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Exclude .inner MV tables, set Dictionary types for Maps (#150)
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* Exclude inner MV tables

* Set Map type to Dictionary


* Add helper texts for the connection options
  • Loading branch information
slvrtrn authored Mar 23, 2023
1 parent 91a3857 commit ea706b7
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Showing 6 changed files with 112 additions and 62 deletions.
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
# 1.1.4
# 1.1.3

### New features
### New features

* Database name can now contain multiple schemas in UI field, which tells the driver to scan selected databases. (separator can be set in `metabase.driver.clickhouse/SEPARATOR`)
* Hide `.inner` tables of Materialized Views.
* Resolve `Map` base type to `type/Dictionary`.
* Database name can now contain multiple schemas in the UI field (space-separated by default), which tells the driver to scan selected databases. Separator can be set in `metabase.driver.clickhouse/SEPARATOR`. (@veschin)

# 1.1.2

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7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions resources/metabase-plugin.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name: Metabase ClickHouse Driver
version: 1.1.2
version: 1.1.3
description: Allows Metabase to connect to ClickHouse databases.
name: ClickHouse
Expand All @@ -18,12 +18,15 @@ driver:
- user
- password
- name: dbname
display-name: Databases Names
display-name: Databases
placeholder: default
helper-text: "To specify multiple databases, separate them by the space symbol. For example: default data logs"
- name: scan-all-databases
display-name: Scan all databases
type: boolean
default: false
description: Scan all tables from all available ClickHouse databases except the system ones.

- ssl
- ssh-tunnel
- advanced-options-start
Expand Down
50 changes: 29 additions & 21 deletions src/metabase/driver/clickhouse.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
[#"Int64" :type/BigInteger]
[#"IPv4" :type/IPAddress]
[#"IPv6" :type/IPAddress]
[#"Map" :type/Dictionary]
[#"String" :type/Text]
[#"Tuple" :type/*]
[#"UInt8" :type/Integer]
Expand All @@ -64,17 +65,22 @@
(defmethod sql-jdbc.sync/database-type->base-type :clickhouse
[_ database-type]
(let [base-type (database-type->base-type
(str/replace (name database-type)
(let [normalized ;; extract the type from Nullable or LowCardinality first
(str/replace (name database-type)
(str/starts-with? normalized "Array(") "Array"
(str/starts-with? normalized "Map(") "Map"
:else normalized)))]

(def ^:private excluded-schemas #{"system" "information_schema" "INFORMATION_SCHEMA"})
(defmethod sql-jdbc.sync/excluded-schemas :clickhouse [_] excluded-schemas)

(def ^:private default-connection-details
{:user "default", :password "", :dbname "default", :host "localhost", :port "8123"})
(def ^:private product-name "metabase/1.1.2")
(def ^:private product-name "metabase/1.1.3")

(defmethod sql-jdbc.conn/connection-details->spec :clickhouse
[_ details]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,6 +123,10 @@
"%" ; tablePattern "%" = match all tables

(defn ^:private not-inner-mv-table?
(not (str/starts-with? (:table_name table) ".inner")))

(defn- ->spec
(if (u/id db)
Expand All @@ -128,9 +138,9 @@
(->> (get-tables-from-metadata metadata "%")
(filter #(->> (get % :table_schem)
(contains? excluded-schemas)
(filter #(and
(not (contains? excluded-schemas (:table_schem %)))
(not-inner-mv-table? %)))

;; Strangely enough, the tests only work with :db keyword,
Expand All @@ -140,29 +150,27 @@
(or (get-in db [:details :dbname])
(get-in db [:details :db])))

;; NOTE: option for collection tables from many schemas
(def ^:private SEPARATOR #" ")
(defn- get-multiple-tables [db]
(->> (for [schema (as-> (or (get-db-name db) "default") schemas
(str/split schemas SEPARATOR)
(remove empty? schemas)
(map (comp #(ddl.i/format-name :clickhouse %) str/trim) schemas))]
(jdbc/with-db-metadata [metadata (->spec db)]
(def ^:private db-names-separator #" ")
(defn- get-tables-in-dbs [db-or-dbs]
(->> (for [db (as-> (or (get-db-name db-or-dbs) "default") dbs
(str/split dbs db-names-separator)
(remove empty? dbs)
(map (comp #(ddl.i/format-name :clickhouse %) str/trim) dbs))]
(jdbc/with-db-metadata [metadata (->spec db-or-dbs)]
(get-tables-from-metadata metadata schema))))
(get-tables-from-metadata metadata db))))
(apply concat)
(filter not-inner-mv-table?)

(defmethod driver/describe-database :clickhouse
[_ {{:keys [scan-all-databases]}
:details :as db}]
(boolean scan-all-databases)
(get-all-tables db)

(get-multiple-tables db))})
(get-tables-in-dbs db))})

(defmethod driver/describe-table :clickhouse
[_ database table]
Expand Down
86 changes: 52 additions & 34 deletions test/metabase/driver/clickhouse_test.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
[ :as local-date]
[ :as offset-date-time]
[ :as chrono-unit]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[metabase.driver :as driver]
[metabase.driver.clickhouse-test-utils :as ctu]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -438,6 +439,21 @@
{:filter [:= $ipvfour ""]
:aggregation [:count]})))))))))

(defn- map-as-string [^java.util.LinkedHashMap m] (.toString m))
(deftest clickhouse-simple-map-test
(is (= [["{key1=1, key2=10}"] ["{key1=2, key2=20}"] ["{key1=3, key2=30}"]]
(fn [db]
(data/with-db db

