-metabase-with-clickhouse:v0.0.1'
container_name: 'metabase-with-clickhouse'
# Replace with a timezone matching your ClickHouse or DateTime columns timezone
- '3000:3000'
Expand All @@ -138,7 +142,6 @@ The driver should work fine for many use cases. Please consider the following it
* Compare the results of the queries with the results returned by `clickhouse-client`.
* Metabase is a good tool for organizing questions, dashboards etc. and to give non-technical users a good way to explore the data and share their results. The driver cannot support all the cool special features of ClickHouse, e.g. array functions. You are free to use native queries, of course.

## Known limitations

* As the underlying JDBC driver version does not support columns with `AggregateFunction` type, these columns are excluded from the table metadata and data browser result sets to prevent sync or data browsing errors.
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docker-compose.cluster.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ version: '3.8'

image: 'clickhouse/clickhouse-server:${CLICKHOUSE_VERSION-24.1-alpine}'
image: 'clickhouse/clickhouse-server:${CLICKHOUSE_VERSION-24.3-alpine}'
soft: 262144
Expand All @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ services:
- './.docker/clickhouse/users.xml:/etc/clickhouse-server/users.xml'

image: 'clickhouse/clickhouse-server:${CLICKHOUSE_VERSION-24.1-alpine}'
image: 'clickhouse/clickhouse-server:${CLICKHOUSE_VERSION-24.3-alpine}'
soft: 262144
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docker-compose.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
version: '3.8'
image: 'clickhouse/clickhouse-server:24.1-alpine'
image: 'clickhouse/clickhouse-server:24.3-alpine'
container_name: 'metabase-driver-clickhouse-server'
- '8123:8123'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ services:
hostname: server.clickhouseconnect.test

image: metabase/metabase:v0.49.0-RC2
image: metabase/metabase:v0.49.6
container_name: metabase-with-clickhouse-driver
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion resources/metabase-plugin.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name: Metabase ClickHouse Driver
version: 1.4.0
version: 1.4.1
description: Allows Metabase to connect to ClickHouse databases.
name: ClickHouse
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8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions src/metabase/driver/clickhouse.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
(driver/register! :clickhouse :parent :sql-jdbc)

(defmethod driver/display-name :clickhouse [_] "ClickHouse")
(def ^:private product-name "metabase/1.4.0")
(def ^:private product-name "metabase/1.4.1")

(defmethod driver/prettify-native-form :clickhouse [_ native-form]
(sql.u/format-sql-and-fix-params :mysql native-form))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,7 +72,11 @@
driver spec nil
(fn [^java.sql.Connection conn]
(.next (.getSchemas (.getMetaData conn) nil db)))))
(let [stmt (.prepareStatement conn "SELECT count(*) > 0 FROM system.databases WHERE name = ?")
_ (.setString stmt 1 db)
rset (.executeQuery stmt)]
(when (.next rset)
(.getBoolean rset 1))))))
(catch Throwable e
(log/error e "An exception during ClickHouse connectivity check")
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28 changes: 4 additions & 24 deletions src/metabase/driver/clickhouse_qp.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,9 +7,7 @@
[metabase [util :as u]]
[metabase.driver :as driver]
[metabase.driver.common.parameters.dates :as params.dates]
[metabase.driver.sql-jdbc [execute :as sql-jdbc.execute]]
[metabase.driver.sql.parameters.substitution :as sql.params.substitution]
[metabase.driver.sql.query-processor :as sql.qp :refer [add-interval-honeysql-form]]
[metabase.driver.sql.util.unprepare :as unprepare]
[metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata]
Expand All @@ -32,7 +30,6 @@
;; (set! *warn-on-reflection* true) ;; isn't enabled because of Arrays/toString call

(defmethod sql.qp/quote-style :clickhouse [_] :mysql)
(defmethod sql.qp/honey-sql-version :clickhouse [_] 2)

(defn- clickhouse-version []
(let [db (lib.metadata/database (]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,20 +139,20 @@
(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:clickhouse LocalDateTime]
[_ ^java.time.LocalDateTime t]
(let [formatted (t/format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS" t)
fn (date-time-parse-fn (.getNano t))]
fn (date-time-parse-fn (.getNano t))]
[fn formatted]))

(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:clickhouse ZonedDateTime]
[_ ^java.time.ZonedDateTime t]
(let [formatted (t/format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZZZZZ" t)
fn (date-time-parse-fn (.getNano t))]
fn (date-time-parse-fn (.getNano t))]
[fn formatted]))

(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:clickhouse OffsetDateTime]
[_ ^java.time.OffsetDateTime t]
;; copy-paste due to reflection warnings
(let [formatted (t/format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZZZZZ" t)
fn (date-time-parse-fn (.getNano t))]
fn (date-time-parse-fn (.getNano t))]
[fn formatted]))

(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:clickhouse LocalDate]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -452,7 +449,7 @@

(defmethod unprepare/unprepare-value [:clickhouse LocalDate]
[_ t]
(format "toDate('%s')" (t/format "yyyy-MM-dd" t)))
(format "'%s'" (t/format "yyyy-MM-dd" t)))

(defmethod unprepare/unprepare-value [:clickhouse LocalTime]
[_ t]
Expand All @@ -475,20 +472,3 @@
(defmethod unprepare/unprepare-value [:clickhouse ZonedDateTime]
[_ t]
(format "'%s'" (t/format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZZZZZ" t)))

;; See
(def ^:private int-base-types [:type/Integer :type/BigInteger])
(defmethod sql.params.substitution/align-temporal-unit-with-param-type-and-value :clickhouse
[_ field param-type value]
;;;; cast to a Date type
;; an integer timestamp value,
;; required for `metabase.query-processor-test.alternative-date-test/substitute-native-parameters-test`
(and (params.dates/date-type? param-type) (some #(= (:base-type field) %) int-base-types))
;; an ISO Date string value like "2024-01-16"
(and (string? value) (= (count value) 10) (boolean (re-matches #"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$" value)))) :day
;;;; cast to a DateTime type with minutes precision (for values like "2024-01-16T12:45:00")
(and (string? value) (= (count value) 19) (boolean (re-matches #"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:00$" value))) :minute
;;;; otherwise, don't do any additional cast operations
:else nil))
63 changes: 43 additions & 20 deletions test/metabase/test/data/clickhouse.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,17 +30,17 @@
:ssl false
:use_no_proxy false
:use_server_time_zone_for_dates true
:product_name "metabase/1.4.0"})
:product_name "metabase/1.4.1"})

(defmethod sql.tx/field-base-type->sql-type [:clickhouse :type/Boolean] [_ _] "Boolean")
(defmethod sql.tx/field-base-type->sql-type [:clickhouse :type/BigInteger] [_ _] "Int64")
(defmethod sql.tx/field-base-type->sql-type [:clickhouse :type/Char] [_ _] "String")
(defmethod sql.tx/field-base-type->sql-type [:clickhouse :type/Date] [_ _] "Date")
(defmethod sql.tx/field-base-type->sql-type [:clickhouse :type/DateTime] [_ _] "DateTime64")
(defmethod sql.tx/field-base-type->sql-type [:clickhouse :type/Float] [_ _] "Float64")
(defmethod sql.tx/field-base-type->sql-type [:clickhouse :type/Integer] [_ _] "Nullable(Int32)")
(defmethod sql.tx/field-base-type->sql-type [:clickhouse :type/Integer] [_ _] "Int32")
(defmethod sql.tx/field-base-type->sql-type [:clickhouse :type/IPAddress] [_ _] "IPv4")
(defmethod sql.tx/field-base-type->sql-type [:clickhouse :type/Text] [_ _] "Nullable(String)")
(defmethod sql.tx/field-base-type->sql-type [:clickhouse :type/Text] [_ _] "String")
(defmethod sql.tx/field-base-type->sql-type [:clickhouse :type/UUID] [_ _] "UUID")
(defmethod sql.tx/field-base-type->sql-type [:clickhouse :type/Time] [_ _] "DateTime64")

Expand All @@ -63,30 +63,53 @@
([_ db-name table-name] [db-name table-name])
([_ db-name table-name field-name] [db-name table-name field-name]))

(defn- quote-name
(sql.u/quote-name :clickhouse :field (ddl.i/format-name :clickhouse name)))

(def ^:private non-nullable-types ["Array" "Map" "Tuple"])
(defn- disallowed-as-nullable?
(boolean (some #(str/starts-with? ch-type %) non-nullable-types)))

(defn- field->clickhouse-column
(let [{:keys [field-name base-type pk?]} field
ch-type (if (map? base-type)
(:native base-type)
(sql.tx/field-base-type->sql-type :clickhouse base-type))
col-name (quote-name field-name)
fmt (if (or pk? (disallowed-as-nullable? ch-type)) "%s %s" "%s Nullable(%s)")]
(format fmt col-name ch-type)))

(defn- ->comma-separated-str
(->> coll
(interpose ", ")
(apply str)))

(defmethod sql.tx/create-table-sql :clickhouse
[driver {:keys [database-name]} {:keys [table-name field-definitions]}]
(let [quot #(sql.u/quote-name driver :field (ddl.i/format-name driver %))
pk-field-name (quot (sql.tx/pk-field-name driver))]
(format "CREATE TABLE %s (%s %s, %s) ENGINE = Memory"
(sql.tx/qualify-and-quote driver database-name table-name)
(sql.tx/pk-sql-type driver)
(->> field-definitions
(map (fn [{:keys [field-name base-type]}]
(format "%s %s" (quot field-name)
(if (map? base-type)
(:native base-type)
(sql.tx/field-base-type->sql-type driver base-type)))))
(interpose ", ")
(apply str)))))
[_ {:keys [database-name]} {:keys [table-name field-definitions]}]
(let [table-name (sql.tx/qualify-and-quote :clickhouse database-name table-name)
pk-fields (filter (fn [{:keys [pk?]}] pk?) field-definitions)
pk-field-names (map #(quote-name (:field-name %)) pk-fields)
fields (->> field-definitions
(map field->clickhouse-column)
order-by (->comma-separated-str pk-field-names)]
(format "CREATE TABLE %s (%s)
ENGINE = MergeTree
SETTINGS allow_nullable_key=1"
table-name fields order-by)))

(defmethod execute/execute-sql! :clickhouse [& args]
(apply execute/sequentially-execute-sql! args))

(defmethod load-data/load-data! :clickhouse [& args]
(apply load-data/load-data-add-ids! args))
(apply load-data/load-data-maybe-add-ids-chunked! args))

(defmethod sql.tx/pk-sql-type :clickhouse [_] "Nullable(Int32)")
(defmethod sql.tx/pk-sql-type :clickhouse [_] "Int32")

(defmethod sql.tx/add-fk-sql :clickhouse [& _] nil) ; TODO - fix me

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