(deftest clickhouse-connection-string
(testing "connection with no additional options"
(is (= default-connection-params
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -481,8 +497,9 @@
(deftest clickhouse-boolean-tabledef-metadata
(let [table_md (ctu/do-with-metabase-test-db
(fn [db] (metabase.driver/describe-table :clickhouse db {:name "boolean_test"})))
(let [table_md (ctu/do-with-metabase-test-db
(fn [db]
(metabase.driver/describe-table :clickhouse db {:name "boolean_test"})))
colmap (->> (.get table_md :fields)
(filter #(= (:name %) "b1")) first)
database-type (.get colmap :database-type)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -544,28 +561,36 @@

(deftest clickhouse-describe-database
(let [[agg-fn-table boolean-table enum-table ipaddress-table]
[{:description nil,
:name "aggregate_functions_filter_test",
:schema "metabase_test"}
{:description nil,
:name "boolean_test",
:schema "metabase_test"}
{:description nil,
:name "enums_test",
:schema "metabase_test"}
{:description nil,
:name "ipaddress_test",
:schema "metabase_test"}]]
(let [test-tables
#{{:description nil,
:name "aggregate_functions_filter_test",
:schema "metabase_test"}
{:description nil,
:name "boolean_test",
:schema "metabase_test"}
{:description nil,
:name "enums_test",
:schema "metabase_test"}
{:description nil,
:name "ipaddress_test",
:schema "metabase_test"}
{:description nil,
:name "wikistat",
:schema "metabase_test"}
{:description nil,
:name "wikistat_mv",
:schema "metabase_test"}
{:description nil,
:name "maps_test",
:schema "metabase_test"}}]
(testing "scanning a single database"
(mt/with-temp Database
[db {:engine :clickhouse
:details {:dbname "metabase_test"
:scan-all-databases nil}}]
(let [describe-result (driver/describe-database :clickhouse db)]
(is (=
#{agg-fn-table boolean-table enum-table ipaddress-table}}
{:tables test-tables}
(testing "scanning all databases"
(mt/with-temp Database
Expand All @@ -574,20 +599,15 @@
:scan-all-databases true}}]
(let [describe-result (driver/describe-database :clickhouse db)]
;; check the existence of at least some test tables here
(is (contains? (:tables describe-result)
(is (contains? (:tables describe-result)
(is (contains? (:tables describe-result)
(is (contains? (:tables describe-result)
(doseq [table test-tables]
(is (contains? (:tables describe-result)
;; should not contain any ClickHouse system tables
(is (not (some #(= (get % :schema) "system")
(is (not (some #(= (:schema %) "system")
(:tables describe-result))))
(is (not (some #(= (get % :schema) "information_schema")
(is (not (some #(= (:schema %) "information_schema")
(:tables describe-result))))
(is (not (some #(= (get % :schema) "INFORMATION_SCHEMA")
(is (not (some #(= (:schema %) "INFORMATION_SCHEMA")
(:tables describe-result)))))))
(testing "scanning multiple databases"
(mt/with-temp Database
Expand All @@ -602,12 +622,10 @@
:description nil
:schema "information_schema"}]

;; NOTE: tables from `metabase_test`
(is (contains? tables agg-fn-table))
(is (contains? tables boolean-table))
(is (contains? tables enum-table))
(is (contains? tables ipaddress-table))
;; tables from `metabase_test`
(doseq [table test-tables]
(is (contains? tables table)))

;; NOTE: tables from `information_schema`
;; tables from `information_schema`
(is (contains? tables tables-table))
(is (contains? tables columns-table)))))))
21 changes: 20 additions & 1 deletion test/metabase/driver/clickhouse_test_utils.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,12 +56,31 @@
" (1, true, true),"
" (2, false, true),"
" (3, true, false);")
(str "CREATE TABLE `metabase_test`.`maps_test`"
" (m Map(String, UInt64)) ENGINE = Memory;")
(str "INSERT INTO `metabase_test`.`maps_test` VALUES"
" ({'key1':1, 'key2':10}), ({'key1':2,'key2':20}), ({'key1':3,'key2':30});")
;; Used for testing that AggregateFunction columns are excluded,
;; while SimpleAggregateFunction columns are preserved
(str "CREATE TABLE `metabase_test`.`aggregate_functions_filter_test` ("
" idx UInt8, a AggregateFunction(uniq, String), lowest_value SimpleAggregateFunction(min, UInt8),"
" count SimpleAggregateFunction(sum, Int64)"
") ENGINE Memory;")
(str "INSERT INTO `metabase_test`.`aggregate_functions_filter_test`"
" (idx, lowest_value, count) VALUES (42, 144, 255255);")]]
" (idx, lowest_value, count) VALUES (42, 144, 255255);")
;; Materialized views (testing .inner tables exclusion)
(str "CREATE TABLE `metabase_test`.`wikistat` ("
" `date` Date,"
" `project` LowCardinality(String),"
" `hits` UInt32"
") ENGINE = Memory;")
(str "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW `metabase_test`.`wikistat_mv` ENGINE=Memory AS"
" SELECT date, project, sum(hits) AS hits FROM `metabase_test`.`wikistat`"
" GROUP BY date, project;")
(str "INSERT INTO `metabase_test`.`wikistat` VALUES"
" (now(), 'foo', 10),"
" (now(), 'bar', 10),"
" (now(), 'bar', 20);")]]
(jdbc/execute! conn [sql]))))

(defn do-with-metabase-test-db
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/metabase/test/data/clickhouse.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
:ssl false
:use_no_proxy false
:use_server_time_zone_for_dates true
:product_name "metabase/1.1.2"})
:product_name "metabase/1.1.3"})

(defmethod sql.tx/field-base-type->sql-type [:clickhouse :type/Boolean] [_ _] "Boolean")
(defmethod sql.tx/field-base-type->sql-type [:clickhouse :type/BigInteger] [_ _] "Int64")
Expand Down

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